My scenic spot is a hit

Chapter 366 I didn’t expect you to be a heavenly master!

After Ruby Lin and Shui Miaomiao added friends, they went out with Luo Yanning. New 𝗰𝗼𝗺

Next, Luo Yanning took Ruby Lin to visit many scenic spots in the scenic area.

Including Yujingxuan, Wishing Pool, and some scenic spots like Black Dragon Waterfall originally had non-systematic small attractions.

Finally, the group took the cable car to the top of the mountain, and Luo Yanning took Ruby Lin back to the place where they first met.

There were many tourists on the glass plank road in the scenic spot. Even though Lin Xin covered herself as tightly as last time, some sharp-eyed tourists still recognized her identity.

Oh my God! Look, it's the big star Ruby Lin!

Looking at this outfit, it really looks like a star.

Yes, no ordinary person would cover themselves so tightly when going out!

Listening to everyone's discussion, Lin Xin felt the urge to die.

Also, by covering yourself up tightly, you are really covering your ears!

At this moment, Ruby Lin suddenly missed Luo Yanning's makeup skills.

If Luo Yanning were to put makeup on her, no one would be able to recognize her even if she didn't have to wear a hat, a mask, or cover herself up!

When I was at the airport yesterday, Lin Xin personally tested it and it worked!

Hello Xinxin! I am a loyal fan of yours. Can you sign your autograph for me?

There was a bold girl who mustered up the courage to come up to Ruby Lin and ask for her autograph.

Thank you for your attention and support. I think you are still dressed as a student. I wish you success in your studies.

Ruby Lin was not as aloof as some celebrities. She took the pen from the girl, signed her name in her notebook, and sent her blessings.

Thank you, thank you! I really didn't expect to meet you here! I, I, can I take a photo with you again!

The girl looked at Lin Xin's signature and the blessings she had written, and she spoke excitedly with a vibrato.

Lin Xin smiled and agreed: Okay.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

After saying thank you three times, the girl excitedly stood next to Lin Xin, took out her mobile phone from her pocket and started to find an angle to take a selfie.

After this female student took the lead, other visitors on the platform followed suit one after another, not knowing whether they were her true fans.

After all, for a big star like Ruby Lin, her autograph can be worth a lot of money.

After more people took photos and asked for autographs, Shui Xiangdong and An Youqing were arranged by Luo Yanning to maintain order at the scene.

Everyone, please stop crowding and come one by one! Everyone has a share, everyone has a share!

Fortunately, the quality of tourists on the platform was pretty good, and there was no crowding or booing.

Under the command of Shui Xiangdong, everyone lined up in a long queue.

Ruby Lin was still smiling at the beginning, but as time went on, the smile on her face became less and less, and she looked at Luo Yanning for help.

Luo Yanning got what Lin Xin meant, and waved to the person in charge of the glass plank road who stood upright like a javelin at the ticket gate: Luo Haisheng, come here. New

Mr. Luo, what are your orders? Luo Haisheng came to Luo Yanning with a smile and a respectful look on his face.

Although there were only four people on the glass plank road including Luo Haisheng, Luo Yanning still gave him a manager's position and manager's treatment.

Luo Haisheng now earns more than 8,000 yuan a month and often wakes up laughing while dreaming.

He also knew that everything he had was given to him by Luo Yanning, and Luo Yanning could take it back at any time.

Therefore, every time Luo Haisheng met Luo Yanning, he was respectful and respectful, even more so than when he met his biological father.

Luo Yanning said: Haisheng, go and tell the ticket seller that there are no tickets for sale on the glass plank road for the time being. Go now.

Okay! I'll go right now! Luo Haisheng didn't ask why. He just did what Luo Yanning said. He turned around and walked towards the ticket gate to convey Luo Yanning's instructions to the conductor.

At this time, there were only about twenty people on the glass plank road, all queuing up on the east side of Shui Xiang, waiting to take photos with Lin Xin.

It took seven or eight minutes for everyone to get Lin Xin's autograph, take photos with her, and leave one by one with satisfaction.

Before leaving, Zhou Baijian also asked everyone to keep Lin Xin's itinerary secret, and everyone readily agreed. Anyway, they had already gotten autographs and photos.

Huh~ I'm finally done.

After bidding farewell to all the fans with a smile, Ruby Lin's expression suddenly collapsed.

You're tired. Let's drink some water first.

Luo Yanning promptly handed over a bottle of Black Dragon Spring with the cap unscrewed to Lin Xin.

Lin Xin was not polite to him. She took the Black Dragon Mountain Spring and drank half the bottle in one go, tilting her neck back.

By the way, where are the two little squirrels who helped me pick up my mobile phone? Did you treat them well after I left?

After drinking the water, Lin Xin asked Luo Yanning while walking towards the edge of the glass plank road.

Luo Yanning kept up with Ruby Lin and joked with a smile: This time I have to put the phone in place so that it doesn't fall.

Lin Xin said: If it falls, help me pick it up!

While the two were talking, they had arrived at the southwest corner of the glass plank road.

Chirp, chirp—!

As soon as Lin Xin stood firm, she heard a cheerful cry. She lowered her head and looked down. Two gray figures were climbing up the glass plank road from the hillside at an extremely fast speed.

Swish, swish, swish, swish--!

The two little squirrels ran very fast and climbed from the bottom of the hillside to the railing of the glass plank road in the blink of an eye.

Luo Yanning made a hug gesture towards the two little squirrels, and the two little guys swished onto his shoulders, one on each side.

They seem to like you very much!

When Lin Xin saw the two little squirrels, they were like psychics, their eyes shining brightly. New ℴ𝓂

Luo Yanning teased the little squirrel with her fingers and said with a smile: Yeah, you might not believe it.

I have been very fond of small animals since I was a child, ranging from chickens and birds to cows, sheep, pigs and dogs.

Lin Xin covered her mouth and smiled: Then you should go to the zoo to be a keeper, which can be considered a professional counterpart.

Go to the zoo to be a keeper? The speaker said it unintentionally, but it sounded intentional. Luo Yanning couldn't help but light up when she heard Lin Xin's words.

It seems that using the skill [One Call, Hundreds of Responses] to shoot a video in the zoo is also a good choice!

This idea can be used as a reserve material! You can use it when you can't think of a good subject.

In the past few days, for the task of Rising Fans, Luo Yanning has been racking her brains every day to think about what to shoot for the next video.

Lin Xin's casual words provided him with a good source of material.

Can I touch them? Lin Xin looked at the cute appearance of the two little squirrels and couldn't help but want to touch them.

Luo Yanning smiled and said: Of course, feel free to touch it. Who makes you their biggest financial backer? The bonus I gave you for picking up your mobile phone last time was used to buy them pine nuts and other rations.

You didn't deduct their rations, did you? Lin Xin smiled and touched the little squirrel on Luo Yanning's left shoulder.

Luo Yanning smiled and reminded: This is just a boy, the other one is a girl.

Oh, oh... Lin Xin reached halfway and changed direction with a slight embarrassment, touching the slightly larger squirrel on Luo Yanning's right shoulder.

After receiving Luo Yanning's signal, the little squirrel quietly enjoyed Lin Xin's touch without any resistance or extreme behavior.

So soft, so slippery, so cute...

Lin Xinlu stroked the little squirrel's smooth fur with a smile on her face.

After staying on the glass boardwalk for about ten minutes and petting the squirrel for a while, Lin Xin's tour came to an end.

What a pity it didn't snow today.

When she got off the glass plank road and prepared to go down the mountain, Lin Xin looked at the bare hillside on the north slope of Black Dragon Mountain with a slightly disappointed expression.

It has just entered December, and the temperature in Northern Hebei Province is generally still around 10 degrees, which does not meet the conditions for snowfall.

[One Piece of Sky] The snowfall in the scenic area is also difficult to preserve. It basically melts when it falls and ends that night.

Only some shady corners can retain some traces of snow.

Hey! I came all the way today for nothing! I came all the way to see the snowy scenery, but I didn't expect everything to melt.

The weather is so good today, it doesn't look like there is snow...

Not necessarily, just wait and see! It was also a sunny day yesterday, and it didn't snow in the morning. Everyone thought it was all over, but unexpectedly it started to snow in the afternoon.

Indeed, the weather in this area is different from the surrounding areas. The sun is shining in other places, but it's snowing here.

Maybe the God here is not the same as elsewhere.

Several tourists wearing jackets and carrying SLRs were also talking about the snow scene before, which was a bit of a pity.

Luo Yanning listened to everyone's discussion and couldn't help but feel dumbfounded. In a sense, he was the God of this area.

Whether it's sunny, rainy or snowy in this area is all up to him.

Luo Yanning turned to look at Lin Xin and asked her with a smile: Ruby Lin, do you want to see it snow?

Of course I do, but...

Lin Xin raised her head and glanced at the cloudless, blue sky, and then looked at Luo Yanning. The meaning was already obvious.

How could it snow on such a sunny day with such a bright sun!

Luo Yanning also imitated Lin Xin and looked up at the sky:

I watched the sky last night and saw that there was snow in our scenic area this afternoon.

Pfft~ You can also observe the sky at night? I didn't expect you to be a heavenly master.

Ruby Lin was amused by Luo Yanning's serious and funny look.

Ahem... Shui Xiangdong and An Youqing, who were recording next to Luo Yanning and Ruby Lin, were also speechless after hearing their boss's words.

Then let's end today's video with a small snow praying ceremony.

Luo Yanning said with a smile, then took out her mobile phone from her pocket and called the old lady Yang Fengxian down the mountain directly, asking her to send someone to deliver a Taoist robe and a Taoist sword.

No? Do you really want to pray for snow?

Ruby Lin was stunned when she saw that Luo Yanning didn't look like he was joking.

Shui Xiangdong, An Youqing and Zhou Baijian were also confused.

They all thought Luo Yanning was just talking, but they didn't expect that he would actually come!

Luo Yanning smiled and said confidently: Of course it's true. This Heavenly Master never lies.

Then I'll wait and see! If someone else said that he could pray for snow, Lin Xin would not believe it 100%, and would definitely think that person was talking crazy.

However, it was Luo Yanning who said this, and Ruby Lin was actually looking forward to it, a little bit believing that he really did it.

There are so many incredible things about Luo Yanning, and many impossible things have become possible for him.

Today's young anchors, in order to gain attention and earn traffic, they really dare to say anything!

What's wrong with you at such a young age? Just pretend to be a fool and lie to girls!

Oh my God, in what age do people still believe in praying for rain and snow?

Isn't he planning to call the Meteorological Bureau for artificial snowfall?

Don't you understand this? Artificial snowfall requires suitable meteorological conditions. Such a sunny day is 100% impossible!

I'm leaving my words here. If he can get this snow off today, I'll eat my SLR alive!

Let's just wait and have fun and see how he covers up the lies he brags about.

Several photographers nearby heard the conversation between Luo Yanning and Ruby Lin, and shook their heads. Without exception, they all felt that he was lying to the little girl.

Although the voices of the few people speaking were not loud, they were completely transmitted to the ears of Luo Yanning, Lin Xin and others.

Ahem, Luo Yanning, why don't we forget it. We've almost had fun today, let's go down the mountain.

Ruby Lin began to waver after hearing what a few people said. She didn't want Luo Yanning to make a fool of herself in public and get slapped in the face.

Zhou Baijian also tried to persuade him: Yes, Mr. Luo, Muzi and I should go back to the city after having some food.

Don't worry, Lao Zhou, it won't delay your schedule. I'll drive you back to the city personally after dinner.

Luo Yanning smiled and said something to Zhou Baijian, then looked at Lin Xin and asked her, Don't you want to see it snow anymore?

I think so, but... Lin Xin's face looked a little tangled.

Pure white snow is endowed with many meanings, such as romance, pure love, etc.

Including Lin Xin, most girls like to watch the snow fall, and like to walk side by side with their loved ones in the white and soft snow and whisper to each other.

That's right, just wait and see. Luo Yanning said with a smile, Of course, this Heavenly Master can only try his best, but I can't guarantee 100% success.

Lin Xin looked at Luo Yanning with her big eyes flickering, and asked curiously: Then how sure are you?

Luo Yanning thought for a while and said: Ninety percent!

Pfft haha~ Ruby Lin was amused by Luo Yanning's words, Master Luo, you are quite confident in your magic power!

Luo Yanning smiled and said: Of course, no matter what you do, confidence is important.

Luo Yanning and Ruby Lin were chatting and laughing for about fifteen minutes.

An elder sister in Taoist robes, about forty years old, took the cable car to the top of the mountain to join Luo Yanning and others. She took a cable car with a navy blue Taoist robe and a Taoist sword.

Mr. Luo, I have sent you the Taoist robe and sword you requested.

The eldest sister is Gao Ruping, a daughter-in-law who married into Luojiazhuang. She is currently working for the old lady Yang Fengxian at the Empress Temple and is being trained by the old lady as her successor.

Thank you, Taoist priest. After thanking Gao Ruping, Luo Yanning took the cyan Taoist robe and put it on herself.

The Taoist robes in the scenic area are of a very unisex style and can be worn by both men and women.

After putting on the Taoist robe, Luo Yanning took the unedged Taoist sword from Gao Ruping.

Wearing a navy blue Taoist robe and holding a simple Taoist sword, Luo Yanning looked somewhat immortal.

When Luo Yanning changed her equipment, there were already many tourists watching the excitement around.


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