My Summons Are Weird

Chapter 953: trial

Luo Tali felt chills all over, and subtle, vague heart palpitations kept coming over the past few days.

In his dream, he vaguely glimpsed the earth covered in flesh and blood, with bulging meridians spreading like vines, smelly blood flowing on the plains, and towering cloud-like peaks covered with hollowed out bodies.

At first, he thought it was reality reflected in a dream, but this scene in the dream that made him feel happy only left him trembling after waking up.

After waking up drenched in sweat, he suddenly discovered the strangest thing... The perspective of the dream was very strange. He seemed not to be looking at the **** land from himself, but from a higher point of view, recording Follow his every move and play it like a video reel.

Since the establishment of the Flesh and Blood Spring, he has not tasted this kind of heart palpitations for a long time. Luo Tali, who holds the power of life and death and regards the pain of others as a means of entertainment, tastes the emotions that only emerge from the weak from others. with reaction.

The desire to kill became stronger and stronger, and when he was disturbed by the strange dream again, Luo Tali became angry and impatient - he could not bear the cowardice displayed on him at this moment. Only by becoming the supreme person who controls the lives of others again can he make him The inner turmoil calmed down.

He did not hesitate to order the priests at the Fountain of Flesh to choose today's sacrifice for him.

The object of sacrifice at the Flesh and Blood Spring has been subtly changed by Luo Tali. From the initial sacrifice to the Lord of Flesh and Blood, it has become... to sacrifice to him.

Luo Tali was worried about this. Among the many lies he told, the most famous one was "The summoner of Blue Water City is my apprentice."

What if the summoner of Blue Water is not dead?

As the first person to summon flesh and blood summons, will he find himself?

As time passed and the Flesh Fountain grew, Luo Tali gradually felt relieved - that summoner was absolutely dead.

Luo Tali, who was once a noble, personally trained his slaves. His fantastic ideas and rare talent in summoning made him gain a lot.

With mediocre magic aptitude, he never thought that the talent he was looking for would come true in Summoning One Way, and he quickly made it a success - buying slaves in large quantities and using their flesh and blood to build up his own experience.

When the balance between slave purchase and consumption could not be maintained, Luo Tali made the first difficult choice in his life. Should he restrain this crazy desire a little, or obey it and continue to wreak havoc?

His hesitation did not last long. After killing his brothers and sisters with his own hands, the restlessness that made him uncomfortable immediately subsided - he found true happiness.

Watching those relatives who are constantly begging for their own sanity, admiring their desperate wails, and then peeling off their flesh and blood from their bodies little by little, transferring them to summoned objects, or turning them into weapons and armor for their own external reproduction... too Wonderful.

In this world, there is no more perfect summoning technique than flesh and blood summoning. This is the power that can dominate and utilize life to the maximum extent!

It is the most magnificent masterpiece given to intelligent creatures in the world.

And as he is at the forefront of this path, there is no doubt that he will become a pioneer in an era.

The cooperation with Oroun is natural. They need magic power to open the channel, and the Flesh Spring needs their battle to obtain training materials. As for Lotari himself... war and death are the best opportunities for him to expand the influence of the Flesh Spring.

Unfortunately, some of Oroun's legion commanders seemed extremely dissatisfied with him. If it were not for the suppression of the Senate, the legion commanders might refuse to recognize the content of the agreement between the two parties.

Lotari didn't care about these discriminations. Once the Fountain of Flesh was strong enough... Oroun was just their food reserve.

"Lotari-sama...we have no more sacrificial tools."

The priest's words displeased Lotali, and he received an explanation before he opened his mouth.

Due to their massacre, a large number of people have fled to Sligo and the Theocracy, and these two areas belong to Oroun's frontline battle zones.

Luo Tali was a little impatient because his desires were not satisfied, but he remained calm in front of his subordinates.

"There's nothing left around?"

"There is nothing new." The priest replied, "Most of the people who cannot leave their hometowns are old people."

Decaying flesh and blood, flesh and blood springs disdain to touch, which also means that in the occupied area covered with flesh and blood at this moment, there are still many old people hiding in their homes and shivering, or resigned to their fate and waiting to die.

About to go to the grave, and having no pleasure in being ravaged by a soul that was indifferent to life and death, Luo Tali snorted disdainfully: "The town closest to our Theocracy, right?"

"The Oruans did not allow us to attack our main strategic targets."

"But the Theocracy has already declared war on Oroun, hasn't it?" Luotali sneered, "Don't hesitate, just take action."

Oroun also needs their magic to open the passage, and this demand will inevitably make the Senate ignore some details.

In the Theocracy, faith makes the will of believers strong. Because of this, destroying it will definitely make people breathless.

Extinguishing the brightest brilliance of life bit by bit, watching those souls fall into the abyss of despair bit by bit, and then turning their flesh and blood into weapons to ravage their companions... Luotali could no longer control this desire for destruction. Want to destroy something now!

The chill inadvertently snaked up his spine, and the trembling at the soul level dispelled the bloodthirsty impulse, and the madness temporarily disappeared.

Luo Tali's heart rate suddenly increased, and he could clearly feel the ups and downs of his chest. His brain was also buzzing, like a war drum beating, and the flesh and blood in his body resonated with it.

"What... thing?" Not only in Luo Tali, but also those in the Flesh Spring who had mastered the knowledge of high-level flesh and blood summons also felt the throbbing coming from the distance at this moment.

It was as if there was some ethereal voice calling their names, driving them to look in the same direction.

The "swishing" sound of heavy objects being dragged rubbed everyone's eardrums.

Standing on a small town house with thousands of corpses hanging and stinking organs piled up like a slaughterhouse, they looked far into the distance, trying to penetrate the hazy white mist in the distance, but all the magic power was blocked by invisible forces. .

It was like hitting a wall that was slowly advancing and towering into the clouds.

The dark elf stepped out of the fog, and his slender figure attracted the attention of many summoners who had high requirements for flesh and blood.

Luo Tali's sight was attracted by the black mist attached to the dark elf and covering its eyes.

His heartbeat rate reached its peak at the moment he witnessed it, and the dream scenes that had long been fragmented as he woke up appeared in his mind.

Looking down from a high place, it looks like a floating point of view... there seems to be a deep dark atmosphere escaping.

Behind the dark elf, hundreds of summoners with flesh and blood fountains appeared.

They were dying, but not completely dead. Their bodies were bound, connected, and connected by the deep black mist that was exactly the same as in the dream.

After seeing it clearly, even the flesh and blood summoner who dealt with death was frightened by it.

The Summoner, who was bound to the chain, had a huge **** in his abdomen, and his organs were exposed to the air, subject to bites from the mosquitoes that followed him.

The carrion-eating birds that came after the stench couldn't wait to land, and took advantage of the pause to peck, making them miserable.

Whenever they start to bleed, a blur of magical power will ripple through their bodies, softening the breath of vegetation and the power of light, temporarily healing them.

However, they could not utter a complete sentence in their mouths, and their tongues were missing from their empty mouths.

As a tentacle waved, hundreds of tongues were kneaded together, and the "artwork" like giant petals fell heavily in front of the town.

"They are too noisy."

Luo Tali heard the sounds of many people swallowing nervously.

One of the priests asked, "Who are you?"

"You are the pioneers of this knowledge."

Luo Tali was shocked at first, and then laughed.

"Who dares to call himself the pioneer of flesh and blood summons? Call himself a pioneer?"

"if not?"

Faced with this rhetorical question, Luo Tali became calmer.

With Mera's attitude of hating the Necromancer, everyone should be shouting about the Flesh Summoner, but after a closer look, I found that there was no discussion at all.

Flesh summons have never appeared in Mera, unless the monster in front of them is not a creature of Mera.

"You killed my people, but if you can show the qualities to replace them and surpass them...acceptance can be considered."

"Accept? Hahahahahaha." Lu Yu laughed, and this laughter became more and more cold and angry, "Does the master of flesh and blood need to be accepted? You are using the knowledge I brought and the path I opened, Every step I take is a blessing left behind by me, but now I am boasting about it..."

"Accept...consider?" Lu Yu's voice deepened, "How dare you usurp my authority? This is my knowledge and my power!"

Within the three-coal ball, the magic power mixed with Silver Maple's divine power exploded like a tsunami, roaring and slapping in all directions. The trembling at the soul level became more intense, and a large number of flesh-and-blood summoners were fighting with each other, almost falling to their knees.

"Your achievements, your existence, and your strength are all given by my existence!"

Luo Tali, who secretly mobilized the summoning ritual, endured the discomfort at the conscious level and completed the summoning. However, the ambiguity of the summoning process suddenly intensified his inner uneasiness - he seemed to feel...resistance from the summoned object's weak consciousness.

"The most brilliant summons are all completed silently and secretly by the flesh and blood of those who have died in vain." Lu Yu was like an adult watching a naughty child playing around, or like a bystander watching a clown jumping up and down, with disdain and contempt running through him. Always, "What are you going to do with this clay-like flesh and blood summon? To colonize it, devour it, or let it self-destruct?"

"How arrogant."

"I have always been humble and courteous towards others, but for inhumane anthropomorphic life, I believe that maintaining emotional restraint is a violation of conscience."

"A person who uses flesh and blood to summon can actually say these words without shame?" Luo Tali was amused.

"I'm different from you."

"Different?" Luo Tali laughed again. He loved to laugh so much and was condescending, as if he was treating every soul that he had ravaged to death. "The self-proclaimed pioneer of flesh and blood summoning, if you are really a pioneer, then what are you doing?" There will only be more blood than any one person. This is a thorny road that must be cut with blood. It is a sin that the world cannot tolerate...I want to possess this glory, but I also refuse to admit that I am the same. Degenerate, hypocritical to the extreme.”

Lu Yu waved his hand casually, and the piano appeared in the palm of Zhuo Yanxu's hand. Its appearance shocked the flesh and blood summons that were watching here. Almost every flesh and blood summoner felt the violent magic power fluctuations of the summons.

In just this moment, the flesh and blood swallowed by the flesh and blood summons turned into magic power and escaped in large quantities.

Seeing the "clay" in Luo Tali's hands turn into tentacles and spread all over his body, arming them into flesh and blood warriors, Lu Yu softly gave orders to the piano and Xu Yu who appeared quietly.

In an instant, a huge force hit Luo Tali's knees. He fell to his knees heavily, raising his hands in an embarrassed manner, preparing to support his body. His posture was like surrender, which made his tense nerves feel embarrassed and angry because of the sudden turn of events. occupied.

"What are you doing!" Luo Tali angrily scolded the exogenous flesh and blood summon, trying hard to stand up straight.

However, the flesh and blood summon remained motionless. He seemed to be locked by armor, and he could only watch as Zhuo Yan led Lu Yu closer and closer.

Thousands of flesh and blood summoners in the town seemed to have been cast a restraining spell, and UU Reading remained motionless.

"You...what did you do to me?" Luo Tali finally reacted and swallowed, showing a look of horror.

"I heard that you consider yourself the master of flesh and blood, so I used the power of a **** to make you realize how far the master's authority can reach."

"Impossible, how can you be the master? There is no doubt that I am at the forefront of this path!"

"I heard that you still call me your apprentice?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Tali's face turned pale. He raised his head with difficulty, and all he saw was darkness.

"'re not dead?"

"I'm so glad I didn't die, otherwise... people like you would have become synonymous with flesh-and-blood knowledge." Lu Yu said, "It's really a disgusting possibility."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Luo Tali screamed, "I have clearly expanded so much on this path, why are you the pioneer? Have you been deceived by the summoning ritual!"

"Why are you qualified to judge me? You are just as filthy as me. How can you control this power and authority? I refuse to accept it!"

Lotari cursed angrily.

Just like Luo Tali was examining the souls he tortured to death, Lu Yu was also admiring Luo Tali's anger at this moment.

"Because I'm different from you."

"You want to say that the power you brought has never caused any killings? Stop lying!"

Lu Yu said: "Because I knew how powerful it was, so I planned to use myself to complete the restriction and seal. And I kept my promise and put shackles on myself."

"In the future, I will also write their weaknesses on this power and give it to every brave person who tries to defeat the flesh and blood summons."

"Luo Tali, you and I are different people." Lu Yu emphasized again.

(End of chapter)

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