My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 720: : The birth "daughter" 0-member group

In order for the one hundred children in his body to be born smoothly, Chen Fang desperately tried his best to kill the nutrient absorbed by the totem mad orcs. Except for some of the nutrients used to repair the main root system, all the other nutrients were used on the fruit. To make it mature as soon as possible.

Finally, when Chen Fang was about to burn out except for the bare leaves, the bark everywhere on his body burned into charcoal, and his whole body was about to be enveloped in flames, more than one hundred fruits absorbed enough nutrients.

The ripe fruit swelled into an individual the size of a hippo within a short period of time, and the pressed branches became arched and unable to hang, and they began to shake themselves.

It's about to give birth!

As the fruit's shaking continued to intensify, Chen Fang sensed that the ignorant consciousness was connecting with his own consciousness, like invisible thin threads, connecting himself to them.

This connection was looming at first, but after a while, it became clear, and when each fruit automatically broke off the branch and fell down, this connection was completely formed.

The huge fruits that fell, smashed the ground into deep pits, and some of them smashed on the totem mad orcs under the trees, directly smashing into a pool of fleshy mud.

After the fruit fell to the ground, cracks began to appear on the surface, and two kinds of light, black or white, were transmitted from the cracks, and then a plain hand with only flower patterns, grabbed the cracks on the surface of the fruit, and tore the whole fruit. Finally, a centaur-shaped creature came out, each wearing black or white flower vine armor, and a weapon made of vines hanging on the belly or on the back of the horse.

The Black Armored Dryad is a war knight, inherited the abilities of Da Qiao, more than two meters tall, only a head shorter than their mother, using a spear and sword and shield.

The White Armored Dryad is a jungle hunter, smaller in size than Xiao Qiao, holding a flower scepter in his hand, and a pouch with three javelins hanging from the horse's belly. The abilities are also the same as Xiao Qiao, but they are all for a single body. Skills.

Their faces are slightly different. It can be vaguely seen that they have the characteristics of Xiao Qiao and Chen Fang. It may be that they have more genes from their mothers, so they look very beautiful, but because they have inherited some of Chen Fang’s features, their appearance is natural. It's not comparable to being dragged down.

But this is not the point. The point is that they are all beauties, and they will save face when they lead out. No, the point of the point is that these Dryad fighters are not like Xiao Qiao, they need to parasite on Chen Fang to absorb nutrients. They are like contract beasts. Generally, when they are not summoned, they are completely dormant. When they need nourishment, they only need to summon Chen Fang. They will take root in the earth to absorb nourishment, which is very easy to nourish.

This is a group of children who don’t need to worry about their parents. They can help you as soon as they are born, and you don’t need to care about how to raise them. Their strength also grows with Chen Fang’s growth. If you accidentally hang up, you don’t have to worry about white-haired people. Send the black-haired people, because as long as Chen Fang does not die, they can be born again through Chen Fang's tree form.

I have a child, and I still have a hundred "daughters", and I can form a group to kill people as soon as I was born, or the one that doesn't hesitate to play.

Chen Fang was very relieved. He was just over the top, and a group of "daughter" guards would protect his old father's personal safety.

A hundred children were finally born, and Chen Fang could no longer maintain the tree form, suffering from the flames used by totem warriors and totem beasts.

He directly lifted the tree form to restore his body, hit a mace, mounted a small electric donkey, and killed the totem warrior who had caused him to suffer.

The totem warriors and other ordinary orcs were a little stunned. The big tree suddenly said that it was gone, but suddenly many half-humans and half-horsemen appeared. For a while, they were a little confused and full of muscles. He couldn't handle a little bit of his brain, and he didn't move for a while.

When the Totem Frenzy did not react, the Dryad warriors cut down the nearby Totem Frenzy, and then gathered together under Chen Fang's summons, and began to rush around on the field. The Totem Frenzy reacted. At that time, no less than a hundred totem beasts had been killed, including a dozen totem warriors and dozens of totem beasts.

Seeing that the tribe had died so many, the totem mad orcs were undoubtedly very angry, so they surrounded Chen Fang and his "daughters" one after another.

The totem warriors, the salamanders and the flaming snakes continued to release their skills towards Chen Fang and the others, and the flames burned through.

Under the tree form, Chen Fang is naturally unable to resist and can't hide, but now that he has recovered his body, he has some ways to deal with it. The easiest way is to directly resist the past with the golden bell, otherwise he will waste some strength or spend some skills to lift the wolf. Tooth stick smashing skills, or using the speed of an electric car and his magical skills of drifting tails, flexibly shuttle through the gap between skills to avoid the past.

Even if he couldn't avoid it, he had to fight back once or twice, with his current physical strength, it was not a big problem.

As long as it is not overwhelming, those fire element skills are not a threat to Chen Fang, but he is quite worried that his one hundred "daughters" will have problems. After all, they are dryads, he is so afraid of life, they are also It must be almost the same.

However, Chen Fangbai was worried. The Dryad was really afraid of fire, but it didn't mean that his "daughters" couldn't deal with it. You can avoid those flames on both wheels, so why can't we avoid these four legs.

In terms of flexibility, Chen Fang is not as flexible as his "daughters".

Faced with the skills that come from face to face, the Dryad Warrior’s four legs are like springs, jumping like antelopes on the grassland, or left and right or leaping into the air, and easily avoided. , And the four legs can also make a pleasing drift. The tail is so beautiful that the skills pass without even wiping the edges.

Seeing the "daughters" jumping so easily dodge the skills, Chen Fang was envious. Looking at the sitting down and the electric car with features that can’t jump up, Chen Fanghen can’t give it directly. Demolished.

Chen Fang took the "daughter" regiment and rushed to kill, causing no small casualties to the totem freaks without cavalry at the scene. The excessive movement caused the attention of the totem freaks in other directions, and reinforcements were rushing towards this place.

The city wall received the charm of the totem madness in other directions, and immediately asked Jimo to ride the flying mount to meet Chen Fang.

Jimo did not dare to delay, and flew over Chen Fang to tell him to stop and go back with her.

Chen Fang was rushing to kill Zhengxing. He was reluctant for a while, but when he saw the dust rising in the distance, he realized that the opponent's "cavalry" was coming, so he suppressed his temper and summoned the Dryad Warrior. He went back, and then climbed onto Jimo's mount, and the two returned together.

The totem warriors who had come to the reinforcements rushed into the air and left angrily.

After receiving specific information about the riot, Neha, Heiwu, and Gongfang gathered together to discuss whether the sudden appearance of the big tree and the strange centaur would have any effect on the plan, and discuss the result for a long time. It was the big tree that was obviously restrained by the flames, and the number of centaur was only one hundred, which would not have any effect, so he ignored it.

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