My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 412: Iron Horde, Orc Warrior!

[Ahhh, how many times have I told you, do n’t send red envelopes, do n’t send red envelopes, it ’s a waste of readers ’money, do n’t send red envelopes, do n’t send red envelopes, if you really have money to spend, just give a reward Well, it is really a waste of money to send red envelopes, the reader tyrants are not distressed, gold is distressed! 】

Anyang's figure roared through the sky, gradually soaring thousands of meters high, crossing the high mountains across the skyline, and the temperature became cold. Underneath was the peak of white snow and black stone. Precipitous, the top of the mountain is like a blade.

After climbing over the peak, there was another drop against the **** of the mountain.

"Seventeen, have you felt the change in this armor?"

"Yes, Mr. Anyang, we have launched a new weapon system called the ion shoulder gun, and there are two more mini missile bays. The registration numbers of the mini missiles and mini missiles are the same as before, but I can feel these The little guy is more advanced than before. In addition, we have launched a new optical stealth system, and improved the detection and scanning system, added energy and radioactive sensing modules, and added more external interfaces, optimized The operating mode of the hardware equipment has changed the response equation of the command response system ... "

"Haha, how about this new armor now?"

"According to the analysis, due to the addition of ion shoulder guns and two miniature missile bays, the combat effectiveness and combat flexibility of this suit have risen linearly, because of the improved detection and scanning system, and the new optical stealth system, our detection Ability, capture ability, reaction ability, survivability and hiding ability have also multiplied. In addition, the external interface provides us with greater expansion and greatly enhances our comprehensive ability ... "

"In contrast, the two ion shoulder guns and the attached equipment increased the weight of 8.56kg for us. In order to hide the ion shoulder guns, we also added extra armor on the back. The resulting weight increase is about 3.42kg, and Therefore, the shape of the streamline was weakened. The two miniature missile bays slightly increased the local body size, but they also turned part of the armor into hollow, which had little effect, offsetting the performance improvement and optimization of the sub-propeller, including combat effectiveness. The performance improvement is at the expense of 0.621% reduction in flight speed. "

Anyang smiled, noncommittal.

If there is an increase, it will naturally decrease, but overall, this time the performance improvement is still very large.

The main thing is combat performance!

The silver-white armor draws a beautiful arc in the air, penetrates into the clouds, and when it rushes out again, it begins to ascend at a high angle. A magnificent red mountain range was so easily conquered by him until he crossed this piece named The magnificent peak of the Red Ridge Mountains, a dark, as if no sunlight all day long, the endless but uninhabited swamp appeared in front of him.

This is the infamous black swamp, both in the original and in the movie, the first land that the orcs set foot on.

The only difference is that in the original book, Gul'dan led the orcs to hide here, and even established a military base. Only when exploring and expanding, they had some local conflicts with the storm city in the west. The two in each of these small conflicts There are victories and losses, reflecting their respective advantages and disadvantages. Until Gul'dan spent a few years bringing most of the orc tribes to Azeroth, he thought that the time was right to gather all the forces to form a huge. 'S war group launched an offensive against the unsuspecting Stormwind City (in fact, it should be called the Kingdom of Azeroth).

However, in the movie, Gul'dan led a vanguard into Azeroth. This group consists of the most powerful warriors among the orcs. Although it does not represent the full power of the orcs, it is still very scary. Almost at the beginning of entering Azeroth, Gul'dan opened a strong aggression against Stormwind City, and the strong orc was the best in the initial war against humanity!

Anyang whizzed through the sky in armor, and quickly found that huge swamp lake.

At this time, the lake is calm. When the breeze is blowing, a lake is wrinkled, which is obviously not as disgusting as in the game. There are fish swimming in it, and birds flying on it. From time to time, flapping your wings blowing a wave of ripples, or light The point lake surface ripples, and there are some small animals around, as if the peace and tranquility here are not damaged.

Anyang apparently discovered the anomaly.

The big trees that collapsed by the lake, half of them were floating on the lake, the messy footprints of the lake were stepped on, the swamp was ruined, the plants were trampled on, or squeezed out of the road, the edge of the lake seemed There is a sika deer body.

He frowned, turned on the optical stealth system, and screamed and dropped from above.

A circle of ripples appeared on the mud pit of the swamp, and the vegetation was rounded and spread out, still moving. It seemed that there was a strong air flow that was changing position and blowing down above the unmanned void The airflow slowly moved over the traces of being stepped out.

It was a series of messy footprints, and one layer was covered by another, obviously a large number.

And the size of those footprints is far more than ordinary people. It is no exaggeration to say that a footprint is wider than a woman who pursues a slim world in the real world!

Anyang silently took out the spear in the portable space without talking, popped the tip of the splutter with a click, poke the moist swamp below, and then calculated the hardness of the soil here, then immediately shrunk the spear into a short spear and inserted it backhand The cold weapon behind is embedded in the groove.

"Seventeen, calculate the external data of their body."

"Hello, Mr. Anyang, because the other party does not belong to human beings on the earth, the information is incomplete, they cannot judge their physical and psychological laws, they cannot calculate their height and weight from the footprints, nor can they infer their age at the footsteps. Calculated with the depth, the manufacturer of the footprints at points A and B weighs approximately 240 kg, and the owner of the footprints at point C weighs between 310 and 330 kg. "

Anyang immediately took a breath.

Is this the strong orcs selected in the movie plot? With a weight of two to three hundred kilograms, it is no wonder that they can throw such strong Azeroth soldiers around in a head-to-head contest, and they feel heavy. The human soldiers in armor are hard to resist and look like they have no resistance to the orcs.

The humans in World of Warcraft are actually the species of the Vrykul (a militant race with half-giant blood) degraded or born in conjunction with indigenous people, so the human body in World of Warcraft will be much taller than the real-world Europeans and Americans. Today, I see that the two soldiers are estimated to be short. By comparison, the body shape of these orc pioneers is completely behemoth. With the high density of muscles in the whole body, it is simply a human tank in the cold weapon war!

It's no wonder that the difference between the size of human soldiers and beasts in the game is not exaggerated, but in the movie it seems like Teacher He and Yao Ming.

Anyang maneuvered his armor forward again, stopping in front of the dead sika deer.

"Poor little fellow."

Anyang pulled the picture a little closer, watching the body look like a sika deer that had been dried with blood, just fell to the ground, his body narrowed a circle, the blood vessels protruded on the epidermis, the death phase was abnormally terrible, revealing a thick Dead air, there seems to be a strange energy left in the body.

He who has seen the movie naturally knows how this innocent little guy has turned from onlookers into victims. He also knows that it was killed by Gul'dan, and the only function is to let Guil, the son of the orc hero Durotan (Sa) Er) became Hulk, or Shrek.

Anyang approached slightly, reaching out, and the mana in his body slowly poured out to touch the mysterious power.

This should be the skill of the cultivator, but Kunlun is definitely more obvious. At first, he could only perceive these forces. Now as the cultivation practice increases, it is possible to try to touch or destroy with power. Or resisted these strange forces.

Until a loud noise.

A dark green power gushed out from the nostrils of the sika deer's body, but it didn't spread out in the air like the force that Khadgar used to pull the throat in the plot, but it was wrapped in an invisible power. He kept gathering together and slowly floated in front of Anyang, floating above the palm of his metal armor with a metal light circle.

Anyang took a deep breath and tried to penetrate into it with mana, trying to perceive its structure, but the process was particularly difficult.

Obviously, the mana that Kunlun decided to cultivate relatively peacefully did not have the power to dominate.

But he still felt the life, death, and decay and evil contained in this power!

Is this evil energy?

Anyang waved his hand, and the green power suddenly dissipated in the air.

It seems that the orc army has not left for too long, but it may be that the swamp is too vast and there are too many plants. The route that I flew over did not overlap with the marching route of the orc, so I did n’t find them!

He looked up at the obvious traces of being stepped on the ground, spreading all the way to the distance, and suddenly started the thruster to skyrocket.

"Turn on the scanning detection system and look for a powerful orc army."

"As you wish, Mr. Anyang."

In less than half an hour, in the swamp jungle near the Redridge Mountains, he found the orc unit in the fast march.

This unit is not small in size, as the Frostwolf clan leader Durotan said at the beginning of the movie, this is a powerful battle group, and because the body of the orc leader is generally strong, their arms are thicker than the waist of a strong man The frantic battle group looks particularly shocking.

They do n’t pay much attention to ~ they rushed forward with their heads down, their huge bodies and tigers blowing in the wind, and they stepped on the ground as if they were shaking. They are exaggerated every step, full of brutal violence, very fast.

Anyang was afraid that the shaman among the orcs had found his whereabouts, and he was not too close, just remote monitoring, watching this very spectacular scene.

He saw chiefs riding giant wolves larger than polar bears, warriors running with huge weapons, shamans holding staffs, powerful individuals with double horns or bravery, and even some he could hide Shout out the names, and those without exception are all famous orc heroes!

It didn't take long to collect enough data, he gave up, accelerated a large circle, and whistled away.

Depending on the marching speed of the orcs, even if they are blocked by the Redridge Mountains, it will not take long for the forefront troops to reach the western wilderness. When they cross the Red Ridge Mountains and reach the wilderness, this relatively flat continent will become their natural home. No one can resist the powerful orcs riding the giant wolf. They are here, just like swimming fish into the water, It's like a heavy tank driving unscrupulously in the desert.

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