My Super Black Technology Empire

Chapter 139: I am God, and God cannot repent

Ye Fan's motorcade drove out of Guangcheng Manor and began the return journey.

Ye Fan hasn't made much statistics on the price of this meal, and he doesn't need to pay for it anyway, but from the perspective of the dishes and the layout of the room, the meal cost at least five or six million.

Sitting in the back of the car, Ye Fan looked at Ye Qingcheng and asked, "How about it, are the food here delicious?"

"Well... it's delicious, but I think the price is the same as gold inlaid. No, it is as expensive as diamond inlaid. A pot of oolong tea is five thousand yuan?

And it’s the most convenient place here. I guess that after this meal, my salary for a year will not be enough. "Ye Qingcheng said in disbelief at this time.

"Hey, according to Guangcheng Manor, the charges are still normal. If it is in the Dijinghaoyuan side of the Imperial Capital, the price is estimated to scare you." Ye Fan also smiled and said.

After a short chat, Ye Qingcheng also started to use his laptop to deal with the company's problems, while Ye Fan leaned on the side and closed his eyes to rest.

At this moment, Ye Fan received a message on his mobile phone, which was sent by Origin.

Origin can judge by itself whether to communicate with Ye Fan through information or voice in this environment.

"Master, the Supreme Court of Amity, secretly opened the trial of five scientists who tried to respond to six alien signals. The Space Defense Council tried to prosecute for crimes against humanity.

Did you invade the Supreme Court of the other party and obtain the right to live broadcast? "At this time, Ye Fan's mobile phone showed such a content.

"Invade the other party's monitoring system, broadcast the other party's picture in real time, and cast it on the glasses." Ye Fan typed out such a paragraph on the phone and sent it out.

At the same time he took out his super black technology glasses from the briefcase and put them on.

Regarding the 1987a star and the nearby black holes, there is also a so-called "alien signal" method that is repeated six times.

"Identity authentication is successful and I am accessing the artificial intelligence system."

"The access is successful, the origin of artificial intelligence will serve you."

"The intrusion is starting, the port is scanning, the backdoor program is scanning, the firewall is secretly breached, and the connection trace is being wiped..." At this time, a series of messages on the glasses were displayed.

At this time, the secret hearing of the Supreme Court of the American Supreme Court was at a top-secret level. Anyone entering the hearing must hand over their mobile phones and store them in a safe outside the court.

Moreover, although there are computers and monitoring equipment in the court, they are all internal network systems that are independent of the external network and are not connected to the Internet at all.

According to common sense, it is theoretically impossible to crack and connect to the internal data. After all, if a router is unplugged from the network cable, it is the same reason that you cannot access the Internet.

When the network cable cannot be plugged in, many people are helpless, but the origin can be different. The method he uses is similar to a "signal bridge" model.

It doesn't matter if the router can't access the Internet. Use the router as a "signal bridge" or "repeater" to connect to another router with a network to achieve the purpose of Internet access.

The method of originating remote intrusion is the same. First, through data intrusion into hundreds of mobile phones stored in the safe, the WIFI frequency band of the mobile phone is turned on, and the frequency band, frequency, and scanning are unified.

Think of hundreds of mobile phones as an oversized signal source finder to find backdoors that can be invaded in the nearest range.

And this invaded back door is a very inconspicuous thing in the Supreme Court.


In the Krai War several decades ago, Amejan made some tricks on the printer purchased by the Krai Ministry of Defense. He used something called a "printer virus" to treat the printer as a "relay". ”, thereby paralyzing Kraj’s entire air defense system.

The printer at that time was connected to an ordinary military computer of the Air Defense Command, and it was not connected to the outside Internet. It was completely an independent intranet platform.

However, Ameijian used a specific backdoor program to remotely scan through a specific frequency band and a specific band, thereby invading a printer.

The hackers of Amegian used that printer as a "repeater" and implemented remote intrusion through the intranet system computer connected to that printer, thus paralyzing the entire Krai air defense system.

So in that year's war, Kray’s air force became blind, and millions of land forces became millions of targets. In the end, the country was destroyed and the family was destroyed.

And all this just originated from a printer.

The original methods of cracking today are similar to those used by Amercan to invade Krai printers. They use the device to scan remotely crackable terminals to invade the computer connected to the printer.

There happens to be a printer in the Supreme Court of America. This relatively advanced printer can connect to a mobile phone via WIFI and then implement remote printing.

The large-scale signal finder formed by hundreds of mobile phones before easily cracked the back door of this printer, thereby connecting to the computer connected to this printer, invading the entire monitoring system.

And the origin uses the printer as the "repeater", continues to use its WIFI function, cracks and connects to a camera mounted in the Supreme Court for real-time recording.

This camera also has WIFI function, and Gao Bet cameras basically have this function, just for the convenience of users, so that you don’t need to pull out the memory card and insert it into the computer, and finally send the video file to the computer on the phone.

High bet cameras, cameras, can directly transmit photos to mobile phones via WIFI or Bluetooth.

So this is also the back door and hidden dangers left by remote intrusion.

"Ding, the connection is successful, and it is being broadcast for you in real time." After ten seconds, a picture began to appear on Ye Fan's glasses.

The transmission of these images requires traffic. Where does this traffic come from?

Of course, it was deducted from those hundreds of mobile phones. Anyway, it was not Ye Fan's traffic that he didn't bother to manage.

On the dock at this time, there was a white man who was about 60 or 70 years old with white hair. Although he was already standing in this place at this time, he still had no fear at all.

Opposite him was the recently established Space Defense Council. At this time, a yellow-haired officer in his thirties launched a fierce accusation against the defendant:

"Dr. Macato, you concealed the fact that you were not arrested when you tried to send a message, but after you had sent a message to the source!

We searched through the system log. When you received six alien signals from 170,000 light years away, you immediately shut down the firewall system and used electromagnetic waves to send an 8kb electromagnetic wave message to the signal source. "

"Although we have tried to find extraterrestrial civilization before, we are all heart-winged, even if we send coordinate information, we will not send such exaggerated data!"

"When you were young, you started the METI (Send Information to Smart Life) project. You have been secretly preparing, and now you finally have the opportunity. In the 8kb electromagnetic wave message you sent, the symbols arranged by binary code

Sending the information of our current human technological level, that is, what technological level you are human beings at, all are sent to the signal source! "

At this time, there was a dead silence in the audience, including the presiding judge and judges, all with shocked faces.

"And you not only sent data about our current human technology level, but you also sent 33 short music works, science and mathematics tutorials, and of course the position of our solar system and the earth in the galaxy!"

"You sent the most detailed map of the position of the solar system. There are 14 pulsars to assist in the positioning of the coordinates! If there is an alien civilization,

The other party estimates that not a fool can analyze the data, but after screening the signal source and comparing them one by one according to the characteristics and the position of the pulsar, we immediately exposed! "The officer's hand holding the information began to tremble.

Hundreds of high-level people and people from all walks of life who were listening at this time took a breath.

"Dr. Macto, is this true?" The presiding judge looked at the gray-haired Dr. Macator and asked.

"It's true, that's the place where alien civilization is most likely to appear. I divided it into three times and sent all the information about our location, technology level, culture, etc." Dr. Macato said calmly.

"Why are you doing this?" Someone asked in a trembling tone in horror.

"I firmly believe that mankind will be defeated, and that mankind will be destroyed by a meaningless civil war. What can our most powerful nuclear weapons do besides destroying the biosphere on the earth's surface?"

"Human civilization without a common foreign enemy is a dish of loose sand! And a dish of loose sand that will self-destruct! Only a common foreign enemy can make us truly unite and move towards the Galaxy Age!"

"It's better for you to be anti-human than I. I'm saving you!" Dr. Macato, who had been calm, said again.

"Dr. Macato, look at what you have done! You are still there for the sake of human civilization! You have betrayed mankind, and you must confess for it!"

The judge at this time also couldn't restrain his inner emotions, stood up, pointed at Dr. Macato, and shouted.

"Repent? Now you are already on the chessboard I set up. I am God here."

"And God, it is impossible to repent."

"If an alien civilization receives information and launches a war against mankind, or even the destruction of the earth, do you think so?" The judge calmed his mind and asked.

"Yes, I still think so. Instead of letting mankind be destroyed because of the civil war, it is better to force you to move into the Galaxy Age and the vast universe!"

"Rather than being tied to this planet and waiting to die! Waiting to be destroyed by my own compatriots! I am leaving mankind with the hope of continuation." Dr. Macato calmly answered the It's nonsense! How can you take the six billion lives of our planet as a bet for a so-called hope! You can't bear this responsibility! "The judge couldn't help it anymore.

"I still said that." Dr. Macato said calmly:

"No matter where this choice will lead human history, I choose hope."


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