My scenic spot is a hit

Chapter 383 Suspecting the car without evidence!

Hello? Where have you been? You don't really want to escape the bill, do you?

After Lin Xin finished talking to Gu Hongfei, she couldn't wait for Luo Yanning and couldn't see him, so she made this call to him. new

Luo Yanning smiled and said, Look at what you said, am I that kind of person?

Have you finished talking about things over there? I've just finished talking about things here, so I'll go over and find you.

Lin Xin said: After the discussion, Lawyer Gu also returned to the law firm with the information. I am still waiting for you in the original room.

Okay, I'll go back right now. Luo Yanning hung up the phone after saying that.

The girl's voice sounds like she is a beauty. Ronaldinho, you are quite lucky.

Zhang Menghua smiled and glanced at Li Xinyan next to him with a hint.

Sister Zhang, please stop making fun of me. I don't have any luck. I'm just an ordinary alien friend.

Luo Yinning casually put her cell phone into her pocket, stood up from her seat, and said goodbye to Zhang Menghua:

The painting is done and the business talk is over, so I won't disturb Sister Zhang in her office.

You talk so nicely, but you're actually not in a hurry to see your ordinary friend of the opposite sex?

Zhang Menghua smiled and waved his hand and said: Go, go, I won't joke with you anymore, don't make people wait in a hurry.

Goodbye, Sister Zhang. Luo Yanning waved goodbye to Zhang Menghua, stopped talking nonsense, turned and walked towards the door.

By the way, Ronaldinho. Zhang Menghua suddenly stopped Luo Yanning and said, As a reward for your contribution to our tea house gallery.

From now on, no matter how many people you bring to the teahouse for consumption, they will all be free of charge and enjoy the highest VIP treatment.

Luo Yanning stopped, turned around, looked at Zhang Menghua and said with a smile: Sister Zhang has such kind words, but I will be disrespectful.

You deserve this. Okay, if you have anything to do, go ahead and do your work. I'll explain something to Xiao Li.

After Zhang Menghua finished speaking, he waved his hand to indicate that Luo Yanning could leave.

After Luo Yanning accepted Zhang Menghua's kindness, she stopped talking nonsense to her and turned around and walked out.

After leaving the office, Luo Yinning went straight to the rich and wealthy private room.

After entering the door, he found that only Lin Xin was left in the room, drinking tea leisurely.

Where are Brother Gu and Lao Zhou? They didn't say a word when they left. I was thinking about how many of us would have a cup of tea today. If they leave, who will drink what they drink?

After Luo Yanning entered the door, she sat down opposite Lin Xin. While pouring herself a cup of tea, she said with a somewhat heartbroken tone.

Lin Xin rolled her eyes and said with a speechless expression: It's all mine! I'll pay for today's meal.

Luo Yanning followed up and said: This is what you said, how about we drink more? Anyway, you are so rich, you can't drink this little tea.

... Lin Xin took a deep breath and rolled her eyes again. She didn't want to pay attention to Luo Yanning anymore. New 𝟲𝟵Book Bar→𝟲𝟵𝘀𝗵𝘂𝘅.𝗰𝗼𝗺

Luo Yanning drank a cup of tea to moisten her throat, and then said seriously: Okay, I won't joke with you anymore.

Where are you going next? I'll send you there first. Then it’s time for me to go back to the scenic spot and go to work.

Ruby Lin looked at Luo Yanning and smiled: What a coincidence, I just have nothing to do today, so let's take your ride and go to your scenic spot for a day!

Go ahead... Luo Yanning was speechless after hearing Lin Xin's words.

Lin Xin said dissatisfied: What? You don't welcome me? Why do you push tourists away like this!

Luo Yanning said with a troubled face: Welcome is welcome, but I have something else to do today...

You have something to do, does it have anything to do with me going to your scenic spot?

Lin Xin looked at Luo Yanning with confusion and suddenly asked:

Luo Yanning, don't you think I want to ask you to be a tour guide again, so that's why you're so entangled, right?

Ahem, no, no, absolutely not...

Luo Yanning waved his hands and denied it, but that was what he thought in his heart.

The job of a tour guide is okay once, but if it comes to the second or third time, Luo Yanning won't like it so much.

... Lin Xin's intuition told her that she was right. Luo Yanning just didn't want to be her tour guide anymore.

After seeing the truth clearly, Lin Xin was speechless for a while. Doesn't her charm have no effect in front of this man?

Looking back on every detail of the relationship between the two, it seems that this is really the case.

From the first time the two met to now becoming good friends, Luo Yanning has always been polite and polite during their interactions, and has never exceeded anything.

Lin Xin thought a little speechlessly: Maybe it's because there are too many beauties around him, so he has a strong resistance to beauty?

Lin Xin, one of the four beauties in the Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area, has also been seen in the video posted by Luo Yanning on the BL website.

Although Shui Miaomiao, Du Enya, Shen Shirley and Yang Mimi are not as famous as Ruby Lin, the difference in appearance is negligible.

Several of them are the kind of beauties who turn heads a lot when walking on the street. They all have different styles. They all have their own preferences for carrots and vegetables. There is really no way to compare them.'s getting late. Shall we leave now? This time is just in time to go back to the scenic restaurant for lunch. I'll treat you.

Luo Yanning smiled awkwardly and quickly changed the topic to food.

Okay! The mutton soup this morning was not very appetizing. I just happened to be a little hungry.

Thinking of the dumplings in the delicious restaurant, Ruby Lin's mood suddenly improved, and she no longer struggled with the fact that Luo Yanning didn't want to be her tour guide.

Then let's go. Luo Yanning drank the water in the tea cup and stood up from his seat. new˙ɔoɯ

Lin Xin also stood up, and the two walked side by side towards the door.

The two of them went out and went downstairs. Lin Xin asked Luo Yanning: Where should I go to check out?

Luo Yanning pointed to the front desk and said: Over there, you go to check out first, and I'll wait for you in the car.

You really want me to pay the bill? You don't have any gentlemanly manners! Ruby Lin curled her lips, turned and walked towards the front desk.

After Luo Yanning watched Ruby Lin walk to the front desk, she quickly turned around and went out to drive.

The rich and powerful private room will settle the bill.

After Lin Xin walked to the front desk, she scanned the QR code on the front desk with her mobile phone and prepared to check out.

The girl at the front desk stood up and said respectfully: Hello, Miss, the private room of Dafu Dagui is our Mr. Luo's guest, so there is no need to pay.

Are you Mr. Luo's guest? You don't need to pay? Lin Xin looked confused after hearing what the front desk said.

The girl at the front desk said with a professional smile: Yes, Miss, our President Zhang just told us that from now on, all guests brought by President Luo will be free of charge.

Lin Xin looked puzzled and asked, Is the Mr. Luo you are talking about Luo Yanning?

Yes, Miss, it's Mr. Luo Yanning. The girl at the front desk looked respectful when she mentioned Luo Yanning's name.

Oh... Lin Xin suddenly realized that she had been tricked. She suddenly turned around and looked at the door. Luo Yanning was nowhere to be seen.

You stinky Luo Yanning! I'm so angry, look at how I'll kill you at noon today! I'll eat you up!

Lin Xin decided to eat two bowls of dumplings for lunch today to repay Luo Yanning for playing tricks on her.

Knowing that there was no need to pay, Lin Xin walked toward the door angrily.

As soon as she went out, she saw Luo Yanning sitting in Cullinan's car waving to her through the car window, with a bad smile on her face.

Lin Xin reached out and opened the door on the back seat, bent down and sat on the back seat, keeping a distance from Luo Yanning.

Ahem, it's a little joke, so I won't be angry.

Luo Yanning started the car, touched her nose and laughed twice.

Lin Xin hugged her shoulders and looked sideways out of the window without looking at Luo Yanning: Who says I'm angry? I'm not.

Luo Yanning said with a smile: Yes, yes, yes, who doesn't know that our Lin has a broad mind and a large number of adults.

Ruby Lin lowered her head and glanced at her chest. She felt like Luo Yanning was driving her car, but there was no evidence.

Ahem, how about I tell you a joke...

Seeing Lin Xin's gloomy look, Luo Yanning thought she had overjoyed, so she thought of telling a joke to save the situation.

Tell me about it. Lin Xin actually didn't blame Luo Yanning. She just pretended to be angry and was joking with Luo Yanning.

One day a crab went out and knocked down a loach. The loach was so angry that he yelled: Are you blind?

Luo Yanning stopped talking here, and the car suddenly became quiet, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Then what? No more? Lin Xin looked confused, as if you were kidding me.

Luo Yanning waited until Lin Xin asked him, then continued: Crab said: No, I am a crab.

... Lin Xin had a dark look on her face after hearing the joke told by Luo Yanning. This cold joke is not ordinary!

Isn't it funny? Then there's another one...

Luo Yanning continued: I became the richest man in our local area at the young age of 25.

I can be as successful as I am today. First of all, I want to thank my parents.

If they hadn't given me this mouth, I wouldn't be talking nonsense here.

Kukukuku~~~ Lin Xin tried hard not to laugh after hearing Luo Yanning's second joke, but in the end she couldn't hold back.

Luo Yanning smiled and said: Smiling? Then we will be even.

Lin Xin curled her lips and said, Whoever wants to equalize with you will only need a meal at noon today.

OK, deal, it's my honor to treat the famous Ruby Lin to dinner.

Luo Yanning stretched out her hand and made an OK gesture, and readily agreed.

Well... after this incident is over, Lin Xin will no longer be there.

Lin Xin paused and said, Just call me Li Ruijia from now on. I still prefer my original name and I prefer to be my original self.

Li Ruijia? That's a nice name too. Luo Yanning nodded in praise.

Lin Xin suddenly felt sad and said: Mom said that this name was given to me by my father, but I have never met my father.

When I was a child, I could only envy other children who could sit on their father's shoulders and smile so happily.

Uh... Luo Yanning didn't expect that while chatting, she would talk about Ruby Lin's sadness again, and she was speechless for a while.

Forget it, let's not talk about this anymore. It's all in the past. As a human being, you have to look forward. Living every day well is better than anything else.

Lin Xin also felt that something was wrong in the atmosphere and took the initiative to end the topic about family.

Luo Yanning also quickly changed the subject and asked: After you quit the entertainment industry, what do you plan to do in the future?

I don't have any specific plans yet. Let's have fun for a while first. After working for so many years, it's time to take a good rest.

Ruby Lin adjusted a comfortable position in the back seat and said, Take advantage of this opportunity to give yourself a long vacation. This vacation has no deadline for the time being.

When did I find something I loved to do and when did the holidays end.

Luo Yanning smiled and nodded: Very good.

Lin Xin tilted her head and asked, What about you? You have so many talents. What is your favorite?

My favorite thing... Luo Yanning thought for a while and said with a smile, My favorite thing is probably making money.

... Ruby Lin really didn't expect that Luo Yanning's answer was to make money.

He obviously has so many talents, including painting, cooking, magic, and Wing Chun. Any one of them is better than making money!

However, this also shows that Luo Yanning is very real and not hypocritical.

The two chatted for a while, and Cullinan soon left the city and got on the highway to Wanshan County.

At this time, there are very few cars on the highway and the road is smooth.

Ruby Lin asked Luo Yinning: Aren't you tired from running back and forth between the scenic spot and the city every day?

Luo Yanning nodded and said, I'm indeed a little tired. I'm going to build a small villa in Luo Yanning, and that's where I'll live from now on.

Lin Xin nodded and said, Building a villa in the village? That's really good. It's so close to the scenic spot. It's much more convenient for commuting to and from get off work.

Yeah, I think so too. Luo Yanning said jokingly: When my villa is built, you can stay at my place.

For the sake of our friends, I won’t charge you more for the overnight stay. I’ll just pay you the price of an ordinary B\u0026B in the village.

After Ruby Lin heard what Luo Yanning said, she was speechless and said: No wonder you said that you like making money the most, I think it is true.

You are obsessed with money, and you can talk about money in everything.

Luo Yanning said with a smile: If I want to let you live for free, are you going to suspect that my motives are not pure? Therefore, it is more secure to live for a fee, right?

Lin Xin thought for a while, nodded and said, What you said seems to make some sense.

By the way Lin Xin...

Call me Li Ruijia.

Oh, Li Ruijia, are you interested in investing in building a B\u0026B in our Luojiazhuang and becoming the owner?

Recently, I discussed it with a few friends and the village party secretary, and we plan to take the lead in setting up a B\u0026B in the village...

While driving, Luo Yanning told Lin Xin about the B\u0026B that he, Luo Haifeng, and Du Enya had set up.

Run a B\u0026B and be the owner? Lin Xin was moved after hearing Luo Yinning's words.

It's not that she wants to make money by running a B\u0026B. She doesn't lack the money now, and she doesn't like this small business.

She just thought it was a bit interesting and fun.

After going to the Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area twice, Lin Xin felt that she had fallen in love with it.

I like the Taohua Island in the scenic spot, the delicious restaurants in the scenic spot, the snow scenery in the scenic spot, and the beautiful mountains and clear waters in the scenic spot.

If you can build your own house in a village next to the scenic spot, you can go to the scenic spot every day to relax, eat and so on.

The kind of life of leisurely seeing Nanshan is also a kind of enjoyment.


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