Damn it, aunt!

Hearing this, Chen Yuan had to admit that he was anxious.

Now he wanted to... turn Xia Xinyu's face into a pufferfish.

No, what happened to the two of us sitting and eating just now?

If you're scared, just pretend you don't know them. This is a bar. In theory, you don't need to know five people.

But if you behave like this, if your aunt finds out...

You really hurt me.

"Natural, be more natural..." Xia Xinyu murmured to herself.

"You are the most unnatural, calm down."

Seeing Xia Xinyu shaking non-stop, Chen Yuan directly put his hand on her head, absorbing her brain, trying to turn her into a fool who would not be afraid.

And this time, she was indeed fixed.

[Chen Yuan is right, it’s natural...]

[But, I seem to be still shaking, what’s going on?]

No, you're done, it's my brother who's shaking now.

[How come a boy from No. 11 Middle School is in our school and still having a relationship with one of our students? 】

[And the girl just now feels a bit like my Xinyu...]

I just said, can't you be honest and frank?

Do this kind of thing!

I'll see what I do next time and see how you introduce me next time.

Aunt, this is Chen Yuan, my neighbor. Well, that's right, it was the boy who held me in his arms and touched my head last time.

Now, Chen Yuan couldn't wait to stuff Xiaoxia into his pocket.

But there is no point in saying this. You can only make mistakes.

"Teacher Xia, what's wrong?"

A young teacher walking alongside Xia Fang saw her stopping and turned his head following his gaze. Then, I saw a tall boy wearing the uniform of No. 11 Middle School, and opposite him there was a short girl from No. 4 Middle School. He suddenly had a cheerful attitude: "Dating is so open and aboveboard, don't you be afraid of the teaching office of our school."

The Teaching Office of No. 4 Middle School is a feared and bloody organization. Its investigation capabilities, anti-reconnaissance capabilities, and intelligence network are outstanding among all Xia Hai schools.

This is our Fourth Middle School, our own Buddha Bole.

"I don't know if it's an illusion. Why do I feel like I saw Xinyu?" Xia Fang asked suspiciously.

Hearing the name, the young teacher laughed out loud: "How is that possible? That's my heartfelt message. How could such a girl fall in love prematurely?"

"That's right..."

"Besides, what kind of boy can be worthy of Xinyu? He's from the eleventh grade."

No, what does it mean to be in the eleventh grade?

Have you forgotten which school the city’s science champion came from in 2011?

Have you forgotten who the school is called the Twin Stars of Haijing District along with No. 4 Middle School?

Gas, shaking, cold.

[Forget it, just go back and ask Xinyu what he is doing and you will know]

[This kid can’t lie]

After leaving these two words, my aunt walked away.

Chen Yuan couldn't hear their voices anymore.

"Let's go." Chen Yuan reminded him as he let go of his hand on her head.

Slowly raising her head, Xia Xinyu, whose cheeks were all red, was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief, but she suddenly realized something and asked blankly: "Wait a minute, was it okay just now... if you don't hide?"

Chen Yuan: "..."

Although I have a score of 504, and although I am a handyman disciple of the Eleventh Sect, I really occasionally feel that I am no stupider than Xia Xinyu.

Even in some aspects, he is more clever.

Of course, according to the deep-rooted Darwin theorem in Chinese education - if you score 625, you have evolved more comprehensively than me.

"If we don't hide, even if we are discovered, we will just eat together." After reviewing the story, Xia Xinyu became more aware of her recklessness, "I'm so stupid, really."

If he had been discovered just now, in such a posture, it would have been the end.

"You can still pretend that you don't know me. Anyway, we are eating at the bar." Chen Yuan wrote lightly.

"..." Upon hearing this, Xia Xinyu was stunned, and it was rare that she did not directly answer Chen Yuan's words.

Not even the voice of my heart.

Are you in a daze?

"The fried rice is here, and it's not that slow." Chen Yuan took out the chopsticks and handed them to Xia Xinyu. He also took a pair and was ready to eat.

"Yeah." After a faint response, Xia Xinyu turned her head.

At this time, the boss had already cooked a portion of fried rice and brought it to the two of them on a plate, and also gave them two more paper bowls.

Because he was so hungry, Chen Yuan didn't think much and just put one in his mouth.

However, just as he bit into the fried pancake and the soup spilled out into the small bowl, Xia Xinyu suddenly asked in a low voice: "When you meet a teacher on the street, would you say you don't recognize me?"

This question almost made Chen Yuan choke.

I was about to answer, but the high-temperature pan-fried food was already in my mouth.

He could only swallow the fried buns as quickly as possible, and then replied: "Of course not."

"Then do you think I can..."

Lowering her head and poking at the fried food with chopsticks, Xia Xinyu didn't look at Chen Yuan, but still muttered in that tone.

"The situation is different. After all, that is not an ordinary teacher, she is your aunt." Chen Yuan explained.

"What if you meet your aunt?"

"I don't have an aunt."

After Chen Yuan answered, he felt that this was a bit too straight, and then added: "But I have an aunt, you can use my aunt as an example."

Xia Xinyu turned to look at Chen Yuan, and after a long pause with a frown, she asked seriously: "Then if you were walking with me on the street and met your aunt, cousin, uncle, or parents, what would you do? ...Pretend you don’t know me?”


"That's right." At this point, Xia Xinyu's mood finally changed, and she even said she was a little unhappy, "Why do you think I will pretend that I don't know you?"

"Boys should be more cheeky about this kind of thing, while girls are thinner... Of course, there is no intention to discriminate against women."

This was the first time that Chen Yuan failed to grasp it, and it was also the first time that he felt angry when seeing Xia Xinyu.

Of course, there is no such thing as a person with a perfect character and no temper.

But why didn’t I express my feelings just now...

Was she aroused by something and her mind went blank?

Xia Xinyu got down from the stool, tugged on Chen Yuan's sleeve, and whispered, "Can you come with me?"

"Oh." Because he had paid in advance, there would be no misunderstanding about eating the Overlord meal, so Chen Yuan stood up.

The moment he stood up, he heard Xia Xinyu's thoughts.

Then, it froze for a frame.

"Do you know what I want to do?" Xia Xinyu asked Chen Yuan with some confusion.

Just found out.

So, I was a little bit hesitant to leave.

"You must have your reasons." Chen Yuan replied.

Nodding, Xia Xinyu did not hide it, nor did she leave the matter until later. After a little mental construction, she explained: "I was hiding from my aunt just now because I felt that I was skipping school. I met her in a place like this. She was a little scared, so she hid. I wasn't afraid that she would catch me with you... I wasn't worried about that."

"That's it, I'm sorry." Chen Yuan apologized proactively.

Because Xia Xinyu was too kind and had a good temper, Chen Yuan did not notice that Xia Xinyu was also a girl with a soft heart.

Admittedly, what I said just now was inappropriate. It was like saying that neighbors are like jungle birds, and they fly away when disaster strikes.

"It doesn't matter, I know you didn't mean it this way." Xia Xinyu finally smiled.

But inside, I still feel a little sad.

She thought of something the Chinese teacher in her class said during class.

Don't think that the school's arrest of puppy love is harming you. In fact, the school is trying to keep you in check.

If you are the kind of boy who throws your hand away when you meet a teacher on the street, do you think this is true love?

Although they are not a couple yet, she feels that Chen Yuan's words like this are like saying that she will be the kind of person to throw away his hand...

Of course, since they are not a couple, this is just an inappropriate metaphor.

But it's the same thing.


My my.

After listening to Xia Xinyu's voice and using such a vivid metaphor, he knew why he needed to apologize just now.

This is like walking on the street and holding Xia Xinyu's hand. After meeting his mother and Lao Chen, he shook off Xia Xinyu's hand, then quickened his pace, pretending that he was just passing by with her...

If he dares to do this, more than 10,000 people from all over the country may come to see who he is.

"Auntie is probably not far away." Xia Xinyu poked the outside with her finger and proved to herself, "I'm not kidding, let's go find her."

Xia Xinyu did not lie to herself.

Her heart is her own way, as clear as a mirror.

Chen Yuan is actually not that timid and is not afraid of his aunt, but just now his actions with Xia Xinyu were as if they were kissing...

Now that I have passed by, there will be another big giveaway?

Why should I use it?

"Sorry, sorry, I'll punish myself with a paper when I go back." He patted Xia Xinyu on the shoulder, then pushed her back gently, and after returning her to her seat, he said sincerely, "I completely believe you, next time Say hello to aunt again."


And since Chen Yuan said so, Xia Xinyu stopped insisting, nodded, and stopped being serious: "Next time, say hello properly, no need to hide, anyway..."

While she was talking, she picked up a bun and put it in her mouth, eating it while talking vaguely.

Chen Yuan knew that she was deliberately not letting herself hear what she was saying clearly. After all, she was still angry just now.

So he didn't bother to ask, and just stared at the competitive girl with his face raised.

Just listen to your heart.

【I have nothing to be afraid of anyway】

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