My Spy Years

Vol 3 Chapter 861: Baishouyue in the afterlife

  Chapter 861 Afterlife White Head Covenant

   Tang Hao was carried away by the crowd, screaming one after another, and people running in all directions.

  When he was running, he resolutely turned his head to look over.

  He heard the words shouted from Zhao Yi's mouth.

  He saw the man raise the short gun in his hand, and resolutely pulled the trigger.

  He saw Zhao Yi collapsed.

  The Japanese army officer held up the Nanbu pistol, and the soldiers came to the fallen Zhao Yi with their rifles and bayonets flashing coldly.

  They surrounded the body of the martyr who committed suicide, stared blankly, and then became angry. Some soldiers pressed down their bayonets and stabbed the body, and then were stopped by the officer from continuing to move.

  Zhao Yi is not a real pro-Japanese element.

  He is from Chongqing!

  He is anti-Japanese!

  He died for the resistance against Japan!

   Tang Hao's mind was filled with these messages, or he was agitated by these shocking news, and it was difficult to digest for a while.

  At the far end, Xiu Yuman's eyes were filled with shock, she stared blankly at this scene.

  An anti-Japanese soldier failed to assassinate Wang Jianhai, and resolutely committed suicide to die for the country!

  Xiu Yuman took a deep breath, she concealed her inner sadness, she turned her head to see the reactions of the people around her.

   Some people were frightened, and the two were fighting.

   These are pro-Japanese elements.

  Someone's eyes are shining with complicated light, there are horror, shock, thought, and—admiration!


"what is that?"

  Someone exclaimed and pointed in the air.

  Everyone raised their heads and looked over, and saw snowflakes of paper falling from the sky.

  Xiu Yuman clenched her fists tightly, she knew that the comrades seized the opportunity of the chaos just now, and successfully dropped the leaflets without anyone noticing.

  A leaflet landed at Xiu Yuman's feet, she bent down to pick it up with 'curious', and took a look:

  Down with the traitor Wang Jianhai!

  Forty million Chinese angrily denounced Wang as a traitor!

   "Yuman, it's better not to read this." Cheng Haitao came over at some point and took the flyer from Xiu Yuman's hand.

   "If Mr. Wang saw it, he might be very angry." Xiu Yuman raised his eyebrows and turned to look in the direction where the ship was docked.

   "This is the purpose of the Chongqing elements! They came to make trouble on purpose!" Cheng Haitao said in a deep voice.

   "Chongqing?" Xiu Yuman asked doubtfully.

   "Assassinate in public! Even use the dead, this is exactly the Chongqing style." Cheng Haitao said.

  Xiu Yuman immediately understood that Cheng Haitao had confused Zhao Yi's assassination with the spreading of leaflets.

  She introspected in her heart, and felt that she shouldn't have asked the sentence 'it's from Chongqing' just now, so she immediately made up for it, acting as if she was not interested in these beatings and killings and had lingering fears.

   "It's too scary." Xiu Yuman patted his chest, "Living people are just like that..."

   Then he caught a glimpse of Cheng Haitao's malicious gaze, his face turned cold, he snorted, turned and left.

   Cheng Haitao looked at the back of Xiu Yuman leaving in a fit of anger, laughed, turned his head to look around, and saw someone picking up the flyer to read, and someone even stuffed it into his arms, he couldn't help sneering.

  I'm afraid this is the reason why the Chongqing side knew it was impossible to hurt Mr. Wang, but still sent dead soldiers to act.

  Shanghai is a Japanese-occupied area.

  The sound of gunfire, to death, told the people in the Japanese-occupied areas that Chongqing was still resisting.

  At this time, Cheng Haitao caught a glimpse of movement on the other side of the ship, and someone disembarked and hurried over, who was alarmed by gunshots.


Jingle Bell.

  The Office of the Deputy Chief Inspector of the Central Police Station.

   "I'm Cheng Qianfan." Cheng Qianfan picked up the microphone.

   "Is there such a thing?" He frowned, "Okay, I understand."

  The phone call was made by his subordinates in the Liaison Office of the Political Department, who informed him of the news that the Chongqing elements wanted to assassinate Wang Jianhai at the Qiujiang Wharf.

  He was going to ask how the assassin was doing, but the cautious Cheng Qianfan didn't ask in the end.

   Putting down the phone, Cheng Qianfan picked up the police cap and put it on, and went directly to the investigation team office of the Political Department.

  At this moment, if you want to say who has the best news in the entire central police station, it is naturally Pete.

  Wang reclamation arrived in Shanghai, so it is impossible for the French Concession not to pay attention.

  Among the reporters and VIPs at the pier, there must be people from the Political Department among them.

  When Cheng Qianfan came in, Pete was holding a microphone to talk with someone. He glanced at his friend and motioned him to sit down.

  Cheng Qianfan didn't sit down, but picked up the bottle of red wine that had been opened on Pete's table, took off the cork with a bang, took another wine glass, and poured himself a glass of wine.

   "This is my best wine." Pete hung up the phone with a weird cry.

   "I just received a call that someone at the Qiujiang Wharf intends to assassinate Wang Jianhai. My people don't know the specifics, so tell me." Cheng Qianfan ignored Pete's complaints, and he took a sip of his wine, showing interest.

   "Indeed." Pete nodded. "Chongqing elements wanted to sneak in and assassinate that Mr. Wang. After being stopped by the Japanese military police, that person killed a soldier and then committed suicide."

  Confirming the news of Zhao Yi's death from Pete's mouth, Cheng Qianfan's heart skipped a beat, and great sadness struck.

  Although I have been mentally prepared for a long time, when this moment really comes, this kind of sadness is still heart-wrenching.

   "What are they going to do?" Cheng Qianfan snorted, "Knowing that it is impossible to get close to Wang Jianhai, let alone a successful assassination, they sent people to die in vain."

   Then he saw that Pete's expression became serious.

   "What's wrong?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

   "That assassin is a hero." Pete said.

   "Hero? Hey!" Cheng Qianfan shook his head, "It's just death for nothing."

   "You don't understand." Pete shook his head with a serious expression, "It is impossible for the Chongqing side not to know that this assassination is hopeless, but they still have to act, even if they directly lose an excellent soldier."

Pete directly picked up Cheng Qianfan's wine glass, took a sip of red wine, and continued, "Shanghai is a Japanese-occupied area. They use the **** death of a soldier to tell the people in the Japanese-occupied area that they are still fighting, and at the same time they are telling Wang Jianhai , most Chinese people will not approve of his behavior."

  Cheng Qianfan's eyes flashed with a shocked expression.

   This is not an act, he was really shocked.

  What Pete said, he is naturally well aware.

   When Hao Zai came back to report to him last night, he asked him a question: Is it worth it for Zhao Yi to die in vain?

  Cheng Qianfan’s answer is: As long as the gunshots are fired, Wang Jianhai hears the gunshots, and Shanghai citizens hear the gunshots, the task is completed!

   Haozai was silent for a while when he heard the words, and then raised his head, with a hint of relief and light in his eyes.

  Cheng Qianfan asked him.

   Hao Zai’s answer is that now he knows that Brother Zhao Yi’s death was worthwhile, and he feels much better.

   "What's going on with Wang Jianhai?" Cheng Qianfan asked anxiously, "Are you scared by the gunshots?"

   "It is said that he was quite frightened." Pete said with a smile.

   "Huh?" Cheng Qianfan was surprised, he just asked casually just now.

   "When the gunshot rang out, it was said that Mr. Wang was receiving guests. He was so frightened by the gunshot that he almost knelt on the ground, and then hurriedly sent someone to find out the situation." Pete said with a wink.

  Cheng Qianfan laughed, and Wang Jianhai was so frightened by the gunshot that he almost knelt down. Naturally, this couldn't be true.

  Don’t underestimate the information in this detail. It shows what people want, and Shanghai citizens don’t welcome Wang Jianhai and this big traitor.

   This is exactly the meaning of Zhao Yi's willingness to die!


   "Have you found out the identity of the assassin?" Sagami Umetsuzu asked with a gloomy face.

  It is Zuo Meijin who is in charge of Wang Jianhai's security work at Qiujiang Wharf.

   "Report Major, this is the press card found from the deceased." The Japanese officer said.

   "Zhao Yi, "Dong-A Ilbo." Sagami Umetsu took over the blood-stained press card and looked at it carefully.

   "Yes, Major, the "Dong-A Ilbo" is on the list allowed to enter." The Japanese officer said.

  In order to protect the safety of Wang Jianhai, the Japanese side set up two checkpoints at the Qiujiang Wharf.

  The first checkpoint prohibits the entry of idlers and others, and only Zhao Yi and other journalists belonging to newspaper offices that are allowed to enter can enter.

  Sagami Umetsuzu nodded, he already had a preliminary thread in his mind.

  In order to let people in quickly, the first checkpoint only checked the press card and did not search, which is why this person was able to pass the checkpoint smoothly.

  The second checkpoint is to search the body, and it is precisely because of this that the assassin cannot hide the weapon he carries with him, so he can only violently attack the imperial soldiers.

   "Check the authenticity of this press card." Sagami Umetsuzu said.

   "Major, we have captured Zhao Yi's accomplice." The Japanese officer said, and waved his hand as he spoke.


"Taijun, you are wronged." Tang Hao, who was escorted by the Japanese soldiers, cried out in a hurry, "I am really not Zhao Yi's accomplice, I am just his boss, no, no, I mean, I am him The boss at the newspaper, I am..."

  Sagami Umetsuzu stared at the anxious man who didn't know what to say. He took out his gun, closed the safety and pointed at the man, "Shut up, shout again, and I'll shoot!"

   Tang Hao, who was still shouting, was like a duck with its neck stuck, forcibly holding back what he was about to shout, his eyes terrified.

   "I ask, you answer, do you understand?" Sagami Umetsuzu asked.

   "Yeah." Tang Hao nodded fiercely.

   "Your identity, your relationship with the assassin."

   "My humble Tang Hao is the deputy editor-in-chief of "Dong-A Ilbo". Zhao Yi is a reporter of the newspaper."

   "Is that person really called Zhao Yi?" Zuo Shangmeijinzuo asked, pointing at Zhao Yi's corpse.

   "Yes, Zhao Yi, that's right."

   "How long has Zhao Yi been working at Dong-A Ilbo?" Sagami Umetsuzu asked.

   "It's been almost two years." Tang Hao said thoughtfully.

   "One more question, where does Zhao Yi live?" Zuo Shangmeijin asked in a deep voice.

   "I don't know." Tang Hao shook his head.

  He knew what the Japanese were going to do. Although he wasn't sure whether the Chongqing side had arranged for Zhao Yi's home, he didn't hesitate at all, and he wanted to delay as much as possible.

  He has to be on his side.

   "You don't know?" Umetsu Sagami stared into Tang Hao's eyes with gloomy eyes.

   "Mr. Officer, I really don't dare to lie, I really don't know." Tang Hao was terrified, his legs trembling, "I'm the deputy editor, and he's a reporter. He came to my house to give gifts. I..."

  Seeing Tang Hao's unscrupulous words, he even said about accepting money from his subordinates, Sagami Umetsuzuki nodded slightly, a little convinced.

   "Press it down." Sagami Umetsuzu waved his hand.

   "Taijun, Taijun, I am innocent, I love Japan, if you don't believe me, you can ask Mr. Akita, he knows me." Tang Hao wailed.

  Sakami Umetsuzu's face was gloomy, "Quickly find out Zhao Yi's residence and arrest the relevant people."



  Mailan Wharf.

  Tao Yunhong followed two strange men on the ocean-going ship of Swire Shipping.

  Her eyes were filled with panic and bewilderment.

  Not long after the husband left in the morning, the two men came to see him with a letter.

  She read the letter, it was written by her husband Zhao Yi himself.

  Zhao Yi said in the letter that this letter was written last night in case of emergency.

   On his way to the newspaper office in the morning, he made a decisive decision and asked these two friends to help **** her away.

"My wife Yunhong, the situation is a bit bad. Before I'm noticed, you leave first, so I can get away. Everything has been arranged for my husband. Both of them are my friends. My husband has told them that everything Follow their arrangements, remember, remember."

   About half an hour later, amidst the black smoke rising into the sky and the sound of sirens resounding through the sky, the huge ship from Shanghai to Hong Kong set off.

   "Sir, where is my husband?" Tao Yunhong waited for a while, feeling more and more worried, and asked again and again.

  The two looked at each other, knowing that they could no longer hide it. The most important thing was that the ship had already set sail, and it was considered out of danger. At this time, the most important thing was to appease Mrs. Zhao's emotions so as not to cause complications.

   "Mrs. Zhao, we have a letter from Mr. Zhao." One of them said.

   "Where is the letter?" Tao Yunhong asked eagerly.

   "Mrs. Zhao, I can give you the letter. You have to promise us and stay calm."

   "Where is the letter?" Tao Yunhong asked eagerly regardless.

   "Mrs. Zhao, Mr. Zhao has something to tell you." The other person said in a deep voice, "You are a healthy person, so be calm when things happen, because he is very worried about you."

   "Okay, I'll calm down." Tao Yunhong swallowed, her face turned pale, and she nodded vigorously.

  The two members of the special situation team looked at each other. One of them opened the wooden box, took out the letter from the interlayer, and handed it to Tao Yunhong respectfully with both hands.

   "Sister-in-law, here is the letter."

  Tao Yunhong didn't notice that the address of the other party had changed. She snatched the letter and glanced at it first. The envelope read:

  Yunhong My Wife (Respectfully).

   is Zhao Yi's character.

  She pulled out the letter paper tremblingly.

   Look into the eyes.

   "Yun Hong My Beloved Wife:

   This is my last letter with you.

   I'm really sorry for hiding it from you for so long.

  Our National Revolutionary Army soldier was ordered to lurk in Shanghai and never betrayed the country and nation.

  Yes, I am an anti-Japanese soldier, not a traitor!

  My wife Yunhong, you are probably very happy to hear this news.

   You will be proud of me too.

  I am also very proud of being able to have a good wife.

  My wife, let me tell you one thing, I am going to die today.

  A man is born in troubled times, his family and country are in trouble, so he should not hesitate to do so. The horse leather shroud is our duty as a soldier.

  Okay, my wife Yunhong, let me tell you in secret, my heart is not peaceful, it is fear, I am not timid, I only miss you and my child.

   Only thinking of my death, my son (daughter) will not have to suffer death in the future, I hope you will be safe in the future.

  This body has already promised the country, so it is difficult for Xu Qing.

  I am deeply ashamed.

  I died for my country, and I deserved it.

  Thousands of words, this page cannot write down my thoughts and concern for you.

  So farewell.

  My wife Yun Hong, you are pregnant, don’t be overly sad because of my death...

  I feel guilty for my husband and owe you too much.

  If we meet again in the next life, if we don't give up, we will be the white prime minister's companion to atone for our sins!

  For husband, Zhao Yi.

   Last but not least, stop!

  The twenty-eighth year of the Republic of China, May 6th. "

  PS: Ask for a subscription, ask for a reward, ask for a monthly pass, thank you.

   Ask for a subscription, ask for a reward, ask for a monthly pass, thank you.

   Argentina lost to Saudi Arabia, I really didn't expect it.



  (end of this chapter)

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