My Sister is Very Obsessive

Chapter 620: : Mom has a cold

"I have a recording here of a middle-aged woman scolding my sister. I think her language is extremely insulting and caused great psychological damage to me and my sister."

Having said that, I clicked the play button of the recording, and then played the recording.

It was the recording where the middle-aged woman started pointing at my sister's nose and scolding her.

After the broadcast, as the attorney representing my sister and I, Zhao Zhijie nodded,

"If Mr. Shen and Miss Shen want to hold this lady accountable according to law, this recording can be used as one of the evidences."

The two police comrades looked at the middle-aged woman with sympathy on their faces. Presumably, this guy has become a habit of scolding people, because he usually scolds ordinary people, and no one makes a fuss to hold him accountable.

But today it's ironic, and the scolding has been recorded, and the legal responsibility may still be pursued at that time.

But thinking about it, we deserve it. We have to go to the hospital with a bunch of relatives to deceive us. If our background is ordinary, I am afraid that this will have to let them succeed.

Similarly, after listening to Zhao Zhijie's words, the middle-aged woman in the red dress also looked extremely ugly. She didn't expect that, just like normal, she just scolded casually and even recorded it.

"What's the matter, is it still illegal to swear at people?" The middle-aged woman began to be rude. "Then according to you, on the street outside, aren't there people breaking the law everywhere?"

"In theory, insulting others is a crime, but ordinary people are too lazy to pursue it." Zhao Zhijie explained patiently.

"I'm passing on this recording to you now. The two police uncles are here and can testify!"

The police are also suffering, they just came to mediate, but they did not expect to turn into witnesses.

In the process of transmitting the video, Wu Feilong turned his head and glanced at Wu Lingfeng,

"Did this guy scold you?"

"It should be scolded, but I didn't record it!" Wu Lingfeng scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Evidence awareness, evidence awareness is weak, can you take more care and look at the Shen family boy, everyone knows how to collect and retain evidence, how about you?"

The bitterness in Wu Lingfeng's heart was beyond words.

Feeling that there is no useful evidence to escape from Wu Lingfeng, Wu Feilong turned his head to look at the leading family members opposite, namely the son and daughter of the old lady,

"If it's true that these juniors don't believe that they knocked down the old lady, I promise that the Wu family and the Shen family will not try their best to compensate. If not, I will pursue the matter on behalf of the Wu family!"

After he finished speaking, he turned to look at Zhao Zhijie again.

Zhao Zhijie smiled bitterly, "The Shen family will also pursue it to the end!"

"You, what are you pursuing!"

The middle-aged woman's aura was a bit lacking, and Wu Feilong made her feel a slight oppression, just like the feeling those people gave him when he went to the civil affairs department on weekdays to do things.

"It's us who should be held accountable!" Seeing that his sister was a little weak, the middle-aged man stepped forward and slammed a row of tables, adding a bit of courage to himself, "My mother said it herself that they knocked her down. of."

"Speak well, don't slap the table!" said the older policeman, frowning.

Wu Feilong ignored the middle-aged man, but turned to Wu Lingfeng and said to me,

"Xiao Feng, the car is outside, your dad told you to hurry back."

"I..." Wu Lingfeng wanted to say something, but Wu Feilong glared at him, and what he said was worth swallowing obediently.

After giving instructions to Wu Lingfeng, he turned to look at me and my sister again,

"You two go home quickly, don't let your mother worry!"

"Oh!" My sister and I nodded, and then quickly ran out of the conference room.

We originally planned to go straight home, but when this incident happened, no one was in the mood to play.

I took my sister, Wu Lingfeng and Du Ruoxi, and we left the hospital.

Du Ruoxi felt a little like it was down at this time. He looked at Wu Lingfeng with a puzzled face, and wanted to ask something, but he didn't know where to ask.

A black Mercedes-Benz slowly drove to Wu Lingfeng, and then stopped steadily.

Wu Lingfeng took the initiative to step forward and pull the back seat of the door open,

"If sorry!"

Du Ruoxi couldn't help but frown slightly on her expressionless face.

It feels like a "pill"! My sister and I couldn't help but moved slightly to the side. This is the end of the matter. Anyway, I can't help Wu Lingfeng. It's up to him.

Wu Lingfeng's car left, and then came to pick me and my sister's car.

It was my mother's Audi. After the car got close, I found out that the person driving it was actually my mother herself, which immediately filled me with an indescribable emotion.

Some were worried that my mother might scold us for being uneasy, but they felt extremely warm that she put down her busy work and drove over in person.

The car stopped in front of my sister and I, then the door opened, and the mother in dark blue work uniform ran out without even putting on a thicker coat.

"What's the matter, you two, are you okay?"

"It's okay Mom, my sister and I are okay!" I put my backhand on my mom's back, my heart warm and my nose sour.

My sister also looked at me with red eyes. To be honest, this sense of security of being cared for is really likable and fascinated.

No matter what we did or what happened, my sister and I could be confident, thinking that we knew that behind us, we had our mother supporting us.

This may prevent us from growing up quickly, but what kind of parents want their children to grow up quickly? You know, children grow up at the expense of their parents' old age.

"Get in the car!"

After our family of three hugged in front of the hospital for a while, my mother sniffled and let us go.

When I got in the car, my sister sat in the back seat, and I took the initiative to sit in the co-pilot seat. I think my mother must have something to say to us.

After all, what happened today really made her sweat a lot. Although it's not our fault, we still have to give us the education classes that we should have.

Mom was about to start the car when she couldn't help sneezing.

"Mom, you've caught a cold!" My sister suddenly clawed at the chair with a worried look and stuck her head forward.

Mom rubbed her nose, "It looks like I'm really old, and I caught a cold after standing for so long."

"Mom, why don't I go get some cold medicine!" I said, I stretched out my hand to open the car door.

"No, no, I have Banlangen in my office." After speaking, my mother started the car and slowly left the hospital.

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