My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 696: : Fight till dawn

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Wu Dalang, who was overwhelmed with excitement, cut off the cable bridge without paying attention, and Chen Fang's face turned green with anger.

Nima, it's like a pig teammate, and the totem-crazy orcs didn't cut it, but you cut your own back. If you wait to rescue the charming them, where are you going.

Chen Fang was so angry that he almost threw Wu Dalang into the river, causing him to be washed away by the river like the totem frenzy who fell.

"What's wrong?"

This guy still has the face to ask.

Chen Fang was so helpless that he didn't want to talk anymore.

The stronghold totem orcs on this side of the bridge ran out under the influence of the movement. Seeing hundreds of human races gathered on the shore of the bridge, naturally they would not sit idly by, screaming and rushing up, but they were all here first. The Wu family on the side was blocked.

The four beast costumes are too restrained against the totem mad orcs, and the battle is still one-sided.

But the number of totem frenziers in this stronghold is far more than that on the other stronghold. Waves of appearing, stupefied in a short period of time, blocked the way out, and besieged Chen Fang and the others in this stronghold. in.

There is no way to advance, no retreat, you can only bite the bullet and fight, but even if you want to fight, you must find a good position to fight, squeeze on the edge of the river bank to fight, if you accidentally fall down, you will be finished.

Chen Fang observed the nearby terrain and saw that a stone guard tower 50 meters ahead was available for use, so he took out a sack from the space and collected the petals on the road, and stuffed it into the arms of a martial artist next to him. .

"Spread for me, don't stop."

? ? ?

The Wu family opened the mouth of the sack and saw that all it was filled with petals, their minds were instantly bewildered.

You kill, I will sprinkle flowers for you?

Do you feel that this murder scene is too tragic, and want to use petals to ease the atmosphere, or do you simply want to pretend to be compared?

Seeing that the fighting at the scene was getting more intense, while the martial arts family beside him was still stupidly motionless, he immediately shouted, "Silly, let's go."

The Wu family was frightened by Chen Fang's yelling, subconsciously holding out a handful of petals from the sack and sprinkling them out, forming a rain of petals.

Chen Fang, who was enveloped in the petal rain, stretched out his hands and withdrew the double knives from the circle, cutting out ten knives instantly.

Every time a sword is released, a tall flower whirlwind appears, and the totem frenzy who rolls toward the front. When the totem frenzy is about to touch the first totem frenzy, the flower whirlwind turns into an ice tornado and a fire whirlwind, directly turning the totem The mad orcs engulfed it.

A bitter scream sounded from the totem beast population surrounded by the fire whirlwind, but the sound disappeared after a while, and then a black charcoal figure fell out of the fire whirlwind without a sound. It was obvious that the dead could not die again, and The fire whirlwind did not stop advancing, all the way forward, until it scorched the third totem frenzy before disappearing.

The totem mad orcs that were hit by the ice tornado turned into ice sculptures, and then they were rolled into the sky and fell to pieces on the ground.

However, with three breaths of effort, dozens of whirlwind tornadoes suddenly appeared, swept across the spot, strangling the totem madmen within 30 meters of Chen Fang's body.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the Wu family who gave Chen Fangsahua were almost staring. He who is not well-educated can only use two words to describe his admiration for Chen Fang.

"Niu than (broken sound)!"

"Keep up, don't stop Sahua."

Chen Fang turned his head and exhorted, and rushed out.

The Wu family was taken aback for a while and hurriedly followed, and hurriedly followed. 51 Aesthetic Novels

So there was a person on the field slaying all quarters in front, followed by a person who kept spreading flowers, and the petals turned into a whirlwind tornado to kill the totem madman.

"I'll go, Brother Chen can be so handsome in murder, it's so enviable."

"That is, the pomp is too small. If there are more people, preferably beautiful women, it will be perfect."

"Uh, that's not right, it's not perfect yet. It's perfect if I replaced him. The little brother is so unremarkable that he lowered his stool.

Wu Dalang stabbed to death a totem madman standing in front of him, just seeing Chen Fang's situation, he was immediately envied, and he wanted that skill too.

Envy is envy, Wu Dalang saw that Chen Fang had been killed in the totem mad orcs, and immediately reminded him loudly: "Chen Fang, don’t charge too much by yourself. It’s not good to be surrounded. You don’t want us. The four beasts are equipped to restrain the totem mad orcs.

Even in the hustle and bustle of the battle, Chen Fang, who was able to hear Wu Dalang's voice, could still hear Wu Dalang's shouts, and immediately replied: "I will kill a passage, and you will bring your brothers to follow me. Don't fight these guys by the river. Be careful and fall into the river."

When Wu Dalang heard what Chen Fang said was reasonable, he kept fighting back to the river bank, and there was no guarantee that no one would miss his footing. So he hurriedly greeted the other Wu family members and followed Chen Fang while fighting.

Totem mad orcs are not afraid of death. Even if they see their companions being killed by people cutting melons and vegetables, they will not be afraid. They are still fierce and committed. Although people die quickly, there are many people who rushed up. Blocking in front of Chen Fang gradually made him feel strenuous.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fang immediately mounted the dangling weapon rack on his back, and sacrificed five long swords attached to the intermediate thundering technique.

With one heart and two uses, five exaggerated long swords flew in the air like a floating cannon, swooping toward the totem beastly like an osprey, and after hitting it, it led to the sky thunder, and the black lightning hit the air to receive the spell. Human-centered, patches of thunder light radiation implicated the totem mad orcs within three meters of the vicinity, each of which became scorched corpses falling to the ground and smoking under the thunder strike.

Under the mysterious thunder, no totem freak can withstand a blow. His life was harvested like a mustard, but it was far from enough. The totem freaks behind stepped on the scorched corpses of their companions and continued to surround themselves, filling the vacancy. position.

Chen Fangkan frowned once the road leading to the sentry tower that had just been cleared.

If you don't come to hate it, I'm afraid it won't work.

When his mind moved again, Chen Fang controlled five long swords to fly in different directions and inserted them into the ground, causing the runes of the sword body to connect the five swords, forming a thunderstorm formation, enclosing hundreds of totem mad orcs.


The sky is thundering, and countless black lightnings are falling, and you can see it like a waterfall in the sky. After the lightning hits, it seems to be covered with water and rushing in all directions. It is quite With one breath and one breath, the thunder and lightning disappear, and the totem in the array is crazy None of the orcs survived, their entire bodies were carbonized, and even their limbs were missing. When they fell to the ground, they fluttered like carbon residue, and the scene was quite tragic.

I don't know when it started, both sides stopped their hands on the battlefield, and they were both scared by the spectacular lightning waterfall and the result.


Wu Dalang swallowed subconsciously, "This Nima is a divine punishment."

The Wu family behind him subconsciously nodded in agreement.

"What are you doing in a daze, kill."

The Totem Frenzy Orcs did not move, and Chen Fang would not do nothing. After hacking one to death, he saw his teammates in a trance, looked at him with ghostly eyes, and immediately reminded him.

It was Chen Fang's cry that made everyone recover, whether it was the martial arts family or the totem frenzied orc, and once again picked up the weapon to greet the opponent.

With the help of the Thunder Array, Chen Fang finally led the Wu family to the sentry tower, and everyone used it as a basis to fight the totem beastly.

The fight hit until dawn, and there was a mountain of corpses in front of the guard tower, and Chen Fang was also injured. Fortunately, there were four beasts and no one died.

The battle was rising in the rising sun, and Chen Fang was about to end when he was going hungry.

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