My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 202: : 7 crimes trial

   Watching the Hundred Riding Group leave, Chen Fang and the others stayed in the forest for a while, waiting for Feichen to hit the ground before moving on.

   "Who was Caesar just now?" Chen Fang asked Jimo pretendingly.

   "My elder sister's senior is also a suitor of my elder sister." Before Jimo spoke, Wenren gave the answer.

   "Oh, how many suitors does your sister have?" Chen Fang asked.

   "What are you doing? Are you also interesting to my sister?" Wenren glanced at Chen Fang and then said, "Save it, the gap between you is too big."

   "A beautiful lady, a gentleman is so charming, who is not interested in a beautiful woman." Chen Fang admitted generously.

   "If you don't talk about your sister, I'm also a little bit interesting to you, how about being my aunt with my two babies?" Chen Fang took the opportunity to molested Wenren.

   "You want to be beautiful, are you really interesting to my sister?" Wen Renbai said with a glance at Chen Fang.

   "How many suitors does your elder sister have?" Chen Fang continued to ask without answering.

   "The low-end is countless, the mid-range is not enough, and the high-end is few." Wen Ren said.

   Ye are still divided into low, medium and high-end, these three or sixty-nine class, it is too bad that we men are too serious, Chen Fang is very angry, but also very curious.

   "How can I get the low, middle and high end?"

   "The more handsome, the higher, how can I divide it." Wenren said.

   Such a division method, I thought it would be divided according to the rich and not the money, it is not right, it is too much according to the handsome or not, well, Chen Fang is not angry.

   "A handsome man can be eaten as a meal. Why is he handsome?"

   "For what reason, it's just like how you guys look at women. It's ugly, ordinary, and pretty. It's just a different concept."

   "I can't accept this concept in my heart."

   "I think you feel that you are low-end in your heart, so you can't accept it."

"Just kidding, I admit that it is not up to the standard of high-end handsome, but this is also a mid-range level. I don't admit the low-end." Chen Fang was emotional and did not control his direction. Sanbengzi said, if he hadn't reacted quickly, Almost drove into the river, Wenren and Yiyiyaya screamed in fright.

   "Why are you so excited? As for being so true, I will also say that this set of standards is only heard from the ladies in the family." Wen Ren knocked Chen Fang with a brain collapse.

   Can I not get excited, a man would rather be called ugly than admit that he is low-end, Chen Fangxin roared.

   "What are you talking about with Chen Fang, it looks like he is about to explode." Jimo was thrown into a contemplative state by some movement, and asked Chen Fang as he gritted his teeth while seeing fire in his eyes.

"It's okay. He wants to know how many suitors you have, so I told him, and then he asked what standard, I also told him, and then he exploded. Maybe he didn't think he could meet Standard." What Wenren said, if you listen to their conversation just now, it doesn't seem to be a big problem, but if you don't listen, it is very problematic. At least Jimo's ear roots are a little red, which is obviously misunderstood.

   "Chen Fang, we haven't known each other for too long. If possible, I would like to wait for a while."

"Also, I don't have any standards, don't take it to your heart." Jimo said to Chen Fang seriously after a moment of silence. Chen Fang is not bad for her, at least better than some of the younger generations. If you feel it is just average, friend level, but after getting along with each other, it may change, so let it be.

   "Huh?" Chen Fang was just busy driving the car back onto the road, and he didn't pay attention to what Jimo was talking about. This would be very confused.

Wenren was taken aback for a while, and then looked at Jimo a little strangely. After so many years of getting along, she knew that what she had just said might have been misunderstood. However, Wenren didn’t explain it. Instead, she laughed with a thief. She thought it was quite interesting. Because Jimo’s words clearly meant to include Chen Fang as the subject of investigation, but Chen Fang was dumbfounded and didn’t know.

   "By the way, I just thought about Caesar's father. It seems that he was seriously injured by something and needed a lot of rejuvenation potions to repair his body. This time he appeared here for the monster." Jimo said.

   The resurrection potion requires the bile, kidney fluid, and heart and blood of the giant beast as the main materials, combined with some very rare mutant plants, and can be refined through complex and cumbersome alchemy methods.

   "Oh, come here, anyway, it's all about destroying the giant beasts. It's better if there are more people." Chen Fang said indifferently.

"But the Seven Sins Trial has a festival with the Knights of Scale Star, and the contradiction is very deep. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is hostile. It is impossible for the leader of Luo Lie to ask them to come and help, so I am afraid..." Jimo is worried about this behemoth crusade. Not too calm.

"They won't really be the same as I said, they are here to do things, right? For example, what's the matter with clearing the field halfway." Chen Fang has the urge to turn the three jumpers around. It is not that he counsels, but does not want to get involved in trouble. .

   "I think Caesar should come here to seek cooperation specially." Wen Ren said.

   "This possibility is also possible, but I think the biggest possibility is to **** the ownership of the giant beast." Jimo said.

   "Fresh, don't all killing behemoths belong to the Federation? Does it belong to which group?" Chen Fang said.

   "Whoever kills, who has the right to use half of the body of the giant beast, this is the welfare of the federation to each battle group under its jurisdiction." Jimo explained.

   "Half, so much, but how to determine the right of ownership, you can never see who cuts the last cut." Chen Fang said.

The reality is not a game, there is no so-called damage statistics, so how to determine the ownership is very problematic. You have to say that the ownership is determined according to the last cut before the death of the behemoth. This is not a joke. Then whoever wants to attack in the front is waiting for the last With a single blow, can such a giant be beaten to death? I'm afraid that it wasn't when everyone in front of me was wiped out by the Giant Beast Group.

   "If there are two or more battle groups at the scene of the crusade against the giant beasts, whoever commands will get the right to belong to the giant beast. As for the distribution of half of the giant beast's body, we will discuss them separately."

"Caesar’s Seven Sins Trial was in conflict with the Knights of Scales because of Ocean City. I think the leader of the list will definitely not cooperate with them. Therefore, if Caesar wants to obtain the right to use the body of the monster, Then you must compete with Captain Luo Lie for command over the crusade against the behemoth, and take the initiative in your own hands.” Jimo analyzed.

   "How do you grab the command? Is it possible to play a game, or come to an intelligence game, whoever has the highest IQ will command?" Chen Fang asked.

   "It seems that what kind of arbitration is going to be conducted, I don't know the specifics." Jimo shook her head. After all, she was not a member of the Federal War Corps and didn't know much about some rules.

"Let's go or not, I don't have any problem to help list the commander, but if the command power is robbed by those seven crimes trial man, I am not willing to help." Chen Fang said, if the command power is really the seven crimes After the trial was robbed, I still had to work for them. I felt disgusting when I thought about it. Even if the command power was not taken away by the people on trial for the seven sins, working with them would feel disgusting.

"I still have to go. After all, I have accepted the entrustment of the head of the list. It is impossible not to go. Moreover, we are all here. Going back is like a trip for nothing. As for other situations, I will talk about it at that time." Jimo thought. Want to say.

   Chen Fang felt that it was not easy to come from such a long distance. If he didn't go, he would be unwilling.

Forget it, if the Seven Sins Trial contends for command, it’s a big deal for yourself to paddle in the battle. Anyway, as long as you get the money by destroying the giant beast, as for the Seven Sins Trial, you shouldn’t see it, Chen Fangxin miss you.

"Chen Fang, the crusade against the giant beasts this time may be very dangerous. When you fight, you take Yiyi Yaya to protect us, but don't try to be aggressive." Jimo suddenly said to Chen Fang. She was actually afraid of Chen Fang's first time. Participating in such a large-scale task will be impulsive, let him stay by his side to take care of him, of course, to be tactful, let him provide protection.

"Oh, I see, but do I really need my assistance? My war drum is very good. I don't play it with you. When the new city beasts are crowded, they turn the crisis into peace with the help of my war song. You can find it. Everyone who defended the city at the time knew it, I said it was true." Chen Fang said, he mentioned more than once on the road that he could assist, but the two beauties just didn’t believe so that Chen Fang released the drum on the spot. Taiwan stunned the two beauties severely, but in the end they were rejected, saying that it was too ostentatious. It would be good if he only provided treatment and purification.

   "Don't mention your war drums, just protect my sister and me, and watch Yiyiyaya by the way, don't let them run around." Wenren said.

"Sister Wenren, Yaya and sister are very well-behaved, they won't run around, and will stay by your side to protect you." Yaya has been obediently in Wenren's arms, hearing Wenren's words, she raised her head. He said with big eyes flashing at the beginning.

   "Oh, then help your sister to look at your uncle well and tell him not to run around." Wenren looked at the sprout appearance of Yaya, and happily pinched Yaya's small face, and changed his words.

   "Well, Ya Ya will definitely look at her uncle and prevent him from running around. It took a long time to find someone like last time," Ya Ya said seriously.

I'm not a three-year-old kid who needs someone to watch, and I didn't ran away last time, it was an accident, and I found you. Chen Fang was a bit speechless after hearing Yaya's innocence, but as a child, I can't Refute it seriously.

   The five people chatted all the way and moved forward. Finally, when the sun was about to set, they rushed to the camp set by the Knights of Scales on the grass on the north bank.

The camp of the Knights of the Stars is relatively simple. A simple wooden fence surrounds the entire camp. There are several watch towers on the periphery. The built tents are scattered in the camp, and several large pots are placed between the tents. The food is being cooked, and the people in the camp are very noisy.

   After being checked by guards, the five Chen Fang entered the camp and walked towards the largest tent in the middle.



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