My Sweet and Charming Wife

Chapter 758: I found out that it looks pretty good

  Chapter 758 I found out that she is not bad looking

When Li Shuyuan heard this, she naturally didn't say anything, she thought for a while and said to Jiang Luyou: "Lu You, it's not convenient for Mom to show up now, and you also know that child Yue Huan doesn't like me very much, and I don't even want to see this kind of thing. It's up to me. You give some money to Yiyou. You smashed so many of their things before. If you have to pay, you should pay her what you should pay. Compensate a little more according to the price. You can't let the child live in vain Wronged."

  Jiang Luyou: "Mom, don't worry, after I found out about this today, I will ask someone to pay for it. I will pay her for all the things I smashed back then."

  Li Shuyuan really doesn't know what to do now, if she taught her children from a young age, she can still beat her children, but how to teach her children now, the children are already so old, and she is still sorry for Yue Wei.

  I hope that after she gets married and becomes a mother, she can live a more natural life and stop being so arrogant and domineering like she is now.


  Jiang Yin'er doesn't know why she feels that someone is following her, and she is a little uneasy walking at night now.

  She has been leaving all the time, because there is a party today, so she didn't go back until now.

   It felt like someone appeared from behind, it was very scary, so she ran quickly, but when she reached the alley, someone covered her mouth from behind and pulled her directly to the corner.

Seeing that she was being pulled behind, Jiang Yin'er felt that something was wrong. Someone must be kidnapping her, so now she was very afraid to make a sound, but she was also afraid that the sound she made would merge into the people behind her, so she turned her back to him now , could not see his face.

   But seeing how strong this hand smells, you know it's not a woman, she was kidnapped by a man.

   Besides, this is a very sloppy man who can tell from the fact that his hands are covered in ashes, so Jiang Yin'er is very scared. If she had known that she would not come to this dance hall tonight, it was because she was greedy for fun.

  She had been covered with her mouth and couldn't make a sound, so she could only whine.

  The loose hand of the man behind covered her neck, but she didn't speak, and she didn't dare to turn her head to look at him, lest if she saw his face, he would goug her eyes.

"Brother, I don't know what you want to do. If you want to ask for money, I have money. I am a rich lady. I have a lot of money. I can give you as much money as you want. As long as you let me go, I will immediately I'll go home and give you money. If you're looking for sex, I can pay you and let you go to the dance hall to find a lady."

"How many misses do you want? I'll find you ten. Twenty is definitely better than one for me. So you let me go now, otherwise my family won't let you go. If you touch me, I will The family members will smash you to pieces, so you have to think carefully, everyone just asks for peace, don't touch me, okay?"

  Jiang Luming originally let her go, thinking she couldn't speak, and seeing her chattering mouth was disgusting, so he took a piece of cloth again and stunned her.

  Jiang Yin'er was caught again by him, and after saying a few words, she was stunned by him.

Jiang Luming let her go after seeing that she was dazed, and now he didn't know what to do when he saw her, but fortunately, she definitely didn't see him just now, so he took the knife and was about to stab her a few times Knife, definitely dead.

  However, Jiang Luming looked at the person lying on the ground and squatted down. Before that, he thought that his cousin was quite good-looking, with a bit of beauty. Now looking at her face after putting on makeup, and touching her face with my hands, I found that she looks really good.

  (end of this chapter)

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