My Summons Are Weird

Chapter 817: Please don’t waste the time that Dawn Leader has bought for you.

Since the start of the seeding plan, no intelligent beings have passed through the passage. The insect-shaped monsters under the control of [Rebirth] Legion Commander Melie have completely occupied passage No. 1.

Swarms of insects continued to pour out of the transmission channels, and the individuals that could not bear the load and died piled up in mountains.

The Oroen people who fought in seven regions had long been prepared for this situation. The pharmacists set up temporary workshops and processed a huge amount of materials together with the ugly summons of the [Fountain of Flesh], becoming the Oroen people. An important logistics center.

The experience since the war is still valid. This is a set of formulas that have been verified seven times. As the number of times of use increases, the degree of summary and perfection increases, and the legion commander and legion members have become familiar with it.

Except for the cautious Senate, everyone is probably confident that this kind of campaign will continue smoothly. After all, after breaking through the sky covered by the pink mist, every area seen and every opponent encountered was in their offensive. It's hard to be called an opponent in front of them.

Seeing the "surprise" that Wendy said appeared on the beach, the faces of the two legion commanders [Penetration] and [Tear] couldn't restrain their praise and appreciation for Wendy. She always likes to act alone. A whimsical idea, but every time, her methods were able to reduce the resistance to Oroun's advance just right.

It’s no wonder that the Senate was willing to grant Wendy the privilege of acting alone and put the Mist Legion in full charge of her adjutant.

[Silence] The legion commander Doleka carried out the name of the legion she led, with a gloomy expression and silence.

Compared to Wendy's impressive results, although she, who was responsible for sowing seeds, had completed planting in most areas of the Dawn Mountains,... the spread of the demon-suppressing plants was stuck in two places.

"Is that Siren Queen named Demi so stubborn?"

"Lord Legion Commander, not only did we encounter resistance from the sea monsters, we also encountered strange creatures attacking at night."

"Strange creatures?"

"Appeared quietly, exuding a fishy smell, like a fish-man with his bones removed... According to the language we know, he seemed to be asking us if we like sea monsters... Then, he suddenly said to our messenger An attack was launched."

The adjutant who replied felt his scalp numb, and continued: "The power of suppressing demons made its body stretch and lengthen like clay, and then contracted and tightened. Several of our messengers were caught off guard and dragged into the sea. At present, they are still I don’t know what race this is.”

On land, he bumped into a kingdom formed by sea monsters in a dense forest. This absurd feeling made the commander of the army feel that bumping into a race beyond his recognition was nothing.

The good news is that as a race with a high affinity for magic, the Kraken's environment has suddenly changed enough to prevent them from exerting their proud spirit. After sowing seeds, the Kraken's resistance is no longer as strong as before.

Oroun has taken control of the land area closest to the teleportation channel and eliminated the races that may pose a threat to the channel along the way...except for the Dawn Territory.

"Doreka, can't it spread in?"

"The brittleness of the land is progressing as expected, but the seeds seem to have been strangled by something... They can't even let the roots spread, and they disappear after waiting for the moisture of the growth magic." Doleka explained.

Arrange another circle of barriers around the barrier, or create a "fire zone" to prevent the spread of embrittlement. Other stubborn resistance forces in the continent have also tried, but without exception, they have carefully selected demon suppressors. Plants are defeated. As long as there is a gap to penetrate, these tough plants can tenaciously release the power of distorted magic, gradually destroying the foundation of the barrier.


"The magic power of the Dawn Territory is incredibly abundant... When the barrier is completely closed, the magic power of the outside world changes suddenly, but the strength of their barrier remains the same."

Soon, Oroen knew the reason why he could not move forward. Giant mushrooms burst out of the ground at the edge of the Dawn Tie Boundary, messing up the root system of the demon-suppressing plant. In less than two days, it grew into about The "big umbrella" is as tall as a person, and the cold wind does not affect its growth at all. A large number of spores are sprayed wantonly, competing with the demon-suppressing plants.

When the chopped giant mushroom appeared in front of Doleka, her face turned pale.

"After leaving the mycelium, the last bit of toughness disappeared, and it became as hard as wood. After a while..." Tare gently pinched the cap of the mushroom, and the powder, like grains of sand, slipped from his fingertips, " Magic mushrooms, unheard of.”

"Is it taking away the living space of the demon-suppressing plants?" Oka shouted in disbelief, "It grows so fast, and the Dawn people use growth magic to fight against growth magic?"

Ta Lei praised: "It is a skill to allow them to find this special mushroom... It is really amazing. It is indeed a continent where civilization continues. There are always things that surprise us, and those weak continents Very different.”

"It's clear, the Dawn Leader doesn't play with other forces in Mela. The popularity of the Gluttonians is not very good. These weird things are most likely their masterpieces."

Doleka said: "Let's stop praising our opponents. In order to deal with sowing, they paid the price of rich land. They probably won't be very happy with this necessary tail docking as a last resort."

"Praise to the mushrooms!"

"Good job, little mushrooms, come and let me touch them too."

"Uh, are these big mushrooms really inedible?"

"Imagine stuffing a handful of sawdust into your mouth. That's what this mushroom tastes like. If you don't believe it, you can just hold it and take a bite."

There were food trucks all over the conference room, and the atmosphere was warm. The mushrooms who came as representatives enjoyed the treatment that slimes enjoy every day - hugs and hugs.

Little Stardust's face was being rubbed by the Mist Demon and Little Mud in turn. Her face was flushed and she wanted to sprinkle some spores...but seeing the Lord God present, she didn't dare to be rude.

Living in the Dawn Territory for so long, the Mushroom People have always been immersed in the study and cultivation of mushrooms. Compared with the other groups with special skills, the contribution can be said to be completely insignificant. The only thing worthy of praise is that Lu Yu can take it together with the medicine to speed up the recovery of magic power. Starry sky mushroom soup.

Little Stardust could not have imagined that the waste products they found while studying bacterial strains would actually have a wonderful effect on this occasion, blocking out the root system of the demon-suppressing seeds. The mushroom forest that grew up around the morning sun was at this moment... People feel unusually at ease.

She timidly served Lu Yu and Lulu the Starry Sky Mushroom Soup with her own hands. Before Lu Yu could hand over his share to Sera, Little Stardust served him sensibly.

Lu Yu pinched the umbrella cover of Xiao Xingchen, glanced at the bottle of slightly viscous light golden solution on the table, and asked: "This mushroom essence can make these giant mushrooms grow quickly, and it can also make them grow faster." Rapidly withering and corrupting?”

"It is effective for many mushrooms, but unfortunately, only a few mushrooms can be extracted skillfully... We originally planned to surprise you with a sudden increase in the production of your favorite star mushrooms, but now... there are only a few left. .”

"But this is also a surprise." Lulu floated to Xiao Xingchen and rubbed her wonderful face. "Is there anything you want? I can satisfy you."

"I want to be hugged by God."

After saying that, the spots on the little Stardust umbrella cover that looked like the starry sky shimmered.

Lulu hugged it without hesitation and rubbed it on its soft cheek - it was the other person's request and it was really hard to refuse.

"This is the first time that sowing has been blocked."

Oka reminded the other two legion commanders that one link of Oroen's battle formula has failed. Although other links are still functioning normally, now they can only make their own tactical decisions based on local conditions.

As a sharp "spear", Tare thought for a long time and chose caution: "Perhaps we should suggest that the Senate send more troops and postpone the transmission of the insect swarm."

"[Penetrate], [Tear], the legions in your hands are all experts at attacking, are you so unconfident?" Doleka chuckled, "A complete legion of nearly 30,000 people has been assembled here. The number of insect swarms It’s hard to estimate, are you planning to complete the assembly of a large legion, or two legions?”

Oka and Tare were speechless for a moment.

The vanguard army that arrived at Mela only completed the predetermined strategic goal of laying a suitable environment, but it continued to seek reinforcements before encountering any decent resistance. How would other army commanders on standby view them?

Oka stood up, the breath of the goat's horn above his head flowed, and the heroic spirit burst out from his mountain-like body.


With a simple voice, they unified their opinions.

"Split up the attack, distract their attention, and make it difficult for them to look after them. Or should we attack together?" Tare asked.

"A combined attack of [Penetration] and [Tear] is enough to bring the barrier's magic power to the upper limit. No matter how powerful the barrier is, it will take time to repair it. The insect swarm can just hold up the gap and prevent it from healing." Ao Ka turned around and ordered the secretary, "Send a message to the Senate that the legion will launch an attack late at night on the Mera tomorrow."

At the same time, relying on his familiarity with the terrain, Hanlu, who broke through the siege and rode a Pegasus, arrived at Cresto, the capital of Sligo.

She passed through Green Shade and Storm, then to the Theocracy and the Royal Duchy, and passed on the information she obtained to the Dawn Territory, which had lost contact with the entire continent.

Now on to the last stop of her trip, Sligo.

Hanlu, who was welcomed into the study by Noel in person, devoured the food. For efficiency, she only ate one hot meal in the storm leader. She couldn't eat without it. Zeniel pressed her shoulder and watched her finish the meal. The beauty of "I think you are hungry, you must be hungry".

"How are Lu Yu and the others?" Noel took advantage of Han Lu's break to drink water and asked.

"Lord Lord...the Dawn Leader is fine for the time being."

Noel breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good... That's good. What do you need from me?"

"Lord Lu Yu feels that if Oroen's attack in the Dawn Territory is thwarted, the portals in other areas will open at an accelerated pace... So in order to give Meira time to prepare for the war, Dawn Territory will show weakness."

"Showing weakness?"

Hanlu nodded.

"Through observation, the lord discovered that the commander of the Oroen Army is experienced and very sophisticated. Once the Dawn Territory cannot attack, they will leave enough diversionary troops to maintain the teleportation channel, transfer the large forces, and cooperate with the simultaneous opening of teleportation gates in other areas. , causing Meira to fall into chaos in an extremely fast"

Hanlu took a deep breath: "The understanding of the morning light made Eruoen think there is an opportunity... Your Majesty Noel, Lord Lu Yu said, this is the only thing he can do for this continent. Please quickly mobilize before the war... Eruoen My benefactor, it’s more difficult than you think, don’t let down the hard-earned time Chen Xi has bought for you.”

In the room, the Silent Ones were in awe.

Noel held his forehead and murmured: "You have never shed Meira's blood..."

"I can feel Lord Lu Yu's struggle. He doesn't want the people of Chenxi to take risks with him, but he can't forget Pope Laurent's care for him... He is very confused, so once he regrets..." Hanlu Smiling slightly, "Although from the perspective of the Dawn people, I hope that the lord will regret it, no matter what path he chooses, we will firmly follow him..."

There will be more later, so Zhang asked if it was okay...

(End of chapter)

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