My Spy Years

Vol 3 Chapter 867: group photo

  Chapter 867 group photo

  Cheng Qianfan and Araki Harima left the section chief's office together, and the two returned to Araki Harima's office, but the food and drink had already been served.

   "I should have been the host to congratulate Araki-kun." Cheng Qianfan glanced at the wine and vegetables, shook his head and said with a smile.

   "The food and drink are simple, don't blame Miyazaki Lord." Araki Harima motioned Miyazaki Kentaro to sit down.

  Afterwards, he came to the door and said to a subordinate passing through the corridor, "Notify me, don't bother me if there is no urgent business."


  After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, the two unknowingly turned the topic to the assassination case at Qiujiang Wharf.

   "The head of the section has always attached great importance to Xiao Mian as an opponent." Araki Harima said in a deep voice, "Xiao Mian is very mysterious, and he is extra cautious in doing things."

  He clinked glasses with Miyazaki Kentaro, and continued, "It is difficult for a person with such a cautious personality to catch his mistakes."

   "So, the section chief is very interested in this assassination case that happened at the Qiujiang Wharf." Cheng Qianfan said.

   "Yes." Araki Harima nodded, "According to our analysis, the other party's assassination operation should be very hasty, which means that this is a temporary operation, not a thorough plan and deployment."

"The shooter named Zhao Yi is dead, and the clues on him are broken, but Zhao Yi's wife is missing, this is an investigation direction." Cheng Qianfan said, and he nodded, "Don't worry, Mr. Araki, give me Given enough time, I will definitely investigate and find out.”

   "It has to be fast." Araki Harima shook his head, "Xiao Mian is very cautious, even if this action is hasty, but as long as he is given enough time, he will be able to check and make up for the omissions."

   Saying that, Araki Harima took out two photos from the drawer, "Miyazaki-kun, please take a look."

  Cheng Qianfan took the photo.

   The first thing that catches the eye is a photo of the couple.

  The woman has perm hair, is smiling, and is not very beautiful, but it can be seen that the woman has a very good personality and is very gentle.

  The smile on her face was so bright, her right hand was gently placed on her slightly raised abdomen, and Zhao Yi in suit and leather shoes was beside her.

  The child in the womb and the husband beside her are the whole of this woman.

  Zhao Yi also smiled, put his right hand behind his back, and gently embraced his wife.

  His and her smiles are so happy.

  There is a line of words on the photo: Zhao Yi Tao Yunhong took a group photo, the 28th year of the Republic of China.

   "This is a photo of Zhao Yi and his wife." Araki Harima said, "I found it from the office where Zhao Yi works."

   "A rather ordinary-looking Chinese woman." Cheng Qianfan nodded indifferently. He thought for a while, "Found it from the office?"

"No similar photos were found in Zhao Yi's home." Araki Harima understood what Miyazaki Kentaro meant, nodded and said, "This shows that although this action was a bit hasty, the evacuation of Zhao Yi's home was not in a panic, and it should be taken away. The documents and photos that should be processed have been taken away and processed.”

   "It seems that Zhao Yi loves his wife very much." Cheng Qianfan said.

  He could already imagine that this photo of the couple should be placed under the glass sheet of Zhao Yi's desk in the newspaper office. This photo is the warmest ray of light in Zhao Yi's heart in the enemy camp!

   Just like Bai Ruolan's importance in his heart.

  He looked at the other photo, which was a photo of Zhao Yi's body taken by the Japanese army after he committed suicide and was martyred.

   Just glanced at it.

  At this moment, Cheng Qianfan felt infinite sadness in his heart.

  Especially when these two photos are put together, this sad and sad emotion is even stronger.

Cheng Qianfan took a sip of wine to suppress the great sadness deep in his heart. He chuckled and shook his head, "Grab this woman and bring her to the side of Zhao Yi's corpse. I will kill this pregnant woman myself." head."

   As he spoke, his eyes seemed to be shining, "We must catch this woman!"

  Araki Harima glanced at his friend, smiled and said nothing.

  Because Miyazaki-kun pretended to be Cheng Qianfan, he had to suppress his murderous heart, and it was really hard work to make false claims with the Chinese.


   Gendarmerie Command.

  In another room with bright and clean windows, Umetsu Sagami was looking at the paper offerings in his hand.

  This is the confession of the deputy editor-in-chief of "Dong-A Ilbo" named Tang Hao.

  Zhao Yi is a member of Chongqing.

   Tang Hao, Zhao Yi's immediate boss at the newspaper, was naturally suspicious, not to mention that Tang Hao seemed to be going to pick up Zhao Yi at the checkpoint, so he was suspected of being there.

   After just a few glances, Umetsuzumi Sagami frowned.

  Tang Hao argued that he didn't know that Zhao Yi was a hater of Japan, but he just saw Zhao Yi shouting at him after being interrogated by the locust army, so he subconsciously went to ask about it.

  This explanation cannot satisfy Umetsuzu Sagami.

  In the ensuing interrogation, this Tang Hao was really timid and cowardly. He howled and begged for mercy after being tortured for a while, and resorted to everything.


  Sakami Umetsuzu crumpled up the offering paper and threw it on the ground. What did Tang Hao confess?

  The owner of "Dong-A Ilbo" Shimizu Yoshizawa cooperated with Inoue Mansion to arrest and intimidate some Chinese businessmen and citizens.

  Shimizu Yoshizawa instructs Tang Hao to pretend to be a middleman, saying that he can persuade Inoue Mansion to release him, and take the opportunity to search for money.

  Umetsuzumi Sagami shook his head. Judging from this confession, it is unlikely that this Tang Hao is a hater of Japan.

  In addition, it can be seen from Tang Hao's confession that sometimes Tang Hao would order Zhao Yi to deal with things, and Zhao Yi did a good job. This should be the reason why Tang Hao never suspected that Zhao Yi might have problems.

Although in his heart he tends to think that it is unlikely that Tang Hao is a hater of Japan, but just to be on the safe side, Zuo Shangmeijinzhu is still going to torture him. Anyway, the worst case is that Tang Hao will only die after being tortured. That's all.

   At this moment, a soldier knocked on the door and came in.

   "Major, Your Excellency Commander, please go over."

  Sakami Umetsuzu picked up the paper that he had crumpled up and threw on the ground, smoothed it gently and put it in his pocket, picked up his military cap and put it on, and followed the guards to the commander's office.

   About half an hour later, Umetsuzumi Sagami came back from Junzaburo Ikeuchi's office, his face was gloomy.

  Shimizu Yoshizawa turned out to be the younger brother of Shimizu Dongsan from the Consulate General.

  Shimizu Dongsan personally wrote to the commander in the battery to inquire about the latest situation of the arrest of Tang Hao, the deputy editor-in-chief of "Dong-A Ilbo", by the military police.

  According to Commander Chiuchi's opinion, if Tang Hao is found to be fine, he will be released. Of course, if the Chinese has a problem, then there is no need to pay attention to Shimizu Dong San.

  Since Tang Hao has no problem, it is natural to let him go.

   Zuo Shangmeijin is not a person who does not know how to be flexible, and there is no need to have a grudge against Shimizu Dong San because of an insignificant Chinese.

  Sagami Umetsuzu took out the offering paper from his pocket, and he smoothed it gently.

   As he expected, this Tang Hao should be highly valued by Shimizu Yoshizawa, because Tang Hao can help Shimizu Yoshizawa search for money.

  This is exactly the reason why Shimizu Yoshizawa went to war for a Chinese employee, and he did not hesitate to ask Shimizu Dongsan to call Commander Ikeuchi.

  However, if Shimizu Yoshizawa learns that Tang Hao is a person who is greedy for life and fears death, and even confesses all those private matters, will Shimizu Yoshizawa still trust Tang Hao as before?

  Shimizu Yoshizawa even wished Tang Hao would die.

  Umezuzumi Sagami held the paper feed with his left hand, and flicked the paper with his fingers.

   With a thought in his mind, he had a brilliant idea.

  With this document in hand, he is not afraid that the Chinese will not obey.


   Sports Club Road.

  Wang reclamation temporary residence.

   "Sir, there is a message from Chongqing." Chu Mingyu said softly, while secretly observing Wang Jianhai's expression.

  Chu Mingyu is from Wuxing, Zhejiang.

  His wife is the adopted daughter of Chen Bijun's mother, so Chu Mingyu can be regarded as Wang Jianhai's confidant and relative.

   However, Chu Mingyu's ability to handle affairs is not strong. When he was the Secretary-General of the Executive Yuan, he didn't even know the official document.

The most "shocking" thing is that when Chu Mingyu was in charge of the expansion of the Executive Yuan's office building, he wantedonly embezzled construction funds and used the money to build a magnificent mansion in Nanjing, so there was not enough funds to expand the Executive Yuan's office building , can only cut corners.

  The most direct consequence of this incident is that once Wang Jianhai went to the toilet in the Executive Yuan, but he was locked in the toilet and couldn't get out. In the end, he was unable to attend an important meeting of the Executive Yuan because of this.

  This incident aroused Wang Jianhai's dissatisfaction.

  However, Chu Mingyu is very good at matching what he likes. He arranged for Wang Jianhai and Chen Bijun's relatives and friends to be officials.

  It is so so that some people who are not used to it sarcastically say that the dignified Executive Yuan has become a place where filth is hidden.

Chu Mingyu's biggest advantage is that he will try his best to do everything that Wang Jianhai explained. If he can't do it well, he will let Wang Jianhai scold him and never contradict him. This is what Wang Jianhai appreciates the most. , once said that Chu Mingyu respected him very much.

  Because of 'know how to do things', the relatives of Wang Jianhai and his wife were all full of praise for Chu Mingyu, so Wang Jianhai stopped being angry and continued to entrust Chu Mingyu with great importance.

  Before, when Wang Jianhai released the telegram, Chu Mingyu was serving as the dean of Shanghai Sino-French Institute of Technology. Wang Jianhai mailed him a mimeographed telegram statement, but did not say anything else.

  Chu Mingyu didn't know what to do and didn't dare to speak out.

  Being questioned by reporters, I had to speak out, saying, 'relatives belong to relatives, politics belongs to politics, and I have no intention of participating in Mr. Wang's peace movement'.

  Now, when Wang Jianhai arrived in Shanghai, Chu Mingyu immediately came to see him as soon as he disembarked from the ship.

   And also brought a message from Chongqing.

   "With swords and axes, what else can they say?" Wang Jianhai asked coldly.

   "The other side said that the assassination at Qiujiang Wharf was not arranged by them, but by civil righteous men!" Chu Mingyu said.

   "Ridiculous!" Wang Jianhai was furious, pacing angrily, "Shameless, so-and-so is as shameless as ever!"

  He looked at Chu Mingyu, and continued angrily, "Chang Kaishen and I are at odds with each other!"


  In fact, Wang had communicated with Chongqing several times before, but the process and result were not pleasant.

  When the national war of resistance was at its most difficult, Wang Jianhai and others suddenly defected from the anti-Japanese camp, which had a huge impact.

  When Wang Jianhai left, his identity was still the vice president of the National Party.

  In order to reduce the bad impact, the Chongqing side initially adopted persuasive measures, hoping that Wang Jianhai would not take any further action.

  When the Central Standing Committee of the Nationalist Party made the resolution to "permanently expel Wang Zhaoming from the Party", due to Chang Kaishen's dissuasion, he did not issue an arrest warrant immediately.

   Later, Chang Kaishen repeatedly expressed his "sorry" for Wang, hoping that he would "repent and return to the Anti-Japanese War."

As for the members of the Wang faction who remained in Chongqing, Chang Kaishen also spoke kindly, saying: "The punishment of Mr. Wang this time is really a last resort. Friends who are usually close to Mr. Wang should work with peace of mind, don't be discouraged, and don't be suspicious. "

   At the same time, the Chongqing side also directly sent people to "dissuade" Wang.

  Before the release of the "Beautiful Electricity", the ambassador to the UK was ordered to telegraph Wang Jianhai repeatedly, "I strongly advise him not to openly declare peace, express disagreement with the central government, and prevent the enemy from taking advantage of it."

  Wang Jianhai ignored it, and insisted on publishing "Fantastic Electricity".

   This February.

  Chongqing sent people to Wang Jianhai and others to send overseas passports and a large sum of money, and conveyed the suggestion that Wang should not be used by the Japanese when he went abroad for inspection. Wang once again categorically rejected this.

  Wang Jianhai was already extremely disgusted with Chang Kaishen's persuasion.

   Now hearing what Chu Mingyu conveyed, it is even more of a 'new hatred and old hatred'.

  He said to Chu Mingyu: "I don't believe this person, he is full of lies."

  Then, he looked at Chu Mingyu, "Would Zhongxuan help me now?"

  Chu Mingyu's style name is Zhongxuan.

  Chu Mingyu immediately expressed his willingness to follow Mr. Wang in the peace movement.

   "This is a road full of thorns and misunderstandings. If you follow me, Zhong Xing may not have time to play shuttlecock, practice Tai Chi, or listen to Kunqu Opera." Wang Jianhai said.

  Chu Mingyu likes to play shuttlecock, play Tai Chi, and listen to Kunqu opera, and he is very good at all of them.

   "National affairs are important." Chu Mingyu said with emotion, "I only wish to follow Mr. to run for the people!"

  Wang reclamation was overjoyed.


  Leaving extra high school.

  Cheng Qianfan got into the car waiting outside.

   "Brother Fan." Hou Pingliang looked at Brother Fan with a sullen face and asked.

   "Drive." Cheng Qianfan said casually.

  The vehicle is galloping.

  The car window fell halfway down.

  Cheng Qianfan took out the photo from the briefcase.

   is the photo of Zhao Yi and his wife Tao Yunhong.

  He needs to use this photo to arrange for someone to find Tao Yunhong's whereabouts.

   The wind is blowing.

  Look at the happy smiles of the couple in the photo.

  Cheng Qianfan was silent.

  The photo in his hand seemed to be blown by the wind, and there was a faint rustling sound.

   It sounded like crying.

   After Cheng Qianfan was silent for a while, a 'smile' slowly appeared on his face.

  Even though he was so sad in his heart, he still could only smile.

  Cheng Qianfan only felt that his emotions were severely suppressed. He hated himself at this moment, hated the smile on his face.

  He said to Hou Pingliang, "Little monkey, don't go back to the patrol room, go home."

  He now desperately wants to meet Ruolan, Xiaobao and Zhima.

   "It's Brother Fan." Hou Pingliang nodded and said, Brother Fan can go wherever he wants to go, he listens to Brother Fan.

  Then Hou Pingliang remembered that he promised Xiaobao to buy a sugar figurine for her last time, but he was too busy to forget it.

  The little monkey felt a little annoyed.

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  (end of this chapter)

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