My Summons Are Weird

Chapter 623: The age of gods will come

Latest website: The elements of circle and snake appeared very frequently. Through Lu Yu's explanation, Sera and Lu Lu also understood that they meant "circulation", the concept that the beginning is the end.


"How do you explain earthworms and planarians? When you see that the streamer is carrying these two kinds of insects, you will soon have an answer, but I still haven't figured it out." Lu Lu asked, "It can't be, they can too. Form a circle and connect end to end."

Lu Yu said: "You need to think from another angle, for example, if you cut the earthworm and the planarian in half, what will happen?"

Sera suddenly realized: "Split, divide into two... Death in the eyes of ordinary people will usher in a new life. This is another cycle of concepts, from death to life... Its topic has a deep meaning."

"I think if we continue to go deeper into the maze, there will definitely be more things and totems that indicate the concept of circulation. As long as we pay attention and think carefully, it should not be difficult to get the correct answer."

Slightly different from what Lu Yu imagined, from dawn to sunset, no one left the maze voluntarily. Those who were eliminated were full of annoyance and remorse, and they always believed that as long as they made a breakthrough, the "end" would be the end. in sight.

However, Lu Yu, who has been promoted, already knows that this maze is operated by a large number of high-level puppeteers and is always active. Having the opportunity to return to the original path, just like the streamer enlightener who guided Lu Yu from the beginning, it refers to the correct answer.

That is the moment when everyone is closest to the city of dolls. As long as they are willing to believe in this absurd and counter-intuitive guidance and leave the maze, they can enter the highest mountain they dream of and long to climb.

On the magic circle provided by the referee, Lu Yu and the others saw light spots scurrying around in the maze like headless flies. The moment they lowered their heads and looked down, everyone had a strange feeling.

The dots of light that flickered on the magic circle, representing the testers, were as small as ants, and I only needed to wave my hand and give an order to the puppeteer in charge of the maze, and I could change the fate of these ants who were looking for the future... Like a high god.

Herola, who jumped out of the trial to re-examine all this, suddenly had a strange idea.

"A teacher who can ignore all these and participate in the trial and enjoy the trial, is he fighting against the Supreme?"

It took a whole day for another person who was promoted besides Lu Yu and his party to appear. After fighting with the puppet until his body was covered with bruises, he had already entered the deepest area of ​​the maze, but there were all over the place full of powerful demon puppet, hitting his head with iron. With his head broken and bleeding, he finally chose to retreat with the consciousness of putting himself to death and rebirth, and only then did he get the spot.

The trial did not specify an end time, but the turntable of fate took out the full stop. When the information that the trial would end in one day was notified to all the trial participants, the light spots on the magic circle moved crazily, even if the puppet The teacher kept reminding the high-level puppet in the maze that they were extremely cruel, hoping to do what they could, but it was still to no avail.

At first, the testers were still supported by puppets, but later, they were already corpses covered with white cloths.

The huge trial designed by the supreme puppeteer obviously retains a trace of reason and gentleness. Whether it is the regional competition or the final stage of the king's capital competition, he has set up many details to ensure the safety of the testers.

Compared with the highest floating on the top of the clouds, the secret puppeteers operating on the spot seemed a lot colder. Lu Yu vaguely heard someone betting on a certain tester, betting whether he would be runaway by the puppet They kill, the bet seems to be just a bottle of wine.

The winner snickered softly, and the loser shook his head annoyedly, whispering about the tester projected by the puppet messenger.

No one stopped it, and all the puppeteers here are used to it.

It really is a five-year game.

Lu Yu looked at Papa, Gail, and Chongwu who were already imagining the future, and couldn't bear to interrupt their dreams. The fate of meeting by chance is still going on. When everything is over, he doesn't mind sending a motto to these children , As for their choice... Fate is like the wind.

"Relax, don't clenched your fists so tightly." Lu Yu's tentacles quietly opened Herola's fist, and said softly against her index finger, "Serra told me that puppeteers always like to dream of gods , being able to give life to hypocrisy, and being able to control the fate of creations will make them uncontrollably substituting, arrogant and arrogant."

"Puppet masters who are not strong enough are so arrogant and arrogant. It is no wonder that they cannot become the supreme member without a strong mind to match them."

Lu Yu had to correct: "You think too noble of a powerful puppeteer. I have seen a ninth-level puppeteer, and that is a strong man who can create reincarnation."

What Lu Yu whispered in his ear made Herola tremble all over.


"In the diary, he also thought that he was like a **** in the enchantment, and he didn't accept his stupidity until the end of the dream." Lu Yu's eyes drifted into the distance, "I don't know if I have reached his height, they I deeply doubt whether my state of mind can surpass that of Clorence before he fell asleep."

"Don't expect too much from the Supreme, the city of dolls, just treat it as satisfying curiosity."

The bell rang twenty-three times, and only twenty-three people passed the original quota of thirty.

Lu Yu accepted the hug from Chong Wu and others, and seeing them stammering their gratitude, the three of them suddenly couldn't help laughing at themselves. While their random actions interfered with the puppeteer's game, why not Intervened in their fate as a god.

"The age of gods will finally come." The coal ball felt something in his heart.

"The age of gods will finally come."

Luou, the lord of the fire element, who appeared in the shape of a sparrow, nodded slightly to Orkus to show his approval of the repeated words.

Orkus walked around the yard while letting Bread draw a portrait of Luou: "You can say it easily, which proves that this news is allowed by the world consciousness. In other words... a **** has been born Is it right?"

Luo was silent.

"Luo, you should know why I obtained the position of summoning pioneer."

"Master Pioneer, your preservation of summoning knowledge and your profound knowledge are unmatched."

The corners of Orcus's mouth rose: "I have read many, many books. These books from different regions and written in different languages ​​and characters mostly carry the obscurity of the original language. To understand them, you need more than memorization. Knowledge also requires the ability to chew on words.”

"You are always avoiding the subject, the age of gods will come eventually, hehe..." Orcus smiled, "It can be said that there will be no gods, and even a **** can be said to come eventually, so, in fact, gods have already appeared ,Is it right?"

"Every life has a different definition of god."

"Is that your answer?"

"Master the great pioneer, I am explaining the objective facts. You are like a **** in the heart of the dragon slayer, even though he is not willing to admit it, and he will not admit it."

A long spear suddenly appeared in the dragon slayer's hand, and she naturally played with it, then touched the tip of the spear.

A tiny sparrow mutates into a giant peacock, like a puffer fish threatened to inflate itself...

"The same is true for Lu Yu's pioneer. In the eyes of his summons, he is a god. No matter how you define it or how he defines it, this is the true thinking of the summons born directly or indirectly under his influence."

"And we will not call you gods, never will." The Lord of the Fire Element said in a high voice, "We are all the creations of the world, the magic power forged our flesh and blood, and she endowed us with wisdom, she is the master of all things." The source, the beginning of all living beings, is supreme and omnipresent.”

"Not bad rhetoric, you have amazing language ability, I thought you masters of elements would be dull and clumsy." Orkus continued the topic, "Then, I want to hear your definition, source From her who is silent and ubiquitous, you who have appeared in this world through the source of summoning, how do you call the upcoming out-of-standard magician?"

"Power and authority are broad and vague concepts, but if you want to divide them, they can be extremely detailed." Lu Ou lowered his head slightly, "I can't answer this question, this is the high platform that the pioneers are about to step on. It's beyond what I can define and describe."

Following Orkus' waving hand, Luou turned into a ball of flames and exploded in mid-air. It always likes to exit in such a gorgeous way. It seems that each high-level summoned creature should be regarded as a complete creature. No more conjecture, but fact.

Bread's painting skills are admirable. The lifelike flame sparrow Luou jumps out on the paper. When you turn the picture book forward, you can see many different forms of Luou.

Orkus flipped through the album thoughtfully, recalling in his mind the tentative conversations he had with Luo during this period.

Lu Ou kept tabs on Lu Yu, and any topic related to Lu Yu would always be avoided in a clever way. The dragon slayer's dragon slaying skill "breath judgment" gave him the answer he was afraid of.

It is unknown whether the use of breath to judge a fire element is effective, but Luou's reaction does seem to be hiding something.

Lu Yu hadn't entered the Summoning Temple for a long time, and the communication from Chenxi Ling indicated that he seemed to have gone to a very remote place, and he might be busy with something very important.

Looking at the information he planned to share with him, Orkus could only shake his head helplessly: "You, you always lose contact at critical moments, but you always bring me some surprises after you regain contact. Know what it will be."

After being complained by Lu Yu that his mastery of summoning was too low, Orkus frequently summoned shaped summons every day to increase his affinity, and he was able to rely on the magic crystal to barely complete his descent to Luou, which made him deeply feel the huge changes in summoning—although every call After the end, he was paralyzed on the ground for a long time, and could only be laughed at by the dragon slayer and the bread.

"Segmentation of power and authority...?" He recalled Luou's words and couldn't help muttering.

Suddenly, Orkus changed the subject: "So I am also a **** in your heart, it seems that summoners still know how to summon..."


Orcus, who was lying on the grass, was thrust into a spear next to his head, and the sound of the soil being stirred made him gulp.

"Just pretend I didn't say it." Orkus said kindly, "Actually, I don't think our daily relationship should be so awkward at all. Maybe we can start with a normal conversation, for example, don't let the bread spread the word?"

Bread immediately yelled: "Don't, otherwise, why would you give me two extra silver coins, two silver coins can buy a lot of Little Mushroom's servants."

"If you want silver coins, you can just say so!"

"The extra talent is fragrant, but you don't feel that way if you give it directly."

Orkus was confused by this inexplicable answer, and he almost short-circuited his head because of his good reading comprehension.

As time goes by, the grown-up bread is not rebellious, but it is a little difficult to understand...

"Are all children like this now? Lu Yu, how on earth did you educate children younger than yourself? Why are they so obedient?" Orkus sighed deeply.

Lu Yu, who was far away in Sercarlo, sneezed. After two days of rest, from the regional competition to the king's capital competition, the streamer trial with a total number of participants approaching hundreds of thousands was turned by the wheel of fate, and finally the remaining Twenty-three advanced candidates.

For this competition, the popularity of Sercaro folk discussions is much higher than in previous years. In addition to luck arousing everyone's passion and blood in everyone, the only five people in the Gagerland field actually After killing all the members of the King's Capital Competition, the official publicity of writing the trial log had to be dedicated to the "inspirational" deeds of the five people in Ge Gelan.

It's just that, under the instruction of the secret puppeteer, the process of their advancement was cleverly added to the drama.

Lu Yu is well aware of this, but now he doesn't care about these trifles outside the arena anymore. As the team of puppet masters of the secret meeting drove all the way, there appeared on the vast plain that only those who advanced could enter. And all the entrants are secretive, not leaving a complete and detailed description of Liuguang City.

Magnificent and gigantic is Lu Yu's first impression of the city of dolls. It is like a giant dragon entrenched on a vast plain, abruptly cutting off your sight from a distance, and cutting off its tall city walls and buildings. The corners are piled into your field of vision, making you search for words of praise, but in the end you can only sigh with shock, "It's really big".

Will someone really build the wall to stand shoulder to shoulder with the dragon? This is Lu Yu's first Secondly, the enchantment actually takes effect behind the wall... What kind of formalistic wall is this, built to make people feel emotional?

Compared with the incomparably tall wall itself, the gate opened on the wall makes one wonder whether it leads to the Lilliputian Kingdom. It is so miniature, and the contrast makes people feel abrupt. When hitting the city gate twenty-three times, this kind of comedy scene almost made Lu Yu laugh out loud.

On the silent plain, there was only the whirring of the cold wind. After a long silence, the sound of the thick stone slabs rubbing against the ground formed a harmony with it.

This door is only open to those who have advanced.

Looking at the scenery behind the gate, the secret meeting in black showed yearning, but he could only back away reservedly, fulfilling his final duty as a guide.

"Those who have advanced, please enter in an orderly manner."

"May the Law of the Highest Railway guide the future for you."


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