My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 451: Daddy's system and prop capabilities

The mission is successful and the mission rewards are obtained: props ability * 1, skill points * 3, physical fitness points * 1, the selected person can return to the real world at any time.

Hearing this voice, Anyang's expression was very plain.

The completion of the task was what he had expected. There were no difficulties and restrictions. Naturally, there was no expectation of completion. There was no tension that relieved him. And after so many missions, he had already looked down upon it, but The task reward still makes him a little emotional.

He closed the bulk of the book in his hand, thought in silence, and touched the phone to flip through the screen.

"The system will increase the acquired physical fitness points and the remaining physical fitness points to brain power and strength, respectively."

"Distribution of physical fitness points is completed."

Anyang suddenly felt refreshed and bright, and at the same time felt explosive power in his body, as if his muscles were thick.

It's just that these are all illusions. It's just that he's not used to the sudden increase in strength and brain power. When he gets used to it, it's as usual.

Looking at as many skill points as 11 points left, he was in trouble.

I do n’t know why the system has been particularly generous in skill points recently, but he always feels that this is useful, but until now he has not found any urgently needed skills in the mission world, resulting in although there are many skill points, but he I don't know how to use it!

After careful consideration, he decided to allocate a little bit to the theoretical basis of science and technology and proficiency in mechanical engineering, because he felt that now the Huaibei base is developing faster and faster due to the technological knowledge provided by various parties. Many researchers have their own professional The level is no longer keeping up.

"Distribution of skill points is successful."

With the cold sound of the system, his skill points have been reduced by two points.

Anyang suddenly thought of something at this moment, and quickly asked: "System, since you have all kinds of basic knowledge in the system of scientific and technological civilization, then there is no basic knowledge skills in magic civilization, Taoist civilization and the like. ? "

The phone is silent, and the data above flashes.


"Wipe, you won't tell me earlier."

Anyang almost spurted blood.

"First, the selector did not ask, and I will not answer. Second, the previous selector did not come into contact with the relevant civilization system. In order to ensure the orderly development of the power of the selector, the growth does not exceed the selector ’s. Relevant knowledge will not be unlocked because of its own control ability. "

Anyang thought, as if it were so.

The science and technology system he had been in contact with since the beginning also grew up in technological civilization, so apart from some basic public and omnipotent knowledge, the system unlocked the relevant skills of technological civilization.

"So, the system, give me the skills related to the magical civilization system and the magical civilization system."

"The chosen person is not in control of magic, and Azeroth is the source world, the magic system is not perfect, everything based on it is endowed by the system, so the related skills of the Azeroth magic system will not be unlocked, please choose the one Master it yourself, or enter the natural world of magic and reopen. "

"But I think Azeroth's magic system is perfect!"

"Not open."



"Okay, screening skills related to the spell system."

The system is silent, but dense text appears on the phone screen.

Anyang glanced down, and immediately sighed, not much to say, and looked at it seriously.

Various skills are densely displayed on the screen, not inferior to the skill classification of the technology system.

Sure enough, the magical civilization system of Shenzhou World is also a perfect civilization that has naturally developed over a long period of time. It is the same as the relevant skills of the technological civilization system. The skills presented on the screen are all basic knowledge. Someone needs to research and analyze based on this knowledge. In order to create the basic knowledge of substantial objects, you cannot learn the practice method or the spell, the direction of the road, etc. immediately after mastering this knowledge.

For example, the theoretical basis of science and technology will tell you that magnetic energy generates electricity. When a part of the conductor of the closed circuit does the movement of the cutting magnetic induction line, an electromagnetic induction phenomenon will occur on the conductor, which generates an induced current, but the theoretical basis of science and technology is not I will teach you how to make a generator directly. If you need to generate electricity, you need to study how the magnetic energy generator is created, how to create a current according to the electromagnetic induction phenomenon, and store it and apply it.

Spell knowledge and skills are also the same. The above will tell you the principles of practice, the principle of absorbing aura, the composition of heaven and earth aura, and even the deeper ones will tell you the principle of magic, the basic elements of spellcasting, but they will never teach you how to practice How to absorb Aura, how to learn and use spells ...

In theory, as long as people have enough wisdom and spend enough time, even if there is no follow-up learning, they can create simple practice skills and simple spells based on these basic knowledge or basic principles, and the initial spell civilization This is how it slowly developed.

Just like technology, it was the first person who discovered the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, and then created a magneto based on this, mastered the induced current, and then developed a variety of complicated electrical equipment, and the most primitive basis of all this is Simple electromagnetic induction.

It takes principle to develop concreteness.

The system only provides knowledge of these principles, and does not provide specific practice methods, spells, etc.

Of course, if we want to create a civilization based on these basic principles, it takes too long and too much energy. It may take hundreds of years. Many generations of efforts can create a simple civilization system. It needs more to improve it. a month of Sundays.

Fortunately, Anyang does not need to do this.

He has an existing perfect civilization system. The function of these basic principles and skills is to help him and his people more easily and thoroughly master the results of the existing civilization system, and to be able to innovate on the existing basis. Civilizations are further improved to promote the progress of existing civilizations, instead of learning to practice and spells, but do not know the specific principles and why they can do so, naturally they do n’t even know how to do more.

Just like he first gave people the ability to read and write, then it would be much more convenient for people to learn reading comprehension and writing.

Overall, this was not a small surprise, but it was a little late.

After choosing for a long time, Anyang found three basic skills.

The analysis of the foundation of Dadao, the analysis of the composition of Reiki, and the principle of transformation of mana.

These three skills are too basic, too simple, too few, to make a person a monk, and cannot understand the spell, but this is already the number of skills that can be exchanged for the nine skill points he has. Extreme.

The reason why he chose these three is that these three basic knowledges are the foundation of every monk, who can't ignore the monk no matter what path he chooses, and is the cornerstone of the monk system.

You can not learn any spells, but it is impossible to avoid the three elements of avenue, aura, and mana.

Otherwise, you cannot be a monk.

"The skill selection is successful, the information transmission is being established ... the information transmission is completed."

Anyang took a deep breath and suddenly felt a lot of knowledge in his mind.

Some of them have been learned from ancient books that have crossed the Divine World. However, after the skills are transferred, they will undoubtedly be understood and mastered more thoroughly. Others are not recorded in the ancient books, or the records are very vague and not clear enough. He explained.

Anyang suddenly felt that many of the points that he couldn't understand in the past were completely clear at this time.

Some questions about the system of monasticism in the past, and some vague and ignorant things, have now been overcome.

He began to regret that he did not exchange the principle of spell composition. He felt that as long as he converted the principle of spell composition, he could even use bio-assist chips based on this knowledge to continually perform simulation operations and repeat experiments, and then create some new ones himself. The spell came out.

But the food still has to be eaten bite by bite, and it should not be rushed.

Anyang suddenly felt that he just had too many skill points and he was not enough.

With a sigh, he continued to say to the phone: "The ability to extract props."

"During extraction ... The extraction is completed and the ability to acquire props: skill generation, the selected person can generate a certain ability he owns as a skill, then the ability will be rated and displayed as personal data of the selected person in the" master "Skills" column, and you can use skill points to upgrade. "

Anyang froze for a moment, digested for a moment, and his face was suddenly dark.

"Can transform one's own ability into the skill identified by the system, and can be upgraded with skill points, right?"


"But I just used up all 11 skill points just now !!!"

"... The props ability is randomly selected and has nothing to do with this system. The system cannot predict the result of the extraction. Please choose the person to remain calm."

"... calm your sister!"

Anyang's heart was bleeding.

11 skill points!

That's it!

It ’s all used up before I realize that it ’s so useful! ! !

He now feels that he is in desperate need of skill points!

"No, it's all blaming you, you have to pay!"

"The system is not responsible for the choice of the selector."

"Is that true, then you said, I didn't use skill extraction, how did Kunlun somehow add it to other abilities?"

"At that time, my computing system has been useless for a long time. It is normal to make small errors. It has been repaired and the error has nothing to do with this incident.

Anyang was black.

Sure enough, this is a reason that the earth is turning.

After hesitating, Anyang asked: "If I want to improve my Dao Xing, what ability should I choose."

"Cultivation exercises."

"Since this is the case, then upgrade Kunlun to master the skills."

"Prop ability is in use, it's finished."

Anyang Ningshen looked at the mobile phone screen, and her personal data had changed dramatically.

Selected by: Anyang

physical fitness:

Physique: 9.1

Strength: 8.7

Speed: 7.6

Brainpower: 7.0

Quality points to be allocated: 0

master a skill:

Kunlun (level 8)

Master of Fighting (Master)

Gun Mastery (Master)

Cold Weapon Mastery (Master)

Driving Proficiency (Advanced)

Theoretical basis of science and technology (advanced)

Mechanical Engineering Proficiency (Advanced)

Musical Instrument Mastery (Elementary)

English Proficiency (Elementary)

Military Literacy Mastery (Elementary)

Avenue Basic Analysis (Elementary)

Reiki composition analysis (primary)

Mana Conversion Principle (Elementary)

Skill points to be assigned: 0

Prop ability:

Portable space (1000 cubic meters)

The Gate of Space (Connected Doomsday No. 94567 and Real World)

Gate of Space (connected Pallans to the real world)

The Gate of Space (connecting the mainland of China and the real world)

Item extraction (to be used)

Character possession (to be used)

Ability to extract items: 0

Other capabilities:

Heaven and Earth Promise ~ ~ Qiankun Borrowing Method (Level 3)

Goblin (Level 5)

Ordinary practice has little increase in physical quality, but with the allocation of skill points this time, it still seems to have improved a lot, and Kunlun has also added other skills to mastering skills as expected, which means it will be available. Skill points can be improved. Others need to practice hard or rely on the talents to increase their cultivation behavior. They only need to complete the task to grow, and cultivation cultivation is the basis of all spells.

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