My scenic spot is a hit

Chapter 567 Disguise!

Everyone was a little confused after hearing Li Ruijia's words.

Yanning, you... can also put on makeup?

Du Shasha looked in disbelief. How could one person know so many things? Is this still a person?

Luo Yanning smiled and said calmly: I know a little bit.

With Li Ruijia present, he knew that he couldn't hide the fact that he knew how to put on makeup, so he admitted it openly.

In fact, for him, putting makeup on Li Ruijia and the others was nothing, and it only lasted three to five minutes for one person.

After Li Ruijia heard what Luo Yanning said, she smiled and said: Just be humble!

They don't know how powerful you are. After seeing your makeup skills later, I'll tell them to take it seriously.

Okay, it's getting late and I'm hungry. Let's start quickly. Who comes first?

Luo Yanning was a little hungry now and wanted to eat early.

Seeing that Xia Boning was resolute, everyone tried to persuade me again, and soon the topic turned to clothing and food.

Xu Kejing and Ning Xiaoxiao looked at Luo Yanning as if they had found a treasure. We had never seen a talent as versatile as Luo Yanning.

As Luo Yanning spoke, she adjusted the shooting angle of her mobile phone to ensure that her entire face was captured while also giving some shots to Xu Kejing sitting under the front seat.

Before he was surprised, Xia Bodai came next, then Li Ruijia, and first, Luo Yanning also put on makeup for herself.

Now? Then outside?

Xu Kejing's words came from the bottom of her heart, and she was really polite to Xia Boning.

One minute, two minutes, eight minutes...

Once and twice, Luo Yanning sang the song Intimate Lover again, which sounded worse than the first time. After singing the song, everyone in the car applauded.

Luo Yanning said: Yes, now, if Shaohan thinks it is suitable, he cannot choose the time, place, etc.

Public figures and fashion-conscious men like Xu Kejing, Ning Xiaoxiao and Du Shasha don't wear makeup in their daily lives.

Xia Boning gathered his emotions and ended his singing, and he still used the same tone as the original singer.

As for coming out, I think I have thought about it, but I have never thought about it in any way.

Yan Ning is really a man of few talents! Being able to master so few talents is in itself a proof of his strength.

Xia Baodai joked at the side and said, You're right, Shasha? He's an outsider, so even if he goes out, there will be people blocking him, right?

The more I told him not to take it personally, the more he felt he owed me.

Yanning is so awesome! Isn't that the legendary Angela Zhang?

Cough cough cough... Luo Yanning coughed twice and explained without restraint:

When the idea was broken, he stopped writing. Swish, swish, Luo Yanning's movements were slow and heavy, as if he had not repeated the same movements thousands of times.

Shaohan, don't listen to Sister Du's nonsense. The big video you are talking about is a serious video. You are going to post it on the BL website as a clarifying video.


It went so smoothly today, thanks to Xiao Wang's amazing makeup skills. It's amazing.

Whenever Xia Boning raised his mobile phone to take pictures of the front seat, Xu Kejing was very cooperative and gave me a smile. He was very cooperative.

That idea was wrong! I can listen to Yanning sing again!

Hello friends from the BL site, I'm a bad guy. The video in that episode was not just a response to the news online that questioned your lip-syncing in the past two days.

Is this the kind of person you are?

You doubt, and rumors stop with the wise.

You... Du Shasha felt like her heart had been stabbed by one of her own, it hurt so bad! Those naughty girls!

You are not as good at makeup as you are, and you are even very good at it, but compared with Luo Yinning's skills, they are completely worth mentioning.

As a clarification video? Everyone was confused again before hearing Luo Yanning's words.

Among the people in the car, Li Ruijia usually wears makeup and only uses some complicated skin care products.

After eight minutes and seventy-seven seconds, Luo Yanning stopped his movements and put on Ning Xiaoxiao's makeup.

Together, together.

Makeup is also a technical job. Either you don't do it, or you do it badly and let others pick out any flaws.

One minute, two minutes, eight minutes...

Luo Yanning said directly: Let's record the song Intimate Lover again. That time we recorded the video of the whole process of confronting each other at close range.

Forget it about debuting. This is your ambition. It's just for fun.

Xia Bodai put her hand on Luo Yanning's shoulder and said seriously: Yanning, he is a very capable person.

Before Luo Yanning told Du Shasha, she finished imagining in her mind what she would look like for you.

After a person's face shape changes, his whole temperament instantly changes. Even the people who watched Luo Yanning put makeup on Ning Xiaoxiao were stunned.

Xu Kejing said: Is there anything? Is there anything that is suitable? Let's do it now. I will be free some other time when I get busy. I just didn't have time now.

The experience of recognizing oneself as one's own is so strange. ‘

The group of people went out together and walked slowly towards the exit of the concert hall.

Xia Bo's disguise technique said: It's just a small matter, quite complicated. Can I record a big video with you?

Du Shasha looked at Luo Yanning, who was sitting under the passenger seat and directing Li Ruijia to drive. Her beautiful eyes were full of curiosity. She wondered how I could do this and how long it took me to learn.

Let's go, I'm feeling hungry.

When they approached the door, everyone stopped talking and walked quietly.

Wang Yichen called me on the way here and I made all the arrangements. You have made a decision about that friend of his. There has been nothing of use in the past, so just ask.

Xia Baodai was as depressed as a child. Although the people in the car had been together for a long time, they had not yet formed a deep friendship.

You just want to experience Yan Ning's superb makeup, okay?

At this moment, even the closest bad friends and bad besties like Xu Kejing and Du Shasha recognized Ning Xiaoxiao.

Yanning's makeup skills are so amazing, she's definitely the best among the best. She's many times better than your makeup artist.

These makeup experts online who can't turn ugly men into beautiful men pale in comparison to Luo Yanning's skills.

It took eight minutes and seventy-seven seconds for Luo Yanning to help Du Shasha put on her makeup.

When Xu Kejing saw Luo Yanning's men's more skillful movements, she was also filled with admiration.

It turns out that Angela Zhang off TV is real. Today is an eye-opener.

After everyone discussed it, they decided to take the Maybach GLS driven by Luo Yanning and Li Ruijia together.

Oh? Can you help him with anything? Xu Kejing looked at me with a curious look on her face, waiting for my answer.

Luo Yanning said with a smile: When you sang the previous song, the young man also saw the reaction of the fans at the scene.

Wow! It's so exciting! You walked over like this in front of us!

Luo Yanning smiled and waved. The reason why I went on stage and sang was just to complete the system tasks and get the number of lottery draws.

Ning Xiaoxiao, the deep experiencer, did not have absolute confidence in Luo Yanning's craftsmanship, so he took the lead in picking up his bag and preparing to leave.

Really? Xia Boning's eyes lit up before hearing Xu Kejing's words, I intend to be polite to you.

Yin Ning, with his level, it's a pity that he just debuted! Xu Kejing applauded and praised her heartily.

Du Shasha joked on the side: What if you record it for them? Is it with clothes on?

Sitting in the Maybach GLS, Xu Kejing's face was full of excitement. Today's Escape experience will definitely become an unforgettable experience in your life.

Du Shasha opened her eyes and saw this pretty face that was both angry and happy outside the mirror. Her face was filled with disbelief. You even recognized yourself.

The wind is still blowing tonight, and I think of his bad gentleness...

Just now we were all friends who were acquainted with each other, but in a short while, they were all your friends.

I'm convinced, I mean convinced! It turns out that no one knows Angela Zhang in real life!

After Luo Yanning finished singing one sentence, Du Shasha and Li Ruijia almost couldn't help but finish praising me, but they couldn't hold back.

It wasn't until she walked out of the small doorway that was tightly blocked by reporters and paparazzi that Xu Kejing put her heart back into her stomach.

After getting familiar with the lyrics and sound again, Luo Yanning turned on the camera on her phone to end the recording.

Pfft~ Before Luo Yanning heard Du Shasha's words, the sip of water she had just taken out of her mouth sprayed down the rear windshield. What the hell!

What is a big video of getting dressed!

Without the video of that time, these rumors online will be self-defeating.

No, let's cut the nonsense and get back to the point. You were outside the car on the way to dinner, and you sent a song Relatives and Lovers to Xiaojia. I hope everyone will hate it.

Although Luo Yanning helped you change your appearance, your voice has changed. You should still be cautious when going to places with few people.

It seemed like a long time passed, but in fact it was not more than ten seconds. Luo Yanning was imagining what Du Shasha would look like in her mind.

Record a big video? Xia Bodai looked at Luo Yanning with a puzzled expression.

Is that, is that... you?

Dusasha, it's time to talk. Now close your eyes and wait until you ask him to open them again.

Xia Bo's disguise technique said: Let's talk about that later. Who's coming next?

Xu Kejing was also shocked by Luo Yanning's exposed hand.

Xia Baodai smiled and said, It's bad. He's bad when he's depressed. It's your turn to teach him about those things. What kind of recording are you going to make?

I'll go first!

In a room full of people, he looked at you and you looked at him, and everyone in the room smiled.

Luo Yanning has something to say. For me, the difference is small.

Luo Yanning said with a smile: If you have something to do, it's just a matter of effort. You guys just keep it out of your mind.

I can make clay figurines, sculpt sculptures, draw, sing, perform Wing Chun, and do magic... It's as if there is nothing in this world that I can't do.

Who did Yan Ning learn his makeup skills from? That's so awesome!

Hahaha, you saw this low-star guy in the crowd who claimed to be the number one paparazzi on Weibo, but his response was in vain. You can see how I will publish the news tomorrow.

Okay, Da Jing, I'll help you find an accompaniment for your close lover. Forget it, he can concentrate on driving, so you should do it yourself!

Let's go. Don't worry about going out timidly this time, unless these paparazzi don't have sharp eyes. If so, we will do it if they think you are coming out.

Du Shasha was stunned for a moment: Go there... where is the makeup? It's just a disguise! I can only watch Jiajia become a familiar person.

Li Ruijia just watched quietly and spoke, but her eyes did not conceal her admiration for Luo Yanning.

Yes! Of course it's true. At this moment, Xia Baodai had no choice but to agree again.

Li Ruijia has had several experiences, and this time she volunteered to be the first one, and sat down on the small chair in front of Luo Yanning with excitement on her face.

When Xu Kejing saw Xia Boning's expression, she suddenly felt no regrets that she had said too much, but she took it back before she even said it.

Although he escaped from the stadium, the RV parked in the parking lot by Xu Kejing would have been usable.

Du Shasha made up her mind to get up, and she wanted to experience it no matter what.

Offline, you won't have many people saying you are lip-syncing or saying what you are, so you delayed preparing a clarification video to attack us in the future.

While driving, Li Ruijia nodded and agreed: Yes, brother, if he makes his debut, you can become a superstar in the future.

Come on! Du Shasha said excitedly, and sat down under the chair behind Luo Yanning.

Luo Yanning didn't talk nonsense to Li Ruijia, and immediately picked up a set of ready-made cosmetics on the table and started applying makeup to Li Ruijia.

Luo Yanning smiled and said: Choosing a day is like hitting the sun, so Shaohan, can I do you a favor?

Thank him, Yan Ning. I helped you out of the concert tonight and helped you out of trouble. You know how to thank him.

No one is blocking the door, and no one is watching over your RV in the parking lot.

At about 17:30 in the evening, the Maybach GLS was parked in a paid parking lot closest to Yang's Hotpot.

Du Shasha smiled and said: Believe it! Of course you believe it! There are probably a few teachers who can afford him a student as good as him.

Before everyone saw Luo Yanning's amazing makeup techniques, no one was convinced, and they were all convinced.

Before Xia Boning said something to Li Ruijia, he turned on the car's Bluetooth to connect to his mobile phone, and then found the accompaniment of the song on his mobile phone.

Luo Yan Xia Bodai said: I'm sure you said you are self-taught. Do they believe it...

First, she applied a layer of foundation on her face that was much thicker than ordinary makeup. The purpose of this was to change Li Ruijia's face shape from a round oval face to a wide face.

Luo Yanning and her group pushed open the door and got in the car, walking towards Yang's hot pot without talking or laughing.

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