My Sweet and Charming Wife

Chapter 220: Yue Huan, are you crazy about wanting to go to university?

  Chapter 220 Yue Huan, are you crazy about wanting to go to university?

She didn't wait for the postal service now, but instead waited for Zhang Shufen. Zhang Shufen happened to go shopping with the aunt next door. Now that she came back, she felt that she was a rare visitor. Seeing her empty-handed and disgusted, she accused her: "No way, Yue Huan, I heard that you have made a lot of money recently, you have made a lot of money, why are you going back to your mother's house empty-handed, you can't bear to bring a fruit basket, and you don't have to send anything when you go back to your mother's house, why are you so stingy? "

Gu Yuehuan didn't want to talk, so Gu Yuewei interrupted while knocking on melon seeds, and said to Zhang Shufen embarrassingly: "Mom! You misunderstood! Why did my sister come back to visit? My sister came back to ask if we have received her admission letter! I’m dying of laughter! If I’ve already told him when I received the admission letter, what do we want her admission letter for? Are we still hiding it?”

Zhang Shufen burst out laughing when she heard this, "Yuehuan, is there anything wrong? Are you crazy about wanting to go to college? Although I know your sister is going to go to college, your failure will be a big blow to you. But you can’t do this either. How could the post office come? Now the sun is about to set. If you didn’t come, you didn’t come. What’s the matter? Now you suspect that we have hidden your admission letter. Use your admission letter What are you doing here, you can pass the exam, maybe it's some unreputable school, what's the use of us hiding it, can it be better than your sister's?"

Hearing this, Zhang Shufen attracted the attention of the two ropes next door. Hearing this, she asked Gu Yuehuan curiously: "Yuehuan, didn't you pass the exam? My son said that you have good grades in school, and your grades are better than Yuewei's at school." It's the same. Yuewei has been admitted to university, but you didn't, it's impossible."

Zhang Shufen was not happy when she heard this. She was protecting her little daughter in her heart, so she was very unhappy when she heard this and said: "How can it be possible that my family Yuewei has better academic performance than my family? Your son made a mistake, right? My family, Yuewei, has always had better academic performance than her. My youngest daughter has always been smarter than my eldest daughter. I must have made a mistake. You see, it’s already past this time. How could it be possible to send it over? No. If it is delivered by post, then it must have failed the exam!"

"It should be at this point in time. If you don't pass the exam, you shouldn't have an admission letter. I must have made a mistake, but Yuewei is really smart. She has been quick-spoken since she was a child. It should be admitted to a university. .Yuehuan, don't be too sad. You can't pass the exam. Can you take the exam again next year? You can make money now. It doesn't matter if you don't pass the university exam. Anyway, you are already married and married into a good family. .”

When Gu Yuewei heard the word married, she seemed to have picked on her own thorns. She still couldn't accept it. How could she be with Gu Yuehuan when she was alone? She’s a good person, but she’s uneducated. She’s a university student and a civil servant. She’s only a high school graduate, so she’s not good enough for her. Maybe she’ll dislike you in the future!”

Hearing this, Zhang Shufen pinched Gu Yuewei's hand pretentiously and said, "What's the matter with you kid? Your sister didn't pass the exam, are you comforting your sister? Why are you saying these sarcastic remarks? Your sister is sad because she didn't pass the exam. Are you still saying these things to **** off your sister?"

Gu Yuewei understood, and covered her mouth in a pretentious manner, "I'm sorry, I was the one who spoke out. When it comes to my sister's pain point, it is true that my sister was already very sad when she passed the exam, but sister, don't worry, we have me in our family. College students are enough, and there is no need for two of me to be admitted to such a good university and give our parents face, so don't be too sad."

  (end of this chapter)

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