My scenic spot is a hit

Chapter 889: Just like you, a ghost!

Wow wow...

A baby's cry suddenly came from a room on the west side of the first floor.

Zhang Qian saw Luo Yanning looking over there and explained with a smile:

It's the nanny who is changing Tuantuan's diaper. When she went to open the door for you, Tuantuan pooped.

Oh. Luo Yanning smiled and nodded. He was wondering why he didn't see his goddaughter.

Is this Tuantuan's uncle? The little guy looks like a tiger-headed guy, like my senior brother.

Luo Yanning looked at the little guy with eyes rolling around in Sun Shulan's arms and asked with a smile.

Zhang Qian's due date is about the same as her mother Sun Shulan's, and she even gave birth earlier than her mother.

Therefore, Wu Nian's uncle is a few days younger than her.

Although this situation in Zhang Qian's family is uncommon, it is not too outrageous.

Sun Shulan smiled and joked: Haha, it's bad to be like your senior brother. With your senior brother's appearance, when the child grows up, it's not even easy for him to marry a wife.

Haha, how is it possible? Didn't senior brother also marry such a good wife as my sister-in-law? My nephew will definitely marry a better one in the future.

Luo Yanning said with a smile, reached out to touch the little guy's little hand, and praised with a smile:

My little nephew has a strong body. I think he will be a martial arts training material in the future. The future is limitless.

Really? If it's like what you said, Yanning, we won't have to worry about him. Sun Shulan felt very happy after hearing Luo Yanning's praise and evaluation of her child.

As Luo Yanning spoke, he turned his hand and found two small medicine bottles in his hand, one for Tianxin Dan and the other for Tianyang Dan.

These two elixirs should be regarded as gifts from my uncle to my nephew. This one is Tianxin Dan. My sister-in-law always keeps it by her side. No matter how injured she is, it can save her life.

This is Tianyang Dan, and my sister-in-law must be familiar with it. However, the child is still young and is not suitable for taking it. Wait until he is about 15 years old before taking it, and then he will be able to exert the strongest effect.

This... After seeing the two gifts Luo Yanning gave to her children, Sun Shulan showed an expression of surprise and surprise on her face.

Zhang Qian and her family of three have all taken Tianyang Dan. Naturally, they know the efficacy of this medicine. It can be called a miracle medicine!

Moreover, after getting to know Zhang Qian and her family, they also knew that the medicine Luo Yanning gave them was not cheap, and could be sold for hundreds of millions of dollars!

The two pills that Luo Yanning gave away today are worth 200 million!

Yanning, thank you so much! Thank you so much! I want to thank you for our Fanfan!

After the excitement, Sun Shulan sincerely thanked Luo Yanning.

Zhang Qian was moved when she saw Luo Yanning selling two pills worth more than 200 million yuan.

She knew that the reason why Luo Yanning gave her mother such an expensive elixir was for her own sake. This was not narcissism, but a correct inference based on her understanding of Luo Yanning.

The reality is exactly as Zhang Qian inferred. Luo Yanning did this for her own sake.

Because the little guy is her younger brother, Luo Yanning gave him such a valuable elixir, which can be regarded as a blessing for him.

A grain of Heavenly Nourishing Pill is enough to make the little guy stand out from others, and his starting point in the future will be much higher than that of ordinary people.

Why are you being so polite to me, sister-in-law? I am not a junior uncle for nothing. I should give my nephew a small gift.

After Luo Yanning finished speaking, a nanny came out of the rest room next to her holding a baby wrapped in a pink mattress.

Tuan Tuan, mommy, let's see who comes to see you. Say hello to the godfather. Zhang Qian reached out to take the baby from the nanny, held it in front of Luo Yanning, and greeted Luo Yanning with the baby's hand.

When Luo Yanning saw her goddaughter, she smiled and said, We haven't seen her for two months. The little one has changed so much that I almost can't recognize her anymore.

The hair is black and shiny, the face is round and plump, and the big eyes are like two big black grapes. He looks very lively and smart.

Zhang Qian rolled her eyes at Luo Yanning and said, The first few children have changed the most. You, a cheap godfather, have been gone for a few months. I guess you won't recognize her anymore!

Indeed, can you give her a hug? Luo Yanning looked at her goddaughter's extremely cute appearance, and her hands suddenly felt itchy.

Zhang Qian smiled and scolded: Have you ever held a child? You are clumsy, don't drop her.

Although she said she didn't trust Luo Yanning, Zhang Qian still gave him Tuan Tuan without hesitation.

Tuantuan is now two months and fifteen days old, almost a hundred days old, and has begun to recognize people.

Usually, except for Zhang Qian, Sun Shulan and the two nannies at home, Tuan Tuan usually doesn't ask anyone to hold her.

Even if Zhang Jinwu's biological grandfather comes back, wanting to hug his granddaughter will make the little guy burst into tears.

When Zhang Qian handed the ball to Luo Yanning, she was already prepared for the little guy to cry and make a fuss, but it was strange to say.

When the little girl was hugged by Luo Yanning, she didn't cry or fuss, and even giggled.

Zhang Qian said in surprise: I'll go, what's going on! My daughter, please smile again for your mother to hear!

Oh my god Yan Ning, it seems that our group really likes you! Today is the first time she has laughed out loud!

Sun Shulan was also surprised. This was the first time she heard her granddaughter's laughter. Not to mention, it was quite sweet!

The two live-in nannies were equally surprised when they saw the child in Luo Yanning's arms laughing.

Today, it was the first time that Xiao Tuantuan let out such a giggle.

When I laughed before, there was no sound.

Generally speaking, babies don't laugh until they are about three months old.

Xiao Tuantuan is almost three months old now.

However, Luo Yanning happened to come to see her today, and she also happened to laugh out loud today.

This is too coincidental!

Haha, it seems that Xiao Tuantuan really likes me as his godfather!

Luo Yanning looked at the little guy in her arms who kept giggling at him, and she felt very fond of it.

Although this child is not her own, Luo Yanning's love for her comes from the bottom of her heart.

He really likes this kid.

I played with Little Tuantuan for more than half an hour until she got tired and sleepy and started to doze off.

Luo Yanning reluctantly handed her over to the nanny beside her and asked the nanny to take her to the nursery to sleep.

The child in Sun Shulan's arms was also sleepy. She carried the child back to the room to breastfeed. Her child was always breastfed, unlike Xiao Tuantuan.

Zhang Qian also had breast milk, which was no less than that of her mother, but Xiao Tuantuan refused to eat it, so she had no choice but to make milk powder for her to drink.

With such a treasure in the family, Zhang Qian was willing to spend money on her daughter. The imported milk powder she bought cost tens of thousands of yuan per bucket.

The water used to brew milk powder is also Heilong Mountain Spring, which costs several thousand yuan for a large bucket.

Nourished by high-quality milk powder and Heilong Mountain Spring, Xiao Tuantuan grew up very quickly and was very healthy. His physical indicators were much better than those of his uncle who drank breast milk.

Luo Zi, do you think the girl you fucked has become a sperm? You know what to do and what to do at such a young age.

After the children went to bed, Zhang Qian and Luo Yanning chatted in the pavilion in the courtyard of the villa. They were here mainly so that Luo Yanning could smoke.

There are two little babies at home. If they smoke indoors, there will be secondhand smoke, which is not good for the children's development.

Luo Yanning smiled and joked: Just like you, I'm a ghost.

Zhang Qian rolled her eyes and said, Tch, where did I come from? My parents said I was very stupid, and I'm far from your daughter.

You have just given birth, so you should think about yourself while working and don't tire yourself out. Your most important job now is to take good care of my goddaughter and let her have a happy childhood. More than anything else.”

Luo Yanning took out the cigarette case from his pocket, lit a cigarette, and said:

As for work and making money, it's all trivial. Don't rush it. While you're still young and the world is so big, go out more and feel the prosperity of the world.

In more than three years, the apocalypse is about to break out. However, Luo Yanning cannot reveal this news to anyone, otherwise an irreversible disaster will occur, a disaster more serious and terrifying than the apocalypse!

Luo Yanning kept Luo Ying's teachings in mind and did not disclose this information to anyone, but he has also been preparing for the apocalyptic disaster!

Building the ancient city wall surrounding the entire Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area is one thing, seizing the time to cultivate more martial arts talents is another, and doing everything possible to enhance one's own strength is also another.

Also, work hard to make money, expand the storage space of Najie, and gain more food.

Life is not just about the present, but also about poetry and distance, right? I haven't seen you for a while, Luo Zi, you have become a little romantic and poetic? Did your girlfriend teach you this?

I don't know why, but when talking about Luo Yanning's girlfriend, Zhang Qian felt a sour feeling in her heart.

Some time ago, news spread that Luo Yinning and Li Ruijia publicly admitted their relationship on Weibo. Almost everyone across the country knew that they were a couple.

One is the national goddess, and the other is the new national husband. The woman is cute and charming, and the man is not only handsome, but also versatile.

The pair of Luo Yanning and Li Ruijia are envied by countless men and women across the Internet.

Although Zhang Qian rarely checks her cell phone, she also knows about Luo Yanning and Li Ruijia, and knows that he has a girlfriend.

Haha, it has nothing to do with her. By the way, when I came back this time, I also brought a gift for you and my goddaughter.

After Luo Yanning finished speaking, he stretched out his hand, and two egg-sized, emerald green plant spirits magically appeared in his palm.

This is this? Zhang Qian couldn't help but be surprised when she saw the spirit of vegetation in Luo Yanning's hand.

It's for you and your goddaughter. The essence inside can be taken orally to strengthen the body. It doesn't have any side effects, and it won't be as painful as Tianyang Dan. There is no age limit for taking it.

While Luo Yanning briefly explained the efficacy of the Spirit of Plants and Plants, he passed his hand forward and motioned to Zhang Qian to accept the two Spirits of Plants and Plants.

The spirit of plants and trees? Strengthen your body without any side effects or age restrictions?

Zhang Qian is not stupid, on the contrary, she is very smart. Just from the few keywords Luo Yanning used to describe the spirit of plants and trees, she knows that the spirit of plants and trees is worth a lot of money.

It can be judged from several key words described by Luo Yanning that this spirit of vegetation should be a more effective elixir than Tianyang Dan.

Moreover, you can continue to take Tianyangdan on top of already taking it!

According to what Luo Yanning said at the beginning, Tianyang Dan can only be taken once, and it will not be effective if it is taken again.

This time, the spirit of grass and trees can continue to take effect on the basis of the Tianyang Pill and continue to be strengthened. Its value can be imagined!

A Tianyang Pill can turn an ordinary person into a master. If it is further strengthened through the spirit of plants and trees...

Luo Yanning sneered and said, This thing is a bit expensive, even for me, it's a bit difficult to buy it, so... don't mind.

Zhang Qian instantly understood the underlying meaning of Luo Yanning's words.

He was saying that the spirit of plants and trees was very precious, so he was reluctant to give it to his mother and little brother.

Zhang Qian is not the kind of person who is ignorant, nor is she the kind of person who takes advantage of others.

Luo Yan would rather give such a valuable thing to the two of them. She was moved before it was too late, so naturally she would not blame him.

Thank you Luo Zi, why are you so nice to us...

Zhang Qian looked at Luo Yanning with a slight smile, her eyes full of gratitude, without any intention of blaming her.

Luo Yanning smiled and said, Because we are friends, best friends.

Although our iron triangle is missing one corner, our relationship will always be unbreakable.

Hehe, yes, we are best friends.

Zhang Qian smiled with relief, happily accepted Luo Yanning's gift, and reached out to take the two grass and tree spirits from his hand.

If Tuantuan met such a good godfather like you, he probably saved the galaxy in his previous life.

Zhang Qian smiled, looking extremely gentle.

Haha, maybe. Luo Yanning also smiled, Otherwise, how could she look so cute?

How to use this? Are there any precautions?

Zhang Qian looked at the spirit of vegetation in her hand and asked Luo Yanning curiously.

Luo Yanning said: Just cut a small opening and take the liquid inside. It tastes pretty good and sweet.

Oh. After Zhang Qian asked how to take it, she carefully put it back into her pocket.

Luo Yanning continued: After taking the spirit of plants and trees, the human body's physical condition can be greatly improved, and the probability of sensing Qi will be greater. You can give it a try then.

Okay, I remember it. Zhang Qian nodded, looking forward to it in her heart.

Recently, she has been following Professor Luo Yanning's method to feel Qi every day, but she has never been successful.

To practice the cosmic energy guidance technique, sensing Qi is the first threshold, and it is also a threshold that excludes many people!

According to the system introduction, based on the average physique of people on earth, less than 10 million of the 8 billion people in the world can sense Qi.

The higher the physical fitness, the greater the chance of sensing Qi. The lower the physical fitness, the lower the chance of sensing Qi.

Zhang Qian naturally wants to become one of the tens of millions of people and step into the threshold of cultivating the original energy of the universe. She does not want to be lost in the crowd. (End of chapter)

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