My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 212: : Behemoth Parasite

   Chen Fang brought Bud to sow like a hard-working gardener, and the first wave of confrontation began on the front side of the crusade against the giant beast.

The pre-arranged traps were triggered by the giant beasts, and the chain reaction caused by the giant beasts seemed huge, but the damage to the giant beasts was very limited. The only result was that the solution monsters were killed, and the beasts only broke their legs and belly. A little bit of skin.

  When all the traps have erupted, the front row shields that are already in place attack. A team of more than two hundred people has a total of 35 shield positions. These shield positions are divided into three waves according to the battle plan. Two groups of ten people each are responsible for attracting and resisting the attacks of the giant beasts alternately. A group of fifteen people are used as reserves. , They are responsible for handling attrition or unexpected situations on the scene.

   The first wave of attacks by the behemoths of the graveyard was in charge of the shield of the Seven Sins Trial. The leader of the conviction team was Ming Dan, a tall man with a cold expression.

   "Set the shield forward, be careful of the venom breath."

   Mingshan gave an order, the other nine shield positions all raised their shields, blocked their heads at a forty-five-degree angle, and proceeded cautiously towards the behemoth.

The shield position does not necessarily use a shield, but the weapon must have great characteristics, just like Mingshan. Although he lets other people hold the shield, he does not, because he holds a door panel. Great sword ever.

   Under the leadership of Ming Dan, ten people entered the attack range of the giant beast in the graveyard, and then they were baptized by the venom spewed from the snake head of the giant beast.

   The venom poured down and was blocked by the shield in the shield position. The contact surface creaked, and then flowed to the ground due to the inclination of the shield.

   "Ah" a scream sounded.

   A shield position where his thigh was accidentally contaminated by the venom flowing from the shield surface, he screamed in pain, white steam appeared on his thigh, and the place on his leg that was not covered by the arms, the muscles were visible to the naked eye.

Upon seeing this, the companion next to the injured shield directly shaved off the opponent’s venom-eroded thigh, and then threw him behind with a lift of the collar. In the process, the shield companion looked calm, as if doing After a trivial matter, a shield position in the reserve team immediately ran over to pull away the injured shield position, and then ran back to replace the defective position.

   "Limited skills, release towards the legs of the giant beast." Ming Tan ordered again after making up for the missing shield position.

Following his order, ten people each released their restricted skills on the front legs of the giant beast, and saw elemental glow with different rays appearing under the giant beast's legs in the cemetery. The strong vines of the rock claw stone nails bound the giant beast. The huge legs of the beast prevent it from moving casually.

   "Attack at the attack position, pay attention to the treatment at the auxiliary position." The messenger ran back and forth holding the flag and ordered.

   Attack command, the operation position began to release powerful skills, and the attacking position holding a weapon with additional elemental power, rushed to the side of the giant beast and continued to attack.

The behemoth of the cemetery was attacked by a close body, and its belly shrank. The air holes on both sides of the abdomen began to emit poisonous mist. Seeing these melee attack positions were about to be enveloped by this paralyzing poisonous mist, their bodies suddenly rose. A fast-moving cyclone cover.

   "Ancient Shaman War Hymn·Storm Shelter"

   Wenren quickly pulled out the strings when he rushed out of the melee attack position, strumming them with bare hands, and the strings sounded like rain. At the same time, using words that others could not understand, using her ethereal voice, she sang the sound of nature.

  The power of the battle song caused elemental fluctuations, and a cyclone shroud rose up on all the people close to the giant beasts, pushing away the poisonous fog around their bodies and protecting them from the poisonous fog.

  Without the worries of the interference of the poisonous fog, the melee attack position began to do its best, continuously causing damage to the behemoth.

At this time, the skills of the    technique also fell on the giant beast in the graveyard, and various injuries exploded on the beast, and deep wounds appeared on its body.

The attack scene with more than a hundred people was very spectacular. Chen Fang carried the buds and planted the plants, and then returned to Jimo Wenren while watching the scene that looked like fireworks, and sighed in his heart. Compared to the monotonous black smoke and red flame explosion, the fireworks from other worlds look better.

The cemetery behemoth was restricted by its shield's ability to move, unable to move, and it was very painful after being attacked. It immediately became violent, its body swayed violently, and its front legs were constantly struggling to lift. At the same time, the snake's head kept spewing venom and the air holes in the abdomen Intensified the emission of poisonous fog.

"Increase the energy output and keep it steady and don't let it break free." Ming Tan immediately shouted when the giant beast's front legs showed signs of breaking free, but with the power of ten people, it seemed a bit to trap the two legs of the exploding giant Difficult, one of the front legs of the cemetery behemoth has a tendency to get rid of its restraints and is gradually lifting.

   "Rocky chains."

At this moment, Mundo, the shield leader of the Knights of Scale Star who was waiting to be replaced, saw that the situation had changed, no matter how the previous tactics were arranged, he immediately rushed up with the other nine people and squeezed into it. On the side of the Seven Sins Trial, he released his skills on the behemoth's leg that was about to break free.

   "We have one leg in a team." Mundo shouted towards Mingshan.

   Mingshan nodded, and immediately signaled his shield position to suppress one leg, and the other leg let out to be responsible for Mundo and the others. With the addition of Mundo and the others, the behemoth in the graveyard was suppressed again.


   Seeing that he could not get rid of the restraint, the giant beast in the cemetery roared impatiently. It raised its head to the sky, and its throat began to swell, as if it was brewing a sputum.

   "Auxiliary position, give shield to the front shield position, hurry up." Standing in the command position, Caesar shouted.

   "Surgery position, barrier skills release." Luo Lie frowned, feeling unsafe, and then ordered.

The orders of the two were quickly executed, and the auxiliary positions added elemental shields to the twenty shield positions. Those who were able to use the barrier skills in the operation positions also built a series of elemental barriers in front of the shield positions. For a time, barrier skills such as the earth wall of the shield, the ice barrier, the wind curtain of the flame wall and so on rose in an orderly manner, blocking in front of the shield.

Soon after the formation of numerous shield barriers, the behemoth in the cemetery lowered its head and spit out the highly toxic liquid that had been accumulated for a long time. The turquoise venom spewed out from the behemoth's mouth like a river bursting a bank. A large number of biological bones were also entrained in this storm. Obviously, the giant beast sprayed its gastric juice. The gastric juice broke through the barriers, but in the end it was well defended by the shield on the shield. The shield position caused casualties, which relieved Luo Lie and Caesar.

   If this wave is not defended, the shield position is very likely to be all killed, then it can really declare that the crusade has failed.

   Chen Fang saw this scene in the distance and couldn't help but slap his tongue. The offensive and defensive just now was really eye-catching. The commander here reacted a little slower, and he would definitely lose all the game.

   After the cemetery behemoth vomited stomach acid, his stomach was slightly smaller, and he fell into a period of exhaustion, and his reaction became very slow.

   Taking this opportunity, everyone output with all their strength, the attack exploded, peeling off a piece of flesh and blood on the body of the giant beast, and engulfing bloodless wounds.

Perhaps it was hit too hard. The cemetery monster began to tremble violently, especially its back, as if it was suffering from a twelfth-level ground. All the tombstone blocks began to swing constantly, as if they were about to fall off. .

   "All be alert and watch out for possible situations."

  Because he hadn't beaten the behemoth to this level before, Luo Lie didn't know what ability the behemoth would have in this state, and could only ask everyone to be on guard.

After trembling violently for a while, the behemoth in the cemetery suddenly arched its back, and then all the tombstone blocks on its back flew out, like stones thrown out by a trebuchet, flying toward the rear position. Come.

Chen Fang looked up at the lumps flying in the air. After careful observation, his whole body was erect. Those lumps were monsters with huge mouths and articulated claws. These When the monster is falling, two retractable wing membranes will be set up at the tail, which can not only adjust the posture, but also realize short-distance sliding.

   "Yiyi, shoot the waiters in the sky, don't let them fall to us." Chen Fang shouted.

After hearing Chen Fang's words,    Yiyi immediately adjusted the position of the Vulcan Cannon and fired wildly at the monsters that were gliding towards them.

   Bullets of different colors fired from the muzzle of Vulcan, forming a storm barrage, covering the monsters in the air.

   The bullets quickly came into contact with the monsters. In the barrage, these monsters would eat five or six bullets, and they were directly sieved.

The bullets fired by the Vulcan Cannon will have different effects with different The red bullet will explode, and the monster will be blown to the body as long as two of them are eaten; the blue bullet will penetrate the monster in the hole After the monster’s body, frozen wounds will be formed on its surface. The power of this ice bomb is not great, but the ice effect will continue to spread outward. When the fragile wing membrane of the monster is frozen, it will lose its function and even buffer. If he couldn't, he fell directly to the ground and became scum.

Oh, Chen Fang gave Yiyi a thumbs up in his heart. Of course, he was not idle. He "hit" the javelin with splashed ink style, waved his arm and threw it, looking for the monsters that were about to fall to the ground to shoot. , An average of three or four javelins can kill one, and the efficiency is not half a star compared to Yiyi.

There are many monsters thrown by the giant beasts in the cemetery, and the dense ones are almost covering the sky in front of it. These monsters glide over the crowd by constantly adjusting the tail wing membrane, and the huge mouth of the cavity is aimed at the target below, and the wing membrane is retracted to use meteorite The state of landing, rushed down extremely fast.

   "Return all the attack positions and clean up the giant parasites."

   Listed shouted and ordered, and then he manifested himself apart from his arms, holding a big axe and ran towards the position of the Star Knights, preparing to stop the parasites.

   Caesar also ran towards the operation area of ​​the Seven Sins Judgment. As he ran, he showed a set of black weapons, holding a long knife in each hand, and went to support at speed.

The parasites of the giant beasts fell, and the screams kept screaming, unfortunately, without even making a sound, they were swallowed by the parasites just on their heads. Some of them escaped the bite but were caught by the parasites’ mouths. His arthropods and claws were scratched from top to bottom, and internal organs flowed out from the breach. When he fell to the ground, his body was still twitching unconsciously. It should be impossible to survive.



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