My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 27: : Andora the Glutton

The summer is scorching and the heat waves are transpiring. The big hoofed antelopes in the grass-eating land have disappeared. The predators lurking in the tall grass in the past have disappeared. The empty grasslands have lost their usual vitality. There was a breath of murder in the air, and the reason for this atmosphere was an upcoming battle.

   The two sides of the battle are the reloaded Knights of the Star Scale and their enemy, Andora the glutton, a hill-sized grassland overlord.

  The Knights of Scale Stars, affiliated to the Guardian Alliance of the Char Federation, its main function is to hunt down all creatures that pose a threat to the Federation. The current commander is listed. It has seven powerful deputy commanders and many powerful members.

   This mission is to come to Da Caohai to eliminate the sudden appearance of Andora the glutton. Andora the glutton has a huge appetite. Every time he eats, he devours nearly a thousand creatures. Its appearance threatens the ecology of Caohai and the safety of pastures.

  The matter of the giant beast needs professional people to deal with it. The Caohai garrison can only report it, so Luo Lie led the Knights of Scales to come and destroy the gluttons.

Vicious behavior, evil behavior, hideous horror, these words are not enough to describe the gluttonous Andora, the imposing people brought out by the hill-like body can not breathe, the glutton has three heads of cow, wolf, lion and similar yak Like long-haired signs, the pillar-like thighs will cause small-scale vibrations every time they land. The feet with sharp claws are covered with thick keratin. The overall look is a monster with thick blood and high attack resistance.

   It will face the Knights of Scale Star who has experience in hunting multi-head monsters.

   "The shield position is advanced, the attack position is scattered, the auxiliary position pays attention to the distance, and the operation position is assembled to wait for the order."

A loud voice sounded in the group of hundred people. The owner of the voice was a middle-aged male with shaggy blond hair and sharp eyes staring at Andora the glutton, like a lion on a hunt. He is the scale star. The head of the knights is called the list of golden war lions.

   With the listing of orders, the members of the Hundred Regiment began to scatter in an orderly manner to perform their duties.

The actions of the Hundred Stars Group attracted the attention of Andora, the glutton who was confronting it. The sense of crisis in the animal instinct prompted it to launch an attack. The huge body rushed to the unsettling position with an overwhelming momentum. Group of Hundreds.

   "Mondo." Seeing this situation, the list still looks calm.

Behind    were three men and two women, with different expressions, solemn, calm, or cynical. They were the strongest combat power of the Knights of Scales and the assistance that followed.


   The benchmark of the shield position in the mouth of the Awakened, with a black-haired burly face and a righteous face, Mundo, known as the wall of no urge, stood up and waited for the order.

   "Try for thirty seconds, so that the members will be in place without fear." Luo Lie said.


Leaving neatly and cleanly, Mundo gradually accelerated from walking to running and then rushed towards Andora the glutton. During the run, his body was constantly covered with elemental armor. When he came to Andora, he was thick and heavy. His rock armor and the huge rock shield in his hand made Mondor armed to his teeth like a war **** with full arms.

   "Rocky Position·Title·Burning Rock Spike."

   Mundo yelled and inserted the giant shield in his hand into the ground, and then saw the giant shield expand wildly to form a huge towering rock barrier, and at the same time strong and sharp thorns grew from the rock wall.

When Andora the glutton saw a rock barrier suddenly appeared in front of him, he stepped on it without even thinking about it. In the eyes of the huge body, this was just a stone on the side of the road, but he did not expect it to be in this eye. The stone, which is so special, hit its feet and hurt the soles of its feet.


  The sharp rock spikes pierced into the soles of the gluttons, and broke apart in the flesh, causing secondary damage.

   The pain followed the nerves of the feet directly to the brain, causing Andora's three heads to roar in unison.

   Mundo’s containment allowed dozens of shield warriors to be in place, with various elemental lights one after another. The armor of the weapon in his hand was either attached to ice crystals or overflowing with lava or showing metallic light.

   "Auxiliary position blessing, pay attention to the state and treatment, watch the shield position and don't let them suffer too much damage." Luo Lie shouted, the scene began to tense.

   "The first wave of attacks at the position began, and the attacking knights pressed on to pay attention to guerrillas."

   Attacks such as frost, lava, wind blade, etc., under the control of the awakened person in the art position, fell on Andora the glutton, causing wounds.

   Burns, frostbite, and cuts create different wounds, constantly appearing on the gluttons, causing them to roar in pain.

Andora the glutton is very irritable, and the attack of the ants not far away makes it very painful. It wants to tear them apart, but there are still a dozen ants stumbling under him, making it impossible to take a step. Rush to destroy the ants that hurt it.

   Andora the Glutton has strong defensive power and resilience, but Pian Pian has no long-range attack ability. It is suppressed. If it can't break through the shield's defense line, even if the recovery ability is strong, it will not last long.

The hunting action is in full swing. The attacking knights walking around the gluttons are constantly looking for opportunities to leave deep wounds on the giant beasts with the mobility and cooperation of the mounts under them. This is a bloodletting tactic. It is the experience summed up by fighting the giant beasts for many years. Excessive blood loss will gradually weaken the huge giant beast and eventually become fish on the chopping board for humans to kill.

   "Captain Luo Lie, depending on the situation, it seems that we do not need our sisters to join the fight. I wonder why you called us here?" The speaker was a beautiful woman standing behind Luo Lie.

Luo Lie was not only a Mondor standing behind him, but also the handsome and elegant flower knight Situ Shu with blond hair and golden eyes, the taciturn Frost Wolf You Xi, the silver-haired and blue-eyed glamorous Yuehua singer Jimo and black The Valkyrie with silver-colored double pupils and gorgeous allure.

"Miss Jimo, the situation is not so optimistic. Andora the bulimia now seems to be suppressed by our soldiers, but this is just the beginning, being named the bulimia, its power has not been used, to I still need the help of your two sisters."

  Luo Lie solemnly looked at the direction of the battlefield, and said to this glamorous woman who was regarded as a goddess by many men.

Jimo has a cold and demure temperament. After receiving an answer, she returned to her place and waited silently. The Valkyrie Wenren who came with her asked Jimo when she saw Jimo come back, "Cousin, when will I be playing? I have other things today. Hurry up."

   "Wait." Jimo walked to Wenren and stood still, and replied with his hand to remove the grass clinging to Wenren's head.


   Hearing this, he didn't say anything. He knelt down on the grass and took out his weapon and began to wipe and maintain it.

   There are a lot of weapons, guns, swords, shields, and bows. I don’t know what material they are. The transparent crystals are like transparent ice cubes, emitting colorful light under the sunlight.

   "Crystal of the gods, shit, the weapon on Miss Wenren is really enviable, but such a beautiful woman can only be worthy of this precious thing."

After the flower knight stroked the rose on his hand for a while, he stroked the hair that fell between his ears and said, "Of course, no beautiful woman can compare to my god-like appearance, ah, my sin is so heavy, the world Ten shares of beauty, I own five, three share the world, two unborn, You Xi, do you think I can find a woman as beautiful as me as a wife in the future?"

   "Lonely old."

You Xi, who looked like a silent cold storage, was disgusted by Situ Shu's narcissistic words, and he instinctively took a step back and opened the distance between the two. He needs to stay away from this narcissistic guy, or else I can't put my cold look anymore.

   Regardless of what kind of plane these people who have not yet joined the battlefield are engaged in, the glutton on the battlefield Andora has begun to get irritable, and the attack of the Knights of Scales has aroused its anger, and it will explode.

The glutton broke out. The lion's hair in the three heads roared, and then bit on the bull's head. After a bite, the bull's head was torn off, and the lion's head and the wolf's head split their food without any scruples. After the bull's head, the self-harm-like behavior attracted the attention of Listed who had been watching the fighting situation.

   "You Xi, Situ, you should go, pay attention to safety." Luo Lie said.

   You Xi and Situ Shu, who were standing behind Luo Lie doing nothing to watch the scenery, rushed into the battlefield without saying a word.

   Situ Shu summoned his own mount, a single-horned white horse running extremely fast. After Situ Shu mounted it, he was under the body of the glutton within a short time.

Coming to the body of the glutton, Situ Shu raised his right hand, a green light flashed, and a spear made of tangled plants and vines appeared in his hand. Holding this vine spear, Situ Shu raised his hand. Suddenly, I saw the vine spear pierced through white paper, piercing the epidermis of the glutton very easily and piercing it into its lower abdomen.

After piercing the vine spear into the lower abdomen of the glutton, Situ Shu left his hand, and rode a white unicorn horse to find another location, and once again condensed a vine spear into the body of the glutton. Situ Shu continued Changed the position and inserted the gun, and when he felt it was almost done, he rode away.


Situ Shu raised his hands forward, his palms were covered with green light energy, and the vine spears inserted in the lower abdomen of the gluttons, under the action of this energy, seemed to be alive, constantly sucking the gluttons. The blood in the body is then discharged from the tail of the gun.

On the other side, You Xi did not summon a mount, but he himself ran at no slow speed. As soon as Situ Shu entered the glutton's body with his forefoot, he threw the chain blade in his hand onto the wolf head of the giant beast on his hind foot, leaving behind. A wound opened by flesh and blood, the wound opened by the chain blade appeared purple, and it was bleeding constantly.

   The attacks of the people here kept falling on the giant beasts, bringing up bursts of blood, but there was no movement from the two gluttons over there, the two lion-headed wolf heads who had eaten the bull's head.

  " Attention to attacking position, Andora started to enter the second stage, promptly remove the mite fly, don't let the bugs infest the rear Lie, based on past experience, screamed and gave instructions.

   Following the order from the list, the attacking knights and warriors who had been wandering around the monster began to shrink and retreat to open their formations, waiting for the next impact.

   Andora, the glutton, stood still under the attack, the more he scaled the stars, the less he dared to be careless, and everyone looked dignified.

   After a while, the lion-headed wolf head of the glutton raised his head and screamed, and his huge body began to shake, causing a wave of air.

   As the glutton trembles constantly, from the long hair on its body, a single ferocious-looking insect, which is nearly the size of a person, falls out.

   There are two kinds of bugs released.

One is an elliptical body with a scaly armour. The mouth is composed of a pair of giant jaws and three rows of pincer-like chelates. The tips have small teeth. A giant mite with four pairs of legs with smooth ventral bristles.

The other is capable of flying, with a large head but only a compound eye with a metallic flash. The center of the huge two jaws is a needle-like mouthpart like a mosquito. The wings are translucent, and the abdomen is enlarged and hairy Footless giant gadfly.

   There are about a hundred bugs, and they move very quickly. Giant mites are easier to deal with, and the offensive and defensive lines can easily resist their attacks.

   As for the flying giant bullfly, only the awakened in the art position and the few attack positions present can carry out sniping.

   However, once the troops are divided, it will inevitably lead to a reduction in the attack on Andora the glutton, which will allow Andora to recover under his strong self-healing ability, and make the previous efforts vanish.

   Gadfly is not a high-level mutant creature, it is only about the fifth level of the elementary level. However, there are many in number. If it is not handled in time, it will interfere with the operation position and have a great impact on tactics.


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