A dazzling galaxy emerged behind him. The galaxy was like an abyss, boundless and mysterious.

But in the next second, there seemed to be a huge palm that covered the sky.

In just a moment, the galaxy burst into pieces, and after the shock, everything in the vision turned into ash and into nothingness.

Bai Jinyi was dumbfounded.

Bai Jinyi woke up leisurely after the vision had evolved.

"That's right, how can there be any river in this world, it's rare to be able to live in Master?"

She thought uncontrollably.

Burning the mountains and boiling the sea, picking the stars and taking the moon, for Li Wuxian, they are all things that can be done easily.

But not getting an answer, she just wasn't comfortable.

"Master, Jin Yi has one last question. Does Master treat Jin Yi as a woman?"

In an instant, even the voice and tone were filled with female tenderness.

This question is already explicit and can't be more explicit.

Li Wuxian said that he was not interested, of course it was a lie.

"' ˇ Jinyi, I know what you're thinking, but now is not the time, the time has not come."

No way, Li Wuxian could only pretend to smile.

His subtext is actually that you have to wait for my cultivation level to go up, and then the love between children will grow.

But that smile fell into Bai Jinyi's eyes.

In addition to being handsome, there is no deep meaning.


Didn't the spirit of the forbidden land also say it before!

Li Wuxian is using heaven and earth as a chessboard, and all living beings as chess pieces, and he is playing a big game of chess!

Therefore, it is normal to wait for a suitable time.

of course.

For this moment, the most important thing is that Bai Jinyi feels that he has got a positive answer from Li Wuxian.

I didn't listen to Li Wuxian, do you know what she was thinking?

"Jin Yi understands."

With an elegant smile, Bai Jinyi is finally satisfied.

"By the way, Master, why did Senior Sister Su arrest Ning'er?"


After pondering, Li Wuxian actually felt a little strange.

Why did Su Niannian take Ning'er away?

Could it be that Ning'er didn't report his name because he didn't dare to expose the relationship between master and apprentice?

"It doesn't matter, when I go there in person, if there is a misunderstanding, it will be solved naturally."

As Li Wuxian spoke, his thoughts (did Zhao) suddenly turn extremely fast.

He quickly added another sentence to Bai Jinyi.

"Jin Yi, please deal with the affairs of the Immortal Palace on the Clouds first, and then come to reconcile with me as a teacher."

"The disciple understands."

Bai Jinyi didn't think much about it.

She does have some things to deal with, and the first thing she needs to do is to seal the mouth of the Tianji Pavilion.

When this matter is over, she can go to Li Wuxian again.

Leave from Asgard on the Clouds.

Li Wuxian traveled day and night, and went to Bai's house non-stop.

Not for anything else.

Just for the Bai Family's Immortal Pill Stove.

That's why he put Bai Jinyi away.

It seems that he is determined to obtain the immortal weapon elixir furnace.

This world of practice is too dangerous, and now the situation is more complicated than when I was taking apprentices before.

Just being low-key is no longer enough.

He needs to get something real to defend himself.

And this pill furnace is all that is currently available, an excellent choice.

As long as you get the pill furnace and take it with you at any time, he will beat up the monks in the fit state casually.

It may be a bit shameless to fight, and fights rely on letting go of dogs

Chapter 65

(Second more)

The moon is quiet.

White House.

Li Wuxian had just arrived nearby, and was about to make a big move to let the Bai family know that he was back.

After all, a master like him can't go in through the back door quietly, what if he is beaten as a thief by the concierge of the light-opening realm.

But he hadn't had time to hold back an earth-shattering vision.

Inside the White House, a thousand zhang rays of light suddenly erupted, and there were countless auspiciousness!

In an instant, the entire night sky was lit up!

A fragrant fragrance belonging to medicinal herbs spreads out in all directions like waves!

"Pill is done!!"

Someone is shouting.

Many people wanted to rush over for the first time to join in the fun to see what the so-called Rendan looked like.

The scene was a little chaotic for a while.

Fortunately, Bai Jianxing also quickly came to the alchemy room, and with a soft shout, made everyone in the Bai family quiet down, and then he shouted respectfully outside the mansion.

"Young Master Li is here."

Li Wuxian, who was just worried that he could not enter the door with much fanfare, immediately walked into the Bai family mansion.

With Li Wuxian's town hall, no one dared to come over to join in the fun for a while.

No nonsense.

Kill the backyard.

After backing off the people who were guarding the pill furnace on the left and right.

Li Wuxian's first thing, of course, is to satisfy his curiosity, go to the alchemy stove to see what the medicinal pills look like.

When the stove top was opened, a blood-colored essence burst into the sky, and it returned to calm in an instant!

Li Wuxian glanced at the inside of the pill furnace.

"Just an elixir?" 427

"Didn't you refine so many masters?"

Although he was puzzled, Li Wuxian didn't think much about it, and reached out and took out the medicine pill.

If there is an alchemy expert, he will definitely feel that his actions are simple and rude. If the medicinal properties inside the medicinal pill are still not calm, if he stretches his hand in, he may put his arms in it.

But Li Wuxian had never practiced such a high-level medicinal pill.

Treat it as a first- or second-grade medicine pill.

After taking out the hot elixir, the crimson elixir fell into sight, like a blood-colored longan.

To be honest, Li Wuxian really didn't think there was anything special about this medicine pill.

It was a few grades worse than the Rank [-] Xuanyuan Pill he had fished out of the Pill Stove.

"Forget it, let's make do with storage first."

Without thinking too much, Li Wuxian regarded this human pill as an ordinary item and put it in the Sumeru Ring.

Then his sight fell on the Pill Stove.

This time I came here for the purpose of catching the pill furnace, and it doesn't matter what pills are.

"How can I make this old Bai Jianxing give me the pill furnace willingly?"

Li Wuxian thought.

First try to communicate with the Pill Furnace with Spiritual Mind.

I didn't expect much.

As a result, as soon as his spiritual sense swept away, the pill furnace trembled and responded.

"Hey! This spirit is growing a little faster!"

Li Wuxian noticed something different.

He found that the Pill Furnace was in an infancy period and had a certain level of stability and intelligence.

But it's still a blank piece of paper, and someone has to paint and draw on it to instill its will.

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