My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 217: : The person is gone

Creatures in the space rift in the "other world" will gush out when the crack opens. When all the creatures come out, the "other world" will automatically close, so just make sure that all werewolves have been killed and that there is no omission. The space crack disappears just fine.

"Leader, the rift has been closed, but the team members who were bitten are not in good condition." After checking the injuries of the team members, Mundo took a team member who was responsible for treating the wounded and came to Luo Lie who was packing up the remains of the giant beast with others. Say.

   "What's wrong?" Luo Lie asked with a serious expression.

   "The whole body is feverish, unconscious, and all of them have passed out." Mundo said.

   "About thirteen people."

   "How many brothers did we lose this time?"

"Thirteen, five people died in the battle with the giant beasts, and eight died in the battle with the werewolves. If there is no'other world', then..." The group member in charge of the treatment looked sad. At the same time, I also felt that if Chen Fang hadn't hacked out this "other world", so many people would not have died.

   "Collect the bodies of the dead brothers, organize escorts for the wounded, and we will return to the camp." Luo Lie was also sad.

"Also, don't blame the death of my brothers on someone who saved us. You have to understand that if Xiao Chen doesn't kill the giant beast, everyone will die, and the crack in the "world" is just an accident. , Who would have thought it happened to be there.” Luo Lie reprimanded the member very seriously.

As Luo Lie said, when the behemoth in the cemetery is in the process of self-detonation, even if everyone uses their best, they cannot stop it. The death of all the staff is almost a foregone conclusion. If it were not for Chen Fangli to turn the tide, there would not be only thirteen dead now. So, the emergence of the "other world" was completely an accident. If you want to blame, you can only blame them for bad luck.

   "Well, I understand." The member lowered his head in shame.

   "Mondo, please tell the living brothers, don't let them think that Xiao Chen killed the brothers who died in the battle." Luo Lie seriously exhorted Mondo.

"Yes, captain." Mengduo nodded. In fact, he also complained in his heart why Chen Fang didn't collect some skill power. If he didn't hit the boundary of "Its World", no brother would die, but he also No wonder Chen Fang understood this. The situation was critical at the time. It was a blessing to be able to kill the giant beasts, and the powerful skills could not be controlled, not to mention the existence of the "other world" is impossible to predict, so I really can't blame it. On to Chen Fang.

   Mondo took the people away to educate and reassure others, while Luo Lie continued to direct the group members to clean up the remains of the giant beast.

   "Leader, what should I do with the corpses of these werewolves? Should they be cleaned up together or burnt on the spot?" A member of the group asked after finishing the corpse of the giant beast.

"Bury it on the spot, remember to leave a mark. I will report this time, and the battle group department will definitely send someone to check it, and there will be a physical proof at that time." Luo Lie thought for a while, except for the inspection of the battle group department. There are too many werewolf corpses. Just escorting the wounded and transporting the corpses of the lost brothers is already understaffed. Fortunately, Luo Lie didn't take the werewolf's corpse, and let the people from the battle team find it by themselves.

   "Okay." The members left after speaking.

   Chen Fang carried the four girls and Master Peterman back to the camp of the Knights of Scales, and immediately found Situ Shu who was staying in the camp, and asked him to arrange a place for the master to rest.

   "Did something happen? How are the casualties?" After Peterman was arranged, Situ Shu hurriedly asked.

Situ Shu was very unhappy when he was kept guarding the camp by the head of the regiment, but after the order, he had no choice. During the period when the crusade troops left, he was anxious and wanted to know the situation of the battle. Now Chen Fang is back and still He brought Master Peterman, who was supposed to be the last in the battle, and was the safest but injured and unconscious compared to the others, and he became impatient for a while, thinking that something was wrong with the crusade group.

   "Don't worry, the giant beast has been wiped out. We are not sure about the casualties. Master Peterman was injured because of other things. We came back early." Jimo explained.

   "Huh." Situ Shu heard a sigh of relief, but didn't rest assured, after all, the casualties this time were unknown.

   "What's wrong with him." Situ Shu asked Chen Fang, who had been a little lost in spirit since just now.

   "Something happened, he is not in a good mood right now, you can go and take care of you, here we will take care of it." Jimo didn't say much.

   "Well, if you have something, call me." After Situ Shu left, he wondered if he wanted to organize the few people who stayed in the camp to meet the next leader.

   After Situ Shu left, Jimo came to Chen Fang.

   "Chen Fang, cheer up, what's wrong with you?"

   "I...I don't understand why the master would help me. After all, we have only met twice and we are not very familiar." Chen Fang looked blank.

   "On this point, it's useless to worry about it yourself. You should wait until the master wakes up and ask yourself." Jimo said, the human heart is hard to guess, and the question is unclear, and the answer is hard to tell.

   "Yeah." Chen Fang nodded.

Chen Fang and several people have been taking care of the unconscious Master Peterman. It was not until that night when Chen Fang took Yiyiya Ya to go for a meal, they discovered that the members of the crusade group had returned to the camp. Chen Fang had a meal before leaving. On the way to the tent, when passing by a few members of the crusade group, I felt that their eyes looked a little strange when they looked at them. The eyes were both resentful and grateful, which was very complicated.

   "What's the matter?" Chen Fang was a little confused, he didn't seem to be doing anything, how did they think I was a bit disgusting? It is reasonable to say that I helped them solve the giant beast, so I should not be disliked. Is it because I robbed the flesh and harvested the monster?

   Can't think of a clue, Chen Fang doesn't think about it, Master Peterman alone is enough to worry him, there is still room to think of other things.

Retrieving enough food for five people, Chen Fang took Yiyi Yaya back to Jimo and Wenren. During the meal, Chen Fang told the two women what they had encountered. They said that they did not know why, so Chen Eat a few more bowls of rice to prevent depression.

   At night, the camp became very quiet. Except for the patrol personnel, everyone else had already fallen asleep. In the tent where the wounded were, the wounded who moaned unconsciously because of the pain that came from their body pain also fell asleep because of the fatigue of the day.

Among the wounded, those who were bitten by werewolves were lying quietly on the hospital bed. Suddenly, they opened their eyes together as if they were called out. In the darkness, the eyes of these people glowed like wild animals. They Unexpectedly, he got up and rushed to the curtain of the tent in a few steps, acting quickly to look like he was not seriously injured.

These people stopped by the door curtain, sniffing their noses, as if after confirming something, they rushed out of the tent one by one, pinching time, and shuttled between the camp tents at a very fast speed, avoiding all patrol personnel, and escaped from the camp. Disappeared into the night.

   In the early morning of the next day, Chen Fang was sleeping soundly, but was awakened by a burst of noise. As the movement became louder and louder, he really couldn't sleep anymore and could only get up in desperation.

   "What happened?" Chen Fang walked out of the tent and asked Jimo, who was already standing outside.

   "It seems that some of the wounded have disappeared. Their team members are looking for someone." Jimo said.

   "Gone?" Chen Fang felt baffled. How could this wounded be missing for no reason? It's not that no one is patrolling the camp at night. If you say that there is only one person, several people have disappeared, so there can be no movement.

   "Liu Lie, you can give me an explanation, but my two brothers were lost in your camp."

When Chen Fangzheng was talking to Jimo, Lin Hailou, the leader of The Hague Adventure Squad, was also begging for dignitaries. Yesterday, two of his team members were seriously injured in the battle with the giant beast and werewolf. Lin Hailou approached Luo Lie and asked him. Responsible. It happened that the pharmacist of the Liu family was in charge of taking care of the wounded in the camp. Luo Lie sent the two brothers of Lin Hailou to be treated together. As a result, two people disappeared in one night.

"Captain Lin, it’s not just your two team members who are missing, my team members are also gone, I’m no less than you in terms of impatient, so I hope you calm down I have sent someone to investigate. The main thing now is to find out how they disappeared." Luo Li said seriously.

   "So is there any clue now?" Lin Hailou asked.

   "No, I asked the people who patrolled last night and they said there was nothing unusual last night."

   "Which people disappeared, they can't run away by themselves." Said to the people in The Hague Adventure Team behind Lin Hailou.

"This is the weird place. According to the investigation, the tent where the wounded was located, in addition to the people of the Kuoliu family, there were also the footprints of other people who went out. The number is exactly the same as that of the missing people, but the Kuo Liu family said that those who disappeared The missing person is seriously injured, it is impossible to get up alone, let alone walk away."

   "Even if they can leave, there can be no movement, and the patrol can't be ignorant." Listed his face heavy.

   "Will someone sneak in and take people away?" Someone suggested this possibility.

   "Impossible, even if someone really comes in, with the density of patrols I arranged, it is impossible for so many people not to be discovered." Luo Lie shook his head and directly denied this possibility.

   "Then you said why people disappeared." The Hague adventure team said very rudely.

   "This still needs to be investigated, please be at ease." Before receiving the news, Luo Lie could only say so.

   The scene fell silent for a while.

   "Head, I found it." Suddenly Situ Shu ran over, with a weird and disgusting expression on his face.

   "Where are the people?" Luo Lie and Lin Hailou said at the same time.

   "The place where the werewolf was buried yesterday." Situ Shu said.



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