My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 736: :question

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It only took more than half an hour to slip around in the headquarters. Chen Fang returned to the interrogation room and didn't want to wait any longer. He directly knocked on them, indicating that it was over.

After a while, the door opened, Chen Fang pinched his nose and walked in, then closed the door again. The eight big men were all dressed, standing in the room with a spring breeze and embarrassment, with a **** in the middle. Rookie catcher.

Seeing the tragic situation of the newcomer arrester, Chen Fang couldn't help but tsk.

At this moment, Zhou Zong's lyrics can completely describe the scene that appeared in front of him. If it were not for his lack of tone, Chen Fang could not help sing it to the other party.

Chen Fang squatted beside the newcomer catcher, patted the other person's face and said, "Let's talk about it, you have been instigated by someone."

The rookie catcher had a foolish look in his eyes, and he didn't respond.

"Don't tell me, I think a few big brothers are willing to give you another clock." Chen Fang said.

The eight big guys showed a smile of "Qin Wuwang". Obviously they were willing. After all, the rookie hunter was still handsome, and his skin was pretty good, especially his buttocks, which felt moist.

The rookie catcher hit a sharp spirit and waved his hand in horror, "No, no, I said."

"Your Excellency Mireto asked me to do this. He said that as long as I can make you confess guilty, then I will be promoted to the chief of the arresting section."

Chen Fang asked, "Who is Mireto and what does it look like?"

"He is a staff member of the Second Royal Highness, middle-aged, with no hair on top of his head, and a small beard." The new hunter said.

Chen Fang listened to the description of the newcomer arrester, and thought of the person he saw before, and felt that it should be the same person without accident.

"Do you know what his purpose is?" Chen Fang then asked.

The newcomer catcher shook his head, saying that he was just a small person, who would know so much, just do what they call it.

Chen Fang then asked a few questions, but the newcomer arrester didn't know what to ask, he stopped asking, but stood up and watched the newcomer arrestor ponder how to deal with it.

The rookie arrester was a little frustrated when Chen Fang stared at him. He didn't care about the pain, kneeling and knocking Chen Fang's head for mercy: "Big brother, please forgive me. I have the old and the young, and the family cannot leave me. what."

Chen Fang was unmoved, and the fool would let him make trouble for himself only after he moved his hands. Not only the rookie catcher would not let him go, even the eight big men Chen Fang didn't plan to stay.

There was a plan in his heart, but Chen Fang remained calm, and just said to the eight big men: "Go ahead."

After speaking, Chen Fang walked out of the interrogation room and closed the door again.

The eight big guys looked at each other, then smiled and surrounded the rookie trappers with terrified expressions.

But just when the eight people pressed the rookie catcher to stir up the shit, a dozen war knights in black armor suddenly appeared behind them. Under their cold expressions and indifferent eyes, they waved their long hands. Sword, beheaded the heads of the eight big men and the rookie catcher.

Nine headless corpses fell, and then the war knight's feet extended roots and inserted into the corpses, but in a moment, the corpses were completely wiped out, and even the blood on the ground was absorbed cleanly.

Outside the door, Chen Fang waited for a while, received feedback from his "daughter", opened the door and checked, after confirming that there was nothing wrong, he recalled the war knight, and then returned to the cell by himself.

Three days later, the old Zhao who had been involved in arresting him brought a few people to Chen Fang.

"Say, does Liu Erjin's disappearance have something to do with you?" Old Zhao asked.

Yes, he was killed by me, Chen Fang secretly said in his heart.

"Who are you talking about? I don't know Liu Erjin." Chen Fang said blankly.

"Don’t be sophistry, Liu Erjin said before that he would interrogate you, but there has been no news since that day. At the same time, eight people in Room 3 on the second floor were missing. According to our understanding, they stayed together on the day of your interrogation. There is reason to suspect that you have moved something."

After finishing talking, Old Zhao stared at Chen Fang without letting go of any clues.

"You said him, how do I know how he disappeared? After the interrogation, I was put back in prison. What does his disappearance have to do with me?" Chen Fang said lightly.

"It really has nothing to do with you?"

Old Zhao saw Chen Fang's calm and not flustered appearance, so he believed.

"I'm just an ordinary person, what can I do?" Chen Fangtan said.

After hearing this, Zhao stopped asking more questions and left with someone.

Chen Fang watched the other party leave, curling his lips.

"This is over?"

"Tsk tusk, the law enforcement agencies in this world are really bad. Not to mention that there is no guard standing guard between the prisons, and even the surveillance equipment is not installed. The security measures are lower than the security measures of the private houses. At least there are still dogs to watch. Family."

"Even the catchers don't have a brain. The things I did were not clean, and I went shopping on purpose. There were a few eyewitnesses on the road, and you can find Lao Duo by looking up.

"Hey, my operation is considered a crime with high IQ, it's incredible."

Chen Fang spit out a few words, and then went on to sleep on the bed.

After leaving the cell, Lao Zhao talked as he walked.

"Lao Zhao, what happened to you just now? He obviously did it. It's not that we have no evidence."

"Yes, the dark camera in the interrogation room recorded everything, and it seems that the kid did it."

"There is also a kid who went to the first floor to wander around in a fair manner. Many people have seen it."

"Moreover, he was able to summon that kind of half-human, half-horse creature. Obviously he didn't take the element inhibitor. I also checked. The elemental restraint shackles that he wore before were not returned to the record. I really don’t know how he took it by himself. Come down and hide it."

"This person is weird, should we really ignore it?"

Several colleagues asked Old Zhao puzzledly.

"You don't think this happened before." Old Zhao said in a deep voice.


Several colleagues were puzzled.

"If you want to keep your life and do what I said, don't report this matter."

Old Zhao didn't answer, but only gave a warning.

Several colleagues are even more puzzled.

Lao Zhaosheng was afraid that these few colleagues who were familiar and well-connected on weekdays would not understand the dangers, so he expressed his thoughts.

"We are all people with no backstage. We can't participate in the matter of joining the second and third princes. Just bring them back. As long as he doesn't escape, we can ignore other things."

"Those big players playing games, anyone and everything will be used as We don't touch it, and we will be crushed when we touch it. If you don't listen to persuasion, you will be treated as if I didn't say it."

"Say it first, if you go to report, don't take me with you." Old Zhao finished speaking and left.

Several colleagues looked at each other, "Whether we go to report or not, maybe it's a great achievement."

"I won't go, what Zhao said makes sense, one thing is worse than one thing less," one of them said.

"If you don't report it, what should you do if someone else runs away? It won't trouble us then."

"No, when we just passed, the cell door was not locked, and if he really wanted to run, he ran away three days ago, so why bother to go back."

Several people discussed it, and finally decided that nothing happened. As for the disappearance of the new arrester, just write a report. Anyway, under the current environment, the boss above might not care about it.

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