My Master Breaks Through Every Limit

Chapter 133: The idea of ​​a remote control puppet

At this time, the magma had covered the entire battlefield.

Xu Gang continued to cast spells, when a giant hammer hit Xu Gang in the sky.


Xu Gang, who did not evade, was directly beaten into a blood mist, but the magma in the dojo continued to churn, and countless evil ghosts crawled out of the magma and rushed towards Lin Changyu.

Xu Yuexian smiled at the corner of Xu Yuexian's mouth in the battle. According to Xu Fan, a fort standing under the light is not a good fort.

Sometimes she suspects that Xu Fan did not give her all the hidden magical powers and secrets, because after the Jindan period, he could not find his real body every time he discussed with his elder brother.

At this moment, the cultivator's eyes lit up during the appearance battle.

In the realm of the legal domain, there are countless clones, this is only the Nascent Soul period.

Even they don't have this kind of supernatural power and secret method. It seems that the spiritual masters in this hidden world are at least at the level of 'domain'.

At this time, the two cultivators looked at each other, and both saw their thoughts in each other's eyes.

That is to find this spiritual master, and then prepare enough gifts to visit. There are not many spiritual masters of this level in the entire Central Continent, and their status is comparable to the Mahayana period.

At this time, the two integrated cultivators finally understood why the family of three did not want to come to the Thousand Spirit Sect.

The cultivator in the imaginary stage also discovered this problem, and he was afraid for a while. Fortunately, I didn't use despicable means to forcibly take them to the sect.

In the dojo, Lin Changyu swung a giant hammer, while smashing at the surrounding magma ghosts, while secretly searching for Xu Gang's position.

Xu Gang, who was hiding in the dark, suddenly had a headache, how could he show that he tried his best to win.

At this time, above the 100,000-mile giant lake, Xu Fan suddenly felt an ominous premonition.

"Why do I feel like someone is going to mess with me." Xu Fan said depressedly, there shouldn't be many people thinking about him outside.

As the battle continued, Xu Gang put aside all the less powerful supernatural powers and secrets, feeling that the heat was almost over, so he appeared in mid-air.

'The Hell of Ten Thousand Snakes'

After Xu Gang finished using it, he pretended to be exhausted and pale.

At this time, the magma in the entire dojo suddenly began to riot, all the magma turned into giant snakes, and coiled towards Lin Changyu, who was driving a three-zhang avatar.

At this time, Lin Changyu felt unprecedented pressure. Sanzhang's real body was about to shatter. In desperation, he could only stop resisting and said helplessly: "I admit defeat."

Immediately, all the magma was transferred underground, and the dojo returned to its original state.

Xu Yuexian, who was watching the battle, patted his forehead. The eldest brother put the habit of sparring with himself here. After the fight, he returned to the scene as soon as possible.

"Senior, this is a narrow victory." Xu Gang said with a pale face.

At this time, the cultivator of the imaginary stage put away his contempt.

"Boy, there is one last game, you recover and prepare to fight tomorrow."

"No matter what the result is tomorrow, I will be considered a loser. Your child, I am not qualified to be his master." The cultivator said in a low voice, thinking that he had found a perfect disciple, but the opposite seems to be more serious. Have strength.

"Okay." Xu Gang didn't say much.

Originally, the cultivator in the Void Refining Stage planned to do this, so forget it. The strength shown by Xu Gang is definitely not something that ordinary small sects can have, so a disciple who robs others is likely to get burned.

But when he just wanted to give up, his eldest brother in the fit-in period let it go. After the last game tomorrow, he was going to prepare something to compensate in order to prevent others from resentment.

As for why the fight was over, because they could see that the person who came out of the hidden small sect was not enjoying himself.

On the surface of the 100,000-mile giant lake, Xu Fan looked at the screen that had disappeared for a long time. When he was watching the live broadcast just now, he was still thinking that this immortal-like communication device transmits data very fast.

But then he remembered the projects he had applied for from the wonderful disciples he saw a few days ago, which gave him a good inspiration.

Since the entire Central Continent has signals, why not be a puppet that can go out instead of you, as long as you keep the signal transmission, then you can control the puppet and play games and fight in the entire Central Continent.

As soon as Xu Fan clapped his hands, he stopped feeding the tortoise, and stopped studying the way of guarding beasts.

"Go, go back to the dojo."

Xiangyun set up and flew towards the main peak of Yinling Island.

A group of turtles waiting to be fed under the lake: ? ? ?

Did you not feed today?

In the dojo, Xu Fan directly activated the illusion, immersing the brother and sister in the ocean of knowledge.

The elder brother Lei Ren learns the basics of refining, and the younger sister Lei Wenxi learns the attribute analysis and origin of basic elixir.

In the dojo, Xu Fan was also immersed in the world of illusion. A huge puppet appeared in mid-air, and Xu Fan was simulating each part to add.

Although the remote-controlled puppet is a puppet, if you really want to fight, especially if you can let others control the battle, you need to make a big change.

It didn't take long for a new puppet that could be controlled by signals to appear in front of Xu Fan.

"Grape, check it out and see how powerful the signal-receiving version of the puppet is," Xu Fan said.

"It's worthless, the signal reception is too limited, it's just the level of shopping. As for combat, once it exceeds the level of Jindan, it is easy to cut off the signal due to the disorder of the force field." Electronic Voice said.

Xu Fan is not surprised, this is just a puppet in the concept, if he really wants to succeed, it is estimated that he will need to revise many times.

It just establishes a first-generation product, and the grapes need to be optimized later.

"Optimize, solve these biggest problems, and authorize 10% of your computing power." Xu Fan ordered, this is the correct way to use grapes.


For a time, the information of the illusion world was received by the grapes and began to evolve.

The next day, while discussing with Grape how to optimize the puppet, a virtual screen opened.

In the picture, Xu Gang is fighting with a disciple of the Thousand Spirit Sect Tianjiao level.

"The battle of the is not interesting. In the end, it is not who has the most spiritual power and the power of supernatural powers."

At this time, Xu Gang was battling with a disciple of the Thousand Spirit Sect Tianjiao level with magical powers. The place where they were located was the Taoist space of the cultivator at the integration stage, which was the size of a small town.

The Tianjiao disciples of the Thousand Dao Sect were full of fighting intent at this time, and they usually blasted out one after another without using the powerful supernatural powers.

Countless sea phantoms appeared behind him, surrounded by countless true sea spirits formed by supernatural powers.

The endless monstrous waves hit Xu Gang one after another.

If the Thousand Spirit Sect Tianjiao disciples were in the sea, then Xu Gang was the world of fire and magma.

"You are the first person at the same level who can make me happy." Tianjiao disciple said.

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