<Episode 132> Things that don’t change

It was typical seasonal weather. It was cold for spring and warm for winter. For this reason, it seemed that everyone had different opinions as to what season should be called now.

Still, there was one thing that people could agree on.

The weather was perfect for a walk.

One weekend in early March. Si-eun and I were walking along the school promenade. Of course it was with one. I am in charge of pulling the stroller today.

So far, one has only come and gone around the house. Even though I went to the hospital to get vaccinated or to the studio to shoot. Most of the time, they didn’t leave the park near their house, no matter how far they went.

But now he is 6 months old. It was a time when going out was recommended. It was necessary to travel to many places and gain a lot of experience.

Today was the first step for him.

It’s not too far away, and it’s a rather unusual landscape, but there are many trees and flowers, so the air is good. Is there any other place better than our school promenade for baby’s outing practice?

I looked up at the sky. A bluish blue color fills the field of vision. My eyes, which had been fighting against the monitor all week long, felt a little healed.

said in a sullen tone.

“The weather is fine. It’s still a bit cool though.”

“I know. Much better than being too cold or too hot.”

Si-eun, who was walking a few steps ahead, nodded slightly.

White long skirt with beige cardigan. Si-eun, in an innocent outfit, looked bright today.

If you ask passersby, anyone will answer that she is the most beautiful girl in school.

Soon after, Si-eun completely turned her face to face me. It’s a smirk on the face.

“Looks like it’s too much fun. really laugh out loud Is this place better than the park?”

“It’s like going to a place you’ve always been to and coming to a new place.”

“yes. I guess so.”

Si-eun let out a small laugh and looked down at Hana again.

In my eyes, Si-eun looked as happy as one.

After a while we were seated on a suitable bench. Si-eun and I sat side by side and turned the stroller so that one could be seen in front. After resting for a while, I thought of walking the promenade.

One of them looked around to see if the surrounding scenery was strange. It was as if he had received an interesting toy.

When Si-eun’s acquaintance approached while walking, she smiled and boasted a pretty smile. It is said that shyness starts around 6 months. It didn’t even look like that yet.

From the first outing, I am not afraid and enjoy it. People who see it for the first time love it. It was clear that she looked just like my mother.

I think a similar sentiment passed. Si-eun said, rubbing my shoulder.

“Each one is so much fun, but I have to come out more often. It’s good to roll around at home, but it’s also important to go out and see people and develop social skills.”

It was hard to hear.

“Isn’t that what you’re telling me to listen to?”

“Whoever told you to listen is right. Now honey, the thief is numb.”

At once, he was treated as a thief without social skills. oops, thank you

“It’s a joke.”

Si-eun giggled, clenched fists in both hands and patted my shoulder.

“In the first place, Honey doesn’t like going out anymore. I even bought a car to play with Hana.”

“Um, what.”

I can’t say no. I commute to work five times a week. Of course, I’m not afraid to go out like I used to.

Not long ago, I signed a contract for a car. The main reason was, of course, to hang out with Si-eun or Hana.

He scratched his head and replied.

“Because I got my license to drive one. You should also buy a car.”

“okay. Anyway, you bought it for one, right? I don’t know where else in the world a father like this can be.”

well There must be many fathers like this in the world.

Si-eun put her head on my shoulder without even having time to play with her mouth.

Although it is an open place, there is no hesitation. Do you not care too much about other people’s glances now?

It was good that I didn’t have to put my left and right licenses in the closet. I never dreamed that the day would come when I would drive my own car.

I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to ride it without an accident. If you want to carry your family, you may need to grow a liver or improve your driving skills. It was questionable when both would be possible.

“There are many places I want to visit with Hana, so I need to practice driving a lot. No matter how I got my license, I was afraid to carry a single honey.”


“Isn’t it? Even if I get hurt, I have to get hurt, honey, what happens to even one… … .”

“You can’t even get hurt.”

He glanced at the firm voice. Si-eun on her shoulder looked up at me and pouted her lips.

In that state, Si-eun seems to want to emphasize again.

“Honey, don’t get hurt.”

It was a clear tone.

Of course, I don’t plan on getting hurt, and I don’t want to get hurt. It didn’t mean that I could get hurt or that I was going to get hurt. Si-eun, too, probably doesn’t know what it means.

Still, Si-eun’s heart is pounding at this word. Even if you know the intention, you have to point it out enough to make you feel better.

If so, that was a remarkably careless statement.

“okay. Sorry.”

He stroked Si-eun’s hair and apologized. Si-eun relaxed her expression as if relieved by this one. The corners of his mouth also loosened quickly, and within a few seconds, a beautiful smile appeared on his face.

So, she was an easy-going wife.

how long has it been Suddenly, I felt a gaze and looked around.

I looked around and saw students passing by, looking at us and talking.

A campus with a high floating population. Besides, it’s only natural that we’re doing skinships outdoors where there are a lot of people walking. It wasn’t that he was being dishonest, but his conscience was a bit pricked.

When he stopped his stroking hand, Si-eun let out a groan of dissatisfaction.

“what’s the matter? Do more.”

“No, honey. People are watching us.”


“… … therefore?”

Earl was lost in the unexpected answer and asked again. Si-eun snorted.

“How about looking? As a couple, it’s natural for them to look good together, don’t they?”

I ask in a cool way. As a couple, it’s only natural that they look good together… … . That’s right. look what to do Hey, hey, go over there.

Did he understand me, or did he just decide to avoid us, or was it because the class started. The gaze around them gradually diminished.

A few people walk by, but sometimes Si-eun’s acquaintances wave their hands. They didn’t seem interested in us.

Although there is one closest to… … For one, the swaying branches were more interesting than us. They don’t even look at us.

Haha, we always do this at home, so there’s nothing special about Hana.

In this way, all the hindrances disappeared. He parted his lips without stopping his stroking hand.



It responds with a refreshing tone. He seemed to be feeling pretty good. I also brought life to my voice.

“In the old days, you didn’t like being touched in a place where anyone was watching, didn’t you?”

“Um, did you?”

Si-eun tilted her head as if she did not understand English. It’s not that I really don’t know. Are you trying to pretend you don’t know?

“Why, then? when preparing for marriage. I tried to touch her hair in front of Sohye, but she hated it.”

“When the hell is this?”

Si-eun grinned as if my words were funny.

In terms of timing, it’s been about a year and a half. It’s not in the distant past, but it’s been through ups and downs. It wouldn’t be strange if a change came to Si-eun’s mindset.

Si-eun rubbed the cheek on my shoulder.

“Even then, you wouldn’t want to show it only in front of people you knew? ‘Cause I’m shy Even if I show it to people I don’t know… … I’d be ashamed, though. I don’t feel anything right now. stroking or hugging.”

“Are you kissing?”

“… … That’s not possible.”

Answer in a whisper. Saying it’s okay to stroking or hugging you, you don’t like kissing? He had a cool attitude like who would see it, but he seemed to have set a baseline in his heart.

Anyway, this will be some kind of change.

“Honey has changed a lot, too.”

When she tapped her head, Si-eun let out a laugh, hehehe. Then, suddenly, he looked up as if he had remembered something.

When we met their faces, Si-eun blinked her big eyes.

“Seeing that, I mean. Inane said the wedding preparations were over.”


Is the time already like that? It’s early March, and my friend’s couple’s wedding is in mid-April… … It’s next month. Really, the time has already come.

We’re late thanks to my leisure, but if possible, we’ll finish the preparations earlier. Considering that we had a lot of trouble getting things done in a rush at the last minute, this is probably close to the top.

Si-eun’s explanation continued.

“He has called me a few times. How did you prepare the dress, and how detailed did you plan your honeymoon? I asked a lot of questions, so I answered them diligently.”


Even if you call me, they say hello to me. Have I really decided that I’m not going to be of much help? Even the judgment was so right that there was nothing to say.

Anyway, the wedding is coming up.

“They are finally getting married.”

“I know. I can still remember how dissatisfied Ina was while watching us.”

“When on a double date?”

Si-eun nodded her head. I remember this too. Seeing us who got married early and became one, Ina must have had jealousy instead of jealousy.

Since then, time has flown smoothly, and the two are about to graduate from college and become a married couple as promised.

Read at readwn.com

Me, Si-eun, and a couple of friends… … It was changing little by little.

one was the same.

Last Lunar New Year, Mom and Dad came to our house. I had one, so I said I wouldn’t be able to hear it this holiday season, but my parents personally visited.

We welcomed our parents, the other without a semblance of hindrance. He seemed to be even more fond of him than when he greeted his father after work.

Seeing Grandma and Grandpa like that, Hana succeeded in turning it over for the first time, wondering where an unknown power came from.

Read at readwn.com

Me, Si-eun, and my mom and dad were watching. Naturally, everyone clapped and rejoiced.

Saying that it was a pity that I couldn’t film the first flip, Si-eun took a video the whole time until Hana did the flip again.

On the other hand, these days, milk teeth have also begun to appear. There were times when we were trying to bite our fingers because our mouths were itchy, so we barely stopped them.

Height and weight were also showing steady growth.

In the future, one will continue to grow.

“It really changes.”


Si-eun tilted her head as she muttered at first glance. It sounded like a self-talk, but Si-eun was shooting curious eyes.

“What does that mean?”

“Uh, no. just.”

It is only then that it is difficult to falter. After arranging my words for a while.

“Me too. honey as well. One is natural. The same goes for your friends. I think everyone is different from before.”

When I put it in my mouth, it was too obvious. There was no need to get it out of my mouth.

Nothing is permanent in this world. Everything in the world is bound to change, and it will eventually come to an end.

It may be forward or backward, or it may be that you cannot set that direction in the first place. In any case, we are constantly walking one step at a time.

At that time, Si-eun also nodded to see if she understood what I was saying.

“Is that so? me too A friend I was very close to in middle school, and now I can’t even keep in touch.”


“yes. When I was in middle school, I thought we would meet and play even after we were old. How did it change like this?”


When I was in middle and high school, I had never had the amazing experience of making friends. There’s no way I’ve ever had the experience of losing a relationship that I thought would last forever.

When I roughly added Chuimsae, Si-eun broke the luck briefly as if to add something.


At the same time, a wind blew from somewhere.

Si-eun’s long hair fluttered, and her cardigan and skirt fluttered wildly.

The grass along the promenade and the branches hanging from the trees swayed in the wind.

When the wind finally stopped, there was a deep smile on Si-eun’s face.

Si-eun quietly moved her lips as she smiled as she waited for her to speak.

“No matter what happens, I will always be by your side.”

told me this

As if not to worry, as if he was trying to embrace me.

“… … Yes.”

After answering a bit dumbfounded, a wrinkle formed between Si-eun’s forehead.

“what. Are you not very responsive?”

“No, what.”

I scratch the back of my back.

“I didn’t expect to hear such meaningful words all of a sudden.”

Very slightly, there seemed to be a gap between the perceptions of me and Si-eun.

Is it scary that the world has changed? I hope it doesn’t change. I didn’t have such serious concerns.

To put it bluntly, it was something that came out of nowhere. I had no idea that I would ever hear something like this out of nowhere. For a moment, I was just bewildered.


said with a smile.

“Is that so? Honey will always be by my side.”

“okay. Idiot. It will be the same.”

It’s an unappealing word. As she rolled her eyes to look at it, Si-eun was nauseous at the reaction.

It must have been a sincere statement. I felt a little bit sorry.

With a heartfelt apology, he hugged Si-eun tightly.

Si-eun, who quietly held me without a single dislike, moved her mouth after a while.

“what are you doing?”

“Hold it.”

“Who do you like?”

whoever likes

“You said stroking and hugging are enough?”

“no. that… … .”

Si-eun lengthened the end of her words to see what she wanted to say. But in the end, he didn’t follow and he sighed deeply.

When I saw that my face began to rub against my chest, it seemed as if I had given up on the objection.

I held on to Si-eun, who had accepted my heart, even more strongly.

Our skin rubs through the thin fabric. A tingling sensation permeated the inside of his body.

The corners of his lips went up.

I looked up at the sky with a happy feeling.

White clouds floated freely in the clear sky.

The wind is still a little cold, but the sun is warm.

I have a pretty wife who will always be by my side in my arms.

Next to us, we have an incredibly precious daughter… … .

Nothing could be more blissful than this.

Even if everything in the world changed, this fact did not seem to change.

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