<Episode 112> Everyday that is nothing 1

What would follow was obvious.

I immediately informed my parents of the pregnancy. Mom and Dad were both very happy, but of course there were voices of concern. It also included reprimands for not waiting a little longer.

After that, my mother came to our house in about a month. Carrying various gifts wrapped around them.

Then he sat us both down and gave us an advance notice of what we might face during pregnancy. He also passed on various tips during childbirth and parenting. At the same time, he also told me an episode from my childhood.

The last one wouldn’t have been necessary.

Afterwards, he shared the news with his friends and Sohye.

When I called and told him, my friend was terribly surprised.

[Hey, I should have been patient.]

[no. what is it. First of all, it was done by agreement… … .]

What the hell do I want to say Since it’s important to tell the details of what’s going on, I ended the call with a bit of an idiot.

On the other hand, So-hye is surprised but very happy with her words.

[Ahaha. Then it must be a honeymoon baby!]

[In retrospect, it probably is.]

[Really, how hot both of you are… … .]

He also wanted to say something.

In the meantime, I even contacted the people around me. All that was left was to stay by Si-eun’s side and protect her for a few months.

The results of regular check-ups at 7 weeks of pregnancy were very good.

This time, I even checked the baby’s heartbeat. Hearing the heartbeat beating faster than adults, Si-eun burst into tears again.

So did I.

After that, we both decided to refrain from going out unless there were special circumstances.

Si-eun, of course. Except for when I was shopping or when I went to a driving school, I also had a fixed life.

The doctor said there was no need to do this, but I was not very happy with it. Because you never know what’s going to happen in a crowded place.

Si-eun, who was complaining about being overprotective, eventually followed my opinion.

“Instead, let’s walk together on the promenade in front of you every evening.”

“… … okay.”

This deal came and went.

As such, we restrained ourselves from going out, and we were confined to the house and spent our daily lives as newlyweds.

The date has not been set, but the company life will start soon, so it was a good thing just in time.

Then one day it was lunch time.

Si-eun, who emptied the bowl in front of me, was pale with chopsticks in her mouth.

I couldn’t understand the meaning of this gesture unless I knew it.



“I’m hungry?”

“… … yes.”

Si-eun frowned slightly and returned the answer. I wondered if he was annoyed by the careless question, but his cheeks were stained red. It’s obviously embarrassing.

just do it like this

Fortress Si-eun’s appetite increased even more. Morning sickness, a common symptom of early pregnancy, did not occur at all, and only became frequent when hungry again. This paradoxical symptom seemed to be called so-called ‘sickness’.

Even so, Si-eun was eating just for two people before she became pregnant. It was not unusual for the past few days to complain of hunger as soon as the meal was finished.

“I am.”

Si-eun grumbles a lot.

“I don’t know why I keep getting hungry.”

“Actually, it used to be… … .”

“I’m going to be really mad.”


He put his fists on his knees and bowed his face in repentance.

But, well, is there any other reason? Make eye contact and talk.

“It’s because you have a baby girl. It’s sad to see from the side. Can’t we eat more in moderation, considering it’s for two people?”


Si-eun shook her head.

“In the beginning, the doctor said that it is better to eat only as much as you used to. For the health of my body and children, I must protect it.”

“Ugh. Yes, though.”

There was nothing left to say in a single word.

I heard this too A similar explanation was given in a book about pregnancy that I bought to study. It was only natural that Si-eun was trying to protect her so tightly.

However, I think it would be better to control the amount of food under stress. Besides, when you hear the rumble all the time next to you, you naturally feel pity.

He raised the chopsticks again and asked.

“If I’m hungry, would you like to buy me a snack?”


Si-eun narrowed her big eyes and asked.

“yes. Wouldn’t it be okay for a day or so?”

“Isn’t that still a little bit?”

“It will be fine. If we buy a little and share it together, it shouldn’t be a problem.”

“Well… … .”

After repeating the suggestion, Si-eun rubbed the charming point on the corner of her mouth and fell into thought.

Then after a while.

“Then just one day.”

It seemed to be persuasive.

“okay. what are you going to buy? Tell me what food you want to eat. I’ll save you anything.”

Si-eun smirked as she shouted loudly while tapping her chest.

“Are you really going to get anything?”

“okay. anything. What can I do for you and my child?”

“Be proud of it.”

There was a bit of playfulness in Si-eun’s voice in reply.

I thought it was a joke, but I was 100% sincere. If you want, I’m thinking of airlifting shark fin or caviar. You’ll have to find out where it’s sold first.

Si-eun folded her arms. On the surface, it felt like entering into a troubled mode. What would you really ask for? Out of curiosity, I take a closer look.

Si-eun bit her lip and was lost in thought, then opened her mouth.


“Have you decided? What?”

When asked, Si-eun pulled her gaze down.

“la… … .”


As I was about to listen to the crawling voice, Si-eun’s muffled words continued.

“… … Ramen, I want to eat it.”

“Uh, uhm.”

If I laugh at this timing, I think I’ll be really angry. Chimi couldn’t help but smile. Covering your mouth with your palm.

Seeing that Si-eun’s eyes became cold after a while, it seemed like everything was out of place.

Si-eun with a fat expression.

“What if the baby wants to eat?”

“no. I didn’t mean to laugh. I just did it because it was kind of fun. sorry.”


Si-eun raised her eyebrows as if displeased, and then pouted her lips.

Si-eun said not to eat ramen because it is bad for the body. He said that he was tired of eating the whole thing while he was sleeping. It was also extremely rare for me to cook.

Ever since I announced that I would stop ramyun with my proposal, I have never cooked it at home. All the things I had piled up in the cupboard were gifted to my friends.

Si-eun like this wants ramen. It was a very fun situation.

Hagi, I heard that your eating habits change when you have a baby. There is nothing unusual about suddenly wanting to eat ramen.

“okay. I’ll buy it. Let’s buy one and share.”

“… … yes.”

“Oh, and I should buy some popcorn. After eating ramen, watch a movie in your room. What do you think?”

Si-eun closed her eyes and answered the conversation as if she was tidying up.


Then, now he smiles and adds a word.

“… … thanks honey.”

A bright and bright face I haven’t seen in a long time.

I’d rather eat as much as I want, and smile like this all the time.

After eating, I went to the mart to buy ramen and popcorn.

When leaving, Si-eun timidly raises her hand and says, “Go carefully.” and greeted Thank you, but I’m not the one to be wary of.

When I got home, Si-eun was sitting on a kitchen chair and listening to music. It’s a classic song I’ve heard a lot. I don’t know the title.

Si-eun turned her head, perhaps because of the noise of the door.

“I’m here?”

“yes. Do you listen to classical music?”

“I thought it would be good for the baby.”

“but. I wish I could go to music. A beautiful pianist who looks like honey is born.”

“I don’t feel good if I praise you for nothing.”

Si-eun chuckled and clicked her tongue. Then, why is the corner of the mouth raised? I decided not to stutter. After patting my head, I moved to the front of the sink.

How many bags of ramen did you cook before you lived with Si-eun? I can’t count the number, but what is certain is that I must have boiled more than Si-eun.

In other words, ramen was the only food I might have done better than Si-eun.

“I will cook it specially for you.”

“done. Bring it to a boil.”

Si-eun doesn’t seem to think so.

On the way home, I scoured the internet. It was necessary to find out whether it was okay for the mother to eat ramen.

As a result of the search, the answer came out that there was no problem with eating. If you are worried about it, there was a story that it is better to cook the noodles first, drain the water, and add a little less soup.

Today I followed this recipe exactly as it is.

Paying all his attention to making one ramen, he put on a serious expression and focused. … … I did laugh, though. It was kind of funny because the sound of boiling ramen was superimposed on the classical music.

After a few minutes, the ramen was finally done.

Put on gloves and move the whole pot of ramen. Then, Si-eun and I placed small bowls in front of each other. Spoons and chopsticks were also paired and placed in front of each.

Si-eun clenched her chin and was looking at me like this.



“Somehow, he seems to have become a very domestic man these days.”

“You haven’t been out well before, haven’t you?”

“Not that.”

Si-eun picked up the chopsticks placed in front of her.

“I try to help with the laundry these days. I do the cleaning as well. Cooking is… … I can’t though. They move around the cutlery and crockery while you eat.”

“Well, that’s it.”

I also picked up chopsticks.

“Honey, that’s because it’s going to be hard. And it is said that it is especially dangerous in the early stages of pregnancy. If I go there later, I will be busy taking care of the children, but then I can do the housework.”


Si-eun was somehow dubious. I didn’t mix even a single word to say that I would be embarrassed to say.

Afterwards, we each shared ramen.

Old-fashioned while listening to classical music… … The situation of eating the mild flavor of Jin Ramen was still a bit funny.

He was busy flirting while eating. We were having a variety of small conversations on small topics, and in the end, it was almost like all the ramen was blown away.

If there was any meaningful story among the dogs, there was only one.

“honey. Have you thought about your name?”

“Oh right.”

Come to think of it, I haven’t been able to name it yet. I decided to make a decision after listening to the heartbeat of the child, but it was difficult for me because my naming sense was crawling on the floor.

Si-eun covered her mouth and smiled at me, who was hesitant to say “Ummm,” and then smiled.

“Let’s just do it normally. We just have to put our hearts into it.”

“Originally, ordinary things are the most difficult.”

“You can choose what other people use a lot.”

“Something like Siu?”

“Isn’t that too real name for Taemyung?”

Yes it is. I’ve heard that a nickname is usually adopted that is not used as a real name. The name Siu seems to have been seen a lot somewhere, so it doesn’t suit him.

It is a name that contains our hearts.

There was only one thing that came to mind.


Si-eun paused for a moment.

“It’s good. It is also used as a name, though.”

“right? There was only one word that could contain our hearts.”

He made eye contact and spoke back.

“Because I love honey so much.”

“really… … .”

Si-eun shoved the noodles into her mouth. This time, both balls became red traffic lights. as if to please stop.

Si-eun, who was shy, was as lovely as ever.

“Gosh. I’m full.”

After brushing my teeth and returning to my room, I sat on the bed and muttered something like this.

After eating ramen, I felt like my stomach was going to explode. It was too heavy for a snack. I even bought popcorn to eat while watching a movie. In this state, not even a single egg will enter.

Si-eun’s stomach sitting next to her didn’t make a rumbling sound either. Could it be because I ate something other than meals for a long time? His expression also looked dull.

He leaned back and lay on his back. As I entered the duvet, a soft sensation enveloped my entire body.

In the midday winter, the stomach is full, the bed is soft, and the house is warm. It was the perfect environment for taking a nap. My eyes are shutting down



“Can I watch a movie after taking a nap? Or it’s okay to have dinner.”

“Do what you want. I think I’m already half asleep just hearing your voice.”

Is that so?

It seems that new fatigue has accumulated that I am not aware of. Is it because I recently started studying about pregnancy and parenting? As I, who was far from studying normally, is even taking notes by hand, I can’t help but be tired.

Anyway, I’d better close my eyes for now. I can’t get lost while watching a movie later.

“Then I’ll sleep for a second.”

I whisper briefly and try to close my eyes.

On my arm, something gently landed.

When I opened my eyes and checked, Si-eun’s face was lying there. He looked up and looked at me with his head slightly raised. Seeing Si-eun who was looking at me, it was only natural that our eyes met.

Si-eun made fun of her mouth.

“Well, I was just wondering what an arm pillow would feel like… … .”

“I didn’t say anything.”

“Are you trying to make fun of me?”

That’s it. I didn’t even open my mouth, but I was responsible for Si-eun’s excuses. Would it be better to pretend not to know in the future and accept it?

I smiled and said

“honey. It’s not heavy at all.”

“I didn’t say anything either.”

Si-eun snorted and answered. okay. So it is.

“Are you going to sleep too?”

“Because the baby wants to sleep with me.”

“In addition?”

well Blaming the baby for everything he wants to do… … Well, I’d rather just skip it.

“okay. If our love wants to sleep together, we should sleep as much as we can.”


I responded kindly, but the response was terrible. what do you mean

Anyway, having Si-eun by my side made me feel more sleepy. Now I couldn’t even afford to stand it. I feel like I’m going to fall asleep soon.

I just licked my lips.

“good night. honey.”

“yes. Honey too.”

Soft and mellow tone.

With these warm voices, my eyes slowly closed.

Just as I was about to fall asleep.

In his shallow sleep, he felt a soft, soft touch tickling his cheeks.

Hearing a mischievous laugh was also clearly audible.

Apparently, he thought I was asleep and secretly kissed him on the cheek.

But what about this? Thanks to that kiss I just ran away from sleep.

It was a moment that made me want to open my eyes and play.

But let’s not make fun of it this time.

In the future, I pretended not to know and decided to accept it.

And, sometimes, I want you to show such aegyo again.

“… … Are you awake?”

Seeing Si-eun whispering like this, it seems like everything is off again this time.

Anyway, I don’t know. I decided to pretend I didn’t know, so my eyes and mouth didn’t move.

Intoxicated with this happy feeling, I fell asleep again.

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