My scenic spot is a hit

Chapter 388 What a straight man!

Jingle bells, jingle bells—!

Just as he watched his young apprentice go out, Luo Yanning's charging cell phone rang on the desk. new

He stood up and walked to his desk. He reached out and picked up his phone and saw the name Big Star on the caller ID.

Hey Lin... Li Ruijia, have you come down from the mountain?

After Luo Yanning connected the phone with a swipe of her finger, she almost subconsciously called her Lin Xin again.

Ruby Lin suddenly changed her name back to Li Ruijia. I don't know if she is used to it, but Luo Yanning is not used to it anyway.

Li Ruijia's voice sounded on the other end of the phone: Why do I feel so awkward hearing you call my name?

Luo Yanning smiled and said: Really? I feel quite awkward too. Who told you to change your name suddenly?

Lin Xin said: How about you call me Muzi like Brother Jian and others? It sounds more comfortable than calling me by my full name.

Muzi? Is this your nickname? Luo Yanning was a little curious about the origin of this name.

Li Ruijia said: Yes, Mu Zi Li, people who are a little familiar with me call me that.

Okay, I'll call you Muzi from now on. Luo Yanning nodded. He also felt that Muzi was more smooth-talking than Li Ruijia.

After chatting about the title, Li Ruijia went straight to the subject and asked about the house: Have you found the house I asked you to find?

Although it took a lot of effort and owed a lot of favors, I was lucky enough to live up to my mission and successfully completed the mission.

If Luo Yanning was talking nonsense seriously, if Li Ruijia saw it, she would definitely want to beat him up.

Li Ruijia smiled and said, Really? That's really hard work, Mr. Luo. How about I treat you to dinner tonight and thank you very much?

Luo Yanning smiled and said, Ahem, we can have dinner, but the time has to be changed. I have something else to do tonight and I have already made an appointment with someone.

You're quite busy, okay, I'll take care of this meal first. Li Ruijia changed the topic and asked, Where is the house you found for me? How can I get there later?

Luo Yanning asked her: Where are you now? I'll ask Director Liang of our scenic spot to take you there later. She knows where the family lives.

Li Ruijia said: I am on the cable car going down the mountain. I will be at the bottom of the mountain in three minutes.

Luo Yanning: Okay, I'll ask Director Liang to pick you up and let her take you there.

Okay, that's it for now, hang up. Li Ruijia said and hung up the phone.

In the cable car mid-air in the Heilong Mountain Scenic Area.

After Li Ruijia hung up Luo Yanning's call, she looked out the window, overlooking the entire scenic spot.

What a straight man of steel...

Looking at the already slightly bleak scenery outside, Li Ruijia suddenly smiled.

Originally, she thought that Luo Yanning would not help her find a house, and then the two of them went back to the city together in the evening, and then she naturally moved into his house. New 𝗰𝗼𝗺

The longer two people are in contact, the longer they stay together, the more stories may happen.

What Li Ruijia didn't expect was that Luo Yanning actually went to help her find a house, and found it...

In this way, she could only live in the house that Luo Yanning helped her find. There was no reason to follow Luo Yanning back to the city, let alone live in his house again.

Although he is a bit of a straight man, he is also an upright gentleman. He is 10,000 times better than those playboys who say how much they like you but secretly go around flirting with girls.

Recalling every moment of getting along with Luo Yanning, Li Ruijia gave her most sincere evaluation.

Three minutes later, the cable car stopped at the ride point at the foot of the scenic mountain. Li Ruijia waited for the cable car to stop before pushing the door open and getting off the cable car.

Is this you, Miss Li? Mr. Luo asked me to pick you up!

As soon as Li Ruijia went out, she saw a middle-aged woman wearing a black women's suit and curly hair approaching her with a smile.

Are you Director Liang? Li Ruijia remembered that Luo Yanning said on the phone that he would send a director named Liang to pick her up. If everything goes well, this should be the one.

Liang Dingxiang smiled and said: Miss Li, you can just call me Lao Liang. What kind of director is not the director? Have you had a hard day playing in the mountains? I will take you back to the B\u0026B to rest.

Director Liang, how did you recognize me at a glance? Li Ruijia asked curiously as she followed Liang Dingxiang outside the scenic area.

Before she set off to the mountain, Luo Yanning helped her put on makeup, so that she couldn't even recognize herself, let alone Director Liang, whom she had never met before.

Liang Dingxiang smiled as she walked: Our President Luo said that after we go there, you will see that the most beautiful one is Miss Li. That's right.

Ahem, right... Li Ruijia never expected that the basis for Liang Dingxiang's recognition of her would be so simple and direct.

By the way, is this a disguised way of praising oneself for being beautiful?

It seems that the steely straight man is not so steely sometimes!

How long have Miss Li known our Mr. Luo?

Liang Dingxiang has a very familiar personality, and she started chatting with Li Ruijia within a minute of meeting her.

Li Ruijia said truthfully: We just met him less than a week ago.

Really? I don't think so. Before I came, Mr. Luo gave us many instructions to entertain you well and not to neglect him at all.

Liang Dingxiang said as she walked: I thought you and Mr. Luo were old friends who have known each other for many years. I didn't expect that you two are still new friends.

Really? Did he really say that... Li Ruijia was slightly surprised when she heard Liang Dingxiang's words. She really didn't expect Luo Yanning to value her so much.

Liang Dingxiang said with determination: Of course, our Mr. Luo also said that if he hadn't made an appointment with a very important guest tonight to talk about something very important, he would have come to receive you in person at any cost. New

Mr. Luo is really worried about me, and he is worried that I will neglect you. Miss Li, just tell me if you have any instructions, just don't be polite to us.

Oh. After hearing Liang Dingxiang relay Luo Yanning's words, Li Ruijia inexplicably felt much better.

The two chatted and soon left the scenic spot.

Mom! This way!

As soon as the two went out, Luo Xiaohui waved to Liang Dingxiang and Li Ruijia next to a brand-new Bora car.

Liang Dingxiang turned to look at Li Ruijia, and explained with a smile: Miss Li, that is my daughter, she drove us there.

Excuse me, Director Liang. Li Ruijia nodded politely and expressed his thanks.

Liang Dingxiang smiled and waved her hand: Miss Li, you don't have to be so polite. You are Mr. Luo's distinguished guest, that is, our distinguished guest. Let's get in the car quickly.

Okay. Li Ruijia nodded and followed Liang Dingxiang to the car.

Ms. Li, this is my daughter Luo Xiaohui, who works as the manager of the financial department of the scenic spot. Huihui, this is Miss Li. She is a distinguished guest of our Mr. Luo.

Walking to the car, Liang Dingxiang first introduced her daughter and Li Ruijia to each other.

Hello, Miss Li, my name is Luo Xiaohui. Nice to meet you. You are welcome to visit our scenic spot often.

After Luo Xiaohui listened to her mother's introduction, she generously extended her hand to shake hands with Li Ruijia.

Hello Xiaohui, my name is Li Ruijia, please excuse me.

Li Ruijia also stretched out her hand to shake Luo Xiaohui's hand.

Li Ruijia? Luo Xiaohui was a little surprised at Li Ruijia's name after hearing her name. She stared at Li Ruijia carefully for a few seconds, making her feel uncomfortable before looking away.

The name Li Ruijia is not as popular as the name Luo Xiaohui. It is considered a very niche one. Generally speaking, it is rare to meet people with the same name.

Ruby Lin's real name is Li Ruijia. Moreover, Miss Li is very similar to Ruby Lin in terms of body shape and height, and her voice and tone of voice are also very similar, but...

However, there is still a big gap in appearance between the two people. They should not be the same person, with the same name and surname? Or maybe they are Ruby Lin's stuntmen?

In the blink of an eye, countless thoughts flashed crazily in Luo Xiaohui's mind. She was a loyal fan of Lin Xin and was familiar with some basic information about Lin Xin.

The Miss Li in front of her gave her a very familiar feeling, but due to the huge difference in appearance, Luo Xiaohui ultimately failed to recognize Li Ruijia on the spot.

Let's talk in the car if you have anything to say. Miss Li, get in the car first. Liang Dingxiang greeted the two of them, walked to the rear door on the left side of the car, opened the door, and invited Li Ruijia to get in the car.

Li Ruijia and Liang Dingxiang made a gesture of invitation and said with a smile: Director Liang, please get in the car first, I can do it myself.

Today has caused a lot of trouble for you and Xiaohui. Please stop being so polite to me. It makes me feel a little embarrassed.

Miss Li, there is no need to be polite to us. You are Mr. Luo's distinguished guest, and you are our distinguished guest. We should treat you well. You go ahead and invite us.

After Li Ruijia and Liang Dingxiang were polite for a while, they got into the car from the doors on both sides.

Luo Xiaohui, the temporary driver, started the car and drove the two of them towards Luojiazhuang, and asked casually: Does Miss Li usually listen to music?

Well, I listen to it every day before going to bed. It has almost become a habit.

Li Ruijia said with a smile: If I don't listen to music before going to bed every day, I always feel like something is missing and my sleep will not be good.

Haha, right? I'm different from you. I like to listen to music while driving. If I don't listen to music, I feel like I'm not in the best state of mind while driving.

Luo Xiaohui smiled and said, If you don't mind, can I turn down the volume and play some children's songs?

Li Ruijia said: Of course, if you like the music, just play it. I don't mind.

Yeah, okay. After receiving Li Ruijia's promise, Luo Xiaohui pressed her finger on the large central control screen, and a cheerful-sounding prelude to a song soon sounded in the car.

As soon as the music started playing, Li Ruijia recognized that song and asked with some surprise, Does Xiaohui also like the song Little Half?

Luo Xiaohui smiled and nodded: Yeah, this is one of my favorite songs, the kind that I can listen to on repeat all day long without getting tired of it.

Really? I really like this song too. The melody and lyrics are both great.

Li Ruijia really likes this song and has even performed a cross-border cover of it.

Luo Xiaohui continued: I like Ruby Lin's cover the most. Her voice is so clear and unique. I can listen to it forever.

Uh... Li Ruijia suddenly looked a little embarrassed when she heard that Luo Xiaohui's favorite was the version she sang.

Li Ruijia once appeared as a special guest on an episode of the famous domestic music program Guess the Cute Face Singer.

When she was on the show, the program team selected the song Little Half for her based on her timbre and quality.

Li Ruijia still knows what level she is at.

If she were asked to rate herself, she could only give herself 50 points out of 100, which was not even the passing mark.

The reason why she dared to go on stage at that time was because the program team told her that there would be millions of sound mixers on site to make adjustments on the spot, and they would ensure that she would not make a fool of herself.

Tuning is an important step in mixing.

At present, all music works and music scenes need to be mixed.

The sound engineer will combine dozens or even hundreds of tracks of recording material, such as a piano accompaniment track, a wind accompaniment track, a vocal track, etc., into a pair of stereo or multi-channel sounds.

Finally, a perfect musical work is presented to the audience.

In this process, the mixer makes standardized corrections to the rhythm, pitch, expression, etc. of a single musical material.

Making up for the deficiencies in the musical instrument or vocal singing process through artificial correction is called pitch correction.

The principle of pitch modification is a bit like the PS processing in pictures. The operation process sounds quite professional, but in fact, most of it can be completed only by relying on software technology.

The music software will first automatically identify the pitch of the human voice, and the tuner will rely on the absolute pitch of the music library, or rely on the original score to listen and proofread.

Once a certain note is not sung correctly, just gently pull up or down on the track to instantly return to the correct pitch.

Of course, only Li Ruijia and the program staff as well as the contestants and guests at the scene know about these behind-the-scenes work. The audience and fans do not know this.

After the prelude, a clear and sweet female voice sounded from the car's stereo.

Don't dare to look back~

Looking around unnaturally, I secretly like it~

I always feel uneasy when I start a conversation secretly~

Trying to say good night seems empty and sad~

Bow your head and whisper...

Works that have been tuned by millions of tuners will never be any worse.

Poetry recitation rap and light yellow long skirt, fluffy hair can be done at the same level.

What's more, Li Ruijia's singing is just not good, but it's not that bad.

Am I right? Doesn't it sound good?

Accompanied by brisk and soothing music, Luo Xiaohui asked Li Ruijia somewhat proudly while driving.

Well, it's really good... Li Ruijia nodded with a slightly embarrassed expression.

Although doing this is suspected of being a self-promotion and boasting, she can't dismantle herself in front of her fans!

Liang Dingxiang smiled and said: Miss Li, you don't know, our Xiaohui's favorite star is Ruby Lin.

Good guy, the three walls of the room are covered with her posters.

I watch the TV series starring Ruby Lin all day long, and I have watched it several times.

Don't tell me, Lin Xin is really beautiful, whoever sees her will like her.

And you know what? That Ruby Lin has been to our scenic spot before.

And we are also good friends with Mr. Luo.

After hearing what her mother said, Luo Xiaohui patted the steering wheel and said with some annoyance:

I'm really unlucky. I missed Ruby Lin's visit to our scenic spot twice due to various work reasons!

... Li Ruijia was speechless when she heard that the conversation between the two women was all about her.

This situation of listening to others talking about oneself in front of one's face is extremely embarrassing.

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