My scenic spot is a hit

Chapter 270 Short Video and Short Essay

There was a quarrel between the shrews in the village, or the funeral of the deceased. new

There are often various situations of pretending to be dead or pretending to be dead.

Whenever something like that happens, everyone habitually goes to Luo Heishan to take a look.

Although Luo Heishan is not a doctor with a serious medical background, he has rich practical experience in this area.

Who are you! What are you doing! Go away!

As soon as Luo Heishan stepped forward, he was stopped by a woman sitting on the ground acting playfully.

Luo Heishan explained patiently: I will help him see how he is doing.

The woman said reluctantly: You are with those people in the scenic area! I don't believe you! I have already called 120! Get out of my way!

Luo Heishan said: Miss, the forensic hospital is more than ten miles away from us. Even if you call 120...

You old thing! Who are you calling Miss? When the woman heard Luo Heishan calling her Miss, she immediately felt like a cat whose tail had been stepped on. Her hair suddenly exploded. She stood up from the ground and pointed. Luo Heishan turned his nose and cursed, Your mother is a lady, your wife is a lady, your daughter is a lady! Your daughter-in-law is also a lady! Your whole family is a lady!

Girl! Please speak politely! Luo Heishan has never been so insulted in his entire life. The women in the whole family are being greeted, and no matter how good his temper is, he can't hold back.

The woman still said reluctantly: What's wrong with me just scolding you! You beat my husband like this, why don't you allow me to scold you a few words? Everyone is judging, is there any justice? They are only allowed to beat people in scenic spots, not allowed Tourists curse, right? I must expose the scenic spot on the entire Internet!

As the woman spoke, she took out her mobile phone and started taking pictures of Luo Yinning, the people in the scenic area, and the man lying on the ground who was standing next to her.

Look, everyone, there are so many people in the scenic area bullying us, a man and a woman alone. They beat my husband until he was unconscious, and they also wanted to beat me. It's so overbearing and arrogant!

I have already called 120 and 110, and the doctor and the police will come soon. If my husband dies, my baby and I will not survive either. I will just jump off the mountain.

As the woman spoke, tears began to flow. She started crying when she could. Her acting skills were top-notch.

You... Luo Heishan was furious at the woman's way of confusing right and wrong, and turned to look at Luo Yanning for help.

Luo Yanning laughed angrily at the woman's behavior, waved to Luo Heishan and said:

Director Luo, please come back first. I want to see which song they want to sing.

It's really eye-opening. People say that urban people are of higher quality than rural people, but I don't think they are any better!

Luo Heishan said angrily and turned back to Luo Yanning.

A tall and lanky boy walked out of the crowd of onlookers, shook his cell phone at Luo Yanning and asked:

Mr. Luo, I have the whole story here. Can I send it to you?

Luo Yanning turned to look at the boy. She felt that the boy looked familiar. She knew that he was a villager in Luojiazhuang, but she didn't know his name. new

Luo Yanning nodded to the boy as a greeting and asked, What's your name?

The boy smiled shyly and said, My name is Luo Erjie.'s you.

As soon as the boy said his name, Luo Yanning instantly remembered whose child he was.

Luo Erjie is the second son of Luo Zhiqiang, the former director of Luojiazhuang.

Previously, Luo Yanning and Luo Zhiqiang had a very tense dispute, and the relationship between the two families was not harmonious.

Luo Zhiqiang was forced out of office and was stripped of his title of village director, and Luo Yanning was indispensable.

Luo Erjie said: Mr. Luo, my father is very sorry now. He regrets what he did at the beginning. He has always wanted to apologize to you, but he didn't have this chance.

Luo Yanning waved her hand and said, Forget about apologizing or anything like that. What happened in the past is in the past. Thank you for what happened today. Add me as a v-mail and send the video to my phone.

Okay, Mr. Luo, I'll send it to you right now.

Seeing that Luo Yanning didn't want to talk about the past, Luo Erjie kept silent. After scanning the QR code and adding Luo Yanning's v-letter friend, Luo Erjie sent the entire incident recorded on his mobile phone to Luo Yanning's mobile phone.

The video recorded on Luo Erjie's mobile phone is very complete, unlike some clipped videos posted by pregnant women online.

The video that Luo Erjie sent to Luo Yanning started when Shen Xueli persuaded the man, until the conflict between the man and Zhang Qian, and finally when he crawled to the ground.

They even recorded the whole process of the man standing up as if nothing had happened, then lying down again and then pretending to be fainted.

The audio in the video is also clearly audible and can be used as evidence.

Listening to the man in the video constantly insulting Shen Shirley and Zhang Qian, Luo Yanning glared at the man lying on the ground not far away pretending to be dead and wanted to pick him up and beat him again.

Zhang Qian, good job. This kind of quality-education caught fish should be taught a lesson!

After Luo Yanning watched the video on her phone, she turned around and gave a thumbs up to Zhang Qian, who was looking down at her phone with a frown on her side.

Damn it, Luo Zi, how long has it been? Come up and figure out what to do! Zhang Qian looked up at Luo Yanning and said anxiously, Those netizens on the Internet are going to describe your scenic spot as a gate of hell, and they are going to blackmail your scenic spot! You’re still in the mood to joke around here.”

Some clipped short videos have been circulated on the Internet. The topic Heilongshan Scenic Area Employees Beat Tourists to Death was on the hot search list and quickly jumped up to the homepage. new

Some uninformed netizens on the Internet were induced by those false videos and some eye-catching essays to gain traffic, and collectively bombarded the scenic spots and their employees.

It's hard to believe that a living life was lost in the hands of scenic area employees. No matter how wrong the tourists were, they would not be punished with death!

Are the scenic spot employees devils? Are they cold-hearted! He is about to become a father. What will happen to his wife and unborn child in the future!

The child lost his father before he was born. Before he opened his eyes to see the world, he lost a close relative. It's so pitiful.

This thing is too bad. The murderer must be caught and punished severely! Support the death penalty!

The little essays on the Internet are getting more and more mysterious. They are spreading that the man who had a conflict with Zhang Qian has become a dead person.

Regardless of the truth of this matter, as far as the current situation is concerned, it has had a very bad impact on the reputation of the scenic spot.

Luo Zi, one person is responsible for everything. The trouble was caused by Sister Qian. I took the responsibility for her. It has nothing to do with your scenic spot. I will send you a video to clarify it for you, so that everyone should not believe that woman's words. Wu Mingshi said in one sentence. After that, he took out his mobile phone on the spot and prepared to record a clarifying video.

Luo Yanning reached out and grabbed Wu Mingshi's arm, laughing and scolding: What nonsense are you talking about! Is it human talk? Don't worry about Zhang Qian. There is no need to send any clarifying videos. If that woman wants to blackmail our scenic spot, just let her It’s good to be black, the more black the better.”

Ah? Wu Mingshi was confused after hearing Luo Yanning's words, and his mind was a little lost.

Someone is cheating on the scenic spot. Isn’t the most important thing to do is to quickly clarify and resolve the misunderstanding? Why is the darker the better?

A group of leaders at the nearby scenic area were also confused after hearing what Luo Yanning said.

Luo Yanning's words were certainly not angry words, nor were they said casually.

As a lv5 advanced user of the bl site, in addition to watching the girls in the dance area dance, he also follows many interesting up owners.

For example, Xu Yun wanders in China, Handsome Nongniao Ge, Wu Zhihong talks about psychology, and Luo Xiang talks about criminal law.

Although Luo Yanning did not study law and had no ambition to develop in this field, it did not affect his liking of Luo Xiang's lectures on criminal law and his sense of humor.

Amidst the laughter, you can also learn some useful legal knowledge.

For example, in today's incident, if a woman publishes untrue remarks online and affects the reputation of the scenic spot, she will violate the criminal law.

Article 221 of my country’s Criminal Law is a crime of damaging business reputation and product reputation.

Anyone who fabricates and spreads false facts, harms the business reputation and product reputation of others, causes heavy losses to others, or has other serious circumstances shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than two years or criminal detention, and shall also or solely be fined.

Anyone suspected of any of the following circumstances shall be prosecuted:

1. The amount of direct economic losses caused to others is more than 500,000 yuan;

2. Although the above amount standards are not reached, one of the following circumstances exists:

1. Seriously hindering the normal production and business activities of others or causing suspension of production or bankruptcy.

2 causing adverse effects.

The wife of the man who fainted on the ground published a series of false information about the scenic spot online to gain sympathy, which was widely circulated on the Internet and has had a very bad impact on the reputation of the scenic spot. Echoing what is described in the Criminal Law causing adverse effects.

Luo Yanning is now almost certain to sue men and women for damaging the reputation of the scenic spot, so he is not anxious at all now. It is the other party who should be anxious.

Zhang Qian hated the Riddler the most, so she stepped forward and asked: Luo Zi, what kind of medicine are you selling in your gourd! Hurry up, don't hide it, everyone is sweating for you and worried about you!

That's it... Seeing everyone's worried expressions, Luo Yanning informed everyone of his plan.

When the time comes, I will ask them to apologize to our scenic spot in person in front of all the netizens. I will ask whoever slandered me to clarify for me.

I see……

Yes! Let them clarify it for us!

After everyone listened to Luo Yanning's words, they immediately felt relieved.

Everyone give way, who called the police?

As soon as Luo Yanning finished speaking, a woman's voice suddenly sounded from the crowd.

The onlookers made way, and a dashing policewoman wearing a navy blue police uniform came to the scene with three auxiliary police officers.

Luo Yanning looked up and saw that the person coming was none other than Ai Jing, the person in charge of the Black Dragon Mountain Police Station.

Ai Jing was slightly surprised when she saw Luo Yanning was also at the scene, and greeted him with her eyes.

The Heilongshan Police Station is fully sponsored by Luo Yanning. It also sponsors a police car for the police station, plus the monthly salary of more than 20 auxiliary police officers.

It is no exaggeration to say that without Luo Yanning, there would be no Heilongshan Police Station today.

There is no such thing as the Beiqi Township Police Station, which is so prosperous today.

There are multiple auxiliary police officers throughout the station and 5 brand new patrol cars.

Among the eighteen towns in Wanshan County, Beiqi Township Police Station is absolutely top-notch in terms of staffing and vehicle distribution.

All of this is inseparable from Luo Yanning or the sponsorship of the Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area.

Although Luo Yanning is not in the police station, his legend is spread in the police station.

The police officers and auxiliary police officers in the station, including the captain Ai Jing, are also fans of his bl account.

Comrade policeman, I called the police! Look, what a beating that woman made to my husband! Please arrest her quickly and send her to jail!

The pregnant woman who was watching the live broadcast of the man crawling on the ground saw the police coming and quickly turned her camera on Ai Jing and others.

We have our own law enforcement recorders. Please do not film our law enforcement process. Thank you for your cooperation.

Ai Jing saw a woman slapping her in the face whenever she disagreed with her, and gave a serious warning.

In order to prevent the public from posting some clipped videos online to guide discussion, generally speaking, filming of police law enforcement processes is not allowed.

Ma'am, please turn off your cell phones and do not film our law enforcement.

Seeing the woman standing still, Ai Jing warned again: If you have any objections or opinions about our law enforcement process, you can call 110 and report it to our competent department. Thank you for your cooperation.

Oh, oh... When the woman saw that Ai Jing's face was serious and didn't look like she was joking, she was immediately frightened and quickly turned off the mobile phone that was broadcasting live.

Comrade police, you have to make the decision for me! I was playing well with my husband, and I was beaten without provoking anyone. It was that woman who beat me!

After the woman put away her phone, she pointed at Zhang Qian and began to accuse her of her evil deeds.

Ai Jing looked in the direction pointed by the woman's finger and saw Zhang Qian standing next to Luo Yanning.

Perhaps out of professional instinct, Ai Jing came to the conclusion that the two had a close relationship from the distance between them.

Ai Jing did not listen to the woman's words and asked, How did it happen?

What happened is... The woman told Ai Jing what happened in an embellished way.

In her words, she and her husband became honest people who would not fight back when hit or scolded, poor people who were beaten by scenic spot employees because of a verbal conflict.

After giving the woman's confession, Ai Jing went to the parties Shen Xueli and Zhang Qian to learn about the situation. Shen Shirley told Ai Jing exactly what happened.

After listening to the accounts of both parties, judging from the expressions on her faces, Ai Jing clearly believed what Shen Shirley said more.

Ai Jing had just finished taking notes, and several medical staff from the forensic hospital took the cable car to the top of the scenic spot.

An accompanying doctor in a white coat briefly checked the physical condition of the man lying on the ground.

After the examination showed no major problems, the doctor said something to Ai Jing and asked several medical staff to put him on a stretcher and carry him away.

Regardless of whether you really fainted or pretended, you must first be sent to the hospital for a comprehensive examination with professional medical equipment.

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