My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 446: Guardian's Death

Gul'dan glanced back, his expression suddenly dignified, and then glanced at Durotan, who was climbing up on the ground, and then kept his eyes on Blade Fist, saying, "I have no time, I must open up to us The passage of the world, you come to kill this young chief who knows nothing about heaven and earth! "

Blade fist glanced at Durotan, who looked very brave, but hesitated.

He is not afraid of beating Durotan. As a legendary hero among the orcs, he should be fearless, but he has to take care of the orc tradition.

Divine Makora is not allowed to be interrupted by anyone!

It was at this moment that Orgrim, who was carrying the giant hammer, came forward. He first glanced at his fist with warning, before looking at the anxious Gul'dan, Shen Sheng said: "Makola cannot Stopped halfway, this is our tradition, ... continue fighting! "

As soon as this remark came out, the belligerent orcs around him responded.

"Fight, keep fighting!"

"Gul'dan, go ahead and kill him!"

"Little chief, good thing, that's it, stand up and continue fighting!"

Durotan ignored the noise around him, but he still straightened his body as they wished, frowning and looking at Gul'dan's expression. His hand gradually reached into the hide and touched the string of bronze bells, and looked up. Eye the sky.

Just after noon at this time, the sun was blazing and people couldn't open their eyes.

Blade Fist Yu Guang glanced at the flag that symbolized the orc, and he immediately firmed up and said, "Adult, we must abide by the orc's tradition, so please continue to fight!"

Gul'dan's face was a little dark and he looked back, and suddenly looked at Durotan.

The green light in his eyes has grown stronger.

Durotan also understood that the big shaman of this orc was under the control of the shadow council, and the actual power of the orc tribe was finally unable to resist the destruction of the orc's traditions and honor, and to use his magic.

Sure enough, Gul'dan was anxious and groaned, then stretched out his hand at him, and the green evil energy surged out.

The orcs watching around suddenly opened their eyes suddenly, and there was an uproar.

Because of Anyang ’s reminder, Durotan responded quickly. He pulled out the string of brass bells almost instantaneously and held up the sun above his head. The string of bronze bells like an ancient bell reflected the faint brilliance in the sunlight. .

At this time, the bronze bell was no longer a reduced version of a bronze bronze clock with rusty rust, but a magical instrument with a mysterious brilliance, and the light was radiated suddenly when Durotan lifted it above his head, like a sudden Was activated.


A dull and distant ancient bell sounded, like an old monk in an ancient monastery striking a big bell at dusk. The reduced version of the ancient bell, which was less than the size of Durotan's fingernails, instantly radiated a hazy pale blue light, and turned into the air. A pale blue translucent ancient clock up to three meters in height fell to the ground and covered Durotan in it.

The next second, Gul'dan's evil energy had arrived.


Another dull and distant ancient bell sounded all around. The ancient bell turned into magic was hit by evil energy. This dull sound full of Chinese classical wind was not appreciated by this group of orcs, but it could not stop them at all. Shock.

The evil energy that emits green light keeps going forward, but it is blocked by this light blue light, and it can't get in. The green evil light spreads along the light blue light, outlines a strange ancient bell shape, the center stands It is Durotan!

"Gul'dan cheated, Gul'dan used magic!"

"It's cheating, it's not our way. Holy Makora is not allowed to be defiled!"

"Gul'dan stops the magic!"

The orcs around them shouted and shouted to express their dissatisfaction.

Although Durotan also used means other than physical combat, the orcs were not stupid, and their general personality was straight. Naturally, it can be seen that Gul'dan used evil energy first, and Durotan was only passive defense. They will not favor Gul'dan. They even know that Durotan is just a warrior, not a shaman, nor a warlock. He doesn't know how to magic. The strange little thing just now is his life-saving means. If he doesn't have to come out, it's early. Gul'dan was sucked to death.

Durotan stared at the cyan mask in front of him and couldn't help but touch it with his eyes full of surprise.

He had seen something like that when he was in Alvin Forest, he wanted to attack Khadgar, but was blocked by Khadgar's Arcane Barrier, which was probably the case at the time.

However, there is a difference. The arcane barrier is hard and cold to touch, such as the barrier made of steel, and the huge ancient clock phantom in front of it is relatively soft, the hardness is not as good as the arcane barrier, but the toughness is far worse. !

But evil energy, which was born in life and accompanied by death, is still much more domineering than mana that emphasizes natural purity. The phantom of the bronze ancient clock soon showed signs of collapse, making Durotan feel bad.

So he acted decisively and rushed forward with evil energy until he reached Gul'dan, and he jumped high and punched Guldan's face with a heavy punch, shaking him.

The evil energy cast in the hand also stops!

Gul'dan stared blankly at the cyan shadow of the ancient clock covering Durotan. There seemed to be several cracks on it, but these cracks were reflecting the dazzling light under the sunlight, slowly healing, and gradually became intact.

"This ... what the **** is this?"

He did not marvel at the defensive power of this string of brass bells. He marveled at the characteristics of this strangely shaped defense, a mysterious power never seen before, flexible and changeable, which did not affect him while protecting Durotan Action.

As a shaman mage, even if he fell, he still retains the mage's preference for truth.

But at this time, there was no extra time for him to delve into.

Durotan stopped and shouted: "Gul'dan, you intend to use evil magic to kill your opponents in the holy Makora, you have betrayed the orc tradition, you have no honor, you can no longer lead the orc Now! "

Gul'dan's eyes sank and he roared, rushing at him again.

Durotan also responded extremely quickly. The two men fought more and more fiercely, playing hard to break apart, and the muffled sound of fist and flesh kept ringing.

Behind them, the green light around the dark door has become brighter and brighter, and even vaguely see the barren scene of Draenor on the other side through the dark door, where countless orcs lined up anxiously waiting, but the dark door But lack of sufficient energy to open up the channels of the two worlds, so that these warriors can not cross the border anyway!

In this outrageous invasion war, Medivh ’s work has been completed, only Gul'dan has absorbed life to provide energy for the Dark Portal, but he has been dragged by Durotan with the magic weapon, not only unable to bring The orc army also dragged down Medivh, providing Lotsa and Khadgar with a more secure opportunity to kill Medivh.

I have to say that all this is Anyang's calculation.

The drip-proof planning makes Medivh ’s death more stable than the original plot!

The battle between Durotan and Gul'dan continues. Even if Gul'dan has the upper hand, it is difficult for his evil energy to directly cause damage to Durotan. Apart from the evil energy, it is difficult for him to defeat this firm and powerful enemy.

Even if he knocked Durotan to the ground, Durotan would quickly get up and continue fighting.

Overall, the young chief helped Anyang to hold Gul'dan and Medivh perfectly.

In addition to this battle, there is another battle going on.

In Karazhan Tower, Medivh ’s singing continued, he murmured, pacing in the tower, but because he had not received Gul'dan ’s response, there was no power to open the door of darkness, his expression was obvious Anxious.

Losa, who fell to the ground, turned over and climbed up from the ground, raising a brow: "He is reading a spell?"

Khadgar also realized this and said, "Sure enough, as the prophet said, we are about to attack. When he recites a spell, we have a chance! And if we can't make him shut up, the king and the kingdom's army are all very good. Danger!"

Lothar nodded, picked up the big sword and rushed towards Medivh.

Khadgar also read the spell aloud, and the blue arcane energy flashed in his hand, suddenly blasting several arcane ejections, hitting the pillars of this building, and suddenly a lot of stones and wood fell.

The spell in Medivh's mouth was sluggish, and he turned to look at the two of them, just like looking at an ant, and said in a deep voice: "It's an impressive counterattack, and then you try to defeat him!"

Khadgar and Lothar's eyes suddenly dignified, because they found that when Medivh was speaking, the spell that sounded around him did not stop.

Looking in the direction of the sound, I saw that the stone giant originally carved by Medivh in the tower has come alive. It opened its eyes and radiated green light, opened its mouth and murmured, the skin on his body. Split, revealing a green glow inside.

With a loud bang, it stood up from a semi-squat position, walking towards Khadgar and Lothar as he thought, stepping on the ground and making a dull loud noise.


Its arm was hammered into the green pool of evil energy, and when he picked it up again, the top of the arm's huge fist opened five fingers strangely, forming a palm.

Because there are stone giants instead of Medivh who read spells ~ ~ The guardians opened their mouths and gradually approached them.

Lothar's eyes widened: "Nerd, is this what caused you to do something good?"

Khadgar turned his eyes and saw a figure appearing out of thin air in the distance, and immediately shouted: "Don't worry, we have a prophet!"

Lothar followed his gaze, but only heard a harsh shriek. A flame flashed like a meteor in the air, crashing into the stone giant, causing a shocking explosion.


The gravel flying around, the wooden pillar cracked, and the stone giant was instantly fragmented.

Medivh lost the stone giant and had to personally remember the spell that opened the Dark Gate, which gave Khadgar and Lothar a chance to kill him again, and Anyang was watching.

The death of the guardian is almost a foregone conclusion.

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