My Spy Years

Vol 3 Chapter 1091: Don't be ashamed to ask (ask for a monthly ticket)

  Chapter 1091 Don't be ashamed to ask (seeking a monthly ticket)

  No. 22 Xue Huali Road.

  The auditorium of the central patrol room.

  Cheng Qianfan and Jin Kemu beside him talked in a low voice.

  The auditorium was full of voices, some police officers were talking about the "Dog Classic" with great interest, and some were discussing the new dancer in Xian Ledu.

  Cheng Qianfan frowned.

   "Quiet." Lu Jiu stood up and shouted loudly, "Everyone be quiet, listen to the radio quietly."

  The arresters of the third patrol were all obedient and quieted down.

   The first patrol and the second patrol were still whispering to each other, but after all, they had some scruples and their voices were lowered.

   "Jintou, do you think the authorities will order the confiscation of the Germans' money and assets?" Cheng Qianfan asked Jin Kemu with a cigarette between his fingers.

  According to the notice from the Political Department, all members of the patrol room came to the auditorium to listen to the broadcast of the "Gauls" radio station, in the name of caring about the suffering of the distant Poles.

   Radio 'Gaul' is a radio station founded by a French expatriate in the French Concession, and it is also one of the few radio stations still operating in Shanghai at this stage.

  In November of the 26th year of the Republic of China, Shanghai fell, and the Japanese military took over the radio station of the Ministry of Communications of the national government, and established the Shanghai Radio and Television Supervision Office in March of the following year.

   Mandatory requirements for existing radio stations in Shanghai to register with the Broadcasting and Radio Station Supervision Office, and they can continue to operate only after they are approved.

  Japan wants to control all radio stations in Shanghai through registration, or to put it bluntly, only stations recognized by the Japanese can continue to operate.

  If this is the case, a large number of Chinese radio stations have closed down one after another. For example, the well-known Fuxing Radio Station in Shanghai was forced to close down at the end of last year because it refused to register with the Japanese Supervision Office.

  Under such circumstances, only the radio stations of the Westerners in the concession are given a temporary "respite".


   Regarding the order to listen to the radio issued by the Political Department.

  Most of the policemen in the patrol house lack interest in this. The life and death of the Poles is too far away from everyone.

  Maybe some people will secretly rejoice in their hearts, the foreigners started fighting themselves, well, the foreign devils don’t have a good bird, the more dead the better.

Some people also said that when the Japanese attacked Shanghai the year before last, the foreigners on the roof of the Sassoon Building drank red wine and ate steaks to watch the Japanese army and the national army fight and watch the Chinese people being killed by bombs. Now... this kind of thing is in China People can't do it.

In fact, according to what Jin Kemu and Cheng Qianfan have learned, it is said that the French may declare war on the Germans today. The French Concession authorities intend to let all the staff witness this sacred and great moment, and wish the mighty French Republic to destroy Germany again. .

  Cheng Qianfan is concerned about the German industry in Shanghai’s French Concession and Public Concession.

  Especially the industries of the Germans in the French Concession. Although more Germans work and live in the public concession, there are still some Germans who do business in the French Concession and are quite wealthy.

  In fact, after learning yesterday that the Germans were attacking Poland and Britain and France would declare war on the Germans sooner or later, Cheng Qianfan started thinking about German assets in the French Concession.

  He didn’t think money was crazy and whimsical. After hearing the news from Peter about Germany’s attack on Poland, Cheng Qianfan urgently studied the various restrictions and punishments imposed on the Germans by the concession during the European War—

  He has evidence to follow and laws to follow.

  After the outbreak of the European War, the Tribunal of the French Concession immediately ordered the auction of the famous Garden of Verdun, where German expatriates lived in Shanghai, to compensate the righteous French citizens for their losses in the war.

  After a "long" auction of more than six minutes, the Board of Directors bought the Verdun Garden for 95,000 taels of silver, a total of 61 acres of land and a bungalow, including all furniture.

  The British side, the British Consul General in Shanghai approved a draft of the "Notice of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce".

  The notice prohibits the foreign nationals of the enemy country from moving freely without permission, and prohibits them from leaving their residences in the concession without authorization or walking arbitrarily on any roads belonging to the Ministry of Industry.

At that time, the patrol room in the French Concession issued a regulation, requiring Germans and Austro-Hungarians to register at the patrol room every day. After this regulation came out, some French police officers were very happy. It's full attendance, and they deliberately made things difficult when they checked the young women's registration cards.

   Even, not to mention that people will be restricted in their freedom, their assets will be confiscated, and even the monuments of the Germans will be pulled down.

  During the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, Germany dispatched many warships into Shandong and other places.

  After the war ended, these warships returned one after another. One of the gunboats named "Yildis" sank due to a storm while sailing in the Yellow Sea in the summer of the twelfth year of Guangxu.

   With the help of Jardine Matheson, the German overseas Chinese in Shanghai erected a monument in front of the German General Assembly in the south of Waibaidu Bridge.

  During the European War, the French pushed down the monument, and even the base was removed.

   "No." Jin Kemu glanced at Cheng Qianfan, "War has nothing to do with civilians. The French and Germans are advanced powers, so they wouldn't be so rude."

   "Won't be rude?" Cheng Qianfan sneered, looked down the stage, and said, "Uncle Jin, do you believe that the Yierdis monument will be destroyed again in a few days."

After the end of the European War, the life of the Germans in Shanghai was not easy. The French oppressed the Germans very much. That is, the appeasement of Britain and France against Germany in the past two years, the life of the Germans was easier. They reunited on the grass of the new German Chamber of Commerce. The 'Yildis' monument was erected.

   "Heartbeat?" Jin Kemu took the cigarette handed by Cheng Qianfan and shook his head, "It's useless to be heartbroken. It's such a beautiful thing. The French have to eat their fill first."

  Cheng Qianfan chuckled, "It's a good meal when everyone is full."

  Jin Kemu exhaled smoke from his nose, glanced at Cheng Qianfan, laughed, and said nothing.

  With the relationship between this kid and Pete, there is still great hope for a piece of the pie.

   No, with this kid's passion for money, he will definitely not let go of this opportunity to eat fat.


   "The Luftwaffe carried out continuous bombing of important military targets throughout Poland."

  “21 major airports throughout Poland were attacked at the same time, most of the planes were destroyed, and fires broke out in more than 30 cities.”

   "Transportation and communication hubs, power stations, bridges, city halls, etc. were destroyed."

  "The German warships staying outside the port of Danzig under the banner of conducting a "friendly visit" also brazenly fired at the Polish military base."

   "The German secret agents lurking in Poland organized internal responses and carried out all kinds of sabotage. Now, the chaos in Poland is horrific."

  “Facing the frenzied attack of the German army, the Polish High Command decided to organize staunch resistance on the West Bug River, Vistula River, and San order to wait for the arrival of the powerful French allies.”

  During the broadcast, the staff of the "Gauls" radio broadcast the news in a cheerful tone. Those who didn't know it thought that Germany was an ally of France, and the Poles who were beaten were enemies.

   Obviously, in the eyes of these ordinary Frenchmen, the Poles are not really regarded as allies.

  Cheng Qianfan was thinking about other things.

  He is considering that if Britain and France declare war on Germany, the French Concession will "liquidate" the Germans. In this process, it may implicate and damage the Chinese people and our anti-Japanese forces.

  During the European War, the Shanghai French Concession claimed that Tongji Medical Engineering School was a German industry. In order to prevent the Germans from using the school’s machinery to manufacture weapons, they publicly announced the dissolution of the school and restricted teachers and students to leave the school on the same day.

  For this reason, all walks of life in Shanghai jointly called the Ministry of Education of the Beiyang Government, please try to make arrangements for the aftermath of Tongji students.

  The Ministry of Education immediately sent people to discuss, move the school to Wusong Town, and continue to resume classes.

  Ten days later, the Ministry of Education ordered the school to be changed to a Chinese private school, run by a Chinese board of directors, and directly under the management of the Ministry of Education.

  Now, the state government is far away in Chongqing, and its influence on Shanghai is even negligible. If there are Chinese people and industries affected by the liquidation of German products in the concession, naturally they cannot count on the state government and can only save themselves.

  Therefore, plan ahead.

The first thing Cheng Qianfan thought of was the Hans clinic of the German Hans. The special high school had already confirmed that Hans was a red international. The reason why he didn't do anything to Hans was not because Hans was German. After Japan and Germany signed a joint anti-red international agreement, the German Consulate General in Shanghai also became increasingly dissatisfied with Hans' attitude.

  The reason why Hans was not arrested was because he had a good relationship with a high-level French Concession authority.

  However, after France declared war on Germany, whether Hans could continue to receive asylum in the French Concession is hard to say.

   At this moment, Pete brought the two of them to the auditorium.

  Cheng Qianfan and Jin Kemu looked behind Pete, but they were surprised that they didn't see Xi Neng, the monitor squad leader of the Political Division.

   On this important occasion, how could Xi Neng be absent?

  Besides, according to the gossip we got before, Mr. Tander, the assistant to Mr. Ferguson, the Police Director of the French Concession Police Station, will also visit the auditorium of the Central District Police Station, and Mr. Tender has not been seen yet.

  Pete came to the rostrum.

  He sat between Jin Kemu and Cheng Qianfan.

   "What's wrong?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

   "The plan to declare war has been shelved." Pete looked embarrassed, appearing to be in a bad mood.

  Cheng Qianfan nodded.

  He looked at Jin Kemu, "Boss Jin, do you see?"

   "Come on." Jin Kemu said.

  Cheng Qianfan nodded, he stood up, and clapped his hands, "Okay, everyone, today's broadcast study time is over, I hope this study can benefit you all."

   As he spoke, he glanced around, waved his hand, "It's gone."

  The patrolmen were surprised at first, then cheered, and scattered like birds and beasts.

  Jin Kemu also stood up, shook hands with Pete, took his leave and left.

   Only Cheng Qianfan and Pete were left in the huge conference hall.

   "What's going on? Military and national affairs, changing again and again." Cheng Qianfan handed a cigarette to Pete, who took it, lit the cigarette and took several puffs.

   "The news I got is that there are heated discussions within the Wehrmacht about whether to declare war on Germany immediately." Pete said.

   "What do you mean?" Cheng Qianfan was surprised, he frowned, "There is disagreement within the National Defense Forces? What about the government?"

   "Prime Minister Daladier asked General Ganmaling whether he wanted to declare war on Germany. General Ganmaling said that it still needs to be considered." Pete said.

   "Huh?" Cheng Qianfan was inexplicably surprised.

  Peter seemed to be stung by his friend's tone and expression, and blushed, "Forget it, I misread the person. I didn't expect Gan Molin to be as cowardly as the domestic attacks on him."

  More than three years ago, Germany sent troops into the Rhineland Demilitarized Zone, which was regulated by the Treaty of Versailles and confirmed by the Rocarno Convention that no troops should be stationed or defensive facilities built.

  At that time, Britain and France were shocked by Germany's behavior, but apart from a few words of protest, there was no military response at all.

In fact, in the first half of this year, critics in France pointed out that if the French army had taken tough countermeasures at that time, there was a 99% chance that the German government would collapse, because the Germans really Just taking a big gamble.

   But when the French foreign minister and the government asked about the next steps of the General Staff, Gamelin did nothing at all, and then only said that precautionary measures should be taken, that is, asking for an increase in the military budget.

  Prime Minister Sahu and the civilian government asked the military to act quickly, but Gan Malin only wanted to recall the soldiers on leave and wait for the next move, and had no intention of sending troops at all.

   And in the next few staff meetings, whenever someone asked Gan Malin whether the military was ready to go to war, he hesitated, just unwilling to say affirmative words for going to war against Germany.

   Therefore, as Germany became more aggressive, critics of Ganmalin in France also began to rise.

Pete previously believed that these criticisms were all out of jealousy. He was jealous of the general who made great contributions in World War I. He believed that Gan Molin, as the commander of the French Defense Forces, would never lack the courage to fight against the Germans, and firmly believed that Gan Molin will lead the French army to sweep across the face of the enemy in Europa.

However, in the telegram sent from Marseilles today, Mr. Madier revealed an important situation. Prime Minister Daladier asked Gan Malin if he was sure of winning the war and whether he could declare war immediately. France, and then said whether to declare war should be cautious.

   "Perhaps, General Gan Molin is in a different position and looks at the problem from a different angle. He has his own considerations." Cheng Qianfan said.

   "Do you know General Ganmaling very well?" Pete asked.

   "I only know a few words about this person from you." Cheng Qianfan shook his head, and he looked at Pete, "I said that to comfort you, do you have to ask me to say something you don't want to hear?"

   "Say it," Pete said.

   "I think General Gan Molin is a little, maybe, maybe a little afraid of the Germans." Cheng Qianfan said, looking at Pete while speaking.

  He thought Pete would be furious and the two would quarrel, but Pete was silent.

   After a long silence, Pete said bitterly, "I don't know."

  He shook his head, "The mighty France shouldn't be afraid of the Germans, but, I don't understand, I don't understand why they don't declare war..."


   "It should not be fear. One reason is that the French are not ready to go to war." Imamura Heitaro said.

  Cheng Qianfan got home from get off work and got a secret message from the Chongqing headquarters from Zhou Ru.

  There are two encrypted telegrams.

In one of them, Cheng Qianfan looked at the "My heart is very comforting" in the telegram, and nodded in satisfaction. He knew that his frankness, and even his behavior of making a small report to Sheng Shuyu behind his back, had won Dai Chunfeng's approval, and even further trust-

   It's not that he is boasting, he and Sheng Shuyu are the young twins in the military command, how can there be no desire to compare among young people?

   Even, in the long run, he and Sheng Shuyu are each other's strongest opponents within the Military Control Bureau.

  Using this incident to stab Sheng Shuyu with a small knife, instead of being angry, Dai Chunfeng will trust him more.

   What surprised Cheng Qianfan was the second telegram.

  The second telegram was sent in the name of Qi Wu. Qi Wu asked him to give the most reliable analysis information based on the different attitudes of the British, French and American powers "Versailles Peace Treaty" towards Germany and the impact of the European war.

  Cheng Qianfan was surprised. He didn't expect that an intelligence officer like himself would want to 'do a thesis'.

  Yes, the topic Qi Wu gave him is like a research paper on the international current situation.

  However, seeing that Qi Wu specifically reminded him in the telegram, you can ask the 'Li Zhang' for advice on this matter.

  Cheng Qianfan seemed to understand but half understood. He realized that it seemed that the military command headquarters wanted to 'consult' Heitaro Imamura through him, to see the analysis of this senior Japanese diplomat on this matter.

  This is the think tanks of the National Military Commission asking the military commander for help to ask for Austrian aid?

  Cheng Qianfan didn't know.

  However, there was an order from the headquarters, and it was Qi Wu who called in his own name, so Cheng Qianfan should obey the order.

  In fact, this kind of private name call is more important than the official secret call in most cases, and has a higher priority.

  Therefore, after a hasty dinner at home, Cheng Qianfan came to visit the Imamura mansion.

  The reason is easy to find. He came to report to Imamura Heutaro the information he got from Pete about the French government and even the internal information of the French Defense Forces, and asked Mr. Imamura to teach and solve doubts.

   "Not ready?" Cheng Qianfan was shocked, "It has been three years and eight months since Germany entered the Rhine Demilitarized Zone in Showa 11. Are the French still not ready for war?"

"I'm not very clear about this." Heitaro Imamura said, "I'm not specialized in military situations, but from what I know, France seems to be deliberately delaying the start of the war. They shouldn't be afraid , is to fight for the time to deploy military forces and resources.”

  Cheng Qianfan seemed to be thinking, and suddenly, he stepped forward to add boiling spring water to Imamura Heutaro's tea set, and said with a smile, "Teacher, I have been studying the "Versailles Peace Treaty" for the past two days, and I am a little puzzled."

   "Oh? What don't you understand?" Imamura Heutaro put down the pen in his hand, looked at his students and asked.

   This is what he likes the most about Miyazaki Kentaro, a student who doesn’t understand. Ask if he doesn’t understand. This is the biggest advantage of this student besides being sincere to the teacher. No teacher would not like a sincere and studious student like Kentaro.

"The students noticed that the English, the French, and the Americans seem to have different attitudes towards the Treaty of Versailles, or the restrictions and sanctions on the Germans." Cheng Qianfan said with a serious expression, "Britain, France and the United States are the same Shouldn’t the camp have the same stand and jointly demand a tough attitude towards sanctioning Germany?”

  PS: Ask for a subscription, ask for a reward, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation ticket, thank you.

   Do you still have a monthly pass? Thank you.

   Today’s topic: An 800-word essay briefly describing the similarities and differences in the attitudes of countries such as Britain, the United States, and France towards Germany after the end of the "Treaty of Versailles" after the end of World War I—(serious face) Have you ever done this topic?



  (end of this chapter)

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