My scenic spot is a hit

Chapter 274 Catch all the rumor mongers in one go!

Emotions are contagious. new

Shui Leilei also became nervous after seeing the expression on his little girlfriend Fan Qi's face.

What's wrong, Fan Qi? You should tell me quickly.

Fan Qi looked up at Shui Leilei and said with a sad face: Shui Leilei, I...I seem to be in trouble.

What's the matter? Shui Leilei asked in one sentence, but he already had the answer in his heart.

Fan Qi has always been a good girl. She abides by discipline at school, honors her parents at home, and does not chase stars or drink.

The only thing she has done recently that may cause trouble is the rumor-mongering video she posted for her aunt.

Sure enough, under Shui Leilei's questioning, Fan Qi said with a frustrated face: The number of comments on the video you asked me to delete suddenly exceeded 200 from 4.

What? The number of comments has exceeded 200? After the speculation was confirmed, Shui Leilei felt bad, Hurry and show me!

After Shui Leilei finished speaking, without waiting for Fan Qi's consent, he reached out and snatched the phone from her hand.

He drew a pattern on the screen with his finger to unlock the phone and enter the system. He quickly clicked on the Kuaijiu APP icon on the screen of the phone.

After opening the APP, she directly clicked on Fan Qi's personal homepage, where she found a video she posted this morning.

The cover title of this video is Employees of Heilongshan Scenic Area Violently Beat Tourists to Death.

The video is a short video of only 15 seconds. The content is of a man lying motionless on the ground, his life and death unknown, and a pregnant woman with a big belly crying next to him.

Sensational headlines, coupled with clipped video content, can easily induce people who don’t know the truth to criticize scenic spots.

This video was sent to Fan Qi by her aunt Gao Lixia and asked her to help forward it on Moments and some social platforms.

Fan Qi saw that her parents were sending out messages, so she followed suit.

However, since Fan Qi’s account itself has few fans, they are all “zombie fans” who are not often online.

Therefore, the views of the videos she posted were not high, and there was not a single retweet, and there were only two comments.

One comment: Passing by.

Another comment: Let the news fly for a moment.

Fan Qi didn't take this matter seriously at first, but it wasn't until the number of comments suddenly exploded and Shui Leilei gave her legal knowledge that she realized she was in trouble.

At this moment, Fan Qi had a deeper understanding of the old saying Don't do evil for small things.

I tried hard to persuade you to delete the video for a long time, but you didn't listen. Now you are really in trouble!

Shui Leilei saw that the number of comments on Fan Qi's video had reached 474, and he began to worry about his little girlfriend. new

At the same time, Shui Leilei also secretly blamed himself. He should have been tough to the end in the morning and should not have been compromising until now.

If I had been tough to the end and snatched her phone to delete the videos in the morning, things wouldn't have reached this point.

Now, what should we do now, Shui Leilei? Fan Qi cried, looking at Shui Leilei with red eyes.

After all, Fan Qi was just a girl who had just turned seventeen. She had never encountered such a thing before. She suddenly panicked and lost her mind.

Shui Leilei let out a long sigh and said, Delete the video first! I hope Brother Yanning and the others haven't recorded the screen to save evidence.

Yeah! Then delete it! Delete it quickly! Fan Qi felt a glimmer of hope in her heart after hearing Shui Leilei's words, and nodded and told him to delete the video quickly.

Shui Leilei breathed out again and deleted the video from his account with a few clicks of his fingers.

When nothing happened in the morning, Shui Leilei tried his best to persuade Fan Qi to delete the video, even threatening to break up.

Something happened now. Fan Qi thought of deleting the video, but Shui Leilei vaguely felt that it was already too late.

Fan Qi, I think it's not that simple today... After Shui Leilei deleted the video, he handed the phone back to Fan Qi and said, You'd better call your parents and ask them What's going on over there? Hurry up and ask them to think of countermeasures.

Huh? Oh, yes, I'll call mom...

Fan Qi took the phone with a nervous look on her face, found her mother's number in the recent call records and dialed it.

Beep beep, beep beep--!

The phone rang several times before it was connected, and a woman's voice sounded on the other side.

Hey Qiqi? What's wrong? Is something okay?

Fan Qi's mother is Chen Xinmei, the sister of Chen Xinchao, the hero who caused trouble in the scenic spot today.

Fan Qi said with a cry: Mom, the number of comments on the video my aunt asked me to post this morning has exceeded 200.

There are so many comments in just a few hours! That's great, Qiqi! You are awesome!

Chen Xinmei smiled brightly after hearing her daughter's report and quickly praised her.

... Shui Leilei heard his girlfriend's mother's legally illiterate remarks.

Chen Xinmei is really a typical legal illiterate who does not know the law and commits the crime and has no idea about cybercrime.

In her opinion, only defrauding money, murder and arson, or theft and robbery are crimes.

Otherwise, she would not have been able to encourage her daughter to forward the video with her husband, which was obviously a rumor like today's video.

Fan Qi looked anxious and said: Mom, my classmate said that if the number of comments exceeds 200, it constitutes the crime of spreading rumors. I may have broken the law now. New˙ɔoɯ

What! Don't listen to your classmates! Why is it illegal to post a video? Is it breaking that law? There are so many people posting videos online, but I haven't seen any of them get arrested.

Chen Xinmei didn't take it seriously after hearing Fan Qi's words.

When Fan Qi heard what her mother said, she was so anxious that she almost cried: Mom! What my classmate said is true! If the scenic spot wants to sue me, I may not even be able to take the college entrance examination. You and my father should think of a solution quickly. !Forget it, I’ll tell my dad!”

Fan Qi felt that she couldn't explain it clearly to her legally illiterate mother, so she hung up the phone and immediately called her father, Fan Zhijun.

Fan Zhijun is a physical education teacher in the first grade of Wanshan County No. 1 Middle School. Although he did not major in law in college, he knows general legal knowledge and is not as legally illiterate as Chen Xinmei.

Beep beep, beep beep--!

After the phone rang a few times, it was connected, and a man's voice sounded on the other side.

What's wrong Qiqi?

Dad, I might be in big trouble...

Fan Qi informed her father Fan Zhijun about the sudden increase in the number of video comments.

What! There are more than 400 comments? How is that possible! Don't you only have a few dozen fans on your account? Where did you get so many comments!

After listening to his daughter's account, Fan Zhijun realized the seriousness of the matter and became nervous instantly.

Fan Qi told the truth: I don't know where those comments came from. When I was eating and checking my phone, the number of comments suddenly started to skyrocket. In total, it went from a few to more than 400 in just a few minutes. .”

The number of comments suddenly started to skyrocket? After listening to his daughter's account, Fan Zhijun felt very uneasy. This was definitely not normal.

Fan Zhijun suddenly thought of something and quickly used his mobile phone to click to enter the Kuaishou page.

Entering the Kuaishou page, Fan Zhijun couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart when he saw the display, and the feeling of something bad happened became even stronger.

After clicking to enter his homepage and finding the video that Gao Lixia sent him in the morning, Fan Zhijun almost dropped the phone in his hand with shaking hands.

Fan Zhijun didn’t have many fans on his account, only around 100, and the number of views on the video he posted was only around 200 or 300 when he watched it, with 0 retweets and 16 comments.

Looking at it again this time, the number of views has increased to 700+, the number of retweets has not changed, there is still 0 retweets, but the number of comments has increased from 1 before!

This is definitely not normal! Fan Zhijun was so nervous that he sweated after seeing the number of comments on his video.

When Fan Zhijun posted the video, he knew that he might be suspected of illegal operations.

But in order to help his brother-in-law, he still chose to help without hesitation even though he knew that it might cause illegal behavior.

Originally, he just wanted to deal with his brother-in-law and his wife, but he didn't think of much effort.

Videos forwarded in Moments are only visible to some relatives and friends, but not to outsiders.

There is no way to set the visibility of specific groups of people on the Kuai Dou platform, but fortunately, he doesn’t have many fans on Kuai Dou, so he doesn’t take it seriously.

Usually when he posts a video, he gets only a few hundred views at most and almost no comments.

After all, he is an old man, who would look at him?

Fan Zhijun never expected that the video he posted would have more than 500 comments. This is unscientific!

Moreover, the comments below the video are almost all criticizing him.

The author is so stubborn! It is illegal to spread rumors. Just wait for the legal trial!

Justice may be late, but it will never be absent!

I know this author! As a people's teacher, it's so disappointing to be so helpful!

You don't deserve to be a teacher! How can you teach students well if you help someone who is being spread rumors?

In the comment area below the video, someone even revealed that Fan Zhijun is a teacher at No. 1 Middle School.

Fan Zhijun became more frightened as he watched, and swallowed several times nervously.

Qiqi, delete that video quickly! Now, immediately, immediately!

Fan Zhijun now realized the seriousness of the matter. With a few clicks of his fingers, he deleted the video on his homepage and asked his daughter to do the same.

I've deleted it. Is everything going to be okay, dad? Fan Qi was still feeling uneasy and uneasy.

Fan Zhijun sighed: Now I can only pray that the employees at the Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area have not seen the video we sent and have not retained the evidence!

Oh... Fan Qi felt even more uneasy after hearing her father's somewhat mournful words.

She felt the same as Shui Leilei. Today's matter must not be that simple. Someone should be controlling it behind the scenes.

Then let's do this first, Qiqi. I'll call your mother quickly and ask her to delete the video immediately.

Fan Zhijun said nervously, then hung up Fan Qi's phone and called his wife Chen Xinmei.

At the same time, in the ward of Wanshan County Forensic Hospital.

Chen Xinmei, who was spending time with her sister-in-law, saw her husband's phone number and connected the call with a tap of her finger.

What? Why did you delete the video! I wish more people could see it!

Fan Zhijun, are you talking humanly? My brother was beaten and asked you to send a video. Why?

I won't delete it! You are not allowed to delete it either! If you dare to delete it, we will never live together again!


Chen Xinmei became furious after hearing what her husband Fan Zhijun said, especially in front of her younger brother and sister-in-law. Naturally, Chen Xinmei would not compromise with her husband.

The phone call lasted for three to five minutes. Neither Chen Xinmei nor Fan Zhijun could convince the other, so they had a big argument and hung up the phone.

Chen Xinchao was smoking a cigarette and asked, What's wrong, sister? What did my brother-in-law say?

That coward of your brother-in-law said that it's illegal to make any number of comments. Let me delete this morning's video!

When Chen Xinmei talked about her husband, she became very angry: I have never seen a man who is so irresponsible and afraid of getting into trouble! He has been a coward all his life, and even his own family members dare not say a word when they are bullied!

You two have been married for decades and you still don't know who he is. Don't be as familiar with him. Chen Xinchao was equally disdainful of his brother-in-law Fan Zhijun, thinking that he was making a fuss out of a molehill.

Since he and Gao Lixia dared to post those videos, they were not afraid of causing trouble. Instead, they hoped that the trouble would be as big as possible.

Therefore, it was not just Chen Xinmei’s family of three who helped post the video.

Chen Xinchao also calls his parents, father-in-law and mother-in-law, sister-in-law, uncle, aunt, cousin, cousin, cousin, cousin and cousin.

As long as they were close relatives and friends, he would ask someone to send them for him.

These people have similar ideas to Fan Zhijun and Fan Qi, and their influence is weak and limited.

Even if you help send it, not many people will see it. If you don't help, you will offend your relatives.

Therefore, a group of Chen Xinchao's relatives helped.

However, no one expected that they would meet such a serious person as Luo Yanning.

It’s 5:30 in the afternoon, half an hour before get off work at the Heilong Mountain Scenic Area.

Shui Miaomiao knocked on the door and entered Luo Yinning's office with the documents she had compiled all afternoon to report the situation to him.

Boss, after everyone in the group worked hard all afternoon, the 118 main posts and short videos collected in the morning all met the sentencing standards, and all of them have been recorded and documented.

Shui Miaomiao said, handing a document in her hand to Luo Yinning's desk.

Luo Yinning reached out and took the document and took a look. There was a dense pile of Weibo accounts printed on it, or the accounts of Kuaiduo platform.

Very well, thank you for your hard work, everyone. Luo Yanning took a quick look and put the file back on the desktop.

Shui Miaomiao asked with concern: Boss, what should we do next?

Now, basically all the accounts spreading rumors have been arrested, and the next step is to strike hard.

A harmless smile appeared on Luo Yanning's face: Their attack round is over, and it's time for us to counterattack.

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