My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 449: Elasti notes

Anyang held the legendary staff of the guardian of Etijes, using it as a stick, gently waving it for a while before stopping, and carefully looked at the root shape and called it the drumstick. The name is called the legendary staff of Medivh's Staff.

This staff is very thick and long, anyway, it is completely different from the exquisite and short staff of the magical girl in the cartoon. It has a rough appearance, like a branch or root of a whole old tree, which is larger than the diameter of a person. The arm is still thick, nearly two meters long, revealing a simple and solid meaning.

Like its alias, there is a stick head that looks like a chicken leg at the top of the staff, and there are countless lines on the top of the stick. There is also a carved crow standing above the stick head, and you can feel the mystery contained in it. Laws and arcane energy.

In general, this Etiyes staff is much more detailed and real than in the game, and it is not as vulgar as the drumsticks sound, but the whole body reveals a mysterious charm, and the Lord of the Rings Master Gandalf 'S staff is a bit similar, um, but I don't know if it can be used to knock people.

Anyang touched it and flicked it with his fingers again, feeling that this staff should not be as hard as steel ...

After many experiments, he finally determined that this staff really had a good effect.

For example, using it as a medium can accelerate the speed of power aggregation and increase the accuracy and stability of the power structure. It is only a magic wand after all. It has no amplification effect on the magic power of the Divine World, but the first two effects are already very powerful.

And these two effects are not only effective on arcane magic energy, even mana.

If the arcane magic energy is changed, the increase in this staff should be even greater.

It's a pity that the magic of the Divine World is mainly issued by the combination of spells and fingerprints. Although there is also a mana guidance process, similar to the guidance of Arcane energy when the magician of Azeroth casts magic, the specific aura structure and spell The models are all completed in the body, relying on their own familiarity and understanding of Dadao to determine whether the speed is accurate or not, and do not need to use a staff to increase the effect of the spell.

In other words, unless he starts practicing Azeroth's magic, or finds magic-like power, this staff is useless to him!

Is he going to start learning the magic of Azeroth?

Or does he want to use this legendary staff as a thick stick?

Anyway, Anyang never thought of returning this staff to Dalaran or Tirisfal Parliament.

Thinking about it, suddenly there was a slight footstep, and he quickly put the staff into his body space, turned around and saw sleepy eyes, rubbing his head and shaking his head constantly to keep himself awake Khadgar He walked step by step, this state is a bit like a headache after a hangover.

"Prophet, how long have I slept?"

"It's almost a day, the sun outside has been swallowed, and I don't know the exact time."

Khadgar glanced at the bulk of the books beside him and said, "Have you been reading magic books this time?"

Anyang smiled very friendlyly: "Yes, I am very interested in the magic of your world, just right, I also need to keep you awake."

Khadgarima felt a little moved and said sincerely: "During the period of my coma, thank you for taking care of me!"

"You're welcome." Anyang smiled, pinched her fingerprints and murmured, casting a dead wood magic technique. The faint mana turned into pure vitality and poured into Khadgar's body, and then cast a calming magic before continuing. Smiling, "Do you feel better now than before?"

Khadgar put his hand down and rubbed his head, looked at his body in amazement, and said, "I feel refreshed now, I have never been so good, and my groggy head is also clear, which is really a magical thing. magic."

Anyang nodded and pointed to the huge spiral staircase column in the center of the magic tower, saying, "What are you going to do with this tower?"

Khadgar froze, then looked at Anyang.

A second ...

Two seconds ...

The two smiled at each other.

It seems that any agreement was reached at this time.

Anyang suddenly felt that this nerd was not so stupid, but he thought about it. It seems that in the original book, after Medivh ’s death, Khadgar, who was already the archmage, occupied the Karazhan tower and occupied everything in it For his own sake, he not only occupied, but also moved out.

It's just now that I'm kicking in again.

At the time, Khadgar was not the Archmage in the original book. He also had little to do with the Tirisfal Parliament and Kirin Tor. Now he is a traitor and a nerd. A little mage who is very easy to cheat and very easy to control.

Anyang pursed his lips and said, "Since that is the case, this tower will belong to you in the future. My mission here has been completed. Gul'dan with evil energy is under threat from Durotan. The corrupted Medivh has been Killed, and because of his physical killing, we were also by chance to put Sargeras ’soul into hell. This was an unexpected surprise. There is nothing more that I need to do."

After a pause, he continued: "I will not stay in this world for too long. In the next days, I just want to quietly study your interesting arcane magic system in Azeroth and seek your sages. Wisdom, and during this time, if someone wants to disturb you and challenge your sovereignty over the Karazhan tower left by your teacher, I will come forward to solve them. In return, you just need to open up the knowledge in the tower Read permission. "

Khadgar quickly panicked: "Prophet, you have made such a great contribution to Azeroth. I think there is no place that can refuse you. For a mage seeking truth, this knowledge is my greatest thanks to you. . "

Anyang looked calm, but there was a chill in his heart.

How do you feel so hypocritical ...

Khadgar also said: "Then, prophet, please do it. If you see something you like, you can take it. As the most powerful guardian, Medivh has many good things .... Now take a look at the top of the tower. "

Anyang quickly caught him: "Don't go!"


"After Medivh's death, the huge power in his body overflowed, and the space was torn. Now the top of the tower is full of space cracks. Everything is being swallowed slowly by the twisted void. You may be dangerous if you go.

"Then ... what about the guardian's body?"

"Also swallowed by the twisted void!"

Khadgar glanced at him and suddenly fell silent.

Anyang patted his shoulder and said, "I think that Medivh's death will not only provoke a twisted void, but also bring a huge curse. We must take out the important things here before the curse comes down completely, or you have Strong enough to stay here. "

Card took a deep breath and nodded.

Anyang walked out slowly, and at the same time summoned the armor, and jumped into the sky.

He came to the nearest place and hired a group of people for a lot of money, let them come to "Calazan the Cursed" to "turn the book" for him, and strive to use mechanical eyes for all the ancient books in Karazan before he was actually cursed Scan the screen and save it in the biochip.

That's right, the task of these people is to constantly turn the book and let the mechanical eye scan and record the pictures of ancient books.

When this group of people arrived, Khadgar was very surprised, but soon he calmed down and said no more.

Anyang said that he was a disciple of Medivh and deserved to inherit Karazhan ’s sovereignty and everything in the magic tower, but that was just Anyang ’s politeness.

He used to be the guardian of the trainee, but he had given up his oath very early, which was equivalent to betraying his teacher Medivh, and he was not the archmage in the original book, but was chosen by Alodi as a coincidence. And, by chance, he defeated Medivh's Magic Elementary Apprentice.

He knew that without someone's help, he would never occupy Karazhan.

The Kirin Tor or Tirisfal Council will take back the tower and everything in the tower on the ground that the guardians are from them.

They did not dare to do this when Medivh was alive, but now Medivh is dead, and few people in this world can stop them.

Perhaps Lothar, who holds the heavy soldiers, is a good choice. If he can get the help of Lothar, he should be able to occupy here, but now there is a strong and mysterious prophet who actively helps him. Why did he go to trouble to find Lot Sas, all he has to do is to open the right to read here. Anyway, no matter what method Anyang used to read the magic books, there will be no shortage of these books, and they will still belong to him.

For Khadgar, these books and knowledge are undoubtedly his most valuable asset.


Anyang was sitting on the window frame in the upper half of the tower. There was a dark outside, without sunlight and warmth, and the grass and trees below withered and withered, there was no life.

Because it is very high here, a few strands of dim cloud floats not far away, as if you can touch it with your tentacles, the window is open, and the wind is constantly blowing around you. If you ignore the environment that is gradually becoming overcast and full of everywhere With the power of chaos, this is really a rare place to live.

There are still some birds and beasts passing by, but I am afraid that no one will dare to step on this land any longer.

All of this is telling him very truth ~ ~ What kind of a guardian is there!

And he had just led Khadgar and Lothar to kill a man who had a power that he could no longer reach.

Anyang shook his head slightly, facing the slightly cold evening breeze, throwing away all his thoughts and continuing to look at this heavy ancient book.

This ancient book has a cowhide cover engraved with dense patterns, bordered by gold, and dotted with gorgeous rubies and sapphires. Not to mention the wealth of knowledge recorded in it, the value of this book alone is enough to make ordinary families Eat and wear all your life.

A series of twisted letters was written in black twisted handwriting on the cover, which is the language of Azeroth.

The translation is-

Elasti notes.

It is an introductory meditation method for practicing magic, and it is the best meditation method in Azeroth.

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