My science and technology museum

Chapter 70 I am too small

"I understand, Mr. Xu, I will get this done as soon as possible." Hearing Chen Shihe put away the documents again, he immediately nodded in response.

The words just fell.

Xu Lei's voice suddenly sounded in his ears again.

"By the way, architectural designers and construction teams must be strictly controlled. Since we want to build a headquarters, we must at least create a landmark building that ranks high in the world."

Regarding the headquarters building issue, Xu Lei had already had a clear idea in his mind.

According to what he meant, he planned to build a space battleship building parked on the ground based directly on the battleship-style science and technology museum.

in addition.

In addition to the headquarters building, the entire park also needs to include major laboratories of the research center, as well as apartment buildings, entertainment and other facilities.

After all, as more and more museum exhibits are unlocked in the future, and if you want to use them on this planet, research centers and laboratories are indispensable.

He needs to lay it out for the future.

Also, Xingtong's abilities are not utilized to the greatest extent now, which is really a waste of resources.

After the construction of the headquarters park is completed, he can recruit elite talents from various industries around the world, and then use Star Pupil to assist in the development of various advanced technologies to overcome difficulties.

This will promote the progress of the entire scientific and technological level.

Mainly, the exhibits currently unlocked from the museum are from level zero civilization, so they can still be obtained with Blue Star's basic industry development level.

But if it involves first-level or even second-level civilization technology, basic materials and other problems cannot be solved, and it still cannot be manufactured.

That day will come.

Any move in future technology will inevitably attract global attention.

I'm afraid it can only be described as spectacular.

In order to realize these plans, the requirements for the main body of the building will definitely be very high, which is why designers and construction teams need to pay special attention.

Chen Shihe would definitely not have any objections to Xu Lei's instructions. Moreover, she also hoped to move into her company's headquarters building to work as soon as possible, so she nodded again to express her understanding before turning around and returning to her seat.

But just as he took a step forward, he heard a knock on the door of the office.

"Come in."

Liang Fuxing pushed open the door and entered, perhaps in a rather anxious mood. After entering the office, he only had a brief exchange of glances with Chen Shihe.

He went straight to the desk and asked: "Mr. Xu, now the three major overseas chip design software companies have stopped providing services to Warwick. This has made no one dare to use our Yinglong EDA. We must find a solution as soon as possible. ah."

Liang Fuxing and the entire development team put a lot of effort into Yinglong EDA.

After finally realizing the ideal and developing domestic chip design software, we naturally hope to see it carried forward and provide convenience for chip design companies.

But now, because of Xinsi’s decision, no other chip design company dares to use Yinglong EDA.

They are all afraid that their services will be stopped in the same way.

Don't dare to take this risk.

Seeing that the software they had worked so hard to develop could not realize its own value, the developers were very anxious, so Liang Fuxing was pushed out to ask Xu Lei about the situation.

I want to resolve the current predicament.

Xu Lei naturally understood Liang Fuxing's mood, but at this time he did not directly comfort him.

Instead, he took the initiative to ask a question.

"Let me ask you first, how good is Yinglong's EDA level?"

"Very strong."

Although Liang Fuxing didn't know what Xu Lei meant, he didn't think much about it and immediately answered truthfully: "Every function has implemented artificial intelligence and cloud technology, which far exceeds the software of the three major overseas companies."

"now it's right."

"Since we have successfully developed domestic chip design software and proved that our technology is no worse than overseas, why should we care about whether anyone is using it now."

"It's not their own loss anyway. The company never thought of making money from it."

As Xu Lei's words reached his ears, Liang Fuxing immediately reacted.

Future Technology originally ignored the golden egg of the engine licensing market and went to develop chip design software from scratch. Naturally, it was not to gain profits for the company.

Obviously it just wants to break the monopoly of overseas technology.

It turns out they did.

And the more they are suppressed by Xinsi and others, the more it shows that Yinglong EDA poses a threat to their market monopoly position.

So they should be happy when faced with this situation, instead of worrying that no one will use it.

"Mr. Xu, you are right, my situation is too small."

When Liang Fuxing came back to his senses, his face was filled with confidence again, and he immediately leaned over to express his gratitude in a deep voice.

When the other party's figure left the office and completely disappeared from sight, Xu Lei turned his attention to the computer screen again, and then skillfully turned on the Magic Star Engine, preparing to roughly draw the architectural model of the science and technology museum.


Time is like a wild donkey, it keeps running.

As netizens are still paying close attention to this matter every day, mid-June has quickly arrived.

Seeing that prototypes equipped with Tamron chips are about to enter the market in small quantities through internal channels, and while people in the industry are looking forward to it, Future Technology suddenly welcomes several familiar and unfamiliar people.

"Mr. Xu, Professor Tang Peiqin is here and wants to meet you."

In the CEO's office, Xu Lei was startled after hearing Chen Shihe's report, and then temporarily stopped what he was doing.

"Professor Tang?"

Chen Shihe was also a graduate student at Binjiang Engineering University, so it was normal for him to know Tang Peiqin.

However, the other party suddenly came to see him, and the situation here required careful consideration. Xu Lei always felt that it might not be as simple as reminiscing about old times.

After a slight hesitation, he quickly asked: "Is it just Professor Tang himself?"

"There are five of them in total, and two of them seem to me to have a similar temperament to Cheng Fei." Chen Shihe thought for a moment and gave this explanation.

But no matter what, you can't neglect the former teachers' visits. As for their purpose, you will know it after you meet them.

After making a calculation in his mind, Xu Lei stopped wasting time and immediately told Chen Shihe: "Take them to the reception room first, I will be there soon."

"It's Mr. Xu."

Hearing Chen Shihe's response, he immediately turned around and left the office to make arrangements.

Then I saw Xu Lei tidying up his clothes a little, and also got up and walked towards the reception room.

Pushing open the door of the reception room, the figures of several people inside suddenly came into view. Looking around, there were three middle-aged men and two young men. The aura of one of the young men was almost the same as that of Cheng Fei.

Xu Lei didn't look too much at this. He just glanced at it and quickly stopped at Tang Peiqin.

He greeted you enthusiastically: "Professor Tang, why didn't you call me in advance when you were coming so I could have the driver go directly to the school to pick you up."

The two pages have been updated together for the convenience of readers.

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