My Spy Years

Vol 3 Chapter 805: Youth Jagged Army

  Chapter 805 Young Iron Blood Army

   Along the way, Li Hao didn't ask any more questions or say anything.

  He has been thinking about what Brother Fan said.

   Li Hao suddenly feels sorry for Brother Fan. He feels that Brother Fan is very tired from life.

  At the same time, he admires Brother Fan immensely. For the sake of the country and the nation, and for the great plan of resisting Japan, Brother Fan has endured too much pressure and pain that ordinary people can't imagine.

  The car passed through the bustling market, and there were shouts, quarrels, and a lot of hustle and bustle.

  Cheng Qianfan opened the corner of the curtain to look, and saw a group of people arguing.

  A **** in his thirties was yelling aggressively, surrounded by people similar to him, as thin as a wax duck, with messy hair, he looked like a ghost.

  Xiao Cheng can tell at a glance that these people are all smokers.

After the Japanese occupied the Chinese world, they did not ban smoking, but encouraged this kind of unreasonable business. The number of Chinese people who smoked and cheated in the Chinese world showed a sharp increase. Many addicted families soon became impoverished. The six relatives do not recognize selling their sons and daughters.

   "Dao Laojiu." Li Hao took a look and said, "This person is a smoker."

   For this kind of old **** who has been hanging out in the market for a long time, Haozi probably knows it, and some even if he doesn't know it, he can get it right after a little inquiry.

  Cheng Qianfan nodded slightly, but didn't say much.

  He is thinking about a very important matter.

  From Heitaro Imamura, he learned that Japan's so-called "Kantong Prefecture" special high school had placed spies inside the Soviet Russian Consulate in Dalian. To be precise, the Japanese bribed the chef of the consulate.

   This is a very important piece of information.

  According to common sense, he should immediately report to the organization, and through the organization, warn the Soviet Russian Consulate in Dalian.

  However, Cheng Qianfan had to worry about the hidden dangers that this matter might bring.

  Once the Consulate General of Soviet Russia in Dalian handles the matter poorly, or if it starts to scare the snake, it will easily arouse the alert of the Japanese, and then learn that the chef has been exposed.

   The Dalian Super High School will definitely investigate this matter, and it is hard to say whether the investigation will be carried out on the Shanghai side.

This is still a good result. In case the information itself is problematic, for example, the spy bought by the Japanese in the Soviet Russian Consulate General in Dalian was not a chef, but a servant or someone else, then this wrong The follow-up direction brought by intelligence is too obvious.

   Cheng Qianfan rolled a cigarette in his hand, and he made a decisive decision:

  Report this matter to the headquarters and Comrade Farmer. As for the follow-up situation, he chooses to trust that Comrade Farmer will handle it well.


  Extra high school.

   This time, Mr. Cheng's special car drove directly into the yard, while his other two **** vehicles stayed outside.

   "You are in the car, don't walk around casually." Cheng Qianfan told Li Hao.


  Cheng Qianfan got out of the car, he didn't go to see Sanben Jiro immediately, but stuffed the cigarette he had been playing with into his mouth, flipped on the lighter to light the cigarette, took a light puff and looked at the situation in the yard at the same time.

   Then, he saw Koike who was directing two agents to clean Sanben Jiro's car.

   "Mr. Xiaochi." Cheng Qianfan walked over with a cigarette in his mouth, and threw the cigarette case in his hand to Xiaochi.

  Xiaochi took the cigarette case and took a cigarette. At the same time, he saw the voucher of Jiujiu Trading in the cigarette case. With a smile on his face, he stuffed the cigarette into his mouth and put the cigarette case in his pocket.

  Two people were talking aside.

  Cheng Qianfan glanced at the car, he keenly noticed the peculiarity of the sewage on the ground, and at the same time there was a sour smell in the air, which was the smell of cement and lime after meeting water.

  Jiro Sanben went out in the morning?

  The car stopped in places with cement and white lime.

   "It's so cold, why do you want to wash the car?" Cheng Qianfan asked casually.

  Hearing Miyazaki Kentaro ask about this, Koike finally found someone to confide in, and he pointed to the palm of his left hand to show Miyazaki-kun.

   "Injured?" Cheng Qianfan asked, "It looks like a burn."

   "It's a burn." Xiaochi complained, "I got lime on my hands, and I got burned by the rain."

  Cheng Qianfan laughed 'unkindly'. He threw the cigarette **** on the ground and joked, "A burn is also an injury. You can apply for more reimbursement for medical expenses."

   Xiaochi, who dreams of building the most beautiful big house in his hometown, is the number one miser in the super high school, and he is used to taking advantage of the public. Whenever he has the slightest chance, he will find ways to make more money from the funds by setting up a name.

   As he spoke, he pointed in the direction of the section chief's office on the second floor, signaling that he had to take a step ahead.

   "The head of the section is not in a good mood." Xiaochi suddenly said this.

   "Thank you." Cheng Qianfan nodded, this is why he has been deliberately befriending Xiaochi.


  Going upstairs, Cheng Qianfan didn't go to Araki Harima's office first, but went straight to Sanben Jiro's office.

   After a staff member from the Special High School informed the inside, 'Miyazaki Kentaro' was allowed to enter.

  As soon as he entered the door, Cheng Qianfan was keenly aware that the atmosphere in the office was somewhat dignified. Sanben Jiro's face was gloomy, and his expression seemed to be biting.

  Araki Harima also secretly gave his friend a wink.

   "When Chen Zhuan was killed, were you in Chen Zhuan's mansion?" Sanben Jiro looked at Miyazaki Kentaro and asked abruptly.

   "Reporting to the section chief, yes." Cheng Qianfan said, "At that time, my subordinate happened to go to 'Happy New Year' among Expert Chen."

   "Have you seen the culprit clearly?" Sanben Jiro asked again.

   "The subordinate was busy with other things at the time, no..." Cheng Qianfan showed a slightly unnatural expression.

   "I'm chasing a woman." Sanben Jiro snorted coldly, and then slammed a stack of documents on the table, "The gendarmerie has sent the report."

   As he said that, Sanben Jiro gave Miyazaki Kentaro a vicious look, "Should I be happy that our personnel were undisturbed and unharmed at the scene, or should I be ashamed of my stupid subordinates?"

   "Report to the section chief." Cheng Qianfan snapped to attention and said with a guilty expression, "The incident happened in a hurry, and my subordinates didn't respond immediately. I'm ashamed of you."

  He originally intended to say 'I've disappointed you', but when the words came out of his mouth, it became 'I've shamed you'.

  Jiro Sanben frowned, stared at Miyazaki Kentaro for a few times, and finally snorted without saying anything.

"The subordinates calmed down the crowd in time." Cheng Qianfan continued, "Let everyone at the scene discuss the pertinent situation of the perpetrator in the fastest possible time, and strive to gather their confessions and outline the closest portrait and description of the perpetrator. information."

"Miyazaki-kun, your thoughts are good, and you have taken decisive action." Harima Araki shook his head lightly, and said, "However, everyone at the scene said what they said, not only did they fail to draw a more accurate portrait of the murderer, On the contrary, it troubled the painter."

  Hearing this, Cheng Qianfan first showed an expression of astonishment, then suddenly, and finally annoyed.

   "It's because I didn't think carefully." Cheng Qianfan shook his head in frustration, and said, "However, my subordinates still have some guesses about the identities of these gangsters."

  He looked at Sanben Jiro and said seriously, "Section Chief, my subordinates suspect that the murderer is from Chongqing, and it is very likely that the Chongqing Military Command did it."

   "The section chief and I also tend to agree with this possibility." Araki Harima said.

  Cheng Qianfan glanced at his 'friend'. In the past two years, Araki has improved a lot. If it were the old Araki, he would say 'the section chief and I' instead of 'the section chief and me'.

   "'Chinese Youth Iron-Blooded Army'." Sanben Jiro read the name of the leaflet left at the scene, looked at Araki Harima, "Is there such a group inside the Juntong Shanghai Station?"

   "I haven't heard of it before." Araki Harima shook his head, "However, my subordinates have studied it carefully and suspect that this so-called 'Chinese Youth Iron Blood Army' is the Shanghai student volunteer army who hated Japan back then."

   "Those anti-Japanese elements in Fudan Public School?" Cheng Qianfan asked with a frown.


  After the outbreak of the first Songhu Anti-Japanese War, Shanghai students set off an upsurge of participating in the Volunteer Army, and thousands of people signed up within two or three days.

   Among them, the Volunteer Army of Fudan University students is the most active.

  In fact, as early as October of the 20th year of the Republic of China, Fudan University established the Youth Volunteer Army.

  On the eve of the January 28th Incident, dozens of nominal volunteers who stayed at the school during the winter vacation formed a special military training class for the winter vacation. After contacting the headquarters of the Nineteenth Route Army many times, with the consent of Commander Cai, he joined the Nineteenth Route Army for training in the camp.

  In the first month of the 21st year of the Republic of China, the Volunteer Army of students from Fudan University braved the heavy snow and rushed to the headquarters of the 156th Brigade of the 78th Division of Baohua Temple in Dachang. Military training began that afternoon.

  After the 128th Zhabei Defense Battle began, the Volunteer Army of Fudan University immediately organized a service team to do field work.

  The field service team is divided into five groups: organization, publicity, consolation, transportation, and intelligence.

  They first carried out anti-Japanese propaganda work, distributing battlefield briefings to citizens in the Zhabei area, holding a war zone citizen meeting, and mobilizing the people to support the national army in the war of resistance.

   And in the north of Suzhou Creek, a large English sign was painted facing the concession:

   "Fight for peace!", "Fight for justice!", "Support the national army to fight against Japan!" and so on.

  The Student Volunteer Army also bravely undertook the security work of the headquarters of the Weng Brigade of the 19th Army.

   Regardless of the reconnaissance and bombing of enemy planes, go to the front line to reconnaissance the enemy's situation, and deliver condolences and supplies to the frontline soldiers.

  The Volunteer Army of Fudan University braved the bombing and strafing of enemy planes and marched along the Beijing-Shanghai Railway to carry out anti-Japanese propaganda activities.

  They formed an armed propaganda team, starting from Zhenru, marching westward along the Beijing-Shanghai line, and carried out anti-Japanese propaganda in Kunshan, Suzhou, Wuxi, Changzhou, Danyang, Zhenjiang, and Yangzhou.

When the national army moved from the front line in Songhu to the second line of defense in early March, the 19th Route Army's battalion volunteer army had grown from a class of students at Fudan University to more than 1,000 people. In addition to Fudan, many colleges and universities in Shanghai The school has volunteers to participate in the battle.

There was once a small group of youth volunteers from Fudan Public School and Chizhi University who were surrounded by Japanese invaders. In order to rescue the besieged college students, the soldiers of the 19th Route Army fought hand-to-hand with the Japanese invaders and paid a heavy price. Three college students were born, and many other college students died fighting the Japanese invaders.

  The rescued college students cried loudly and shouted at the soldiers that they should not come to rescue them. They were ready to die with the Japanese invaders.

  An officer's answer was: fighting wars is their business, and building a country is the business of students.

  A student who was shot and wounded smiled miserably: If the country is destroyed, whose country will the subjugated slaves build? !

   Later, these college students who crawled out from the dead piled up secretly formed a youth iron blood union.

  This is why Araki Harima linked the "Chinese Youth Iron Blood Army" who assassinated Chen Zhuan with the Fudan Student Volunteer Army.


   "Mr. Araki, you've worked hard." Cheng Qianfan showed an expression of admiration, "I didn't expect Mr. Araki to know such a small anti-Japanese group like the back of his hand."

"For the sake of His Majesty, for the sake of the empire, Araki dare not slack off for a minute, and will look up information whenever he has free time." Araki Harima said with a serious expression, "Of course, I also want to thank Miyazaki-kun for the things you helped me find from the patrol room. material."

   "This is Miyazaki's job." Cheng Qianfan said modestly.

  Jiro Sanben watched the two subordinates complimenting each other, his facial muscles twitched, and finally he couldn't bear it any longer:


  Sanben Jiro punched the table, looking at the two with gloomy eyes, "What I need is not speculation or possibility, what I want is evidence! Find the evidence, lock the target, and catch them!"

   "Section Chief." Cheng Qianfan said thoughtfully, "The military commander always likes to recruit and attract those young people who are easy to get hot-blooded, even in the period of the Lixingshe Secret Service."

   Sanben Jiro nodded slightly, he understood what Miyazaki meant, and Miyazaki proposed a possibility to support Araki Harima's analysis:

  The students from Fudan University and Chizhi University who founded the so-called "Youth Iron Blood Union" were most likely recruited and inhaled by the Lixingshe Secret Service.

   Now, the military command is planning to assassinate Chen Zhuan, and this group of people temporarily used the name of "Chinese Youth Iron-Blooded Army".

   "Chen Bo was assassinated, and the impact is very bad." Sanben Jiro said in a deep voice, "This case has already attracted the attention of the military department, so we must crack this case in the shortest possible time and bring the perpetrators to justice."

   Just this morning, Sanben Jiro received a reprimand call, and now he is under tremendous pressure on his shoulders.

  The death of a Chen Zhuan is nothing in itself, but the impact of this incident was bad. It is said that Chairman Wang of the Nanjing Reform Government was so frightened that he applied for special protection from the locust army.



  Cheng Qianfan and Araki Harima both stood at attention, bowed slightly and shouted.

   At this moment, there was a knock on the office door.

   "Section Chief, urgent call." Hiroo Kikube's voice came from outside.


  Cheng Qianfan noticed that Jiro Sanben's hands holding the telegram trembled slightly, and the face of the section chief became more and more gloomy.

   "Bag duck!" Sanben Jiro crumpled the message into a ball and threw it out.

  Cheng Qianfan tilted his head subconsciously, and the ball of paper flew past his cheek.

   "Setouchigawa! The sinner of the empire! He should be killed!" Jiro Sanben punched the table directly, and then propped his hands on the table, his face was red and his eyes were extremely fierce.

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   Thank you for your support, thank you.

   Go to the hospital for reexamination early tomorrow morning.



  (end of this chapter)

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