My scenic spot is a hit

Chapter 297 A bucket of water costs 4,000 yuan!

I found a parking space closest to the entrance of the inpatient department and parked my car. New 𝟼𝟿 Book Barβ†’πŸΌπŸΏπšœπš‘πšžπš‘.πšŒπš˜πš–

Luo Yanning opened the trunk of the Cayenne and took out a bucket of water.

Oh, let me go, why is it so heavy...

A large bucket of water weighs about 40 kilograms. For Luo Yanning, who is used to sitting in an office and lacks exercise, it is still very difficult to hold it.

The total distance from the parking space to the elevator hall on the first floor of the inpatient department was only fifty or sixty meters. Luo Yanning rested three times along the way before getting on the elevator with a bucket in her arms.

It was already evening and there were only Luo Yanning and a thin man with gray hair but a good complexion.

The uncle is dressed in a white retro short-breasted dress. He looks like the masters of wealthy families in TV dramas, full of nobility.

After Luo Yanning entered the door, she saw that the floor button for the 8th floor was on. By coincidence, the two of them went to the same floor, so there was no need to press it again.

Young man, it's hard to hold such a small thing at such a young age. It's time to practice hard.

The old man looked Luo Yanning up and down and gave a very pertinent suggestion.

It's time to practice hard... Luo Yanning smiled politely and nodded to express her agreement with the old man's suggestion.

I am used to going to bed late and getting up late every day, and my diet is not regular. I sit in the office every day and lack exercise.

Luo Yanning feels that her physical condition has become worse and worse in the past two years, and she is at risk of losing her shape.

The past memories are reunited and become one.

Young man, where did you buy water from? The old man looked at the bucket on the ground and asked with confusion: I just went to the small supermarket downstairs to buy a bottle of water, but when I went there I found that it was closed. I don't know what happened today. Sorry, it closes so early. It usually stays open until twelve o'clock at night.

Luo Yanning said truthfully: I brought this water from outside the hospital, not from a small supermarket.

Oh, no wonder... The old man nodded, and then said a little embarrassedly, Well, young man, the old man has a merciless request.


As soon as the old man finished speaking, the 8th floor arrived.

The elevator door creaked twice and then opened to both sides.

Let's go out first. I'll help you carry water.

After the old man finished speaking, he stretched out his big hand, grasped the neck of the bucket with one hand, and easily carried out the bucket of water.

... This situation made Luo Yanning feel like she had been hurt ten thousand times. After being stunned for a second, she hurriedly chased after him.

The uncle turned to look at Luo Yanning and asked with enthusiasm: Young man, I will help you get to your ward.

Luo Yanning couldn't help but said, No, no, I can do it myself...

Young man, don't be so polite! the old man said with a smile, I didn't buy water when I went downstairs. Do you want to ask for a glass of water from you? I will help you carry the water to the ward. How about you give the old man a glass of water? ?”

It's just a glass of water, don't be so polite. Luo Yanning was immediately relieved after hearing what the old man said, but she still insisted on moving it by herself.

He is not the kind of person who cares about everything. It is just a glass of water, even if it is the spring water of the fountain of life, he will not let others pay for it.

Especially, the other party is still a gray-haired old man.

The old man said with a smile: Young man, although the old man is older than you, his physical strength is not necessarily worse than yours.

The old man could lift more than 40 kilograms of water with one hand, and he looked so relaxed, which made Luo Yanning feel ashamed.

Well, I believe this! However, it's up to me to do my own thing!

Luo Yanning said as she stepped forward to take the bucket from the old man's hand.

Seeing Luo Yanning's persistence, the old man stopped forcing him.

The two of them arrived outside the door of Ward 808 one after another.

It's a coincidence that Qiao opened the door. It's a coincidence that I'm home and I live in 807 across the street!

When the old man saw Luo Yanning placing the bucket outside the door of 808, he pointed at 807 opposite and couldn't help but laugh.

Yes, this is really fate. Luo Yanning smiled back.

The old man said: It's getting late, so I won't go in and disturb the patient's rest. I'll go back to the room and take the cup. Brother, how about you pour me a glass of water?

Luo Yanning said: It's okay to get a few more. Anyway, we have a lot of water and can't finish it.

No, one cup is enough. I'll go downstairs and buy it tomorrow. Thank you, brother. After thanking the old man, he turned around and opened the door of 807, went inside and took out a stainless steel thermos cup.

Luo Yanning opened the lid of the bucket and poured the old man a glass of water.

Thank you, little brother. If I didn't have your glass of water tonight, I would have been thirsty all night.

After thanking Luo Yanning repeatedly, the old man turned and returned to his ward.

After Luo Yanning watched the old man enter, he turned around and rang the doorbell of 808.

After about 10 seconds, the door opened from the inside.

Ah! Xiao Ning, why are you here so late! It's been such a hard day at work, why didn't you go home and have a good rest! Mom and I are here to watch, and nothing happens.

The person who opened the door was my aunt Li Xiangyun, who was as enthusiastic as ever after seeing Luo Yanning.

During the recent period, whether it was Hao Xiaoxiao's promotion or salary increase, or Gao Jiangbo's modest career achievements, they were all inseparable from Luo Yinning's help.

Moreover, Luo Yanning paid for the hundreds of thousands of dollars in surgery and hospitalization fees for the old lady's surgery without asking her uncle's family, who was supposed to pay for it, to pay a penny.

In addition, Luo Yanning also promised to provide jobs to Gao Jun and Li Xiangyun. The couple now really had nothing to say about their nephew, and they were closer to their son than to their son. New 𝗰𝗼𝗺

I stopped by to see how grandma is recovering, and brought me a bucket of water.

As Luo Yanning spoke, she carried the bucket to the water dispenser and replaced most of the buckets of water on it.

Oh! We, Xiao Ning, are so careful that we still want to bring water to grandma!

Li Xiangyun praised: Your cousin, that bastard, knows how to eat and drink all day long. He is far worse than you.

Ning Ning is here. Isn't there still more than half a bucket of water? Why did you replace it? You have made money now, so you can't waste it like this!

After Gao Min heard the conversation between the two in the outer room, he came out of the ward inside and smiled and joked.

Lao Gao, try the water I brought to see if there is anything different from other water.

Luo Yanning took out a disposable paper cup from the cabinet of the water dispenser, gave Gao Min a cup and handed it to her.

Isn't it all water? How can it be different?

Gao Min smiled and took the water glass handed to him by his son, brought it to his mouth and took a sip.

After entering the fountain of life, thousands of taste buds in the mouth are instantly activated by water molecules and become extremely active.

The unprecedented feeling of comfort is difficult to describe in words.

It's like... a long drought brings good rain?

Yes, it's like the dry land, suddenly moistened by enough rain, turned into fertile fields in an instant.

The spring water passes through the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, and finally into the stomach.

Gao Min felt as if he had taken a sip of fairy energy into his stomach.

Gudong! After tasting the sweetness of the fountain of life, Gao Min didn't bother to praise him. He raised his neck and drank the remaining water in the disposable paper cup.

The eldest aunt Li Xiangyun next to me was stunned for a while, why don't you just drink water?

Son, what kind of water is this! Why...why does it taste so good! Give me another glass, forget it, I'll do it myself!

After Gao Min drank the water, he opened the water dispenser and drank one cup after another. He drank three cups in a row and gave up after belching.

... Li Xiangyun watched his sister-in-law drink water frantically as if she had just been rescued from the desert, and a lot of questions floated in his mind.

After Gao Min drank enough water, he did not forget his sister-in-law. He took a disposable water cup from the cabinet of the water dispenser, took a glass of water and handed it to Li Xiangyun.

Sister-in-law, you should also try the water Ning Ning brought.

Let me try... After Li Xiangyun took the water glass, he followed Gao Min's previous behavior and took a small sip.

After drinking a sip of water, Li Xiangyun's reaction was even greater than Gao Min's.

Ning Ning! What kind of water is this! Why does it taste so good! It tastes so good! I have lived for almost fifty years and I have never drunk such delicious water!

Gao Min also asked with a curious look on his face: Yes, Ning Ning, tell me honestly, where did this water come from?

Luo Yanning joked: I said I stole it from the Yaochi in the sky, do you believe it?

Yes! We believe it! Where on earth can there be such delicious water. Gao Min and Li Xiangyun nodded seriously.

... Luo Yanning.

Okay, no kidding, this is the latest mountain spring developed in our scenic area.

After identification by international authoritative organizations, our spring water is rich in dozens of beneficial trace elements that the human body needs but cannot produce on its own.

If you drink it regularly, you can't help but improve your physical condition, and it can also have many effects such as beautifying the skin...

Luo Yanning talked a lot. If they didn't know his character very well, Gao Min and Li Xiangyun would have doubted whether he was talking nonsense.

Improve your physique, beautify your skin...this is really a magical water!

After listening to Luo Yanning's introduction, Li Xiangyun couldn't help but admire him.

Ning Ning, does your spring have a large amount of water?

Gao Min asked a question that she was more concerned about.

It's not bad. A big bucket like this can fill more than a thousand buckets a day.

Luo Yanning pointed to the big bucket on the water dispenser.

Son, you are going to get rich!

Gao Min patted Luo Yanning's shoulder with excitement. It can not only improve physical fitness, but also beautify the face. It also tastes very delicious.

Even a fool knows that such high-quality water will definitely be sold at a good price.

Lao Gao, please be gentle... Why do I feel like you are more excited than me?

Luo Yanning grinned and rubbed her shoulders.

Gao Min smiled and pinched Luo Yanning's face, hehe said: Nonsense! Can I not be excited about your mother? Mother is more valuable than son! When you become a rich man and enter the rich list, I will be a rich man. , can I be unhappy?

Being on the rich list... you really dare to think about it. Luo Yanning was speechless after hearing what her mother said.

In the legendary rich list, even the goalkeeper at the bottom has to start with a net worth of several billion.

Even with the bug-level plug-in [Super Scenic Area System], Luo Yanning's money-making speed is not as fast as those big guys on the list.

Since being bound to the system, his total assets have only exceeded 100 million, barely making him a billionaire.

If you want to be on the list, there is a long way to go. It will be difficult to achieve within three to five years.

Unless a few more super tool men like Xu Kejing, who can hit tens of millions at a time, go to the scenic area to check in and help him pay for it.

That's right, that's right, a bucket of such delicious water needs to be kept at needs to be...

Li Xiangyun pondered for several times, not knowing how much he should sell it for.

Gao Min also asked with a concerned look on his face: Yes, Ning Ning, how much does such a bucket of water cost? Have you discussed it?

Luo Yanning said: The tentative price is 4,000 per barrel.

The price of a 380ML small bottle of water is tentatively set at 88 yuan per bottle.

Bottle, converted, the price of a large bucket of water is 4,400 yuan.

4,000 yuan per barrel is the price after discounting 400 yuan.

A barrel...4000...

Although he was prepared in his heart, Li Xiangyun was still a little stunned after hearing Luo Yanning's quotation, with a look of disbelief on his face.

When she worked before, her monthly salary was only about 3,000 yuan, which was not enough to buy a bucket of water.

4000... Although it's a bit expensive, it's worth the money. So we have to work harder on sales.

Gao Min did not criticize Luo Yanning's decision and completely complied with his wishes.

If, as Luo Yanning said, it can not only improve the human body's physical condition, but also beautify the skin, selling such a large bucket of water for 4,000 yuan is really not expensive.

Where's grandma? Have you slept? After finishing the topic of water, Luo Yanning glanced at the place inside.

Gao Min said: Grandma has just gone to bed, so don't disturb her yet.

Luo Yanning nodded and said: Forget it, just go to sleep. I have nothing else to do here today. I just want to bring you a bucket of water. I will ask someone to send a few buckets to your house another day. I will use this for cooking and drinking water in the future. It is good for the body. benefit.

As expected of his mother, he is a good son. He knows how to be filial to your mother.

After hearing his son's words, Gao Min did not reject his son's kindness. He put his arms around his neck and hugged him, with his brightest smile on his face.

After the hug, Luo Yanning turned to look at Li Xiangyun and said, Auntie, you are the same, please change to this kind of water in the future.

Apart from his father and mother, his uncle's family are Luo Yanning's closest relatives in the world, so naturally he would not be stingy with such a small amount of money.

We, we have them too... Li Xiangyun was moved to tears after hearing Luo Yanning's words.

Calculated based on the water consumption of an average household, a family of four will use almost 10 barrels of 9L buckets of water in a month.

If a barrel costs 4,000 yuan, 10 barrels is 40,000 yuan.

40,000 a month, 12 months a year, 480,000, nearly 500,000!

Forget it, forget it Ningning, it's too expensive, it's too expensive. It's better to sell this water for us to drink. Your uncle and I are not that valuable.

After being moved, Li Xiangyun made a calculation in his mind and changed his mind in an instant.

Drinking water cost 500,000 yuan a year, almost half of her house in the urban area, and she couldn't bear to part with it.

Sister-in-law, please don't refuse. This is Ning Ning's way of honoring our elders...

Under Gao Min's persuasion, Li Xiangyun finally accepted Luo Yanning's kindness and was grateful to him.

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