My scenic spot is a hit

Chapter 831 I will fund it myself!

After Zhong Xin and Zhao Jing visited the [Time and Space Tunnel], they were not only shocked but also excited!

The scene in the [Time and Space Tunnel] is like recreating the composition in Zhong Xin’s mind!

Just take the camera and shoot it, even the special effects are omitted!

The magnificent cosmic landscape in the [Time and Space Tunnel] is the best special effect. ⁶⁹ˢʰᵘˣ.ᶜᵒᵐ

It is no exaggeration to say that even the top special effects bosses in Hollywood would be ashamed!

Honey! I have a hunch that my show is going to explode! It's going to explode all over the world!

Zhong Xin hugged Zhao Jing excitedly and muttered something.

Before coming to Heilongshan Scenic Area, Zhong Xin just wanted to make a dinosaur-themed movie with more oriental colors to pay tribute to Jurassic Park.

After coming to Heilongshan Scenic Area, we saw the dinosaurs in [Jurassic Park], the [Time and Space Tunnel], [Peach Blossom Island], [Wishing Pond], [Bixia Yuanjun Empress Temple] and many other wonders.

Zhong Xin has a vague feeling in his heart that his new movie may even surpass the Jurassic Park he wants to pay tribute to and become a new milestone in dinosaur-themed movies!

[Jurassic Park] has a global box office of more than 2 billion U.S. dollars, which is about 14 billion in RMB!

If it can surpass the box office of Jurassic Park, my new movie will also become the first domestic movie with a box office of over 10 billion, and will also be the first Chinese film in the world with a box office of over 10 billion!

And it’s a pure Chinese-language movie with all domestic actors!

By then, this film will surely become a milestone in Chinese-language films, and he will also gain both fame and fortune, becoming the most popular director in the country!

Zhao Jing also said happily: It seems that this trip to the Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area is the right one. Not only did we find a more suitable male and female protagonist, but we also solved many special effects problems. Lao Zhong, God is helping you. !”

Jingle bells, jingle bells--!

As soon as Zhao Jing finished speaking, the cell phone she put in her bag rang.

I took out my cell phone and saw that the name on the caller ID was Dr. Zhang.

After seeing the name on the caller ID, Zhao Jing quickly answered the call with a swipe of her finger.

Hello Dr. Zhang, how are my test results?

Really! That's great!

Thank you so much, sorry to trouble you!

Hmm, okay, okay, is there anything else I should pay attention to?

Ah, yes, I take folic acid, okay, okay, thank you, thank you.

After answering the phone, she briefly spoke to the other party. Zhao Jing looked at Zhong Xin excitedly after hanging up the phone.

Old Zhong! You are going to be a father!

Huh? I'm really... really pregnant!

Zhong Xin was even more excited after hearing the news from his wife!

That's great, old Zhong, we...we are finally going to have our own child!

Zhao Jing was also excited and cried with joy. She threw herself into Zhong Xin's arms and cried bitterly.

Okay, honey, stop crying, stop crying, don't break your body from crying, you have to take good care of your body and bones from now on!

I'll call my work soon and quit my job first! I'm going to prepare for pregnancy full time! There can't be any mistakes.

Yeah! I'll listen to you!

The scenery here in the Heilong Mountain Scenic Area is beautiful, the air is fresh, and there are so many scenes that can be used for shooting, so let's settle here for a while!

Yeah, yeah, I'll listen to you!

Zhao Jing looked at her husband with a gentle look on her face. When she thought that she was going to be a mother, her inner excitement was also beyond words.

This trip to the Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area was really rewarding! If I had known it, I would have come earlier!

At this moment, Zhong Xin suddenly felt like he was late to the Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area!

Zhao Jing also said: Yes! I have heard of this scenic spot for a long time, but I have never been able to make a trip. I should have come earlier!

Zhong Xin said nervously: Honey, are you tired? Let's go back and rest for a while! You are not alone now, so be careful!

Zhao Jing rolled her eyes at her husband and said with a gentle smile: Look at how nervous you are. The blood test just came out and you don't even have any pregnancy reaction. It's not as exaggerated as you said!

Zhong Xin said with a smile: What you have in your belly is our family's darling, so you should be careful no matter how careful you are.

Let's go back. Are you tired? How about I carry you? No, no, don't press it on your stomach!

The couple talked and laughed, full of longing for the future, and returned to the cozy little house they rented. Zhong Xin gave Zhao Jing some dumplings from the delicious restaurant and the Black Dragon Mountain Spring, and massaged Zhao Jing's feet and legs, completely making her Treated like a pregnant woman.

Huh? Husband, look! Director Luo is on the hot search again, and, this...

When Zhao Jing was half lying on the sofa and scrolling through her phone, she habitually clicked on Weibo and looked at the hot search list habitually.

【Real version of Superman! 】

The title of the first item on the hot search list is very eye-catching, and its popularity has soared.

Click on the news and there is a video of only 5 seconds.

In the video, when a boulder fell and was about to hit several photographers nearby, a man suddenly appeared and lifted the boulder directly with his hands!

Are you sure this isn't a movie?

No one else has this strength. He is the strongest man today!

Realistic magic! Unbelievable!

Can humans really do this? It is reasonable to doubt that this person is an alien or a Terminator?


Ah! It started violently, and I saw someone lifting a boulder weighing tens of tons!

It's the King of Black Dragon Mountain! So awesome! So awesome, my idol forever!

It's true! There are so many incredible things about the king! It's so awesome!

There were a lot of discussions in the comment area. Some people thought it was absurd, some thought it was unbelievable, and some said it was realistic and magical.

Among them, many people, like Zhao Jing, recognized Luo Yanning at a glance.

Luo Yanning is handsome, has a good figure, and is very recognizable. People who know him can basically recognize him at first sight.

What's wrong with Mr. Luo?

Zhong Xin looked at the surprised expression on his wife's face and curiously leaned over to look at her phone.

When he saw Luo Yanning holding such a huge boulder with both hands in the video, Zhong Xin's mind buzzed, as if an electric current was flowing through him!

This scene was so similar to the scene in the script he showed Luo Yanning before, in which the male protagonist rescued the female protagonist at the construction site!

In a daze, Zhong Xin thought that his movie had already been filmed. The short 5-second video in front of him was a clip of the movie cut by the audience!


Zhong Xin swallowed. In addition to being extremely shocked, he was also ecstatic!

Honey, who is this Mr. Luo? Is this... true?

Zhao Jing looked at the frozen picture on her phone with an expression of disbelief.

In the picture, the boulder looks like a small house, and Luo Yanning under the boulder looks so small.

But such a small person can support such a huge boulder!

It’s okay for such a scene to appear in science fiction movies with superheroes as the background, but when it appears in real life...

Zhong Xin also murmured: It's unbelievable... It's really unbelievable. There are so many unbelievable things about Luo Dong, it's like...

Zhao Jing said: Does it have the aura of the protagonist?

Yes! That's it! Ever since I met Luo Dong for the first time, I have had a feeling that this young man is not simple. His calmness, calmness and natural self-confidence can make even the best actor. Can’t act.”

Zhong Xin said: In this movie, he does not need any acting skills, he only needs to act in his true colors and react as he should to interpret his role well.

Luo Yanning became popular on the Internet again, and many people dug out some of his previous videos.

Especially the video of teaching people about road rage on a congested road in Beijing has become popular again.

It's true, Mr. Luo from the Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area is definitely a martial arts master!

Even martial arts masters have a hard time explaining why he lifted more than 80 tons of boulders!

Magical Realism!

Superheroes come to reality!

While there was a lot of discussion on the Internet, Luo Yanning's cell phone was almost exploded.

Almost everyone I knew called to inquire.

Just when Luo Yanning had a headache, Zhong Xin found him and expressed his thoughts.

What Director Zhong means is to take the opportunity to warm up the movie, saying it's a scene in the movie?

Luo Yanning's eyes lit up after hearing Zhong Xin's suggestion. She felt that this was a good idea!

Yes, Mr. Luo! In this way, your troubles will probably be alleviated.

Zhong Xin said with some excitement: Although I was not at the scene and don't know what happened specifically, but based on my understanding of public opinion on the Internet, I know that you will definitely be pushed to the forefront and gain massive exposure! It’s also a great publicity opportunity for our movie!”

Zhong Xin has already started talking to Luo Yanning about our movie, and it seems that he is convinced.

Yes! Whatever promotion Director Zhong needs, I will fully cooperate with you!

Luo Yanning changed the topic and asked: By the way, Director Zhong, how have you considered the gambling agreement I told you before?

Although Zhong Xin is the chief director of this film project, there are countless investors behind him. He cannot take the initiative alone for some major decisions related to the film. He has to ask the capital bosses from all parties for instructions to make them. the final decision.

Hearing Luo Yanning talk about the gambling agreement, Zhong Xin's face turned a little gloomy. This matter is really not easy to advance!

The main thing is that Luo Yanning would have taken more than half of it, and investors were not able to accept this share ratio.

Zhong Xin asked tentatively: Ahem, Director Luo, regarding the share ratio, do you think you can...

Luo Yanning said without hesitation: No, it must be this ratio, otherwise, this cooperation will be unnecessary.

The reason why he agreed to cooperate with Zhong Xin was neither to become famous nor to make money.

His reputation is already very high and famous.

He is also very rich, with a net worth of nearly 60 billion.

He cooperated with Zhong Xin just to complete the system task of [Science Fiction Future] as soon as possible, nothing more!

The system stipulates that if the participation reaches the task, the reward cannot be less than this proportion.

That's why Luo Yanning insisted not to give in at all, otherwise there would be no need to cooperate.

Zhong Xin looked at Luo Yanning and said, Ahem, Mr. Luo, please give me some more time, and I will have a good talk with those investors.

Luo Yanning thought for a while and suggested: By the way, Director Zhong, how about you refund those investors?

How much money does this movie cost? I will pay it all, and the two of us will cooperate!

Ah? You...are you funding it yourself? Zhong Xin was shocked again after hearing Luo Yanning's words!

An investment of more than 200 million and nearly 300 million is not a small amount!

Mr. Luo actually said it so easily!

Yes, I will fund everything. At the same time, if any scenic spot in our scenic spot needs to be used during the filming process, we will open it to the crew for free.

Ruby Lin and I can also provide free publicity for the movie to a certain extent.

After listening to Luo Yanning's words, Zhong Xin became more and more excited, feeling that his proposal might actually lead to success!

Luo Yanning said calmly: We will cooperate. Director Zhong will use his own technology to become a shareholder. I can give you a 10-point share.

Mr. Luo! Give me 3 days! I will call an online meeting with investors soon and tell them about the situation.

Zhong Xin was not dissatisfied after hearing the share ratio given to him by Luo Yanning, and happily agreed.

Luo Yanning smiled and stretched out her hand towards Zhong Xin: Okay, Director Zhong, thank you for your hard work on this matter. I wish us a happy cooperation.

It's a pleasure to work with you! It's the happiest thing to work with such a generous and generous person like Director Luo!

Zhong Xin stretched out his hand to shake Luo Yanning's hand with excitement, as if he had seen the movie's best-selling scene.

Later, Luo Yanning accepted Zhong Xin's suggestion and cooperated with him, saying that it was a fragment of the new movie.

Luo Yinning cooperated and issued a statement on Weixin Moments and Weibo, saying that it was just a joke staged in a scenic spot and was achieved using the borrowing technology in photography.

Although his explanation does not sound rigorous, everyone is still more willing to believe this fact.

A person lifting a boulder weighing dozens of tons is still a bit unbelievable. No one would believe it even if he told the truth!

At the same time, everyone also discovered a useful piece of information from his Moments and Weibo.

Does Your Majesty want to make a movie? Or a science fiction movie?

Looking forward to it! Your Majesty's production will definitely be a high-quality product. When it is released, I will definitely go to the cinema to support it!

It's my first movie to work with a great director like Director Zhong. The starting point is someone else's ending point!

I'm so envious! I worked as a supporting actor in Hengdian for 8 years! I'm still an extra in extras! There's really no comparison between people!

I'm telling turned out to be a clip from a movie! It was a false alarm!

Zhong Xin also posted an update on his Weibo, singing a double act with Luo Yanning.

With the cooperation of the two, netizens really believed it, and no one was too full to bother digging out the truth anymore. (End of chapter)

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