My Talent Can Constantly Evolve

Chapter 154: Anti-Kill the Rat King!

‘Why did the Rat King come here? ’

Lu Heng was surprised.

The two Rat King dispatches he encountered before were all because of a strong enemy, so the Rat King had to take the initiative to attack.

So is it the same this time?

This idea flashed in Lu Heng's mind, and then he turned around and ran wildly.

The one rushing over now is the Rat King, so he can't just stand there and wait for the Rat Tide to pass.

After all, the Rat King is different from other rock-eating rats, and the Rat King is extremely aggressive.

Unlike the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th level Rock-Eater, if you don't actively attack it, it won't attack you.

bang bang bang-

Lu Heng ran fast, making bursts of hurried and heavy footsteps, echoing in this deep underground passage.

At this time, what he thought in his mind was that after rushing to the fork in front, he would immediately turn into another passage to avoid the edge of the rat king.

After all, according to the current situation, the Rat King's destination seems to be the other end of this passage, so as long as you leave this passage, you can avoid confrontation with the Rat King.

Lu Heng ran forward with all his strength, getting closer and closer to the fork in front of him.

When he rushed to the edge of the fork, he slammed on the wall of the cave and used his strength to jump to the passage on the right.


Like a gust of wind blowing, Lu Heng jumped into the passage.

At this time, he has the same strength as a fourth-level warrior after wearing the armor, so the impact of this jump is extremely powerful, the speed is extremely fast, and even kicked out a hole in the wall of the cave just now, kicking the rubble. splash.

‘This time I really pushed my strength to the limit, I believe Tian Zheng and the others will be very satisfied with the actual combat data this time. ’

Lu Heng thought so in his heart, and took time to look back.

'Um? ! ’

At a glance, Lu Heng was shocked.

Because the group of rats also turned around, chasing him into the passage.

'how come? Did I happen to drop by where the Rat King was going? ’

Lu Heng was very puzzled.

It's impossible that this rat king is here to chase and kill him, right?

I only have more strength, is it worth the rat king to do it himself?

‘Impossible, definitely impossible! ’

No matter how Lu Heng thought about it, he felt that the rat king could not come to trouble him.

'Wait until you reach the fork in front of you before turning! ’

With this thought in mind, Lu Heng ran wild for a moment.

Soon, he came to a fork in the road.

According to what he just thought, Lu Heng immediately turned and turned into the passage on the right.

These passages in the underground labyrinth are almost all perpendicular to each other, so even after turning right twice, the direction he is now heading is exactly the direction the rat king came from just now.

Lu Heng thought to himself, the rat king shouldn't follow him this time.

After all, if he continued to follow him, the rat king would be heading back.

Thinking of this, Lu Heng looked back again.

As a result, after seeing this, his heart was half cold on the spot.

Because the rats followed him to this passage again.

'what happened? ’

Now Lu Heng is really puzzled.

The swarms of mice run wherever they go, it seems that they are really chasing and killing themselves?

But why exactly?

It doesn't make sense at all.

Lu Heng was so confused that he had to force himself to calm down.

It's useless to think too much now, just run for your life first.

At this time, the topographic map of the underground labyrinth was displayed on the light guide lens, and the location of Lu Heng was also marked on it.

While running, Lu Heng looked at the picture on the light guide lens and planned the route back in his mind.

With his current strength, he will definitely not be able to beat the Rat King, so he can only save his life by running back to the steel fortress at the starting point.

There are several powerful warriors guarding there. If the rat king dares to chase there, then those strong men don't mind capturing the rat king alive on the spot.

I believe that the rat king can definitely smell the danger and stop chasing.

'Turn left ahead! ’

There was another fork in the road ahead, and Lu Heng immediately made a decision.

Turn left, then turn left, and then run all the way for three or four kilometers, and you can successfully return to the bottom of the steel fortress.

This is the plan he has in mind now.

Of course, this plan is only temporary, and it depends on the situation.

Because Lu Heng felt that if he ran in a straight line, he had a high probability of not being able to outrun the group of mice, so he would have to take a few more turns.

While thinking about it, Lu Heng had already reached a fork in the road. He was busy turning around on the wall of the cave and turned left into another passage at the fastest speed.

However, as soon as he entered this passage, he heard the low voice of the rat king behind him.

'What is it doing? ’

Lu Heng felt a little strange.

But in the next instant, he vaguely guessed what was going on—

This rat king, with his cry, was ordering other rock-devouring rats to block him.

At this time, the light guide lens of the combat helmet showed that there were several rock-eating mice rushing towards him in front of him, and the alarm of the life detector continued to sound.

'I knew the plan just now wouldn't work. ’

Lu Heng complained in his heart.

Just now, I thought about turning left, then turning left, and then running straight back to the steel fortress, but according to the current trend, I am afraid that the rat king would not give himself such a chance at all.

It will absolutely order all the rock-devourers along the way to block itself.

At this time, Lu Heng ran to a fork in the road again. He hurriedly took advantage of the steering and entered another passage again.

At the same time as he turned the corner, the Rock-Eater Rats who had come to intercept it also just caught up with this fork, and they turned to chase him into the passage.

Immediately afterwards, the group of mice in the rear also chased and killed, and turned around together.

In an instant, these rock-devouring rats joined together to hunt down Lu Heng together.

Now Lu Heng has no doubts in his heart.

This rat king, now the target is himself.

"I don't know if I can go back alive today..."

Lu Heng began to worry in his heart.

He hadn't faced such peril since the first time he went out of town to hunt monsters.

The last time he was hunted down by the second-level monster Steel Claw Tiger, there was no such danger.

After all, the strength gap at that time was much smaller than this time, not to mention, it was a team at that time, but now I am alone.

Of course, Lu Heng was worried, but he was not desperate.

Even the fighting spirit in his heart was completely aroused because of such a desperate situation.

At this moment, Lu Heng's mind was incomparably sober, running at high speed like a computer, thinking about all means of survival.

And his body was also pushed to the limit, releasing all his potential.

Lu Heng always felt that if he continued to run at such a speed, his muscles would be torn and his body would fall apart.

'What should I do, what should I do? ’

After thinking about it, Lu Heng couldn't think of any way to get rid of the current predicament.

This rat king can order all the rock-devouring rats to block him, and he doesn't even want to escape its pursuit.

It seems that death is his only ending.

"Do not!"

"I absolutely cannot die here!"

At this moment, Lu Heng suddenly thought of Xiaoxiao, Teacher Xing, Jiaoxi Bai, and even Liu Shiyao, Tian Zheng, Tang Ziyan, He Sicheng and others.

He knew that if these people heard the news of their own death, they would definitely feel bad and sad.

Even for them, he should go back alive.

Drop drop-

At this time, the alarm sound of the life detector suddenly sounded again.

A large number of life signals appeared in front, and it was obvious that another rock-devouring rat rushed towards this side.

This time, Lu Heng was completely driven to a dead end.

Because the topographic map at this time shows that the nearest fork is more than 500 meters away from here.

Before they can get there, the rock-devouring rats that come in front will block their way.

"I have to go to another world to kill people from other worlds, how can I die in the hands of you beasts!"

Lu Heng roared, blood on his head, stopped abruptly, turned and rushed towards the rat king.

At this moment, his heart is full of infinite fighting spirit, as if no difficulties can stop him.

Maybe it was because he had the courage to take risks hidden deep in his heart, or maybe it was because he was cornered and had to work hard.

In short, Lu Heng felt like his body had some kind of chemical reaction, and his combat power suddenly soared, which increased his confidence thousands of times.


Lu Heng rushed to the front of the group of rats, and with a single strike, he cut the five or six rock-devouring rats in half in half.

Immediately afterwards, he unremittingly used his knife again, slashing the Rock-Eater behind him.

The whole action is smooth and smooth, like a **** of war possessed.

For a moment, Lu Heng felt that the knife in his hand was no longer a knife, but a part of his body.

And at the moment when this feeling appeared, he suddenly had a new understanding of the entire saber-breaking technique, and even felt some of the flaws in this saber technique, and knew how to improve it.

Of course, these thoughts were only fleeting in his mind.

At this moment, he only had the word "kill" in his mind.

I just want to chop all these rock-devouring rats into meat sauce, so as to vent some emotions in my heart.

kill kill kill!

Lu Heng raised his knife and slashed again and again. In just a few seconds, he slashed and killed more than 30 rock-devouring rats.

He doesn't even know how he killed himself.

He didn't have time to think, and he didn't want to.

At this time, he only saw the huge rat king in his eyes.

"Death to me!"

Lu Heng slashed his sword fiercely and slashed at the rushing Rat King.

This knife move is simple, not many skills.

However, it is this simple and rude move that pays particular attention to the understanding of swordsmanship by those who practice swords.

If Master Liu himself saw this sword cut by Lu Heng, he would be surprised that the saber-breaking technique he created could be practiced to such a degree by a beginner.

At this time, Lu Heng's mastery of the saber breaking technique was no less than that of Master Liu himself.


The fifth-level war knife struck the Rat King's head impartially, creating a terrifying wound near the ear.

And the muffled sound of metal and bone smashing.

In other words, this knife split the skull of the Rat King.

It was only at this moment that the Rat King realized that he underestimated the enemy. This seemingly weak human being was far stronger than he imagined.

It originally came to chase after Lu Heng because it found that the fourth-level rock-devouring rat had been hunted in large numbers.

Therefore, in its simple thinking, Lu Heng's strength should not be much stronger than that of the fourth-level rock-devouring rat, and it is definitely far from its opponent.

But he didn't expect Lu Heng to burst out such a powerful force in a desperate situation.

It was a simple slash, and it hit it **** the spot.

On the other hand, Lu Heng's surprise at this time was no less than that of the Rat King.

The moment he felt the sword in his hand slashed on the head of the Rat King, his impulsive heart was suddenly appeased, and he regained a sense of calm.

And it was because of calmness and reason that regained the upper hand that he realized that something was wrong with him just now.

How could he have such a powerful force?

Even if the Rat King underestimates the enemy, even if he holds a level 5 sword and wears powerful Qi-neng armor.

But what does all this count in the face of the huge power gap?

Weak strength is weakness. Unless the weak use conspiracies, it is impossible for the weak to defeat the strong!

You know, you just cut the rat king in a head-to-head duel.

rather than a sneak attack.

'Does my body contain great potential? ’

Lu Heng's thoughts turned, and he could only think that he had exploded with great potential in a desperate situation, causing his strength to climb a lot.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to gain the upper hand in this battle?

Perhaps as He Sicheng often said, a person can only reveal his true potential when he is in a desperate situation.

Without thinking any further, Lu Heng attacked again, taking advantage of the Rat King's injury and low fighting spirit, and hurriedly pursued his victory.

At this time, the rock-devouring rats behind the rat king could not rush forward to besiege Lu Heng because they were blocked by the rat king's huge body.

But the rock-devouring rats behind Lu Heng had chased after him and started to bite him.

In an instant, the crisis of life and death came again.

But Lu Heng was like a divine help. While slashing the Rat King, he lowered his body and turned around and slashed the rock-devouring rat behind him with the knife in his hand.

bang bang bang-

Three muffled sounds in a row.

The three level-4 rock-devouring rats, who were trying to sneak attack on him, were split in half by this knife on the spot.

In other words, his knife not only added another wound to the rat, but also beheaded three fourth-level rock-devouring rats.

'I? ! ’

Lu Heng was surprised.

While surprised, his movements did not stop at all, he turned around again at a very fast speed, raised his knife and faced the rat king who was biting over.

The Rat King now had two bone-deep wounds on his head, bleeding profusely.

But this made it fierce, vowing to smash Lu Heng into ten thousand pieces.

If it was said that it was still amazed and regretted when it had just received the first knife, then after the second knife, there was only anger and unwillingness in its heart.

However, while the Rat King swore to kill Lu Heng, why didn't Lu Heng take killing the Rat King as his only goal.

At this time, Lu Heng had no idea of ​​catching the rat king alive.

He only has one belief now -

Kill, kill hard!

As if not killing the rat king, there will always be a stagnant air in his chest.

Bang bang bang!

Lu Heng was like a **** of war. While swiftly dodging the Rat King's attack, he kept fighting back, causing wounds on the Rat King's body one after another.

At this moment, the significance of this fifth-level sword can be said to be brought into full play.

If it weren't for this fifth-level sword, it would be difficult to slash the Rat King today, even if the combat power is overwhelmed.

In this way, after fighting for several more rounds, the Rat King finally fell to the ground slowly, exhaling more and less intake.

Behind the Rat King, the low-level rock-devouring rats squeaked and ran away, fully explaining what it means to be as cowardly as a mouse and what to mean when a tree falls.

"Whoo, whoa, whoa—"

Lu Heng was completely exhausted, sweating like rain, and he could only recover by kneeling on the ground with a knife.

'There must be something wrong with my body! Absolutely wrong! ’


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