My Master Breaks Through Every Limit

Chapter 242: Empress Raiders Manual

Xu Fan habitually added a hexagram to Li Xingci.

As a result, Xu Fan followed the line of cause and effect and looked far.

"Yes, even if there is no Master's intervention, you are still so entangled." The slight sense of guilt in Xu Fan's heart softened a little.

At this time, Xu Yuexian happened to meet Xu Fan on the way back to the sect.

"Why are you so fast this time?" Xu Fan asked.

"The space ring was stolen by Zhengfeng again the day before yesterday, and when I was about to arrive at the sect, I received a message from Master."

"This is already the eighth time. Master, is the game you made reliable?" Xu Yuexian asked.

"When did your master talk nonsense, this time when you take your brother and Xiao Xi out, bring Zhen Yaoxing with you."

"You can put it wherever you go, and try to seize the righteousness this time." Xu Fan said lightly.

"it is good."

After Xu Yuexian said goodbye to Xu Fan, she walked towards the Yinling Gate.

Xu Fan lay on the spirit boat, looking at the blue sky above the 100,000-mile giant lake.

"After a few more years of hard work, after refining those Taoist tools, the sect will almost be safe."

"When the time comes, do you have to close a dead end and come out again in the Nascent Soul period?" Xu Fan said while looking at the sky.

After thinking about the meeting, Xu Fan shook his head and said, "Let's continue to live with salted fish, the must-death pass is too boring."

He has tried it, and if he is right, he will die. If he does not contact Wanjie, it will be very boring. With a peerless talent, cultivating anything is a bit boring.

At this time, Grape suddenly reported that there was a situation in the demon world.

Xu Fan quickly returned to the underground space.

"What happened to the demon clan?" Xu Fan asked.

"The holy city of the overlord demon clan in the area where the thick-armored honey badger clan is located was destroyed."

"The forces in this area have begun to reshuffle. The meaning of No. 1 Thick Armored Honey Badger is to destroy that clan and replace it." Grape said.

"Instead, their thick-armored honey badger family doesn't have the Mahayana Venerable, how can they replace it?" Xu Fan said with a frown.

"In the demon spirit world, there are many idle demon clans with no population. The thick-armored honey badger clan has always had a good relationship with a mountain demon spirit of the Mahayana period."

"That's why the thick-armored honey badger wants to use the power of the whole clan to enshrine that mountain demon spirit as the offering of their clan," Grape said.

"This thing can be done, but after they become second-rate races, what benefit do we have?" Xu Fan asked.

"The area occupied by that second-rate race is equivalent to half the area of ​​Linsen Immortal City."

"Okay, what do you need me to do?" Xu Fan said with a clapped hand.

"Three pieces of earth-attribute Taoist artifact." Grape said.

"After talking for a long time, it finally came to me again." Xu Fan said.

"Give one piece in a hundred years, and pay in installments." Xu Fan said, it is impossible to work overtime.

"Follow your orders. I will now convey your orders, Master," Grape said.

In the demon spirit world, the No. 1 thick-armored honey badger clan was anxiously waiting for the news of grapes.

An ordinary tool puppet walked up to the thick-armored honey badger and said, "The master has agreed with your plan, and the three earth-type Taoist tools need to be delayed and paid in installments. One in a hundred years."

"The master agrees, that's great." No. 1 Thick Armored Honey Badger said in surprise. With a demon in the clan, the heritage of their thick armored honey badger clan was revealed.

"As for a 100-year-old earth-type Taoist weapon, I believe that the lifespan of the mountain demon will not care."

At this time, the No. 1 thick-armored honey badger has become the most powerful person under the thick-armored honeypot, that is, the patriarch.

In the past year or so, the strength of the entire thick-armored honey badger clan has changed.

With the help of Xu Fan's treasures and spirit pills, the strength of the thick-armored honey badger has greatly increased, and it has a tendency to dominate the surrounding demon clan's territory.

"Okay, we will prepare some treasures here, and let you all stabilize the mountain demon spirit first."

"Thank you messenger."

A storage bag full of high-grade spirit stones appeared in the hands of No. 1 Thick Armored Honey Badger.

"This is a 10 million top-grade spirit stone, you can use it first."

"In the future, I will have this numbering stone for you almost every year." Grape clone said.

This is the medium-sized high-grade spirit stone lode that Grape Clone excavated some time ago, and it was just taken out for use at this time.

In the underground space, after hearing that Grape's clone gave 10 million high-grade spirit stones to the No. 1 thick-armored honey badger, he suddenly had a little liver pain, but it didn't matter, the medium-sized high-grade spirit stone vein was just given.

"Once the plan to get the No. 1 thick-armored honey badger is completed, there will be hundreds of times the return." Grape said.

"Knowing that I feel bad for the spirit stone, I gave it back so much." Xu Fan said with a pouted mouth.

"Only so many spirit stones can impress that Mahayana Demon Venerable. Otherwise, the Mountain Demon Spirit will not agree to rely on the past affection." Grape explained.

"Okay, during my refining time, have I found anything good in the demon spirit world?" Xu Fan asked, and now he feels that the demon spirit world has become Xu Fan's idle game.

After a period of time, you can come and count the harvest.

"Three types of Taoist-level materials have been dug, three large-scale spirit stone veins, three medium-sized medium-grade spirit stones, and one medium-sized high-grade spirit stone vein."

"Nine of ordinary spiritual ore veins were found."

"Found a ten thousand year cave and collected about 60 liters of ten thousand year stalactites."

Listening to the report of the grapes, Xu Fan's mouth was slightly raised, and it sure was that the longer it was left, the more harvested it would be.

"Yes, are these all in storage?" Xu Fan asked.

"Seventy percent have been put into storage, and the rest are stored in the warehouse over there in the Demon Spirit Realm."

"Okay, I know, keep digging, don't let him stop." Xu Fan said.

At this time, nearly one-fifth of the underground area of ​​the Wanzhong Mountains in the Demon Spirit World was already occupied by the puppet base, all of which were under 10,000 meters underground.

And on the top floor, a formation to defend against divine consciousness was arranged.

"By the way, send some samples of all the spiritual mines dug out of the demon world to my brothers Sha, maybe there will be surprises." Xu Fan said.


"It's been more than a year, and Senior Brother Sha doesn't believe it anymore. Am I wrong?" Xu Fan said.

"Forget it, forget it, this kind of thing doesn't happen overnight, just wait." Xu Fan said.

He also hoped that Senior Brother Sha could research the alloy of the debut device level, that would be awesome.

After this matter was dealt with, Xu Fan had nothing to do, and looked at the development on Feng Changning's side again.

At this time, the originally desolate giant island began to become prosperous.

After Feng Changning Sect was established, he began to recruit disciples everywhere, and let those puppets guard the sea beasts on the coast of the giant island.

On the island, under the supervision of Xiaoling, the small cultivators who used to do evil and oppressed mortals were removed by puppets one by one, and they supported several secular forces in the mortal world to maintain the peace of the mortals on the giant island. Life.

For a time, the mortals who had been living in chaos felt peace and tranquility, and they all remembered the name of Jiufeng Pavilion.

After Jiufeng Pavilion took complete control of the giant island, Feng Changning met with the elders and received a batch of spirit mines and medicinal pills supported by the elders.

"Sure enough, as long as you are in the central continent, even in the surrounding area, you can't get rid of him." Xu Fan looked at the information of Jiufeng Pavilion during this time and said.

"Little Ling also specially sent a message, saying that the elders wanted to recruit Feng Changning, but Feng Changning refused." Grape said.

"This kind of person can't be recruited. Maybe it won't take long before they will become opponents." Xu Fan said with a smile.

Xu Fan lowered his head and continued to read the information behind.

When Feng Changning took control of Juju Island, he did not use Xu Fan's puppet to develop the resources above, but let Linger control the puppet and bring the spirit boat to receive the surrounding islands with similar environment to Judao to find mortals.

The way of recruiting disciples in Jiufeng Pavilion is the same as Yinling Island. It only accepts children from 6 to 15 years old. If a child under the age of 6 is found to have spiritual roots, they will move into the newly built city of Jiufeng Pavilion and stay until the age of six. Nine Winds Pavilion.

After Feng Changning gathered mortals from several surrounding islands to one island, the development of Jiufeng Pavilion entered a period of calm.

After all, disciples can no longer become immortals at once.

"As expected of the Empress, this set of operations is definitely full marks. In just over a year, I have done all the important things that benefit Jiufeng Pavilion." Xu Fan exclaimed in amazement.

Just like a construction game, Feng Changning is the master who takes all situations into consideration.

While some players were still trying to find a way to attack the second gold mine, several sub-bases in Feng Changning had already been established.

At this time, Grape received a message.

"Master, I just received the news from Feng Changning. She said that she hopes that you will support her with 100,000 Yuan Ying-level puppets and matching spirit boats from the sect." Grape said.

"Didn't she explain why, why do you want these puppets?" Xu Fan asked.

"One is the safety of Jiufeng Pavilion and Jiufeng Island, and secondly, it can shorten the development time of a hundred years." Grape said.

"There are 500,000 puppets in the puppet treasury in the Yuan Ying period, and I took out 200,000 and sent them to her."

"When you're ready, give the things to Shizhan, let him deliver it, and meet fellow villagers by the way." Xu Fan said with a smile.

Xu Fan already knew Shizhan's tragic experience, and sighed that once a woman's heart hardened, nothing was broken.

Such a good man, who accompanies you to start a business, devotes all his strength before and after the saddle, and people are looking for you (body).

After you succeed in starting a business, you turn your face and don't recognize people. The most important thing is that you also give people a good person card.

All of this was a little difficult for Xu Fan, but after thinking it had nothing to do with him, he simply put it aside.

"Would you like to, click on the teacher's exhibition, if there is a chance."

On the island of the outer gate of the 100,000-mile giant lake, Shizhan finished arranging all the things and flew towards the Yinling Island, feeling a little excited, and finally entered the inner gate of the Yinlingmen.

"I don't know what the Great Elder asked me to do." Shi Zhan thought to himself.

As it approached the Yinling Island, an empty opening was opened in the Zongmen's great formation, leading Shizhan to enter.


As soon as Shi Zhan entered the Dao Zongmen's great formation, he felt a little drunk with oxygen in his mind, and he could hardly maintain his figure in mid-air.

"Is this the scene of the inner door, what I imagined before is even more exaggerated."

"Is that dragon real?" Shi Zhan looked up at the nine long dragons roaming on the top of the Zongmen Great Array and said.

"Follow me." Ichigoyama puppet flew to Shizhan's side and said.

In the main peak dojo, Xu Fan handed Shizhan 5 space rings.

"This is what your fellow countryman needs. It's a bit far away, and you need to make a trip in person."

"You know the giant island where your fellow is located, right?" Xu Fan asked.

"I know, it is near the junction of Tianqi State and the Endless Sea." Shi Zhan said.

"As expected of a fellow, let's go." Xu Fan said with a smile.

Shi Zhan put away the space ring and said, "Is there anything else the Great Elder has to do?"

He always felt that Xu Fan still had nothing to say.

"I want to ask you something small."

"Elder, say it." Shi Zhan said.

"Do you like your hometown?"

"I liked it before, but now I only have the feeling of a family member." Shi Zhan said bitterly.

"Is it the kind between siblings?" Xu Fan said.


"Are you sure you don't love me?" Xu Fan said looking at Shi Zhan's eyes.

"........." Shizhan felt that this question was meaningless.

"If there is nothing wrong with the elder, Shizhan will leave." Shizhan said.

Xu Fan took out a book and put it in Shizhan's hand.

"Go, some happiness needs to be fought for by yourself." Xu Fan said.

"Thank you, Great Elder." Shi Zhan didn't read the book in his hand, got up and walked out.

On the 100,000-mile giant lake, Shi Zhan took the spirit boat and flew towards Linsen Xiancheng unhurriedly.

"The Empress Raiders Manual?"

"There are such boring books in this world, can anyone read them?" Shi Zhan frowned and took the book into the space ring.

After a while, Shizhan on the spirit boat couldn't help it, took out the book, and opened the first page.

At this moment, Shi Zhan suddenly became excited, and even the excitement of going to see Feng Changning was overshadowed.


Tianjian Xiancheng, in the small courtyard of Jian Wuji's family.

Wang Xiangchi settled the points for the outer disciple.

Just as the female nun from the outer door was about to leave.

"Senior, wait a minute."

Jian Wuji took out a high-quality spirit sword of the fifth rank of treasures and three bottles of spirit pills that were beneficial to the cultivation of the Nascent Soul, and handed them to the outer sect female cultivator.

"Thank you senior for taking care of my mother for more than a year, thank you senior." Jian Wuji said in a salute.

"No, I'm here to accept the sect's mission. I've already received the reward, so you don't need to give it any more." The outer sect female cultivator said softly, although Jian Wuji held the spirit sword and medicinal pill in her hand, she really wanted it.

But he wants to have a good impression in front of Wang Xiangchi. Sometimes the more ethereal things are, the more helpful they will be in the future.

"Senior, just accept it, this is my Jian Wuji directly put the spirit sword and the medicinal pill into the hands of the female cultivator outside the Yinling Gate.

The female cultivator looked at Wang Xiangchi. This boy handed things to his hands, obviously sincerely wanting to give them.

"Give it to you, you can take it, it will not affect the sect points." Wang Xiangchi said.

"Okay, thank you, Peak Master Wang." The outer sect female cultivator said happily.

After the female cultivator left, only Wang Xiangchi and Jian Wuji were left in the yard, and Jian Wuji's mother went to buy vegetables.

"Teacher's kindness, Wuji will never forget." Jian Wuji said directly in a big salute.

"Get up, don't kneel lightly, this is what the teacher should do."

A gentle force lifted Jian Wuji up.

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