My scenic spot is a hit

Chapter 378 Quit the entertainment industry!

Tianyuan community, within 7. New š±.šœšØš¦

Lin Xin cried sometimes, laughed sometimes, and kept talking from 12 o'clock to 1 o'clock.

Big stars are also human beings, and they also have all kinds of emotions, happy, sad, sad.

Luo Yanning, the only listener, listened quietly and either handed a glass of water or a tissue.

Luo Yanning, thank you for listening to my nonsense. Since my mother passed away, I haven't been able to chat with someone as freely as I did today for a long time.

Lin Xin's throat felt a little dry when she spoke. She picked up a glass of water and drank some water. She continued talking for more than an hour. It would be strange if her throat was not dry.

Luo Yanning also took a sip of water and asked with a smile: Isn't it easier to say all the things you have been holding in your heart?

It feels much better. These things I told you today can only be known to you and me by heaven and earth. You must never tell a third person to know about it, or it will rot in your stomach.

Lin Xin made famous gestures pointing to the sky and the ground, looking much livelier than before.

Luo Yanning said with a smile: Don't worry about this. I am famous for being a strict mouthed person. Even if I am caught by the spies, I will not betray my comrades even if I am tied to a tree and tortured to extract confessions.

Pfft, so we are in the same party now? Lin Xin giggled at Luo Yanning's words, and her sad mood was diluted a lot.

Luo Yanning nodded solemnly: You trust me so much and tell me all your secrets. In a sense, we are indeed in the same party.

In exchange, shouldn't you also share some little secrets about yourself with me?

Lin Xin crossed her legs on the sofa and casually hugged the husky pillow on the sofa, with the expression of someone waiting for someone to eat.

It can be seen that after talking about it, Lin Xin is completely relaxed at the moment.

My little secret... Luo Yanning thought for a while. Until now, except for the secret of [Super Scenic Area System], he really didn't have any little secrets.

However, Luo Yanning will definitely not tell anyone about something like the [Super Scenic Area System] that should not exist in this world.

Moreover, even if he said it, no one might believe him, and most likely they would treat him as a lunatic.

Let's talk about you, what are you going to do about the Kunpeng Group this time?

Luo Yanning changed the topic and shifted the topic to Lin Xin.

From what Ruby Lin had just said, we learned that the company is likely to be angry with her this time because of the Kunpeng Group, and may even file a claim for compensation.

I've already thought about it. Lin Xin breathed a sigh of relief and said, as if she had made up her mind, I want to terminate my contract with the company and quit the entertainment industry.

You want to... withdraw from the circle? Luo Yanning opened her mouth in surprise after hearing Lin Xin's words.

Ruby Lin is a popular first-line actress in China, and she is only in her twenties. She is currently on the rise of her career and has a bright future. new

However, she actually said that she wanted to quit the entertainment industry!

Yeah, I'm not happy at all right now. Why do I continue to live like this?

Lin Xin tightened the Erha pillow in her arms and said firmly: As for liquidated damages, the savings I have saved over the years are definitely enough to pay the liquidated damages. After paying the liquidated damages, it will be enough for me to have enough food and clothing for the rest of my life. Worried.

Ahem, Ruby Lin, let me ask you, how much can we take advantage of? Luo Yanning was really curious about the net worth of a popular A-list actress like Ruby Lin.

Lin Xin blinked and wrote nonchalantly: Not much. I estimate that after paying the liquidated damages, there will still be four or five small goals left.

Four or five small goals? That's enough for you to have enough food and clothing... Luo Yanning felt like she had received 10,000 points of critical damage in her heart.

After hearing this, Luo Yanning actually started to support Ruby Lin's choice. He is obviously a billionaire, why should he live a life of being at the mercy of others?

Money is something you donā€™t bring with you when you are alive, and you donā€™t take it with you when you die, as long as you have enough to spend.

Obviously, Lin Xin definitely has enough money to spend.

Even if she doesn't make any investment and financial management, and just saves four or five small goals in the bank, the interest generated every year is enough for Lin Xin to spend and make whatever she wants.

By the way, after I terminate my contract with the company, how about I go to work in your company?

Lin Xin looked at Luo Yanning with joy and said, I think it would be quite good to be a tour guide in a scenic spot!

Working among the green mountains and green waters every day, I not only get close to nature, but also cultivate my sentiments and make money, killing three birds with one stone.

Luo Yanning smiled and waved her hands and said, Forget it, our scenic spot is too small to accommodate a giant Buddha like you, and I can't afford to hire you.

Lin Xin curled her lips and said, I don't want the payroll office anymore!

If you don't want a salary... you can consider it. Luo Yanning imagined Ruby Lin working as a tour guide in her own scenic spot, and suddenly felt that this attention seemed very good.

A popular actress in the entertainment industry quits the entertainment industry and works as a tour guide in her own scenic spot. If this news gets out, it will be unreasonable for it to become popular!

The ugly faces of capitalists... Lin Xin smacked her lips and shook her head, feeling contempt for Luo Yanning.

Luo Yanning didn't know whether to laugh or cry: With my current little wealth, I really don't dare call myself a capitalist in front of you.

So far, Luo Yanning's savings are only 5 small goals, and there is still a big gap with Lin Xin's assets.

Lin Xin confirmed with Luo Yinning again: Then it's agreed! After I have completed the contract termination procedures, I will go to the scenic spot to find you to join the company. I won't refuse to admit my debt then.

Do you really want to terminate the contract with the company and go to our scenic spot? Luo Yinning also confirmed with Ruby Lin again.

Terminating the contract with the company is not a matter of just one sentence. Both parties will definitely have to argue over the termination fee. new

After all, for a big star like Ruby Lin, the termination fee is usually in the hundreds of millions. If you strive for a little more, you can get millions or even tens of millions of profits.

Lin Xin nodded and said with determination: Of course, I have already had plans to quit the entertainment industry. What happened tonight made me determined.

Luo Yanning said: Since you have already considered it, I will no longer advise you. Everyone has the right to live the way they like.


Luo Yanning changed the subject and asked, Do you want me to help you find a lawyer to litigate the case? The best lawyer in Shishi City is a buddy of mine.

Really? I was just thinking about where to find a lawyer tomorrow. Ruby Lin did not refuse Luo Yanning's kindness and agreed.

Luo Yanning said: Then I will introduce you to him tomorrow. That buddy has a good relationship with me. He is my sworn brother. You can trust him 100% and don't have to hide anything from him.

Okay, thank you first. Lin Xin said, stretching her hands and stretching on the sofa.

Luo Yanning raised her hand and glanced at the watch on her wrist. It was already 1:23 in the evening, which was already very late.

Otherwise, tonight's tea party will end here. I have to go to work tomorrow.

Luo Yanning stood up and said goodbye to Ruby Lin.

It's been a long time since I saw Ao Ye. I'm sleepy too. So, good night.

Ruby Lin waved her hands to Luo Yanning, kicked on her high heels, stood up from the sofa, and walked towards the small bedroom next to the living room.

Good night. Luo Yanning waved to Ruby Lin, turned and walked towards the master bedroom.

Back in the bedroom, Luo Yanning went to bed and fell asleep. He was so sleepy that he rarely stayed up so late.

Next door, the big bed in the guest room.

But Lin Xin stared at her sore eyes and couldn't fall asleep no matter what she tried.

I started out as a child star when I was three or four years old, and now I am in my twenties, thirties, and forties.

Ruby Lin spent most of her life dealing with various figures in the entertainment industry.

Now, she is really tired, tired, and wants to give up.

In order to maintain a good screen image, I like to have my cake and eat it too, and I like to play the guitar but I donā€™t have time to play it.

For the benefit of the company, I have to socialize with all kinds of bosses. It's okay if I meet those who are polite.

If you meet people like Wu Ligang who don't know how to respect people at all, they are an actor every time, and they will force you to drink.

Looking back on the twenty years that I have been in the entertainment industry, it seems that there is nothing worth being happy about, and I am often in a gloomy mood.

There is nothing to brave and start your new life!

Lin Xin clenched her hands into fists, cheered herself up, and once again strengthened her thoughts.

When visiting Peach Blossom Island today, Lin Xin had not felt the kind of happiness that originated from the soul for a long time.

Early the next morning.

After Luo Yanning woke up, she rolled out of bed in confusion, kicked off the slippers beside the bed and pushed the door out of the room.

When she came to the bathroom door, Luo Yanning didn't think much and just opened the door and went in.

Ah!!! Gangster! Get out quickly, get out quickly!

A high-decibel soprano roared Luo Yanning awake.

Luo Yanning stared and saw Ruby Lin sitting on the toilet, staring at him with a pair of almond eyes about to burst out of fire!

Ahem... Luo Yanning coughed twice in embarrassment and hurriedly explained, If I say I didn't mean it, would you believe it...

Lin Xin said angrily: If you don't go out, believe it or not, I will go to court and sue you for being a hooligan.

No, no, I'll go out now, I'll go out now.

Luo Yanning said and hurriedly exited the bathroom. He really didn't mean it!

He was used to living alone, but he was really not used to the sudden appearance of another person.

At the same time, downstairs,

Wu Mingshi and Zhang Qian had toothbrushes in their mouths and almost stuck their heads out of the bathroom.

Hearing that there was no movement upstairs, Zhang Qian took out the toothbrush from her mouth and whispered to Wu Mingshi:

Fat man! This kid Luo Zi is so dishonest! He secretly hid his beauty in the golden house!

Yes! The woman's voice sounds familiar, but I can't remember where I've seen it before.

Wu Mingshi mumbled while brushing his teeth.

Does the voice sound familiar? It's really true when you say that. It sounds familiar to me too. I bet we've both met this woman and know her!

After being reminded by Wu Mingshi, Zhang Qian felt that the voice sounded familiar. She poked Wu Mingshi's belly with her elbow and asked him:

Let's go up and have a look later? Let's see who has taken down our Luozi!

Wu Mingshi hesitated: This... is not good, what if, I mean what if, what if Luo Zi is just lonely, so...

Then it's even better! Zhang Qian slapped her thigh and said sternly, As best friends, we can't just watch him deteriorate and become bad!

Okay, I'll listen to you. Wu Mingshi finally listened to Zhang Qian's opinion.

After the two washed up, they went back to the house and changed into clean and decent clothes before going out together.

People live upstairs and downstairs, so taking the stairs is faster than taking the elevator.

Wu Mingshi and Zhang Qian went directly to the 10th floor from the walking stairs and arrived at the door 1002.


Luo Zi, it's time to wake up! Come downstairs with me and Sister Qian to eat mutton soup!

While knocking on the door, Wu Mingshi tipped off the information outside the door to Luo Yanning so that he could be prepared.

Damn fat guy, he's very thoughtful! Zhang Qian has been with Wu Mingshi for four or five years, so she naturally knows his little thoughts, so she stretched out her hand and twisted the fat on his waist.

When Wu Mingshi knocked on the door, Luo Yanning and Ruby Lin were looking at each other, practicing their staring skills on the sofa.

My buddy downstairs, do you want to get to know each other? Luo Yanning first asked Lin Xin's opinion.

If she wants to get to know Wu Mingshi and the others, he will help introduce her. If she doesn't want to, forget it.

Lin Xin stood up and said, Go and open the door.

After Luo Yanning heard Lin Xin's words, she got up and went to the door to open the door.

What are you doing, Luo Zi! It took so long to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, Zhang Qian stretched out her hand to pull Luo Yanning and squeezed in eagerly.

Those who knew knew that she was here for a visit, but those who didn't knew thought that the original wife had brought her brother-in-law to catch her.

As soon as she entered the door, Zhang Qian saw a woman standing next to the sofa in the living room.

Specifically, she was a beautiful woman with a good figure wearing a white knitted sweater and blue jeans!

You are Lin Xin!

As a veteran drama fan, Zhang Qian recognized Ruby Lin at a glance.

After all, Ruby Lin is a first-line actress in the domestic entertainment industry, and her recognition is still very high.

Wu Mingshi, who followed Zhang Qian in the door, also recognized Lin Xin.

Wu Mingshi often accompanies Zhang Qian to watch dramas and is also a member of the drama-watching party.

Damn it, Luo Zi, you little kid! You, you took down Ruby Lin!

Wu Mingshi looked at Luo Yanning in shock, admiring his buddy's ability to pick up girls!

What have you taken down? How can you talk?

Luo Yanning walked in and closed the door. She couldn't help but explain: Ruby Lin and I are just friends, not what you think.

Wu Mingshi and Zhang Qian both had I believe you are a ghost expressions on their faces.

Regardless of whether they believed it or not, Luo Yanning helped them introduce her: Let me introduce to you, this is Lin Xin.

... Wu Mingshi and Zhang Qian looked at Luo Yanning speechlessly. Ruby Lin didn't need his introduction. 1

After introducing Ruby Lin, Luo Yanning began to introduce Wu Mingshi and his wife: Ruby Lin, this fat man's name is Wu Mingshi, and the girl next to him is named Zhang Qian.

Wu Mingshi, Zhang Qian, hello, I'm Lin Xin, nice to meet you.

Lin Xin greeted the two of them with a smile, without any airs of a big star.


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