It was a difficult decision.

    Especially at times like this.

    There is a term in economics called "sunk cost".


    It is clear that the sunk cost of this decision is too high.

    Liang Shi made that decision with the determination to sink the boat.

    Sadness is real, sadness is real, even separation is real.

    Forcibly, she did not dare to contact Xu Qingzhu, did not dare to know any news about her, and did not dare to meet her.

    As long as they make it through this time.

    Just sign the divorce agreement.

    The bug of the rules of this world can be stuck.

    It doesn't matter how Xu Qingzhu punishes her.

    Just don't let Xu Qingzhu have those nightmares, don't let her become like her.

    But now that I only met once, Liang Shi broke the defense.

    Since Xu Qingzhu suffers and suffers, it is better to try to face it together.

    If it is really like what Xu Qingzhu said, they may need to treat each day as the last day of their lives to love each other.

    You probably won't regret it.

    If you really have regrets, it should be regretted that you didn't meet in another better place.

    Not like this, sorry not to be in love.

    Sorry to fall in love and separate.


    They just suffered in vain.

    There is a saying in economics that "sunk costs are not costs".

    When Liang Shi hugged Xu Qingzhu, Xu Qingzhu's whole body was shaking, to the extent that she was still shaking.

    Xu Qingzhu was buried in her shoulder and wept so hard that her clothes were soaked with tears.

    Liang Shi's tears also fell.

    In the end, they both lost their voices.

    When their eyes met again, Liang Shi stretched out his hand to gently wipe Xu Qingzhu's tears, and said distressedly, "Your eyes are so red, don't cry."

    Xu Qingzhu choked: "I don't want to, but I can't control it."

    It was not like this before, so it will start from these few days.

    It's hard to stop when you cry.

    Unless you cry until you fall asleep.

    There were several times when she cried until her heart hurt so much that she needed to beat her fist with her fist, and when she cried until she couldn't speak, it was a small matter.

    The doctor's reply was that her pregnancy symptoms were more obvious, the hormone secretion in the body was too strong, coupled with stagnation of qi, which led to depression and sensitivity, and the number of crying increased, and couldn't stop crying .

    It will be slightly better after waiting, but it is estimated that it will be hard for the initial three or four months.

    The doctor told her again and again not to be in a big mood, do some yoga that pregnant women can do, listen to light music, and adjust her mood.

    As a result, she couldn't hold back today, and she couldn't stop crying.

    Liang Shi had to rub her back to comfort her, "I'm sorry, it's all my fault."

    Xu Qingzhu took a breath and felt better.

    "I shouldn't make your own decisions and think I'm good to you." Liang Shi said: "I've always been timid, I..."

    She paused, but she still didn't say anything.

    If she hadn't seen Xu Qingzhu today, she wouldn't believe it.

    Liang Shi knew that Xu Qingzhu liked her, and could even say he loved her.

    But Liang Shi didn't think there would be anyone who would love her so much, that she would be willing to die with her tomorrow.

    Liang Shi didn't think he was such a good person.

    It's just a similar face, Xu Qingzhu has seen so many good-looking people, her face is nothing.

    In terms of personality, what kind of personality do people like Xu Qingzhu want?

    Liang Shi didn't feel that she was special, special, even she thought of what she would do if Xu Qingzhu liked someone else.

    To some extent, she is more rational than Xu Qingzhu.

    In this relationship, she is not as firm as Xu Qingzhu.

    After leaving Xu Qingzhu, she can still have friendship, career, do what she likes, and watch the scenery she likes.

    Probably because from the beginning, she did not take Xu Qingzhu as her own.

    In her subconscious, Xu Qingzhu will meet like-minded people.

    She is just a passer-by in Xu Qingzhu's life.

    Xu Qingzhu's long life, she could only borrow it for one ride.

    This journey is enough for her to recall half of her life.

    Maybe you are lucky enough to find someone to love again.

    This unforgettable first love will remain in my memory.

    It is also possible that, like her previous life, she has never had lasting luck.

    Rely on memory for the rest of my life.

    After all, Xu Qingzhu is not the first choice.

    It would be more correct to say that love has never been her first choice.

    Liang Shi paused for a long time before he connected with the previous sentence: "I never thought that someone would treat me..."

     Halfway through but stuck.

    No more.

    Compared to Xu Qingzhu's pure and passionate love, her inferiority complex can only be stuck in her throat.

    Like a thorn.

    Liang Shi is neither pure nor enthusiastic.

    Like a glass of mild tap water, there are always impurities.

    Facing Xu Qingzhu, she couldn't say anything.

    Justify, explain, grant.

    It's all gone.

    What can I say before such love?

    Anything is trivial.

    "Do you think that no one in this world will love you so much?" Xu Qingzhu asked.

    Liang Shi closed his eyes, a tear fell, and nodded slowly.


    Who would love her so much.

    The person who loved her is long gone.

    Everyone treats her well because she still has a little use value, or just pay a little something for her, in return for her past goodness.

    But in this relationship, Liang Shi considered himself incompetent.

    Liang Shi is in love for the first time.

    Not romantic, not meticulous, unable to guess the lover's heart.

    Occasionally a bit straight.

    At some point Xu Qingzhu was also so angry that she vomited blood.

    Only alone and dissolving with love.

    She is obviously older than Xu Qingzhu, but she always asks Xu Qingzhu to take care of her feelings.

    "Why not?" Xu Qingzhu continued to ask: "Aren't you worth it?"

    Liang Shi was startled.

    For a long time, Liang Shi closed his eyes and said, "Because... I love myself too much."


    Liang Shi can withdraw at any time in this relationship because he loves himself too much.

    She is always on the defensive.

    Because she was worried that Xu Qingzhu would leave at any time, she had to prepare in advance that she would leave at any time.

    Liang Shi's reason told her she had to do it.

    Because almost no one can make decisions for her since she was a child, she has to make her own decisions.

    And take responsibility for your own decisions.

    Grandpa and grandma are so old and don't know a few words, so how should she be responsible for her life?

    It would be nice to give her the love she knows.

    So her life seems to be stable, but in fact, she has always been listed as ABCD.

    There will always be PlanB.

    The only time I never thought about the consequences, and I was desperate, was to come back here.

    Because I want to see Xu Qingzhu.

    At that time, I felt that I really loved Xu Qingzhu.

    But when the laws of this world are working again, her love is again calculated.

    So compared to Xu Qingzhu, her love is too insignificant, even hard to tell.

    But I didn't expect that after Xu Qingzhu heard what she said, he just raised his hand to wipe his tears, and said to her seriously: "Then you love yourself, I will love you."

    After finishing speaking, Xu Qingzhu added: "The premise is that you are not allowed to leave."

    How could Liang Shi stand it, Xu Qingzhu made her cry.

    Xu Qingzhu then comforted her in turn.

    The two stayed in the office for an unknown amount of time until Xu Qingzhu let out a belly growl and looked at his watch faster.

    Over three hours have passed.

    Liang Shi glanced at her belly, her nose was a little sour, but her mood was basically healed. Hearing Xu Qingzhu's stomach growling, she looked over curiously, stretched out her hand and retracted it, and so on.

    Xu Qingzhu took her hand and put it on his stomach, and looked down at the stomach with a soft gaze: "The doctor said that there is no movement now, and it will take a while for it to happen."

    Liang Shi's hand caressed her stomach, "So is there our baby here?"

    Xu Qingzhu nodded: "Yes."

    "It feels amazing." Liang Shi said.

    Xu Qingzhu: “…”

    Xu Qingzhu probably doesn't understand her feeling.

    Because in Liang Shi's previous cognition, two girls would not have children.

    But now it is possible to breed a child because of the fusion of pheromones.

    This is probably the progress of technology?

    And this little child is growing slowly in Xu Qingzhu's belly, and will meet them in a few months.

    Liang Shi will regain the bond of blood.

    A bond other than love.

    When Liang Shi and Xu Qingzhu walked out of the office holding hands, Chang Hui, the agent, was no longer at the door.

    I probably don't want to be a light bulb.

    And I have been in this line for a long time, very winking.

    There is a direct lift to the garage on this floor.

    Liang Shi and Xu Qingzhu went directly to the garage to drive. After fasting their seat belts, Liang Shi asked Xu Qingzhu, "Do you want to eat outside or go home?"

    "Go home." Xu Qingzhu said.

    Liang Shi had no opinion and drove home.


    I saw the Yujiang Bridge not long ago, and I have been to this community, but I felt that the weather was gray at the time.

    Even Yu Jiang felt fog.

     But during the day, everything is clear, the clouds and fog are scattered.

    Liang Shi praised casually when he passed Yu Jiang: "The weather is so nice today."

    Xu Qingzhu glanced at him: "Yes."

    But there is no sun today, and the clouds are stacked one after another, gray and white.

    The traffic jam on the Yujiang Bridge makes it almost impossible to move.

    The water of Yujiang is not as clear as before.

    After Liang Shi and Xu Qingzhu went home, they changed their shoes familiarly, and then when Xu Qingzhu was about to bend over to change shoes, he immediately squatted and held her feet, and took off the shoes on her feet , then picked up the slippers from the shoe rack and put them on her carefully.

    Xu Qingzhu stood there for a while.

    Liang Shishi looked up at her in such a posture, "Did I change your shoes like this before?"

    Xu Qingzhu nodded slowly.

    Liang Shi also kissed her instep at that time.

    But Liang Shi drank too much at that time. Now Liang Shi is sober.


    Liang Shi stared at her and suddenly reached out and pressed her toes and thumbs, Xu Qingzhu gasped in pain and shrank back subconsciously, but was held down by Liang Shi and placed on her lap .

    "Why?" Xu Qingzhu asked.

    Liang Shi sighed: "The shoes don't fit the feet, new shoes have to be polished before they can be worn."

    "Isn't it necessary to wear it after grinding." Xu Qingzhu took out her foot from her hand, "This is beautiful, and I like it, so I can wear it, it doesn't matter if it fits well or not. , you can wear it."

    Liang Shi was helpless: "Okay."

    She got up and went to the bathroom to get hot water to soak her feet, but when she walked to the door, she suddenly responded, "Are you metaphorical?"

    "It's a simile." Xu Qingzhu didn't hesitate.

    Liang Shi: "…"

    She was said to have some heat in her ears.

    Xu Qingzhu was arranged by Liang Shi to sit on the sofa, while Liang Shi went to get a foot soaking medicine bag and hot water for Xu Qingzhu to bring to the living room.

    Liang Shi rolled up his sleeves, revealing a small section of his forearm.

    The hair also fell down accidentally and almost fell into the water. It was Xu Qingzhu who picked it up and the hair survived.

    Liang Shi bent over and squatted there, put her feet in the basin, "It will be more comfortable to soak."

    Xu Qingzhu patted the seat next to him, "Then you come with me."

    Liang Shi: "…"

    "Aren't you hungry? I'll cook for you." Liang Shi said.

    Xu Qingzhu stared at her.

    For a moment, Xu Qingzhu asked slowly, "Liang Shi, are you concerned about me or the baby?"

    Liang Shi: "?"

    Liang Shi was startled: "You."

    Xu Qingzhu was in a better mood, but still complained: "But you were so kind to me after I said I was pregnant. I think you love the baby more."

    Liang Shi: "…"

    "Why do you think so?" Liang Shi asked in surprise.

    Xu Qingzhu was even more surprised: "Why not? Think about what you have done."

    Liang Shi: "…"

    "When I first entered the office, I was asked if I was thinking about getting a divorce." Xu Qingzhu said: "Afterwards, I said I was pregnant, and you didn't want to leave. You can't do anything because of the child. ?"

    Liang Shi: "…"

    "I'm crying because of you." Liang Shi squatted, he had to raise his head slightly to see Xu Qingzhu's face, which was just the angle he was looking up at.

    The light brown pupils looked at Xu Qingzhu seriously: "I was heartbroken when you cried like that."

    "Don't you love yourself the most?" Xu Qingzhu said.

    Liang Shi said: "But while I am still intact, I will be sad because of you."

    "Then you are so determined to leave." Xu Qingzhu wanted to cry when he remembered the scene that day, tears rolled in his eyes, and his voice choked again: "When I woke up that morning, I felt..."

    Liang Shi dared not listen, but was also curious.

    Look at her tenderly and listen to her slowly.

    Xu Qingzhu took a deep breath and said, "I almost jumped from the upstairs that day."

    Actually, it can be judged from the tone of voice that this request is not Liang Shi's original intention.

    But for Xu Qingzhu, it was a very painful thing.

    She is constantly denying herself and rebuilding, denying herself again, rebuilding again, again and again.

    The spirit reaches the breaking point again and again.

    But even so, I didn't even cry, I just sat there and shed tears.

    Liang Shi was shocked when he heard the words: "What are you doing?"

    Xu Qingzhu closed his eyes, half of his tears fell and half hung on his eyelashes.

    She whispered, "You probably forget that I have a mental illness."

    Liang Shi: "…"

    Liang Shi's heart was like 10,000 sour plums, sour and swollen.

    There was also a fog in her eyes.

    Xu Qingzhu looked at her and smiled, licked her lower lip lightly, and leaned down slowly.

    Close her eyes and put a kiss on her lips.

    Lip to lip touch lightly.

    There are wet trails.

    Liang Shi was angry and uncomfortable, "Why are you so stupid."

    "But what should I do?" Xu Qingzhu said, "I have no other way."

    Liang Shi dared not look into her eyes again, lowered her eyebrows and washed her feet.

    Xu Qingzhu said again: "Come up, let's soak our feet together."

    Liang Shi was embarrassed to go up, but he didn't have that face.

    In the end, Xu Qingzhu said, "Don't you want to get close to me?"

    Liang Shi: "…"

    Liang Shi also took off his socks and sat beside her.

    Foot and foot touched in the water, Xu Qingzhu's head rested on Liang Shi's shoulder.

    The house suddenly became quiet, so quiet that you could almost hear the heartbeats of both parties.

    Liang Shi asked Xu Qingzhu: "When did you find out?"

    Xu Qingzhu replied, "About ten days ago."

    "Then you..." Liang Shi didn't dare to ask her, and he was a little timid when he spoke.

    Xu Qingzhu turned her head over, put her hands on her face, and looked at her, "Liang Shi, are you very guilty?"

    Liang Shi nodded.

    Xu Qingzhu said, "Then you should love me more."

    Liang Shi's hand fell on the back of her neck and nodded slowly.

    Xu Qingzhu leaned forward and said in a lower voice, "Just a little bit."

    Liang Shi pursed his lips, and for a long time, when his lips touched, he made a serious and sincere promise: "In the future, I will love you more than me."

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