My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 236: : Escaped and attacked

Chen Fang escaped from the encirclement. In order to get rid of the people behind, he drove an electric car into the forest. With the blessing of riding skills, he avoided the big trees with various unreasonable movements. Shuttle through the woods.

   "I'm going, I forgot to bring the little fox." Suddenly Chen Fang stopped the electric car and shouted silently.

   "Huh?" At this moment, the cry of the little fox came from Chen Fang's head.

   Chen Fang stretched out his hand and touched it. It's soft and furry, isn't it just a little fox.

   I'm going, when did it hit my head? Chen Fang was a little confused. Is it because he is used to facing the little fox, so he didn't feel it?

   In fact, when Chen Fang pretended to be tired, the little fox had already climbed onto Chen Fang's head, but at that time his attention was all on others and he didn't feel it.

  Since the little fox hadn't been lost, Chen Fang drove the electric car forward again. At this time, there were shouts from behind him, and he was overtaken if he didn't leave.

   "Quickly, keep up, my mount has a keen sense of smell, and he can't escape." The young master of the family who was riding a wolf called.

   This is the advantage of mutant beast mounts. Not only can it be ridden, but it also has various functions. Some even have good combat effectiveness. If you encounter one that can be tracked, Chen Fang is unlucky.

   It is not easy to walk through the forest. Even if Chen Fang's car skills are good, the soft and decayed ground is not easy to run. He still can't get up the speed, and he hasn't left the people behind.

   Give me a way, I want them to not even see my taillights, Chen Fang roared in his heart.

   However, his wish cannot be fulfilled. After all, this is a hunting area and a wild country, and the Federation will not be bored enough to build roads here.

To say that in a flat place, the speed of Chen Fang's electric bike can really make most mutant beast mounts invincible, but don't think about it in this woodland. Two wheels can never run on two-legged earth dragons or four-legged ones. Beast.

   After a while, Zhan Liuming and a group of people appeared behind Chen Fang, and he had a faint tendency to be caught up.


   A rocket passed by Chen Fang and hit a nearby tree, leaving a black hole.

   Then he continued to have skills flying from behind Chen Fang, trying to knock Chen Fang off the electric car.

   But with the help of the rearview mirrors on both sides of the electric car, Chen Fang either dodged from left to right, or used trees to dodge most of his skills, and some were unable to dodge. He was stopped by the blood-red bride who appeared from time to time.

   praise, why did the blood red bride appear so diligent this time? But it happened to solve my crisis, and Chen Fang was very lucky.

"What's the matter, who is that woman? Where did she come from?" Zhan Liuming's face was a little gloomy. The information he knew didn't say that Chen Fang had a bodyguard, and what was even more exaggerated was that this bodyguard was still dressed. Wedding dress.

"I do not know."

   Seeing someone protecting Chen Fang, and she was still a big beauty with a gorgeous red gauze, Jace was in a bad mood and wondered why a pariah would be protected by a big beauty. It was too hateful.

   "Brother Ming, the woman in red has element fluctuations every time she appears, it should be a skill." Someone said after induction.

"This skill is great, I want to, grab him quickly and let him tell the source of the skill." A man shouted, summoning the fighting skills of beautiful women, is it too cool, if you can own it, fight Wouldn't it be better to save face after a few hits?

   "Yes, catch him, if you don't say it, you will be tortured."

   Although they followed Zhan Liuming to chase Chen Fang, most of them just joined in the fun. This will see the bride in red, and after knowing that it is the effect of the skill, the chasing man wolves howled and attacked vigorously.

   It was a good thing for everyone to work hard, but Zhan Liuming couldn't be happy. Chen Fang's unintentional skills caused him to be targeted by others, which was obviously not what Zhan Liuming wanted to see.

   Chen Fang didn't know that because of the blood-red bride, a group of people who had been involved in the fun had taken his heart to him, and had to take him down. If he knew, Chen Fang would have to vomit blood.

   If a group of people want to get the source of Chen Fang's skills, they must take him to torture them, and the skills become dense for a while.

   Chen Fang took a few blows behind his back, and immediately blood flowed out, dyeing his clothes red, and the scene became precarious.

   If he can, Chen Fang really wants to take out a big knife and slash all these people, but no, he can’t do that. Sometimes the little guy is so sad.

Fortunately, the crisis did not last long. After crossing a stream, Chen Fang saw a mountain road. Chen Fang hurried up to the road without discerning the direction. He rushed all the way with his horsepower, waiting for Zhan Liuming and the others to go up. On the mountain path, only Chen Fang could be seen.

   "Brother Ming, can you still chase it?" someone asked.

   "No, I haven't caught up with the complicated environment just now, let alone where there is a road." Zhan Liuming shook his head and said, "Let's go back. The real purpose of coming here has not yet been achieved."

   So under the leadership of Zhan Liuming, a group of people left here one after another.

   Chen Fang kept going along the mountain road without knowing how long he drove. The road was cut off in front of a valley.

Although in the process of escaping, Chen Fang noticed through the rearview mirror that the group of people were not behind him, but he was not sure whether those people would chase here, so he disbanded the electric car and wore the little fox. Walked into the valley.

   The vegetation in this valley is very dense and the trees are tall, but it is very quiet. The sound of birds calling and insects is often heard in the wild, but there is nothing here. It is very strange.

   Chen Fang felt more disturbed after leaving for a while, and when he was about to turn his head, a human voice appeared in front of him.

   "Hurry up, this shipment will be sent back immediately, and you will be punished if you are late."

"Got it."

   In addition to the human voice, Chen Fang heard a few beast roars, he hid it carefully, and then looked in the direction of the voice.

   Several figures in green robes walked in the woods ahead, and there were more than a dozen human-shaped giants beside them. These giants carried long metal boxes like coffins on their backs.

   Chen Fang looked at the green robe carefully, and found that the style was very similar to the one he encountered at the Dows Family Research Institute.

   This valley will not be the nest or stronghold of the creator organization, Chen Fang thought.

   can't stay, get out of here quickly.

   After Chen Fang waited for the people and the monster to leave, he immediately left here and walked out of the valley.

Back on the mountain road outside the valley, Chen Fang summoned an electric car, and took the little fox in the other direction when he came, without stopping until after dark, Chen Fang put on his glasses and found one near the mountain road. The place where we had stayed overnight stopped.

After a hard night, Chen Fang led the little fox on the road just after a night, and kept advancing along the mountain road. After passing through unknowingly many turns and turning around, Chen Fang was lucky. Back to the place familiar to the little fox, under his leadership, he returned to the tree house.

At this time, the tree house had been destroyed. Someone lit the fire and burned the whole tree and house to black coal. The little fox screamed when he saw it, and then came to the original burial tree house owner and his parents. The place.

The pit that was blown up was still the same. The three corpses in it were still buried, but there were more maggots on his body. Chen Fang couldn't bear to look again, dug the soil and filled it, and then left with the sad little fox. Here.

  According to his memory, Chen Fang found the way to enter the hunting area before, and he rode out on an electric bike.

   Just before leaving the hunting area, ten people wearing mechanical structures blocked the way forward.

   Chen Fang thought they were going into the hunting area, but he didn't care after a glance, but he didn't expect Chen Fang to be attacked when he was about to pass by them.

   Ten people and ten strange guns spit out deadly bullets. If it weren't for Chen Fang's quick reaction, he would directly convert the electric car into a triple jumper and hide on the other side. It is estimated that ten people shot down several times and he was already GG.

  What kind of hatred, why did you attack me? While Chen Fang was confused, his anger also burned.

  Before being chased and killed, Chen Fang had already suffocated his stomach. Now he encountered an unknown attack. Even the clay figurines would explode, so Chen Fang fought back.

   drew out Fang Tian's painting halberd, the wheels spun, and Chen Fang rushed up against the opponent's shot.

The ten people were surprised to see that Chen Fang was blocking the bullet like At the same time, seeing that Chen Fang couldn't be injured by shooting, they gave up their guns, drew out the big swords with mechanical style from their sides and surrounded them. Come up.

   Chen Fang saw that the opponent did not use firearms, but instead used melee weapons, and he drew him up without fear. At the same time, he also used the identification to check the opponent's information.

   Ordinary people in Yishui, or a member of the Mortal Technology Executive Team, Chen Fang frowned. He knew he was targeted by Mortal Technology, but he didn't expect to meet them today.

   "Why are you attacking me?" The opponent is just an ordinary person, and the combat effectiveness is not strong. Chen Fang took the time to ask questions.

   But the other party didn't answer but just stormed.

   Chen Fang saw that the other party ignored him, so he stopped asking at the moment, and Fang Tian drew a halberd and flew the other two away.

   The two of them flew in mid-air before landing, and suddenly there appeared a black and white wedding dress woman holding a giant sickle. It was Chen Fang's attack that triggered the passive "Bride's Attachment" skill, which produced an assisting attack effect.

   The black and white bride before the two landed, in the horrified eyes of the other party, cut down the giant sickle in his hand, slashing the two in the waist. After completing the attack, the bride disappeared and the two separated bodies fell to the ground.

The people who were cut in half had no way to die immediately. The pain of the cut made them mourn. The remaining eight people saw that Chen Fang's attack was so sharp, they suddenly retreated. Two of them took out an apple the size of their arms. The ball was thrown towards Chen Fang.

   Chen Fang casually smashed what they had thrown over. He just wanted to rush up, but he didn't expect that after the ball broke, a lot of smoke would be released and enveloped him.

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