My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 434: The two sides talk

Anyang turned sideways and waved to the two officers: "You go back to Stormwind City, give it to us here, we will come back soon."

The two officers hesitated and looked at Lothar next to them.

Although Anyang had built a lot of prestige in their hearts with their prophetic consciousness and powerful power on the way, they still had to seek the commander's opinion on such matters.

Lothar hesitated, and then nodded: "Now that I have found them, we really should go back, you go first."

The two officers nodded and pulled out the large sword that was stuck on the ground and walked back.

Luosa looked at Anyang suspiciously, and Shen Sheng asked, "Can I speak now, Prophet?"

Anyang glanced around and reminded: "Please keep quiet and remember that even if you are in danger, you will be protected by me, don't say anything!"

Looking at the confusion in the eyes of several people, he raised his voice slightly and shouted in the orc's language: "Durotan?"

Lothar and Khadgar immediately surprised, but still no action.

There was a sound in the grass, and a hand thicker than the human waist lifted the blade of grass, and a strong and tall figure emerged from it.

He was followed by an orc with a slightly old face and a fierce and fierce look.

Durotan stopped and stood in front of several people. With a little surprise in his eyes, he glanced at a few people, and finally crossed Losa, keeping his eyes on Anyang.

"I heard Gurush talk about you, Prophet." Durotan pointed to Gurush behind him, and to Garona. "My partner and I saw her coming here with you, so I and Guru Then came along. "

Anyang nodded and smiled: "We have met, Durotan."

Lothar frowned next to him and said to Garona: "What are they saying, every sentence is translated to me."

Garona nodded and began to translate.

Durotan hammered his chest lightly with his hand and said in a deep voice: "I remember that in the forest, you are a very powerful person. After hearing Guruush say, I think you are still a very wise and great person. "

"No, I'm not referring to Elvin Forest, but in the Redridge Mountains, remember?"

Durotan opened his eyes suddenly: "That human is you!"

Anyang nodded: "I want to remind you of something. Now it seems that you have lived up to my expectations."

Durotan quickly recovered and turned and pointed to the dark door below: "Yes, you also saw what is being built below, and you also know what Gul'dan will do to our people, his Magic is death for everything, whether orc or human. If we cannot stop Gul'dan, this world will be like the orc world, and the orcs will eventually be displaced! "

Anyang pursed his lips, glanced at Gurus behind him, and asked, "Why didn't Orgrim come with you?"

"I have negotiated with him, he will support me, but he is not willing to come to negotiate with humans." Durotan was a little silent, and said, "Since you told Gurush, and you know my arrival, then you should Know my purpose. "

Anyang murmured like an endorsement: "In the north, there is a black rock, high and sky, when the sun rises to the highest, you will meet our leader, yes, I will go back and tell him!"

Durotan was stunned, a little fascinated.

This sentence is exactly the same as what he is going to say!

It took a long time for him to focus on his head: "You are a great and wise person, I admire you!"

Anyang laughed at himself and didn't answer.

It's the first time someone has described him like this for so many years in various worlds.

But when Durotan turned to leave, he stopped him: "Wait, Durotan!"

Durotan was puzzled: "What else?"

Anyang said calmly: "Durotan, I know that you and Orgrim are best friends, and I also know that you believe he will never betray you, but I know more clearly that his vision on this matter is not long-term enough. Aware of the evil of Gul'dan, he believed in his glory and valued the interests of the tribe, but could not tolerate that the orc would cooperate with the human being as the enemy to turn against the same race, so I have to say, please be careful of your own partner.

After a pause, he added a sentence: "I want you to understand that I have the power of prophecy, and I am not provoking. I just want to guarantee foolproof and do not want the tragedy I have seen to repeat, even if I have exhausted my strength. To change these. "

Durotan was startled, and nodded slowly: "I understand."

"I have something for you." Anyang said, walking a few steps forward.

Gurush behind Durotan immediately tense up and took the heavy chopper in his hand a few steps forward.

But he has seen how powerful this seemingly weak human being is!

Durotan reached out to stop him, his eyes fixed on Anyang, saw him stop in front of him, spread his palms.

The rough hand of the contrasting orc looks like a delicate bracelet in the palm of the baby. A new bronze ring hangs on a silver shiny new chain. The bell is only the size of a normal human finger, and there is even a little patina on it. , To the orcs, like a pea.

Durotan was a little surprised.

This string of bracelets was obviously worn by humans, and for him he could only encircle his fingers.

It's about the same for Guir (Durotan's newly born son, the future earth ring), but when Guir grows up a little, this bracelet can only string his fingers, after all, one The arm of a strong orc is thicker than the waist of a thin human!

Durotan thought so, but took the bracelet from Anyang's hand.

"what is this?"

When he watched while the bracelet was in front of his eyes, he discovered that this small thing for him turned out to be not a bell, but more like a clock, a bronze ancient clock that had been shrunk many times. The shape was so strange that he could not see Understand what this is all about.

"This is something I give you self-defense, do n’t rush to refuse it first, you have to know that when Gul'dan gave his soul to the demon, he has lost the glory of the orc, he is no different from the devil, what is he for the purpose Can do it, he can even ignore Makora. If you are in danger, this gadget can at least resist the magic of Gul'dan for you. "

"Just this thing?"

"Yes, I know you are fearless, you are not even afraid of death, but you are more than one person, you represent the Frostwolf clan, you have your wife, you have a newborn child, and Gul'dan has already changed Becoming a demon, if you make a mistake, it ’s not just that you die! "

"It looks like this gift is very precious."

"So you have to hide it close to your body. When Gul'dan casts evil energy on you, you have to lift it over your head, it will take effect under direct sunlight, and I don't give it to you, I just lend it to you. , It ’s very precious, you ’ll have to return it to me after using it. Of course, I hope you do n’t need it. ”

"I see, thank you."

Durotan squeezed the small bell tightly in his hand and slammed his chest with a thud, then turned and walked away step by step.

However, Anyang looked at the grim-faced guru, smiled and nodded and said, "You are a very powerful warrior, please help him."

Gurush nodded, hammered his chest, and turned away.

Lothar looked at the two strong and powerful backs and asked, "This person is really as reliable as you said?"

Before Anyang had time to answer, Garona next to him said: "The orc will not lie, and he is an upright and powerful person. He is loved by the people. He has honor and will never deceive us!"

Lothar nodded: "Okay, let's go back to Stormwind City."

At this time, he had a lot of trust in Anyang, especially when he heard the conversation between Anyang and Durotan personally, which was different from the suspicion in the original plot. Although the history at this time is still progressing step by step, it is like an unstoppable wheel. , But many minutiae have changed significantly.

Lothar's caution has long been offset by Anyang's affirmation.

On the horse, several people walked back.

Anyang calculated quietly in his heart, but on the surface it was calm.

As the orc enters Azeroth, the evil energy will spread on this pure land. Medivh can stay in Karazhan Tower and ignore it, but now the earth is full of smoke, and the orcs face Azeroth almost at the same time. In the war, he had to leave here to face the growing evil!

The attempt to come to the Elvin Forest has caused him to consume some power. Originally, he was slowly out of support in the confrontation with evil. At this time, the power against evil is even changing, and it will definitely be more untenable. .

The balance will fall, the balance that has been maintained very difficult will be broken, and the last guardian will fall.

When they returned to Stormwind City, as expected by Anyang, the seven human kingdoms, dwarves and elves came, hoping to seek the help of Stormwind City, but they gathered in the Hall of Policy but there was a lot of noise. The voice of King Terenas Menethil II of Danlun!

Speaking of this king, everyone may not know, but his son estimates that many people are very familiar, that is the famous Alsace.

He also has a name, Demon King!

Ah wrong, it's the Lich King!

Lothar asked them to wait outside and went in to report the situation to themselves ~ ~ Khadgar looked forward with some curiosity, but could not see anything.

Garona stood motionless, but from the look, she was listening carefully.

Only Anyang really didn't care, he could guess the content of the meeting inside with his eyes closed.

Lothar will tell them that the orcs are building a huge portal, in an attempt to bring a larger army, he wants to evoke the seven human kingdoms and elves (the original is the high elves in the alliance with humans, movies It is obvious that the night elves), dwarves sense of crisis, thus uniting the entire Azeroth to resist the invasion of the orcs, but he ignores the selfish inferior roots of human nature, but triggers a more intense quarrel.

Sure enough, it suddenly became an uproar inside. This meeting of monarchs from various countries seemed to suddenly become a vegetable market. It was full of noise. The monarchs had their own opinions and quarreled with each other. The meeting quickly broke up, one by one. They also came out with dissatisfaction.

A short time later, a guard stepped out and very politely invited Anyang to go in for discussion.

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