My players are all acting

References at this stage

The main structure of the copy comes from Qi Jiguang's anti-Japanese deeds, and the original text of the historical materials behind is basically collected from relevant historical materials, with a few words changed simply.

Among them, Deng Yuanjing's character prototype is Qi Jiguang and Deng Zilong, Lin Xiangmin's character prototype is Hu Zongxian, and Wang Zongchang's character prototype is Wang Shiqi.

Three Arrows to Determine the Universe is a real event recorded in Qi Shaobao's chronicle, and the details of the battle come from the stop-motion animation documentary "Qi Jiguang", which is highly recommended.

The issue of Lin Xiangmin's military resources and the related plots of the cabinet are mainly based on the history at that time and the related plots of changing rice to mulberry in "Ming Dynasty 1566".

The prototype of the Battle of Puning Port is the Battle of Cen Port, and the prototype of the Battle of Nanhe City is Qi Jiguang's wife's defense of Xinhe City and Wang Shiqi's Battle of Nanyuan in the Anti-Japanese War.

The relevant plots of Wang Zongchang’s tomb are also based on Wang Shiqi. Although Wang Shiqi made great contributions in the process of resisting the Japanese and aiding the dynasty in history, it was recorded in the "Linhai County Chronicles" when he died that "there is nothing long in the money. It was not until 1954 that the tomb was discovered. A large number of precious cultural relics such as golden crowns and belts were unearthed. In fact, they were tombs bestowed by the emperor later, which changed people's original perception.

Mr. Xu is of course Xu Wei, Hu Zongxian's aide. In fact, there is no record of him meeting with Qi Jiguang when he traveled far outside the Great Wall in history. Contrasting historical figures.

Then briefly talk about the basic principles of material selection.

The reason why it is written in the way of magic reform is mainly because there are many disadvantages in using real history.

For example, no one knows the truth of history, and some events and characters can only be inferred from the original records of historical materials, and sometimes the inferred results may be quite different.

For example, an official, there are indeed many records of corruption and currying favor with powerful officials in historical materials, but at the same time he has done a lot of practical things. Then, whether he flatters powerful officials for personal gain, or whether he wants to improve his official position to do great things, no one can tell. Different people will definitely have very different standards when judging.

Another example is that some historical heroes will inevitably have some flaws, and there are very few perfect people in the true sense.

Moreover, many detailed historical plots are difficult to concentrate, and the plot will be less compact.

Therefore, this method of magic modification and stitching was adopted. It may be to put together the deeds of many different characters, or it may be to change some details.

Just like in "The Ming Dynasty 1566", Hu Zongxian is almost portrayed as a perfect man. This is definitely not completely consistent with the historical facts, and it is more to express a beautiful vision and an expectation.

More deductive than documentary.

Therefore, some of the heroes in the book themselves express a beautiful vision and expectation, and do not necessarily fully conform to the historical prototype.

Highlight the glorious side of these heroes as much as possible.

After I finish writing a plot, I will write out the prototype, and you don’t have to check in one by one. If you have different opinions on a certain prototype, you can keep it. But there is no need to completely negate a certain prototype just because it may have a small flaw in history.

Of course, when I draw materials, I will definitely draw materials from some recognized people who undoubtedly have more merit than demerits, and there will certainly not be a situation where some recognized garbage is laundered.

Finally ask for a monthly pass, the next copy should be more interesting.

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