My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 492: : The world will start to fight and chaos

Chen Fang broke through the wind and the waves and drove the mud boat to drive in the mud. Due to the muddy rain and other harsh environments, they did not encounter mutant beasts on their way. In addition, they were lucky to have burst. After three days and nights, they stayed sleepless. At noon on the fourth day when it was clear, they finally stepped on the muddy road and slid a mud boat to the boundary of a medium-sized human city.

Ignoring the surprises and surprises of the passers-by adventurers, Chen Fang took the twin sisters through the guards and entered the city through the gates.

In this city called Kara, I don’t know that after several mud rains, all the trees and buildings are muddy stains, and there is no muddy water on the ankles on the streets. There are many bears and children playing, all like mud monkeys, laughing. The sound was mixed with the screams of various adults, and it is estimated that I will inevitably hang on when I go back.

The three of Chen Fang went into the city and hurriedly found a hotel, no matter the price was ten times higher than usual, they paid to take a bath, eat and sleep to relieve the exhaustion caused by endless sleepless days.

It was the next morning when Chen Fang woke up. He washed and walked out of the room, knocked on the twin sisters' door next door, and the three came to the lobby under the hotel.

Business was sluggish and there were not many customers. The bored boss lay in a daze at the counter, and the waiter took care of the customers and chatted with his companions.

Chen Fang found a place to sit down, ordered food and listened to the conversation between the two waiters who got together again.

One of the two waiters who looked like a young waiter in his twenties said to the waiter in his thirties.

"Business has been bleak in the past few months. The boss seems to be going to close the shop. We are running out of food. I really envy those who are awakened. At least we can go out of town to ask for a living."

"It's not that there is no place to go." The older waiter said.

"Have you found your next home? Colleagues have also introduced me to me for so many years."

"Yes, but I'm afraid you wouldn't dare to do it."

"What you dare not is better than starving to death if you don't have the money to buy food. What kind of work you say."

"My sister-in-law and her son-in-law have been communicating with the friends who work in the city lord's mansion, saying that the city lord's mansion is preparing to establish a guard force and will start conscription in a few days."

Chen Fang listened to the puzzle, does this boyfriend have any special meaning? Why emphasize? A friend is a friend or a boyfriend. What do you mean?

"Well, why do I still lick my blood with my head and hang my trouser waist. I really dare not do it. Without that jinliang, it's the life of cannon fodder if you go in. Are you planning to go?" The young waiter asked after shaking his head.

"You can't go, there are three cubs and two elderly people in the family, connected to my wife and I, but there are seven people. The money from the work here and the money from my wife's work can barely survive. Now my wife works. No, the boss here can’t make a lot of money on his own, and the wages he gets are low. The current food price in the city increases by one per day, and his savings are almost used up."

"To join the moat army, the money may not be much, but I heard that welfare is to ensure that the soldiers' family members can get the minimum amount of food every day. I have to go to this point, man, I don’t have to pay when it’s difficult. It's hard to solve it." The older waiter said helplessly.

"You worked hard."

The young waiter patted his companion on the shoulder. He was lonely. To tell the truth, he didn't have a deep feeling for his companion, but it did not hinder the understanding of the helplessness in the other's words.

"Don't talk about me, I guess you can't escape." The older waiter said suddenly.

"What do you mean?" The young waiter was puzzled.

"Our city lord has reached an agreement with the three nearby cities to form an alliance to jointly resist possible crusades initiated by the parliament, you know." The older waiter whispered.

"It is estimated that most people know about this. What does this have to do with me?" The young waiter was puzzled.

"The news I got was to resist the parliament. Under the three alliances, the number of recruits is very large. If the number of people is small in the early stage, it is very likely that forced recruitment will be adopted. By then, as long as they live in the city, every family will have to pay at least. Alone, do you say you are going or not?"

The young waiter shook his head immediately.

"If I can't fight to death, I will fight with the council army when the time comes.

"If you don't go, the whole family will be expelled from the city, which is a dead end."

"Why do you think I should run away now?"

"Run there, you are not an awakened one. Now the intercity subway is also paralyzed. Going to the wild is to die."

"Then what to do, I can't leave, I feel like it's a dead end. I heard that the parliament will punish cities that betrayed the Federal Assembly by massacre. Even innocent people will not be spared. You don't want to suffer if you can't escape. Is the city lord's brain disabled and anti-federal? Does he think that with the temporarily assembled army, he can resist the regular army of the parliament? When he slaps his butt, he can leave, and we will all die."

"Oh, what can you do? After all, there is no intercity subway to go to other cities like before."

Both of them sighed, and then they were called to work by the boss who couldn't see them being idle.

The three Chen Fang, who had finished their food early but did not leave the table, discussed the news they heard.

"This city lord is a tiger, and he wants to organize an army against the parliament. How can he think about it? Isn't he taking a lesson from Red Soil City? Is he going crazy because he wants to be the emperor?" Chen Fang said.

"Master, you don't know, they are all forced." Luo Luo said.

"Be forced? How to say." Chen Fang asked puzzledly.

Luoluo said: "During the extreme cold current, the council does not care about anything. It only takes care of a few major cities and ignores other cities’ requests for The power is delegated to let the city lord take care of himself. In fact, it is just letting it fend for itself, which has made many city owners feel dissatisfied."

"After the cold snap, the council has not forgotten to collect taxes from each city. Not only does it require that the taxes owed during the cold snap be made up, but it also unreasonably demanded that no deduction be made. If you don’t pay the full amount within the specified time, the city lord will be replaced. In the current situation, which city can make up the tax."

"What's even more exaggerated is that the parliament also sent an investigation team to review the governance of the city lord during the extreme cold current. If there is a phenomenon of lack of livelihood in that city, it is immediately held accountable. Several city lords were arrested and imprisoned because of this. Used to quell popular anger."

Foggy Grass is too shameless. During the disaster, the parliament did not ask questions. In order to continue to control the city, he actually buckled the pot to the city lord, and then used his selfless performance to consolidate the reputation of the people. This operation seems to be OK, but Really treat the world as a fool? No wonder others want to turn back, Chen Fang thought.

"If the council wants to do this, everyone will be opposed, but the council has an army, are these city owners afraid?" Chen Fang said.

"The federal army, the assembly can command only 30% of the movement, and the rest is the local army stationed. During the extreme cold, some of these troops were taken over by the city lord of the city where they were located, and some directly occupied the city as the boss, so Most of those city owners started offensive and defensive alliances, and they are not very afraid."

"Besides, if someone has taken the lead, those city owners are naturally not afraid." Luo Luo said.

"Leader? Red Soil City?" Chen Fang asked.

Lolo shook his head.

"Previously, the Red Soil City Autonomy Declaration was just an introduction, and the city lord could not be the leader."

"The real leader is the five-race royal family in the South."

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