My Stepmother is Soft and Charming

Chapter 133 A visit from an old friend

Shang Ji was really shocked by this news.

Although he also knew that he would be a father sooner or later, he had thought about how to arrange it before.

But when I really waited for this moment, there were no thoughts or plans in my mind.

Terribly confused.

Seeing him like this, Du Jingyi couldn't help but laugh secretly.

She had thought about this scene, and also thought about her husband's reaction, but she never expected that he would be as stunned as a wooden block.

It wasn't until she gently poked his arm with her finger that Shang Ji turned around.

After taking a few deep breaths to calm down, his excitement was palpable.

I'm going to be a father!

At this moment, Du Jingyi saw excitement and joy mixed in his eyes for the first time.

He must like this child very much.

Yes, the queen mentioned this matter to me a few days ago, and now I have really lived up to her expectations.

Shang Ji frowned a little, but soon understood.

So the last time you saw my sister's turned out to be because the Queen said so.


Slightly nervous, he stretched out his hand to touch Du Jingyi's flat belly, but his tone was full of solicitation.

Can I touch it?

Of course you can, but it's just that he's still young. Aunt Dou said it won't be until around April or May that he can feel the baby's movement.

After saying that, she put his hand on her stomach.

It's warm and warm, no different than usual.

But Shang Ji's eyes turned into soft water at this moment, and he said to Du Jingyi.

You can raise your baby with peace of mind, and I will definitely protect you.

Du Jingyi quite agreed with these words. After all, with his current status, he could really count on his fingers those who wanted to embarrass him.

Don't think about Mrs. Wei and the third wife's affairs. I'll make the arrangements. It's just a matter of cutting through the mess and sending them away together. Since you're pregnant, just take good care of her.

No, General, the big net has been cast out, just waiting for the fish to jump in. I'm just using my brain, it's not in the way.

Seeing that Shang Ji had no intention of letting go, Du Jingyi acted in a rare coquettish manner.


Shang Ji looked at her, but in the end he couldn't defeat her and had to compromise, but he still said with some caution in his eyes.

Tomorrow I will send a team of secret guards to protect you. You can feel more at ease even if I am not around in the future.

Okay, just follow the general's arrangements.

Ever since he found out that Du Jingyi was pregnant, Shang Ji became nervous without knowing it.

It wasn't that he was worried about her safety, but he had never witnessed the process of a child being born from scratch, so he was just a little worried.

Originally, he could only come back in one day.

But everyone in Dongyuan was sick. Under such circumstances, he simply rested at home and took care of everyone.

Fortunately, all of his men were elite soldiers and there was no fighting, so it was okay and nothing serious.

The memorial asking for leave was delivered to the palace, and soon the news spread.

A few days ago, when the Duke of Guo celebrated his birthday, it happened that Prince Fu trampled on the grandson of the Duke of Guo. Now Dongyuan is all sick again.

Not long after, various rumors began to appear among the people.

Some said it was because the Duke's government was having a bad year this year, and some said it was because Shang Ji had killed too many people and caused unrest in the family.

Everyone has his or her own opinion.

Shang Jicai, who was resting at home, ignored him and stayed with Du Jingyi carefully.

If she wants to eat something sour today, there will definitely be something vinegary on the table.

If she wants to eat something sweet tomorrow, she will add some honey to the water she drinks.

In short, just have what you want and live comfortably.

On this day, Du Jingyi stood in front of the standing bronze mirror and looked at himself.

Although he was only three months old, his body seemed to look a little different from before. He touched his cheek with a little sadness and said.

I thought I would always be a slender beauty, but it turns out that I just gained weight. I guess there will be two of me in the future.

Shang Ji heard it from behind, looked up and down very carefully, and then gave an affirmative answer.

Madam, don't worry, I've checked with my husband and he's not fat.

Du Jingyi didn't believe a word of what his husband said.

So he waved to Cherry, and then pointed to the position of his waist.

I remember when I wore this skirt last year, it was still two fingers wide, but now it's all gone.

She was like a slightly irritable pregnant woman at the moment, worried about her slightly changed figure.

Seeing this, Cherry smiled and replied.

Don't worry, young lady. Even if you gain weight, you can still lose weight. Just look at our wife and you will know that she has given birth to two children. Aren't they all equally slender?

Suddenly hearing the girl mention her mother, Du Jingyi felt much better. This was much more sincere than Shang Ji's answer just now, and it could directly and effectively eliminate Du Jingyi's worries.

Seeing the smile on her face again, Shang Ji raised his eyebrows behind his back.

It seems that he needs to practice harder to coax his wife.

While the couple was talking, they heard Luo Yuan coming in from outside, and then said.

General, Madam, Madam Xing is here.

Aunt? Please come quickly.


As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Mrs. Xing walking in minding her own business, looking at Du Jingyi with some anxiety in her eyebrows.

Didn't you say you were sick? Why are you still standing up? I have been talking to the Queen in the palace these days. I just found out today that everyone in Dongyuan is sick, so I came over to see you. How do you do? Okay?

Mrs. Xing spoke neatly and simply.

There were a lot of crackling questions, and both Shang Ji and his wife were a little overwhelmed by this series of questions.

Cherry was still discerning, so she quickly offered him a cup of tea and said with a smile.

Mrs. Xing, please warm the tea with your mouth first. It's also good to warm your hands.

She came here by carriage and horse, and after getting off the carriage she walked quickly, so she didn't feel cold at all.

But he was afraid that the cold would freeze Du Jingyi, so he took the tea cup and walked over to the silver charcoal to warm himself up.

Seeing this, Du Jingyi smiled and replied.

My aunt is worried. I'm fine. But there are rumors going around outside?

I don't know if it's a rumor or not, but what's going on?

Mrs. Xing is not blind, so she can naturally see that Du Jingyi looks good.

If such a person is said to be sick, then probably 80% to 90% of the people in the world will be sick.

There was nothing important going on at this moment, so why were you pretending to be sick, so she asked like this.

As a result, Shang Ji carefully hugged Du Jingyi and went to sit at the Eight Immortals table, as if he was caring for some treasure.

Mrs. Xing understood immediately.

He was stunned for a moment, and then asked in surprise.

Are you pregnant?

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