My Super Black Technology Empire

Chapter 446: Another secret

After Ye Fan left, he turned and walked into the company headquarters. Tang Xue and others, who had been waiting next to Ye Fan, also followed Ye Fan.

"Boss, what's our next plan?" Tang Xue asked Ye Fan's ears.

Originally, Tang Xue and the "Guardian Defending the Country" four-member group were dispatched to the southern Xinjiang area after handling the natural disaster days.

However, during this critical time, Ye Fan was almost assassinated while at Datang Technology, so the high-level people had no choice but to send them back.

And also issued a death order, that is, to ensure Ye Fan's safety, hesitate to use any means.

"After all the employees have left the company, you will leave four people behind, and each will lead a team to block the company until the blockade is lifted. Unexpected dangers may occur by then. Can you complete the task?"

Ye Fan turned around and looked at Tang Xue and others, his face looked very serious, and it didn't seem to be a joke.

"Don't worry, boss, promise to complete the task." Zhao Bao answered without hesitation.

"Yes, it will definitely be sealed off by then, absolutely no one else will come into the company." Chen Jia also said confidently.

"No, if it's just ordinary people, we have no reason to fight, we are in big trouble." Ye Fan spoke meaningfully, ignoring other people's gazes, and turned and walked into the elevator.

"Is it sure that the attack time is within the next two months?" Tang Xue looked at Ye Fan with concern. After all, this is Ye Fan's base camp. If he were attacked, he would have suffered heavy losses.

"After investigation, it is basically certain that we discovered a large hole on the coastline of Jiangcheng three days ago. They are densely digging deep from the bottom of the coastline. According to the time,

Half a month at the earliest, and two months at the latest, if they attack our Datang Technology, it’s okay, if they kill in a residential area, the consequences will be unimaginable. "

Ye Fan sighed, reluctantly pressed the top floor of the company headquarters, and went directly to the president's office.

"I haven't been here for a long time." Ye Fan lit a cigarette and sat at his desk thinking deeply.

In the past four months, Ye Fan seldom appeared in the company. He spent most of his time living in the Sky Mothership above 10,000 meters.

The secret to the outside world is that after being assassinated, he has a psychological shadow and needs to heal his heart in an isolated environment.

But the real situation is actually about the meteorite that fell on the day of the natural disaster.

At that time, a large number of single-cell spores were attached to the meteorites. The information sent by the sampling robot secretly sent by Datang Technology to the Shengyang Empire showed that the structure of this cell was very ingenious.

The internal DNA code seems to have been artificially modified, full of artificial traces. Zilang Literature

The most important thing is that the size of this single cell is very huge, and its complete form is like a caterpillar. There are organs that absorb nutrients throughout the body.

When this single-celled organism absorbs a large amount of protein, what it brings is to convert energy into its own energy in the form of 90% utilization rate, and quickly allow itself to evolve.

Therefore, this creature can evolve itself to a very high level in a short time and become a new type of war weapon, and according to its DNA code, it can be known that the growth of this creature seems to be unlimited.

During these four months, there were many cruise ships inexplicably sinking in the Pacific Ocean. What’s even more bizarre was that after receiving the distress signal from the captain, the marine rescue team quickly rushed to the location of the incident, which took an hour. Less than time.

However, all the passengers on the cruise ship were missing without exception. Only the cruise ship turned over, as well as torn fabrics and large areas of blood.

Some experts analyzed that these tourists were attacked by crazy sharks, causing all of them to die.

However, such a statement is untenable. After all, no matter how angry the sharks are, it is impossible for the more than 3,000 passengers to disappear in just one hour.

Following the inexplicable sinking of the first cruise ship, the second and third ships, not only in the Eastern Pacific, but also in the Western Pacific, and even the Indian Ocean and Atlantic Ocean, the originally safe sea areas and navigation channels have also begun to become accident-prone. Ground.

Although the officials tried their best to suppress the news, all coastal residents began to panic. They even wondered if there were creatures under the water that had not been discovered by humans and attacked people in secret.

The official statement was that they were missing and killed, but they did not disclose the specific cause of the accident because even they did not know what the specific cause was.

Datang Technology's artificial intelligence immediately reported the news to Ye Fan. At that time, Ye Fan used global big data statistics and Luo to list many accident-prone areas.

The data at the time showed that accident-prone areas continued to spread out from the Shengyang Empire according to the passage of time, and even spread to the global sea.

Ye Fan thought of the large number of extraterrestrial intelligent lives that had been wiped out on the beach of the Shengyang Empire last time, and instantly realized something was wrong.

So at that time, Ye Fan submitted the information to the official The official took this news very seriously.

Because the maritime police department has a lot of headaches, fishermen often disappear inexplicably when they go out to fish, and there are even three ocean fishing boats that evaporate directly from the world.

Now that Ye Fan submitted this information to them, even when he united all countries with coastlines, he convened a secret meeting for the first time.

In addition to dispatching warships to **** important merchant ships and cargo ships, it also provides key protection for fishermen who go to sea. The satellite data port provided by them allows Datang Technology to use artificial intelligence to monitor all fishing vessels at sea in real time to ensure that they Security.

At the same time, all cruise ships and passenger ships are restricted from going to sea, the offshore uninhabited areas are subject to key management and control, and the navies of several maritime powers have joined forces to conduct key searches on relevant sea areas.

So in the next two months, cruise ships and fishing boats disappeared a lot less frequently, and the navies of various countries also captured a small number of extraterrestrial intelligent life.

Although it is said that this is the first contact between human civilization and alien civilization, the truth of this is not good, because their arrival came at the cost of the death of 2 billion people on earth. _

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