My Sweet and Charming Wife

Chapter 298: Li Shuyuan said: Can you be my aunt's goddaughter?

  Chapter 298 Li Shuyuan said: Can you be my aunt's goddaughter?

Li Shuyuan was thinking that if she was not married, it would be good to have a pair with her son, and their family did not have this kind of class concept. As long as she is kind and kind, such a good girl, even if she is not Qian Na also agreed to you, but she is already married, so it is impossible to make a couple, so I just want to introduce them both to see if they can be suitable friends.

Li Shuyuan mainly felt that her son was too stupid. No one in the university did well in the exam. She was still a top student. She was the provincial number one in the exam. She wanted her to teach her son to study and so on, so as to help her My son's grades improved a bit, and he got better with being with outstanding people.

  Her son's academic performance is hopeless.

Gu Yuehuan's personality is probably because she has no friends since she was a child, so she is quite withdrawn, and she doesn't want to meet new friends. But seeing Li Shuyuan's enthusiasm, she nodded perfunctorily, "Good aunt, if you have any friends in the future If there is a chance, I will definitely get to know each other, but how did you know that I was admitted to Beicheng University?"

Li Shuyuan smiled even more happily: "Isn't that because of your fighting spirit? I saw you on TV, you were on TV, and you were being interviewed. I saw that you were the number one scholar in the province. I was envious. I really didn't know you. How did your parents raise you, raise such a good child, and have such good academic performance? If you were my daughter, and you did so well in the exam, I guess I would wake up laughing in my dreams. My little son is really disappointing. If he has Half of your academic performance will be fine, and you won’t have such a headache.”

  Gu Yuehuan was a little embarrassed when she heard the word parents, she didn't know who her parents were.

  She smiled and said nothing.

  Li Shuyuan was so happy that she almost forgot the business. She thought that if she could meet her again, she would definitely make Gu Yuehuan her goddaughter.

So now I took her hand and asked cheerfully: "By the way, Yue Huan, you go to study alone this time, do you know where to arrange it? If there is no room, how about I arrange a place for you, anyway, I hit it off, By the way, I told my husband last time that next time I see you, I must recognize you as my goddaughter, so if you want me to be your godmother, you will be my goddaughter in the future."

   "For me, if I don't have a daughter, I have been longing to have a daughter, but I just don't have one. I hit it off with you, so you can treat me as a daughter, okay?"

  Jiang Daying on the side listened and interrupted with a smile: "Your aunt really wanted to have a daughter in her dream, so you promise your aunt."

When Li Shuyuan heard this, she glanced at him and gave him a look: "It's like you don't want a daughter, you want a daughter more than me, okay? I recognize my goddaughter, aren't you also a godfather?" Yet?"

   What Jiang Daying said really made Jiang Daying unable to refute. When his wife was pregnant, he thought that the first one was already a son, and the second one wanted a daughter.

  He wants a daughter more. After all, a daughter is his father's caring little padded jacket. Compared with a son, a daughter is really rare.

  So he prepared a room full of things for girls, but he was also very disappointed when he was born a son.

  But he was afraid that his wife would be disappointed, so he never brought it up without a daughter, but in contrast, he wanted a daughter more than his wife.

  (end of this chapter)

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