My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 427: Garona, you do n’t run early

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Lothar performed extremely bravely, was able to conquer good fights, and never fell out of the confrontation with powerful orcs.

Although he was wearing a heavy blue gold pattern armor, gorgeous and sophisticated, he did not restrict his movements too much, so he could easily avoid the heavy hammer that the orc rashly waved, and then pierced them with a sword. Their body, or dodge their attack, slashing their throats.

Just as elite human soldiers can't resist these orc warriors, norc or warriors can't resist Lothar, the human hero!

But soon, he attracted the attention of the black hand.

In the Iron Horde, honor comes first, and the dìwèi of each orc hero is accompanied by honor. There are many ways to obtain honor. Winning a battle and killing a powerful enemy can enhance the orc's honor in the tribe. The richer the outcome of the winning battle, the more expensive the identity of the enemies killed, and the more honor they can bring to them, so each orc fights bravely under this policy, and is not afraid of death, just to win honor .

Undoubtedly, Lothar's gorgeous armor and strong fighting style have distinguished him from ordinary soldiers.

The black hand tilted his head, his eyes somewhat puzzled, and immediately spit a spit in the side, without turning his head back, waving a war hammer at random, slamming a human soldier with a sword rushing at him. Slapped to the ground, walked towards Losa.

It was at this time that Karen, the son of Lothar, was in danger and was hit by an orc to the ground. The weapon also fell into the distance and almost died.

I saw the orc raised his hand high and slashed towards Karen.

Karen panicked for a moment, then turned his head, and closed his eyes like an appointment.

Lothar arrived at this time and played a strong father role. The sword cut off the head of the orc, and the green blood flew to the ground.


Carlo was rescued.

Lothar kicked the orc corpse down on Karen fiercely, staring at his son with a costume ... using an educational tone: "Don't try to fight brute force with them, they are far stronger than us, Be smart, we can ... "

Before he had finished speaking, the black hand had already reached behind him, grabbed his back armor with one hand, and threw it back suddenly.


Lotsa rolled in the air a few times, traversing a distance of five or six meters high, and fell hard to the ground.


His facial features were all wrinkled together due to pain.

Lothar instantly regained consciousness, patted the dust on the breastplate, looked up at the black hand that came into him, and then turned back to sweep the big sword that fell in the distance, and took out the musket from his waist without hesitation. Aim at the black hand.

The redneck black hand who had never seen the dwarf musket kept a little cautious, but he mistakenly regarded the musket as a cold weapon. He crouched down, instinctively pressed the muzzle of the musket with his left hand, and the next second, a fire Exploded with huge smoke, there was a loud noise.


In a flash of blood, minced meat flew across!

The left hand of the black hand was suddenly shattered and shattered, leaving only the arm.


He hugged zìjǐ's left hand and yelled in pain.

Lothar raised his musket and looked at it, as if satisfied with the power.

Anyang looked at this scene not far away, his eyes twitching.

He remembered that the black hand replaced the shattered palm with a piece of black steel. Could this be the origin of the black hand's name?

Well, the movie changed the original again.

Anyang saw Losa coming to him, glanced at the musket in his hand, and said, "He will bàofù you."

Lothar teased: "I welcome him to use a musket to blow up my palm."

Anyang smiled and said no more.

At this moment, his eyes turned and suddenly brightened.

An orc dragged a slave out, and the captive had slightly greenish bronze skin and a height similar to that of ordinary humans. It was not as strong as ordinary orcs, so full of muscles, and there were no thick fangs. Little canine teeth.

The protrusion on the chest, the slender thighs, and the slightly curly but beautiful long hair all indicate his female identity.


Legendary thieves of Azeroth in the future!

But now she is still a slave, extremely distressed, and extremely miserable. She wears a steel collar around her neck with a thick iron chain attached to her baby ’s arm, and the other end of the chain is tied to the orc. Body.

Anyang grinned suddenly, steadily walking across the battlefield, walking towards the half-human half-beast mixed race.

I ’ve watched for so long, and finally found you!

Regardless of the fiercely fighting human soldiers and orc warriors in the battlefield, it opened its palms and pointed one finger to the side, five fingers shrank, and it was difficult to take a heavy hammer weighing 100 pounds in the hand and hurled it aside , And immediately knocked down an orc who was rushing towards him.

Then a big sword flew into his hand, and once again he was thrown out to pierce the chest of a blocking orc.

An orc rushed out halfway, trying to attack him, but hit a transparent shield. The simple orc suddenly froze.

This shield is not like Khadgar's arcane barrier. There is no dazzling blue flashing light and no surging arcane magic energy visible to the naked eye. It is a layer like kōngqì. Its existence makes the orcs a little bit dumbfounded.

In less than half a minute, Anyang had drove to Garona.

Of course, there was the orc holding Garona.

It was just that he was a little stunned.

He had already noticed the human magician who had been coming to him. The slow and unstoppable pace moved him, especially the power that was so powerful that he destroyed all the orcs who were blocking him. Can't afford to resist.

But the glory of the orc did not allow her to retreat first, so he gritted his teeth fiercely and hurriedly raised the warhammer toward Anyang.


A thin qíguài ancient sword in their eyes pierced his throat.

The orc's heavy body slammed down.

Anyang pinched a sword tactic, Gu Jian flew out of the orc's throat, and fell into the palm of his hand.

He smiled and looked at some fascinating half-breed slaves and said, "Garona, I see your name in your eyes."

Garona recovered, holding the iron chain around her neck with both hands, looking at him and saying, "Who are you, how do you know my name, what do you want to do?"

Anyang chuckled, Gu Jian chopped off the iron chain with a single wave: "I want to give you freedom, well, that's it, you are free now, you can leave here at any time, but if you want your identity A certain ethnic group recognizes, uh, you can try to stay. "

Garona froze, staring at him violently, as if trying to see his specific intention.

Before she could react, Medivh's magic was ready.

The guardian's hands gathered a turbulent vortex of magical energy, and finally read a spell, slamming the magical energy to the ground.


The magic energy spreads on the ground like a cobweb, forming a series of twisted lines that emit a strong light. Each magic energy that emits light spreads to the foot of an orc contaminated by evil energy, and then explodes from the ground up. Dazzling lights, muffled sounds one after another.





The green orc's own evil energy is stimulated, and it glows a blazing green light, which begins to corrode themselves.

Like sulfuric acid!



The screams of the orcs were screaming. The few human soldiers stood in the center of the orcs with shields and swords in a defensive posture. They were already shocked and prepared to fight. They looked around the gradually falling beasts. People's eyes are full of unknown reasons.

The wailing screams quickly fell silent, and in a short while, all the green orcs were dead and wounded.

Durotan, Blackhand, and others were dumbfounded, and they even let go of their weapons.

Durotan was still calm. He raised his hand and looked at zìjǐ's skin, then looked at the survivors around him, and seemed to understand something.

"Evil energy ..."

The surviving soldiers were fortunate for a while, and began to look at the strongest black hand.

As the great chieftain of the great Iron Horde, Black Hand, even though all the soldiers are coming towards him, there are few enemies, even if the other party still has a powerful archmage who can control the evil energy, he still does not panic, he opens his mouth A roar of demonstrations.

Then ... turn around and run!

The orcs are brave and invincible and follow the tradition. The chieftains have taken the lead to escape. How can they not keep up?

So, the surviving orcs began to flee.

Orgrim Doomhammer was very loyal at this time. When he passed by Durotan when he escaped, he found that he was in a state of distraction and pulled him a little.

"Durotan, run!"

The two rode on a horse, and left with the other orcs riding the Frostwolf.

Lothar and the rest of the knights and officers stared sharply, immediately mounted on the war horse, and chased the orcs, leaving only a few people to guard.

Medivh withdrew his hand, looked at Khadgar, who was also under the arcane barrier, and dispersed the barrier with a wave of his hand. Then he grabbed the staff and waved a circle in the spot to depict an arcane energy method. Array, holding the portal's energy key with one hand.

Khadgar quickly asked, "Where are you going?"

Medivh stared at him: "You, together with the Prophet, bring them back to Stormwind City safely, I must return to Stormwind City!"

After a pause, he said again: "You did a good job today!"

Khadgar nodded suddenly.

Medivh turned his head slightly towards Anyang, not far away, and with a bang, his figure disappeared with the arcane magic circle.

Anyang withdrew his gaze ~ ~ The corners of his mouth raised a touch of arc.

yīqiē is in the plan!

He turned his head to look at Garona who was still standing in front of him, and he slowly straightened up, pulling the reins and leaving the horse.

Garona blinked and looked at his back, reacting quickly, and quickly prepared to run away.

Yes, in her eyes, this distinguished person gave her a free choice, not to run in vain!

However, only Anyang gave her the choice, others did not.

Several heavily armed soldiers came around with a heavy shield and a large sword, and surrounded her, and beside him was a military officer.

Garona panicked immediately and looked at Anyang.

Anyang just shrugged helplessly and said very cheaply: "This is not to blame me, you don't run early."

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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