My scenic spot is a hit

Chapter 311 What kind of hand speed is this!

Can I touch them?

Lin Xin looked at the two cute little squirrels, and the more she looked at them, the more she liked them. newᴄᴏᴍ


Luo Yanning nodded and agreed to Lin Xin's request.

One hundred thousand yuan was spent, and it was not even allowed to be touched. It was outrageous.

Thank you! Lin Xin thanked her happily, raised her hands and got ready to start.

Muzi, I think it's better to forget it!

As soon as Ruby Lin took a step, she was blocked by Zhou Baijian on the side:

If you get bitten by that little thing, it will be troublesome.

Let's quickly finish what we promised Mr. Luo and then get on our way.

Time is too tight today and we can't make any more mistakes.

Zhou Baijian looked earnest and sincere. He was really afraid that another accident would happen.

If Lin Xin delays this trip, his manager will have nothing to gain.

Brother Jian, you can't. Lin Xin pointed at the little squirrels and argued forcefully, Look at how cute they are, how can they bite people?

Brother Zhou, don't worry, they are very well-behaved and won't bite. Luo Yanning also helped to persuade, and reached out to the little squirrel's mouth to prove it to Zhou Baijian.

Under the influence of the skill One Call, Hundreds of Responses, the two little squirrels have regarded Luo Yanning as the boss and obeyed his words.

If Luo Yanning doesn't tell them to bite, they will definitely not bite.

Then... okay. Seeing that Luo Yanning had already demonstrated in person, Zhou Baijian no longer tried to dissuade him, but urged, Muzi, let's hurry up, time is running out.

Okay Brother Jian, don't be so nervous, I'll definitely make it there!

Lin Xin was more calm than Zhou Bai Jiandan. She walked past him to Luo Yanning and stood opposite Luo Yanning.

The distance between the two shortened to less than one meter, and Luo Yanning smelled the faint fragrance of orchids in her nose.

I'm going to touch you.

Ruby Lin said, then reached out to touch the smaller squirrel on Luo Yanning's left shoulder.

Squeak, squeak, squeak!

The little squirrel panicked when it saw Lin Xin's little hand touching it, and ran from Luo Yanning's left shoulder to her right shoulder.

Huh? You don't like me...

Lin Xin pursed her lips when she saw this, looking a little disappointed.

The little squirrel couldn't understand Lin Xin's words or her intentions. It was normal to be afraid of her.

Seeing this, Luo Yanning turned to the little guy on her shoulder and said, Be good, ask sister to touch it. It's the pocket money she gave you.

Squeak, squeak, squeak!

Squeak, squeak, squeak!

The two little squirrels understood Luo Yanning's words and nodded hurriedly.

Luo Yanning looked at Lin Xin and said, You can touch it now.

Really? Lin Xin looked surprised after hearing Luo Yanning's words, and tried to reach out again. new

This time, the two little squirrels stopped hiding, and Lin Xin's hand successfully touched them.

After Lin Xin touched the little squirrel as she wished, she looked at Luo Yanning with joy: They can understand you!

Luo Yanning smiled and said, Of course, do you want to learn?

I'd better forget it... Ruby Lin shrugged and gave up on her own initiative without Luo Yanning's persuasion.

She is usually extremely busy with work, so how can she find time to develop a relationship with the little squirrel?

After playing with the little squirrel and having fun, Luo Yanning took Lin Xin and Zhou Baijian to the small platform where the snowman had been built.

Mr. Luo! You are here! These two are...

Luo Heishan, who was taking measurements on the platform, saw Luo Yanning and others and hurried forward to say hello.

This is Mr. Zhou and Miss Lin. Luo Yanning briefly introduced Zhou Baijian and Lin Xin, and said to Luo Heishan, Director Luo, let's work harder and help me shovel some snow.

Okay, Mr. Luo! Luo Heishan saw that Luo Yanning seemed to be in a hurry. Without asking why, he turned around and shouted to his subordinates, Brothers, please move more quickly and help Mr. Luo shovel some snow. come over!

After hearing Luo Heishan's words, several employees in the mechanical maintenance department picked up the snow shovel and started shoveling the snow without saying a word. Soon they shoveled a pile next to the snowmen Luo Yanning had built before.

Is this the snowman you built? After getting closer, Lin Xin was stunned when she saw several snowmen built by Luo Yanning. She looked at him in surprise and disbelief.

Why does this snowman feel like a real statue? This, this...

Mr. Luo, you just said you wanted Muzi to be a model for you. Shouldn't you be the model for this snowman?

Well, how long will it take to pile this up! We don't have much time!

Mr. Luo, how about you think this is okay? If our schedule is relaxed another day, I can bring Muzi over to be a model for you. Do you think it's okay?

Time is really tight today!

You can rest assured that what we promised will definitely be fulfilled and we will definitely keep our promises!

Seeing several snowmen already piled on the platform, Zhou Baijian was amazed and guessed what Luo Yanning was going to do. He was going to build a snowman for Ruby Lin!

It only takes seven or eight minutes to build an ordinary snowman. It takes at least seven or eight hours to build a snowman that is very similar to a real person!

Time, time, time, what Zhou Baijian lacks most now is time, he is desperate!

Ruby Lin also looked at Luo Yanning with a troubled face. She naturally didn't want to break her promise to what she had promised before.

But if we really wait for Luo Yanning to build the snowman, it will definitely be too late!

This announcement is very urgent and important. It involves whether an advertising business worth tens of millions can be negotiated.

If something went wrong in this matter, the company's senior management would not be able to explain it.

Luo Yanning said: I only need...7 minutes.

Seven minutes?

When Lin Xin and Zhou Baijian heard what Luo Yanning said, they thought they had heard it wrong. new igh.𝑐𝑜𝑚

If it only takes 7 minutes, they can wait.

Yes, it only takes 7 minutes, Mr. Zhou, you can take out your phone and start the countdown.

As Luo Yanning spoke, she began to shape the snowdrift she had just shoveled.

Director Luo, help me take a picture with your phone.

Luo Yinning turned on the shooting mode on her phone and handed her phone to Luo Heishan.

Dayou, go to the cable car and help me coordinate the cable car.

Xiaohai, take a picture of this lady's clothes and send them to An Youqing, and ask her to go to the county town to buy me a similar style.

What's your name? Okay, Xiaobo, right? Take my car key and go down to find Shui Xiangdong and ask him to help me drive the car to where the cable car gets off.

While shaping the snowdrift, Luo Yanning issued instructions one after another, paving the way for what was to be done next.

Okay Mr. Luo!

After the group received the order, no one dared to slack off, and each went to do the things Luo Yanning told them.

Luo Yanning raised her eyes and looked at Lin Xin: Miss Lin, can you please stay away from me?

Ah? Lin Xin looked confused after hearing Luo Yanning's words.

Luo Yanning explained: You are too close to me, so I don't see everything fully...

Oh, this okay? Lin Xin took a few steps back.

Luo Yanning nodded: Okay, just stay there and don't move around.

Okay... Lin Xin agreed, then stared at Luo Yanning's hand for a moment, for fear of missing any details.

Old fellows, the last snowman is ready to pile.

As usual, we build the snowman's body first. This step is relatively simple.

Luo Yanning was carving the snowman while mumbling words. There were no pre-written lines this time, so it was all about his on-the-spot performance.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes...

In just three minutes, a pile of irregular snowdrifts turned into an enchanting body.



Zhou Baijian and Lin Xin had stunned expressions when they saw the snowman body made by Luo Yanning.

What did I miss...

Lin Xin blinked, feeling that she must have missed something.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to squeeze the body so quickly?

Next, let's start pinching your face. Miss Lin, can you take off the mask on your face?

After squeezing her body, Luo Yanning looked at Ruby Lin and asked her to take off her mask.

This request had been discussed before and was not abrupt.

Okay. Lin Xin also wanted to see what Luo Yanning could do to her, so she quickly took off her mask and revealed her true face.

Luo Yanning was slightly startled when she saw Lin Xin's face.

Worthy of being a top figure in the domestic entertainment industry, Ruby Lin's facial features are exquisite and beautiful, and her round oval face looks very sweet.

What's even more rare is that her skin is also that kind of cold white skin, with no trace of makeup visible, and it's as white and pure as egg whites that have just been peeled.


After strategically coughing twice, Luo Yanning looked away from Lin Xin's face and began to focus on withering the snowman's face.

Lin Xin's eyes stared unblinkingly at the snowman's face again, until she was tired of staring, and then she blinked.

When he opened his eyes again, the snowman's chin and mouth had been shaped.

Oh my god, what kind of hand speed is this...

Ruby Lin looked at Luo Yanning, her eyes beginning to show a little admiration.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes...

After three minutes and thirty-three seconds, Luo Yanning clapped his hands and called it a day!

Luo Yanning, you, you are so awesome!

After Lin Xin saw the finished snowman made by Luo Yanning, she couldn't help but praise it.

The finished snowman cannot be said to be exactly the same as Ruby Lin, but the similarity is such that whether you take a quick look or take a closer look, you can tell that it is Ruby Lin.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, Lin Xin would never have believed that someone could build a snowman that looked so similar to her.

It’s even more unbelievable that a snowman that looks so much like her was built in just seven minutes!

I'm convinced, awesome! You're so awesome! You can actually build a snowman like this! It's really like the ceiling!

Zhou Baijian looked at Lin Xin, then at Snowman, and then at Luo Yanning, admiring him.

Luo Yanning looked at the snowman, then at Lin Xin and made a simple comparison, then slightly modified the snowman's face before nodding with satisfaction.

The only flaw is that building a snowman for Ruby Lin was unplanned and I didn't buy the same style of clothes in advance.

Luo Yanning had no choice but to put her thin windbreaker on the snowman to cover its key parts first.

After Lin Xin saw Luo Yanning's actions, a warm current surged in her heart.

I didn't expect him to be such a careful person...ingenious. Is this the kind of person you're talking about?

It's done, it's time to hand in the homework...

After Luo Yanning dressed the snowman, she turned to look at Lin Xin and invited:

Ms. Lin, could you come closer and take a photo with the snowman?

I want it! Lin Xin stepped forward to stand with the snowman and Luo Yanning with a face full of joy, and asked with a smile, Am I the first star in the entertainment industry to have his own snowman?

Luo Yanning smiled and nodded: Yes, you are the first.

Thank you! Lin Xin thanked Luo Yanning and flirted with Zhou Baijian, Brother Jian, help me take some photos and record a video. Make sure the photos look good.

Okay, our Muzi looks good no matter what we take. Zhou Baijian said with a smile, reached into his pocket and took out his mobile phone, Kacha Kacha took a few photos of Ruby Lin and Luo Yanning.

I won't be a light bulb, I will shine first.

After taking the group photo, Luo Yanning wisely moved out of the way, making room for Ruby Lin and Xueren'er.

Zhou Baijian took a few more photos of Lin Xin and her snowman Kacha Kacha, and then he also stepped forward to take a few photos with the snowman.

Muzi, time is running out, we should go.

After taking the photo, Zhou Baijian urged again.

Although she was very reluctant to leave, Lin Xin also knew that she could not stay any longer.

Luo Yanning also raised her hand and glanced at her watch. Unknowingly, it was already 3:18 in the afternoon.

There was only one hour and ten minutes left before the 4:28 high-speed train that Ruby Lin and Zhou Baijian were going to catch.

Luo Yanning looked at Ruby Lin and Zhou Baijian and said, Without further delay, let's leave quickly. I'll take you to the high-speed rail station.

Sorry to trouble you, Luo Yanning.

We have Mr. Lauro!

Ruby Lin, Zhou Baijian and Luo Yanning were polite, and the three of them hurried towards the cable car ride point.

Luo Yanning had asked Luo Dayou to coordinate the cable car in advance.

After Luo Yinning, Lin Xin and Zhou Baijian passed by, they jumped in line and took the cable car down the mountain.

The tourists who were cut in line didn't have any objections, because Luo Yanning personally said that they could go to the cable car for free.

In ten minutes, the cable car went from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain.

Mr. Luo! You're down! Why are you so anxious?

Shui Xiangdong, who had been waiting at the cable car disembarkation point, saw Luo Yanning and stepped forward to ask with concern.

Time is tight, let's not talk about this for now. Don't post the video we took this morning. I will send you a video later.

Mr. Zhou, Miss Lin, that's my car. Get in first.

After Luo Yanning hurriedly greeted Shui Xiangdong, she took Zhou Baijian and Lin Xin into the car.

Boom boom boom, boom boom boom--!

The Cayenne roared out of the scenic area from the employee passage and then drove onto the landscape avenue.

It was a little after three o'clock in the afternoon, there were not many cars on the road, and the road was smooth.

In less than fifteen minutes, the Cayenne passed the toll station in Wanshan County and got on the highway to the city.

Boom boom boom, boom boom boom--!

Roaring all the way.

3:58 p.m.

Cayenne arrived at Shishi High-speed Railway Station twenty minutes early without speeding.

Thank you Luo Yanning. I owe everything to you today. Thank you very much.

After getting off the car, Ruby Lin thanked Luo Yanning again.

Luo Yanning smiled and said: You're welcome, aren't we friends?

Yes, we are friends. Lin Xin nodded with a smile.

Good-looking skins are all the same, but interesting souls are unique.

Lin Xin felt that her biggest gain from this trip was that she made a talented and interesting friend like Luo Yinning.

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